Participant Updates



  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Getting ready for tomorrow's start date. So far so good.....logged breakfast.....logged one hour of onto lunch!! Hope all are having a great Monday!! Get up and MOVE today!! :wink:
  • weca
    weca Posts: 7
    Ok, I'm in.Hello everyone,I'm Veca 33 yrs. Want to finish 15 years of yo-yo and crash dieting. Now I'm ready for lifetime changes. New member on MFP and I loss 3 kg already.
  • djess050
    djess050 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey, Im Jessica. I am a 23 years old studen in Omaha, Nebraska and this is actually my first time doing this king of challenge. I fluctuate in weight every year ( last winter I went down to 147...jumped back up to 167 during the summer). Im doing this challenge to add consistency to my health style so that I could stop my weight from going up and down 10 to 20 pounds every year.
    In mid july I was 167 and now im down to 158. I hope to get to 155 by the end of this challenge. Ultimate goal is 135...But im taking it slow.
  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 999 Member
    Hi everyone,

    What a great and motivating challenge - thanks for setting it up! I am excited!

    I am in Toronto (Canada) - and have lost about 20lbs this past year. I am on the last 10 pounds now, but have plateaued and even creep up. Yikes! All that hard work will not be sabotaged!!

    I am renewing my efforts to shed those fatty cell suckers for good, especially as I have winter to contend with (which slows my activity level down a bit).

    Good luck everyone. We can do this!
  • Kass0708
    Kass0708 Posts: 41 Member
    Just wanted to come and say I am wicked excited to start this challenge tomorrow. I know I can do it and know every other participant can as well. We are all strong people and we have a huge support system here. So lets say good bye to those pesky pounds! So get a good night's rest everyone and GOOD LUCK! :happy:
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    good luck everyone, dont forget this is strict so make sure you are honest to yourself and to the group. stay focused and commited, you can do it!!!
  • Sarahkoolkatkitty
    Sarahkoolkatkitty Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so excited about this group; thank you for having it! This is my first time doing this challenge. I am a busy mom of four, whom I homeschool, but I am learning to make time to keep healthy.

    I have lost 75 pounds since the end of October last year. I really would like to get to my goal weight by the end of the year which means losing about 7 pounds a month. It seems like a lot, but I think I can come close if I really just make my health a priority through the holidays-starting this month! Good luck everyone and feel free to add me!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so excited about this group; thank you for having it! This is my first time doing this challenge. I am a busy mom of four, whom I homeschool, but I am learning to make time to keep healthy.

    I have lost 75 pounds since the end of October last year. I really would like to get to my goal weight by the end of the year which means losing about 7 pounds a month. It seems like a lot, but I think I can come close if I really just make my health a priority through the holidays-starting this month! Good luck everyone and feel free to add me!

    WOW I know what you have and are going through. I have a special needs son (age 24). I homeschooled for a while and then opened a private school for special needs children. After he graduated, it was time to pass the torch to a another family. My best friend is also a part of MFP and has a special needs son the same age. We will do anything for our boys. We HAVE to be here for them. You can do this!! It will be so worth everything sweat drop!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Ready for the beginning of tomorrow's challenge. My best to everyone in the group. :flowerforyou:
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Good Luck everyone. (I know we all can do this, it will be tough and we will want to throw in the towel, but remember, it isn't about this challenge at all. It is about YOU and this is a plan you told "YOU" that you would stick to, because you need to be accountable for.

    I can't wait for this challenge to start.. I may do some calf raises at work tonight if it is a slower night (work in ER at hospital)

    Bring it on.... OCT 1st :drinker:
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Welcome, all newcomers! You all sound like you're going to do great. I've posted the first sign-in thread, so, wherever you happen to be in the world, when it's the end of your day make sure to sign in. Good luck, everyone!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Hey all :flowerforyou:

    I'm Ellen, 54, from Arizona and this will be my 2nd challenge here on MFP. Just completed a beginner's challenge, 50 miles in Sept (my ticker was set to 80, did 100.5 miles) so I'm more than psyched for this one.

    I work from home and it's a challenge to not raid the pantry & fridge...thankfully my mindset has been where it needs to be on this journey. I'm tired of yo yo'ing...losing the pounds and gaining them and more back.

    Health issues are what brought me to MFP 480+ days ago. A Fitbit Flex in July got my exercise motivation going (before that I was a very happy recliner potato, sigh).

    Hoping I can figure out the check in. I dutifully logged my miles daily on the 50 mile challenge, but it had a ticker...

    Best of luck to everyone, hope to see you at the finish line :drinker:
  • juliabutler
    juliabutler Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is Julia and I will 66 the day after Christmas. I gained 12 pounds over the last three months with bad habits living in a vacation spot. I needed to get back on a program. I did game on before and it's a lot like this. I love the accountability and connection with others. Your stories are inspiring. Lets do it!
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Woo Hoo, I have 4 of my MFP friends in this challenge. melwa, airangel59, bebubble and LazerMum. We can do this :)
  • Via_14
    Via_14 Posts: 992 Member
    Day 1 over for me!

    Man I'm tired but it's because I've been out and on my feet all day.

    Can't wait for tomorrow to really pump some exercise and healthy eating into my day!!

    Have a good one guys!
  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    Have a great 1st day!!!
    Temptations are everywhere .... visalize your success :flowerforyou:
  • juliabutler
    juliabutler Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone---i don't know how to get that little bar that says the amt. of weight you lost and also not sure where the "thread" is to reply. You can see I am not a computer person. Oh well.....anyone want to teach me these little things? J.
  • bradjneville
    bradjneville Posts: 83 Member
    Hello everyone

    My name is Brad, I'm 41 and I live in South Florida

    I began my diet and exercise back in February and so far I've lost 107 lbs

    I was wearing 48'' jeans and tonight I bought a pair of 33'' jeans :) . after 1 yr and 7 months of being unemployed, I got a job a couple of weeks ago and I ride my bike 12 miles a day to work and back, plus the exercise I get from work, so things are looking even better for me now

    I want to wish everyone good luck in the next month- I'll be there at the end and I hope everyone else will be too

    Wow, Brad. Way to go! It's hard to lose weight when you're unemployed (I would know), so double-congratz on losing 107 lbs. while looking for a job. And congratz on getting a job!
  • bradjneville
    bradjneville Posts: 83 Member
    tyvm- actually it was very easy for me to lose the weight while unemployed - I was going out for walks and bike rides a couple times a day, now I'm getting 12 miles on a bike 5 days a week for work and I'll be riding and walking on weekends

    this will be a great group for me- I'm working as a elementary school custodian, so I'm pushing a cart, bending, walking all over the school- exercise is guaranteed lol
  • Sandia_Sweetie
    Sandia_Sweetie Posts: 85 Member
    Happy October, so glad I found this group! My name is Rachel and I am from Albuquerque, NM. I joined MFP about a year ago, but didn't get serious until February. I started going to the gym over the summer, but now that my three kids are back in school (and have joined every possible activity/sport/scout group) I have been struggling. I hope this challenge will give me the kick in the pants I need to get going again. I will turn 40 on January 1st, and really want to be close to my goal weight.

    Good luck to everyone!