Running accountability!



  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Congrats Knit! That's a fantastic accomplishment! I'm not even at 5K yet, and you did 5 miles!

    Redred, I too didn't feel like running tonight, but I did it. W6D3 of C25K done!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Zanne, I ran my first 5K in April and never believed I could do that. You will be at 5K and zooming to longer distances before you know it. I'm proud of all of us!
  • I started C25K last February shortly after quitting smoking and like someone else in this thread had mentioned - the idea of me being a runner was laughable. I quit following the program around week 4 because I felt like I could run farther than it wanted me to and it wasn't long before I was making my 5k route with only a short walk break in the middle. I continued to run this route about 3 times per week until the summer came and then with children being home and trying to balance work and enough activities for them by August I had completely stopped running all together. So about 3 weeks ago, I decided to start C210K but started at week 6 thinking I would just jump right in because I could previously run a 5k. It has been a challenge and it is amazing how quickly you lose your endurance when you stop doing it (I'm also sure that a summer filled with BBQ'd meats and mayonnaise packed salads didn't help much either). So, I am about to complete the 5k at the end of week 8 on Saturday and then continue on to the 10k. I'm so happy to have found this thread and see all the other people out there with the same goals and aspirations that I have. I wish you all the best of luck!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Welcome Jupiter!

    I'm bad. I flaked on my run this morning. Needed that extra hour of sleep to recover from Wednesday night's super late game. I'll go tonight after work - I promise!
  • Hi Jupiter:
    I'm in the process of going from near-daily 3-4 mile runs to adding in some 5-6 mile runs. I am considering training for a half marathon in the spring, but the one in my city is notoriously hilly. So..we'll see!

    Days like today make me love being a runner - gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Can we keep fall forever, please?!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Second 20 miler tomorrow :noway: then I start my taper. Took thursday, friday and today off. Hope that wasn't too much rest.

    I am DREADING that run tomorrow. 20 is just such a big number. I just want to get over with!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    Taper town! Luckily I bumped into a running friend at the grocery store that had the same 20 mile plan and pace so we were able to run the entire 20 together. Makes SUCH a huge difference. It was so much easier with a buddy. Kept my pace in check and kept me out of my head and that annoying voice that says "you can't do it" , "that hurts", "you should slow down", "you should take a break" "you'll never make it" ect.

    I highly recomemend running with a buddy to anyone struggling with that voice - no matter what the distance!

    I had a 90 minute massage after the run and feel like a new woman! I swear he just erased those 20 miles and then some off! I am feeling super confident about this marathon now!

    Hope you guys all had good weekends and had some good runs too.

    Fall forever!!
  • DesireeLinn96
    DesireeLinn96 Posts: 10 Member
    Um... Hi! I'm Desiree..
    I haven't really ran before, although I've really wanted to try it... so are there any tips or ways that you suggest that can help me start?
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Hi Desiree! I started by using a Couch to 5K app that allowed me to gradually go from walking to running 30 minutes. It was very gentle and I loved the music and the voice of the coach (I think the one I picked was free from the British NHS, found it on iTunes). There are many apps out there that will coach you through beginning running steps and I found that to be the best way for me to start. Good luck and keep checking in to let us know how you're doing!
  • Red reddy- I am so excited for you! Great job on the 20 mile run and you absolutely earned that massage! I can't wait to hear about the race. Good luck!!

  • I completed week 8 of the C210k which is the 5k and then I ran it again on Monday. I think I am going to continue with this distance for a while until it feels easier to me. I love running but I find other people out there don't look like its as challenging for them. I want to look like that before I continue on to the 10k challenge - haha. I am skipping my run tonight because I am exhausted from our long holiday weekend here (Thanksgiving) but will be back at tomorrow!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I completed week 8 of the C210k which is the 5k and then I ran it again on Monday. I think I am going to continue with this distance for a while until it feels easier to me. I love running but I find other people out there don't look like its as challenging for them. I want to look like that before I continue on to the 10k challenge - haha. I am skipping my run tonight because I am exhausted from our long holiday weekend here (Thanksgiving) but will be back at tomorrow!

    Congratulations! Hitting the 5K mark is HUGE!

    I agree with you about getting comfortable at your current distance before moving forward. I'm doing the same. I just recently ran my first 5 miler and have done 2 more since, and the day after I am exhausted and achy. I'd like to relax into this distance, work on my endurance and let my speed come naturally, then try for a 10K.
  • I agree about 5 miles seeming to be some sort of threshold. I have hit 5 and am staying at this point for a while, too. Time is part of the problem, since work is revving up at the moment, but hitting hills that take the wind out of my sails seems to be another issue. I am really missing running this week and have been doing 30DS or Shed and Shred instead. Maybe my running endurance will increase because of it. I am sore as hell (thanks, Jillian!)
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Completed W7D2 today, but had to do it on the treadmill as it was raining and icky outside. I still have a few more days to make the final decision on whether I'm ready for a full 5K run on Oct 27th. Today's segment I covered 3.57 km. So there's still quite the gap.

    To the more experienced runners - is this an attainable goal in just over a week's timeframe? Advice?
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    So...I did something you're not "supposed" to do on C25K. I ran 2 days in a row. But then, I've never been very good at colouring in between the lines.

    I got home too late last night for a bike ride - my regular loop takes just over an hour, and there are a few parts I don't like doing at dusk/in the dark. Mainly because the bike path follows a river which is beautiful in the daytime, but super buggy at dusk, and I can't wear my sunglasses because they make it too dark to see and I don't really enjoy breathing in bugs.

    So I got on my treadmill instead. I don't really like running on the treadmill - it just feels weird compared to the road, but with a Canadian winter approaching, I figured now's as good a time as any to get used to it. I don't know how to explain it - I can't run on the treadmill as fast as I do on the road - something about the walls staying stationary and the belt & my feet moving makes me disoriented, and I only have about 3" of clearance behind the treadmill and then would be right into the wall, so I'm quite conscious of wanting to not fall off.

    So, two days ago I ran pretty slowly - 6 km/hr for most of it, and slowly increased the speed to 7-7.5 towards the end of the segment when I felt less likely to fall off. Last night, I started at 7 km/hr, and increased the speed earlier in the 25 min segment, and finally finished around 8.2 km/hr (my pace is allegedly 8.5 km/hr but that seems really fast on the treadmill where I'm sweating hard and breathing really hard - on the border of panting, but maybe it's just my math calculations to determine my pace that sucks). So, yay! I've run 25 minutes (again), but was nowhere near 5k.

    So, I decided to keep running. Yes, that's right, I decided to keep running and not stop when the nice C25K lady told me I could begin my cooldown. I wanted to see if I could run 5K - because that race is coming up next weekend, and although it's only $15, I don't want to sign up for it and fail miserably because that would demoralize me into never running again. (Is my competitive perfectionism showing again?) So, I ran another 5 minutes - nope, not 5K yet. And then ANOTHER 5 minutes - closer, but still not to 5K yet, but the space-time continuum was playing with me, I'm sure. Ok, I can see I'm getting super close to 5K now, so I'll just keep going...another 3 minutes, almost there...

    I did it! I ran 5K in 38:23 I am officially a turtle! :bigsmile:
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member

    So, I decided to keep running. Yes, that's right, I decided to keep running and not stop when the nice C25K lady told me I could begin my cooldown. I wanted to see if I could run 5K

    I did it! I ran 5K in 38:23 I am officially a turtle! :bigsmile:

    Congratulations! Go you! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Great job. I think C25K is designed to be a very conservative program so that it can work for runners of all abilities, your own personal ability seems to be greater so go for it girl! (Within reason of course!) There is no harm in pushing a little further or faster if you are feeling good as long as you don't go too crazy and keep listening to your body's signs.

    Congrats! You rock! Turtle Power!!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I just don't think I'm going to be able to continue running through the winter if I'm doing it at 5am. I love knowing my calorie burn at the beginning of the day, but it was just so cold this morning and it's only going to get colder and darker... I know, excuses excuses. Afternoons are hard because I have two kids under driving age who are very active in extracurricular stuff, and they need to be taxied hither and yon. Everyone will just have to adapt, because I am on a roll with my healthy lifestyle and don't want to quit! I'll have to work out a way to get a run in 3 days a week after work. We'll see how it goes today because confession: I stayed in bed this morning!!

    And I think the idea of "knowing my calorie burn" won't be such a big deal either. I've been tossing around the idea of watching my weekly totals over my daily totals for a while, see how that works. If I do three 3 mile runs during the week and one 5 miler on the weekends, I know pretty much how much I'll be burning with exercise, and I know my TDEE - 500 number so I think I can make good choices based on a 7-day total and not worry about "did my breakfast and lunch add up to too much based on how far I'm running today?"
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    It's that time of year. Lunch hour 5km run was at the gym on the TM.

    I don't mind running in the cold but I draw the line with rain.

  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I'm also having issues with getting my *kitten* out of bed to run in the morning. It's cold, dark, and has been raining a lot. And I don't have appropriate gear. I went shopping today, but just couldn't justify spending $49 for running tights, even if they were cute. But my shorts are...shorts. And overnight lows are just above freezing. As much of a polar bear as I am, it's too cold for shorts.

    Any suggestions on what I should look for?
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    @ zanne54 Unless you really perspire alot while running a pair of running pants from Joe Fresh, Walmart etc. would be fine for the colder weather. I layer and I have a nylon breathable running jacket and pants that I wear.

    I also wear a toque and gloves. It's better to have them and take them off than try and run when you are freezing.

    Also remember that when it's cold you may run a little slower.
