JMBR start 9/30/13



  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Did my first round with Workout 3 today. It went okay, if by "okay" you could having to modify almost every exercise, taking a break to change a diaper halfway through and doing the cooldown on my back since I was too weak to stand up :)

    Along the lines of "punching their smiling faces, my 9 year old keeps asking why everyone is smiling all the time - he says it annoys him. I agree. I have to admit to finding the fact that even these seasoned workout pros were wobbling during tree pose very satisfying. Not sure what that says about me!

    Anyone else just find Jillian's talking hilarious? I am sure if she was my personal trainer I would be the biggest smart *kitten* about all her comments...and I would hate her. On the computer screen, however, I just find her funny.

    This made me laugh because since workout 1 I've pretty much been doing the cooldowns on the floor instead of standing up because I feel like I'll die if I have to get up hahaha

    I agree. It was satisfying seeing them struggle, especially with tree pose since I could do it better than most of them (although that's about ALL I could do...)

    Jillian is such a twit when she talks. It's funny. But yeah if she were yelling at me in real life, I'd show her my best non-wimpy punch...right in her face probably.
  • changelife13
    changelife13 Posts: 15 Member
  • photojunk
    photojunk Posts: 135 Member
    I'm really glad workout 3 and 4 is over if I have it hear her call Omar precious 1 more time!!!!
    I wonder if the black guy will get more attention in future workouts he's always at the back and sometimes has the best form.
    Anna beil lookalike also doesn't get much attention.
    It annoys me how good Omar and Kensa are.

    I'm on my last cardio 1 day today. I'm gonna follow it with workout 1 and maybe 2 if I have time just to see some progress.
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    Did my first round with Workout 3 today. It went okay, if by "okay" you could having to modify almost every exercise, taking a break to change a diaper halfway through and doing the cooldown on my back since I was too weak to stand up :)

    Along the lines of "punching their smiling faces, my 9 year old keeps asking why everyone is smiling all the time - he says it annoys him. I agree. I have to admit to finding the fact that even these seasoned workout pros were wobbling during tree pose very satisfying. Not sure what that says about me!

    Anyone else just find Jillian's talking hilarious? I am sure if she was my personal trainer I would be the biggest smart *kitten* about all her comments...and I would hate her. On the computer screen, however, I just find her funny.

    Yes, by the time cooldown starts I'm laying on the floor, saying "I'm so glad it's over lol"

    It is annoying and I sometimes wish these workout DVD's had more people who weren't as strong as some others, just to make "newbies" feel more like this is how a real workout is like.

    I'd probably be the smart *kitten* too lol When she says in workout 3, "Don't suck at it" I find her choice of words quite funny. I don't know if I'd be able to take her seriously if she personally trained me, we'll maybe I would because I know for a fact it wouldn't be just a normal 30 minute workout--like those people on the Biggest Loser who knows how long they actually workout for!
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, what makes Omar so precious? Hmmm.....

    I don't think I could stand more than 30 minutes - those folks on TBL (never saw it, just imagining) must be brave!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm sick of that preciousness too! Also sick of her calling Anita "Petunia". It really grinds my gears!

    I too could not handle Jillian for more than 30ish minutes at a time. It takes me a full 24 hours to recover from her before I'm ready to face her smug face again!

    I'm so excited to be on my second week of workouts 3 and 4. Only twice more each and then I get a new bunch of Jillian jibber jabber to work out to. Mostly I'm just excited about cardio 1 being over although I'm aware that running man sneaks its way back in as a cardio interval in the later workouts. How crushing!
  • photojunk
    photojunk Posts: 135 Member
    I substituted running man for star jumps today.
    Rest day tomorrow then workout 5 eeekkkk
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I substituted running man for star jumps today.
    Rest day tomorrow then workout 5 eeekkkk

    Eeeeekkkk I'm scared for you! (And for myself for next week....) Good luck!!!
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    Wait, are you telling me that running man was your modification. I might just start crying.
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    Anyone have thoughts about some modifications for all the planking/pushups? My right wrist has an old injury and it is hurting a lot during Workout 3 and I am having to pause a lot....which makes me feel like the workout is not as effective.
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Anyone have thoughts about some modifications for all the planking/pushups? My right wrist has an old injury and it is hurting a lot during Workout 3 and I am having to pause a lot....which makes me feel like the workout is not as effective.

    I don't know anything about wrists or injuries but I find the plank exercises easier if I hold weights and put the weights against the floor so I'm gripping something rather than having my palm flat at 90 degrees to my arm. That might make it hurt more though? I'm not sure. But it's much easier for me. I also do plankups on my knees because they hurt way too much.
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I did ALL of the crab pushups in workout 3 today! I'm so excited! By the last rep of each set my arms were trembling, I couldn't have done another rep even if I wanted to because my arms would've given out. I pushed myself to that point. TWICE! I'm so proud! :)

    I also seriously tried to do the plankups today but my arms literally gave out underneath me so I had to do them on my knees but I did them faster and got more reps in than usual. Hopefully I'll manage one or two in proper plank position next time.

    And I kept up in every single other exercise. I think it's awesome doing these workouts over two weeks and seeing how much you can improve in such a short time.

    If I can do this stuff, you ALL can. Let's kick some bootay ladies!!!

  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    I was able to the the crab pushups all for the first round...second round by the last few I couldn't do it lol 1 more left of each Workout 3 & 4, last Cardio 1 today...nervous to start Phase 2!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I was able to the the crab pushups all for the first round...second round by the last few I couldn't do it lol 1 more left of each Workout 3 & 4, last Cardio 1 today...nervous to start Phase 2!

    They are so hard. In phase 2 you have to do them with one leg in the air - I'm scared!

    It would be cool if we all posted our phase 1 results as we finish. That might make us all feel better about going into phase 2 haha
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    I might be taking my rest day today. I couldn't get in my workout this morning and usually I am too tired by the afternoon. Didn't sleep well either (baby up and down last night)...maybe I'll muster some energy before dinner.

    Hearing everyone's successes at doing more and working harder is very motivating. Workout 3 kicked my booty, I actually enjoyed workout 4. Looking forward to trying at workout 3 again now that I know what she is doing.

    Also, anyone else think Ibuprofen should sponsor JMBR? There was no way I could have done workout 4 yesterday without some of that in my system counteracting the effects of workout 3!
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    Anyone have thoughts about some modifications for all the planking/pushups? My right wrist has an old injury and it is hurting a lot during Workout 3 and I am having to pause a lot....which makes me feel like the workout is not as effective.

    I don't know anything about wrists or injuries but I find the plank exercises easier if I hold weights and put the weights against the floor so I'm gripping something rather than having my palm flat at 90 degrees to my arm. That might make it hurt more though? I'm not sure. But it's much easier for me. I also do plankups on my knees because they hurt way too much.

    Thanks for the tip, I will try that, and try the plankups on my knees. That way I could at least do more than 2 LOL
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I might be taking my rest day today. I couldn't get in my workout this morning and usually I am too tired by the afternoon. Didn't sleep well either (baby up and down last night)...maybe I'll muster some energy before dinner.

    Hearing everyone's successes at doing more and working harder is very motivating. Workout 3 kicked my booty, I actually enjoyed workout 4. Looking forward to trying at workout 3 again now that I know what she is doing.

    Also, anyone else think Ibuprofen should sponsor JMBR? There was no way I could have done workout 4 yesterday without some of that in my system counteracting the effects of workout 3!

    Don't beat yourself up about taking a rest day. Life happens. I've already moved my rest day to the middle of the week twice but I'm still on track because I make sure I only take 1 rest day a week. But even if I had to take 2 because life got in the way, who cares if you finish 1 or 2 days late? I try really hard to go for the "no excuses" approach but sometimes life happens and sometimes I have to listen to my body and take a bit of a break.

    Like you, I'm finding the even numbers easier and the odds really challenging but it really is great seeing your improvements each time you do the workout.

    And as for the ibuprofen comment...just LOL I could not agree more!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Anyone have thoughts about some modifications for all the planking/pushups? My right wrist has an old injury and it is hurting a lot during Workout 3 and I am having to pause a lot....which makes me feel like the workout is not as effective.

    I don't know anything about wrists or injuries but I find the plank exercises easier if I hold weights and put the weights against the floor so I'm gripping something rather than having my palm flat at 90 degrees to my arm. That might make it hurt more though? I'm not sure. But it's much easier for me. I also do plankups on my knees because they hurt way too much.

    Thanks for the tip, I will try that, and try the plankups on my knees. That way I could at least do more than 2 LOL

    Hahaha let me know how it goes! I hate planks. Grumble grumble grumble.
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    I was able to the the crab pushups all for the first round...second round by the last few I couldn't do it lol 1 more left of each Workout 3 & 4, last Cardio 1 today...nervous to start Phase 2!

    They are so hard. In phase 2 you have to do them with one leg in the air - I'm scared!

    It would be cool if we all posted our phase 1 results as we finish. That might make us all feel better about going into phase 2 haha

    We should, for the ones who want to post results after each phase, I will. I start Phase 2 on Monday- I'll do my measurements on Sunday. My weight is still at a plateau and I'm not even sure if I've lost any inches...I think I have to change up my breakfasts and lunches, during the week at work I pretty much eat the same thing. I'll know Sunday if I lost anything, before I started this last year I read a lot of reviews and I did find that most people started to loose weight/inches in Phase 2, so maybe that'll be me too :smile:
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    Well I did my workout today - cardio 1. I sucked at it, but I made it through mostly without stopping movement, but with lots of modifications. Just wanted to get it done. I also am trying to only take one rest day a week and if we go to the state fair tomorrow, tomorrow may be it.

    I'm happy to post my end of Phase one stats - I did write down my weight at the beginning but only did measurements (waist and hip) at the end of week two.