Like Minded Lushes - October 2013



  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Monday-1 pineapple vodka and sprite zero
    Tuesday-2 bourbon drinks, 2 pineapple vodkas and 2 beers
    Wednesday-1 pineapple vodka
    Thursday-1 pineapple vodka

    Ok so I ended up drinking all week, but with the exception of tuesday I did pretty good with moderation!!
    Tonight, maybe manhattans, maybe wine, maybe pineapple vodka, maybe margaritas...I haven't decided yet.
    Tomorrow, we are going for an early morning hike...which I am very excited for, then brewing our Ukrainian Imperial Stout, which means beers will be drank. I am also making the pretzel recipe Amy gave us...I'll let you know how it turns out!
    Sunday we will be drinking too, I'm sure. Considering the fact that we have no plans (outside of the house) means no sunday hangover....I am anxiously awaiting the long lost sunday funday!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I ended up drinking half a bottle of rose' and a honey pineapple vodka and soda last night. I slept great and feel great today. Tonight should be mellow. Tomorrow is a huge art fair and we always drink wine while we browse. We really have no other plans and I am excited about it. We've been so busy this late summer/early fall! We traveled 3 of the 5 previous weekends and had company in one other weekend. I'm ready for a break......

    Happy Friday!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I enjoyed a lovely bottle of red last night. This weekend will just be about cleaning up the yard (getting rid of all the summer growth) and getting ready for winter. The weather is supposed to be nice. I love the crispness in the fall air.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thought I would share. This is Brie (Sabrina) and Ande (Andelane). I am very big on the nickname thing.

  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Gorgeous pic Robin!!! I don't think I ever looked that relaxed during the early stages of motherhood lol

    Vacay is over..heading home today. :sad: We'll see what kind of damage I did on the scale.:noway:
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Wonderful pic Robin.

    After a rainy week in the PacNW, the sun is out!

    Going to my folks this afternoon to mow their lawn. Then going to put on a pot of curry kielbasa soup. Will end the day with a couple of cocktails and snuggling on the couch with my wife and our Frenchie!

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,166 Member
    Beautiful picture, Robin.

    Sorry Syd your vacay is over. I am sure you are planning your next one, right?

    Gary , What a good son :flowerforyou:

    Went to the package store today to buy this
    cinnfulapple_zpsd22f26bd.jpg which they were out of and informed me that the distributor was out of it so suggested this
    angryorchard_zps2fde0e37.jpg mixed with this
    so that is what I am drinking aka. angry balls :laugh: Have to is very good.

    Have a great weekend lushes!
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Diane - not sure about "angry balls". Is it anything like "blue balls"? :wink:
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Thu - 5 beers
    Team win!
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,166 Member
    Diane - not sure about "angry balls". Is it anything like "blue balls"? :wink:

    Angry balls = good
    Blue balls = not so much (at least from my understanding) :laugh:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    what is all that, diana? I couldn't really tell from the pics. Looks interesting.

    I'm home and had 2 vodkas w/ a splash of guava juice. The San Diego weather gods rewarded me with desert like it feels like i never left. Woke up to the kitten purring in my face and kneading my boobs so I knew I was back home.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Great fall day today, sun out, fall colors. Late afternoon on the back patio with a good read and a cup of coffee.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Awesome dinner. Started with some oysters (kumamoto)on the half shell (I made a lovely frozen champagne mignonette) then we had steamers(manilla clams) with a perfectly seared scallop and an Alaskan King crab leg. I served it with rjerk oasted broccolini and Asiago filone. Of course there was a nice bottle of white. Who needs to go out to dinner when you can eat like this at home.

    So I bought some pumpkins cider. Kind of weird and I am not sure if I like it or not. . I also bought an Angry Orchard variety pack (i really like all of them.). I plan on enjoying some while watching Doug's team this morning (Seahawks) and the best team ever (Broncos) this afternoon. Some where in there I will make a killer meatloaf loaded with vegies.

    Have an awesomely lushy day all.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Ever since I got sick so bad that last trip, I haven't been able to eat seafood. I hope at some point that goes away, but I'm afraid it'll be like that one booze you got deathly sick can never go back to it again. :ohwell:

    80 degree temps here...we grilled chicken, sweet white corn (which is still good here) and I had vodka/poms. I worked out for the 1st time since returning from vacay and am very sore. Avoiding the scale until tomorrow. :noway:
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    So much has happened since I last visited about 2 months ago! Kat, Preggos!! Congrats, so happy for you! Robin, grandchild! So are so proud! Hello everyone, I've been on a hellava related.

    That new job....DDS reception...there is a wicked witch of the West for an office manager. Whew, let me tell you after 4 months there, she sure didn't like me picking up on some of her mistakes on the books. And my subtle comments on how she does not have to be talked down to when learning a completely new field..... Anyway....after her giving me notice that I should leave in 2 weeks, now that is changing. The office managers meeting with the heads at the corp. office on Friday seems to give way for a job for me in accounting there. Cool. I think. She seemed nervous telling me about that. Only could wonder that she talked about me, and other jobs came up for me to fill. Which is too cool. I have great attendance, attitude etc. Patients loved me. I am learning something so different than other jobs I had (primarily mechanical engineering), that it would take more that 4 months to learn. Anyway.....see what happens this week. I should be getting a call from main office to meet and greet. Oh boy. Thanks for listening. It's been so crazy, I haven't' been on here. But glad I lost a couple of pounds when I logged that today.

    The :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: well, that seems to be way up on the weekends, Friday and Sat. and Tues night as now I have Wednesdays off. (Everyone works 4 days, 10 hours and gets a day off.) I had Fridays but the other business assistant that was there for 3 years bailed so now I have Wed. off.
    Thanks for reading, I could go on and on. Cheers.....!!! On my 3rd tequila and dt. 7-Up. Not looking forward to work tomorrow, but will keep a professional face going.

    :) Pam
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Awesome dinner. Started with some oysters (kumamoto)on the half shell (I made a lovely frozen champagne mignonette) then we had steamers(manilla clams) with a perfectly seared scallop and an Alaskan King crab leg. I served it with rjerk oasted broccolini and Asiago filone. Of course there was a nice bottle of white. Who needs to go out to dinner when you can eat like this at home.

    So I bought some pumpkins cider. Kind of weird and I am not sure if I like it or not. . I also bought an Angry Orchard variety pack (i really like all of them.). I plan on enjoying some while watching Doug's team this morning (Seahawks) and the best team ever (Broncos) this afternoon. Some where in there I will make a killer meatloaf loaded with vegies.

    Have an awesomely lushy day all.

    My gawd does that all sound awesome!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I drank Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but managed to moderate rather well and even took breaks during all day drinking Saturday.

    Friday: 1/2 bottle rose', Sam Adams Oktoberfest while waiting on carryout, glass of sauv blanc
    Saturday: 2 Becks Oktoberfest at the art fair (had my first at 11am), vodka and soda, probably 3 glasses of rose', 1/2 bottle of pinot
    Sunday: mimosas = probably 1 bottle + a little, 2 glasses of white wine

    I had a great weekend and got to spend time with some great friends. My childhood BFF who is still a close friend has a 4 week old little girl so I took my 20 month old over to meet her yesterday and we had wine. It was really nice. We've decided they'll be BFFs too.

    I'd like to have a couple 0's this week, but I'm in this new mindset where I'm just trying to be more mindful of everything - eating and drinking. It seems to be working. If I know I'm trying to restrict something, it's like I want it even more......
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

    I drank a bottle of wine on Friday, and maybe 1-2 beers. Then on Saturday, I drank 1/2 a pumpkin ale & hubby had to drink the rest. I had a horrible headache that wouldn't go away on Saturday, so that prevented further drinking, but I am okay with that!

    I've decided I like limiting myself to just drinking one night a week, even though I Tend to overdo it a little bit that night. I feel better the rest of the week with all 0's. Trying to get myself back into a workout groove! Cheers to that!!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Over did it with the vodka on Friday. Was better on Saturday, and just one beer on Sunday. Scales up on Monday. :explode:

    Need to change my mindset to get the scales going in the right direction. Reading all of the groups posts on their triumphs and tribulations is a help!

    Have a great week all! :flowerforyou:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I'm hurting today!! Too much booze this weekend but we had a fabulous time!!!
    Len is away for a seminar until thursday...I will probably have a few drinks this week while he is gone...moderate though :bigsmile:
    That said...maybe some wine tonight!