Participant Updates



  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Please post your mini-challenge related posts in the thread started by Jagreene. I think it will be easier to see everyone's mini-challenge posts if we have them in all in one place.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Two NSVs:

    1. My husband said I look smaller. (My husband isn't very observant, so this is a big deal, lol)

    2. My wedding ring fits again!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    My weigh ins are on Monday mornings. Because of this October Ultimate Accountability Challenge and the Mini Challenge, I lost 2 pounds this past week. I can't remember the last time I lost 2 in one week.....THANK YOU!!! :heart: I know if I didn't have all of you looking over my shoulder, I wouldn't have had this loss.....THANK YOU ALL!! :love:
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Woohoo! :)
  • sundog10
    sundog10 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Two NSVs:

    1. My husband said I look smaller. (My husband isn't very observant, so this is a big deal, lol)

    2. My wedding ring fits again!

    Way to go Caradae!! It is a big deal when all your work get noticed; Nice job.
  • GrandMaKandy
    GrandMaKandy Posts: 259 Member
    Two NSVs:

    1. My husband said I look smaller. (My husband isn't very observant, so this is a big deal, lol)

    2. My wedding ring fits again!

    Great NSV's so nice when hubby notices the changes means so much :-}
  • GrandMaKandy
    GrandMaKandy Posts: 259 Member
    My weigh ins are on Monday mornings. Because of this October Ultimate Accountability Challenge and the Mini Challenge, I lost 2 pounds this past week. I can't remember the last time I lost 2 in one week.....THANK YOU!!! :heart: I know if I didn't have all of you looking over my shoulder, I wouldn't have had this loss.....THANK YOU ALL!! :love:

    Great weight loss ~ onwards and downwards!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    My weigh ins are on Monday mornings. Because of this October Ultimate Accountability Challenge and the Mini Challenge, I lost 2 pounds this past week. I can't remember the last time I lost 2 in one week.....THANK YOU!!! :heart: I know if I didn't have all of you looking over my shoulder, I wouldn't have had this loss.....THANK YOU ALL!! :love:

    Great weight loss ~ onwards and downwards!

    ABSOLUTELY!! THANKS!! :bigsmile:
  • Gus130
    Gus130 Posts: 598 Member
    Today I celebrate....(with a 25-calorie hot chocolate, of course.)

    I started the Ultimate Accountability Challenge in the month of August. Today marks the 70th day in a row that I have exercised at least 20 minutes, stayed under my calorie goal and tracked everything I ate and drank.

    I think I am just plain stubborn. I don't want to be "thrown off the island," and so eating my slowly, avoiding fried foods and hitting the aerodyne bike everyday have just become my lifestyle. I started off by biking 20 minutes every day in August; 30 minutes every day in September and now 40 minutes every day in October. It is hard to do and some nights I feel very old and tired.

    I don't think anyone notices that I am thinner (I still have lots and lots to lose), but I am starting to get compliments on the outfits I wear. They are nothing special, but I just think that people might have a glimmer of knowledge that I am looking better.

    I am posting this not only to celebrate myself, but to let all of you know that you can do it too!

    Thank you again, caradae.
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    WOW...GUS130....Very impressive indeed!! That is truly committed!! This is my first time doing the ultimate challenge and I am loving it so far. It is definitely making me accountable. I don't think I've EVER exercised every day, even weekends. I'm like you too, 'Don't want to get kicked off the island.' You know it's really weird.....No one is actually here in my home, but the fact that I have to "report" to someone makes it work for me. AND for some reason, I don't want to cheat!! I feel like I am only cheating MYSELF!!! So glad you were able to celebrate day 70.....Now for the next 70!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! :bigsmile:
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Gus, thank you for that post. I've never made it to Day 70, but reading your encouraging words, I feel I can do it.

    I'm very impressed by your "stubborness." Like you, I have a lot to lose, and I hope I'll still be seeing your posts a year from now.
  • tenilleless
    tenilleless Posts: 88 Member
    Great job Gus. :D

    I lost 36 pounds earlier this year and I found that "no one noticed" too, until I ran into people who hadn't seen me since I was at the top weight. I ran into family that hadn't seen me since before I started and after 3-4 months without anyone saying anything, I was constantly being asked about how I was doing it. I then fell off the wagon :(.
    If you're a woman I know a lot men are afraid to say anything about weight loss because they're afraid of striking a nerve or being wrong.

    In 60 days I'll join you in the 70 day club. I wanna stay on this island too. I wanna be in the hall of fame and have something to be proud of. :D I'm really strict about this thing and I got paranoid when I realized one of my sign in posts had disappeared and I could have lost my spot on the island.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Two NSVs:

    1. My husband said I look smaller. (My husband isn't very observant, so this is a big deal, lol)

    2. My wedding ring fits again!

    Sorry this is late getting to you. I guess I haven't read on this link in a few days. Gratz on both of your NSV's. It is always great to see/hear good things that are not scale related ... WTG
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Great job Gus. :D

    I lost 36 pounds earlier this year and I found that "no one noticed" too, until I ran into people who hadn't seen me since I was at the top weight. I ran into family that hadn't seen me since before I started and after 3-4 months without anyone saying anything, I was constantly being asked about how I was doing it. I then fell off the wagon :(.
    If you're a woman I know a lot men are afraid to say anything about weight loss because they're afraid of striking a nerve or being wrong.

    In 60 days I'll join you in the 70 day club. I wanna stay on this island too. I wanna be in the hall of fame and have something to be proud of. :D I'm really strict about this thing and I got paranoid when I realized one of my sign in posts had disappeared and I could have lost my spot on the island.

    That's a great observation about men not wanting to say anything when they notice women's weight loss.

    Some participants have messaged me stating that their sign-in posts have disappeared. If this happens to you, please don't hesitate to message your sign-ins directly to me. And if I kick you out of the group due to 'ghost sign-ins' that you didn't notice were disappearing, just send me a message explaining what happened and I'll add you back to the group.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Another NSV!

    I'm down four pant sizes! Last June I wore a size 20... today, 16! Yay!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Another NSV!

    I'm down four pant sizes! Last June I wore a size 20... today, 16! Yay!

    AWESOME!!! I know that feels good!! You go girl!!! :blushing:
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Two NSVs:

    1. My husband said I look smaller. (My husband isn't very observant, so this is a big deal, lol)

    2. My wedding ring fits again!

    yay for you jenn, great work
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Another NSV!

    I'm down four pant sizes! Last June I wore a size 20... today, 16! Yay!

    omg!!!!!! awesome!!!!!!
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Today I celebrate....(with a 25-calorie hot chocolate, of course.)

    I started the Ultimate Accountability Challenge in the month of August. Today marks the 70th day in a row that I have exercised at least 20 minutes, stayed under my calorie goal and tracked everything I ate and drank.

    I think I am just plain stubborn. I don't want to be "thrown off the island," and so eating my slowly, avoiding fried foods and hitting the aerodyne bike everyday have just become my lifestyle. I started off by biking 20 minutes every day in August; 30 minutes every day in September and now 40 minutes every day in October. It is hard to do and some nights I feel very old and tired.

    I don't think anyone notices that I am thinner (I still have lots and lots to lose), but I am starting to get compliments on the outfits I wear. They are nothing special, but I just think that people might have a glimmer of knowledge that I am looking better.

    I am posting this not only to celebrate myself, but to let all of you know that you can do it too!

    Thank you again, caradae.

    well done, what a great support group we have going here, everyone is doing so well
  • kcris93
    kcris93 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm out for the month but good luck to the rest of you guys! I'll be back for the November challenge :smile: