how much weight have you gained



  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    With my first child, I lost 30lbs, then gained 60lbs. (Long story, short: terrible morning sickness, then anti nausea medication and IV lines with dextrose water for forced weight gain, which worked way too well.)

    I have every intention of having thing go very differently this time around. Granted I am only 6 weeks now, but as of this morning I am up 0.8lbs. Hoping to keep the weight gain very very slow and steady. No crazy weight gain but I don't want to lose again either.
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Kcasey155: you have done sooooo well this pregnancy! I think you are so inspiring! Can't wait for you to join us over at the post-partum pack!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Thank you! Now 8 days from my due date and I am sooooo ready to join the Post Partum Pack, I can tell you!
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    This is my 3rd pregnancy, gained about 32 with each of my kids. Unfortunately I still had about 15lbs left from them both when I got pregnant. (My kids are 21 months, 7 months, and I just started 2nd tri.)

    6 weeks: 200
    7 weeks: 199.8
    8 weeks: 197.6
    9 weeks: 197.4
    10 weeks: 197
    11 weeks: (forgot to weigh)
    12 weeks: 196
    13 weeks: 195

    Pretty proud of myself so far! I'm not really showing yet, which is amazing because even with my 1st pregnancy I was showing so much so fast, they kept checking for twins. Baby is growing well, so my dr said the weight loss is perfectly fine.
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Cumulative weight gain:

    Week 9: +3
    Week 12: +4
    Week 16: +5
    Week 19: +5.5
    Week 20: +6.5
    Week 22: +10.5
    Week 25: +10.5
    Week 27: +8.5 (lost two)
    Week 28: +8.5
    Week 29: +9.5
    Week 30: +11
    Week 31: +12
    Week 32, 4d: +12
    Week 33, 2d: +16 (WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! ): gah)
    Week 34: +14
  • Weight update! Starting weight 115 @ 5'4. Now at 19 weeks I weigh 121.4 so about 6 1/2 pounds gained. Been picking up my walking about 3 miles a day 5 days a week. Its getting cold out so my workouts are going from morning to afternoon which makes it hard to stay motivated as I'm a morning exerciser. How is everyone else doing with their weight gain? Its been a struggle to stay consistent since I have crohn's disease. I'll be getting induced at 38 weeks because of it so I am officially half way done
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    11 weeks: - 3.8 lbs
    12 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    13 weeks: - 4.2 lbs
    14 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    16 weeks: - 2.2 lbs
    17 weeks: - 4.4 lbs
    18 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    19 weeks: - 0.4 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs (currently 143.4 pounds)

    Had my parents in town this week so my snacking was under control. Too bad they leave today and are leaving TONS of cookies behind, I hope my self control keeps up!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)

    Total: (-2.2)

    Still not feeling great and not eating great either. Hoping this goes away soon!! My next appt is on the 29th. Should be able to hear a heartbeat. Can't wait!!!
  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    Finally my scale seems to be taking a break! I'll be 36 weeks Sunday & my total gain is 9 pounds! I'm pretty happy w that & wouldn't mind a little more but thankful the scale is backing off. I was gaining 2-4 pounds a week for a second. I'm 3 pounds lighter than I was starting the week & happy! Still drinking plenty of water but have definitely noticed swelling. W my last pregnancy I started gaining big numbers the last few weeks. Would love to finish this pregnancy under a 20 pound gain.:-)
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    You've done so well during your pregnancy Nan199678. Good for you!
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    10 weeks: +1 lbs
    15 weeks: +4 lbs

    Total gain so far= 5lbs
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    5'5", baby #5, ideal weight gain 3.2-6.4kg (7-14lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    5 wks: 90.8 kg
    5+4 wks: 90.2 kg
    7 wks: 90.4 kg
    9+5 wks: 90.1 kg
    11 wks: 89.5 kg
    11+5 wks: 89.1 kg
    12+5 wks: 89.3 kg
    13+2 wks: 88.9 kg
    14 wks: 88.2 kg
    14+5 wks: 88.0 kg
    15+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    16+6 wks: 87.6 kg
    17+5 wks: 88.6 kg
    18+5 wks: 87.2 kg
    19+5 wks: 87.2 kg (192.2lbs)
    20+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    21+5 wks: 87.4 kg
    22+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    23+5 wks: 88.1 kg
    24+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    25+5 wks: 89.4 kg (Waist: 110cm)
    26+5 wks: 89.7 kg
    27+5 wks: 89.5 kg
    28+5 wks: 90.0 kg
    29+5 wks: 90.4 kg
    30+5 wks: 91.2 kg (Waist 116cm)
    31+5 wks: 91.8 kg
    32+5 wks: 91.1 kg
    33+5 wks: 92.1 kg
    34+5 wks: 92.0 kg
    35+5 wks: 92.6 kg
    36+5 wks: 91.5 kg
    37+5 wks: 92.1 kg (Waist 118.5cm)
    38+5 wks: 92.5 kg
    39+5 wks: 93.2 kg (205.5lbs)

    Overall +3.1kg/6.8lbs

    Possibly my last weigh in, yay! Waist measurement still fluctuating between 118 and 122cm, depending which position baby is in. Had an indulgent day yesterday - pizza, chocolate, cake and custard, sweets, etc. Yum. Probably slacked on my diet a couple of other days this week too ;) Hopefully baby will arrive soon as I'm sooooo ready to meet her, as are her four big brothers. Our household is bursting with excitement!
  • Gained 3.8kg at 18 weeks not bad so far on for the recommended amount so Im happy with that!
  • yummymummy52
    yummymummy52 Posts: 34 Member
    38w 5d and so far I've gained 30lbs which is more than I would've liked - I've constantly craved sweet stuff though so it's hardly suprising I've gained a little more than I did during my 1st pregnancy (28lbs although he was born at 36 weeks).

    I've found the weigh gain a lot harder to deal with this time as after our son was born I lost 53lbs and had just started feeling happier and more confident with my body when I got pregnant again. I think because I was smaller when I got pregnant this time I feel much bigger.

    Can't wait to get back on track again!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 163.8
    Weeks 1-8: Continued to lose
    Weeks 8 - 19: 159.8
    20 weeks: 162.2
    22 weeks: 164.6
    23 weeks: 165
    Net gain = +1.2

    Goal: Just stay under 200!
  • bdaves
    bdaves Posts: 13 Member
    I hate to reply, but 14 weeks here and 12 lbs :ohwell:
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Cumulative weight gain:

    Week 9: +3
    Week 12: +4
    Week 16: +5
    Week 19: +5.5
    Week 20: +6.5
    Week 22: +10.5
    Week 25: +10.5
    Week 27: +8.5 (lost two)
    Week 28: +8.5
    Week 29: +9.5
    Week 30: +11
    Week 31: +12
    Week 32, 4d: +12
    Week 33, 2d: +16 (WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! ): gah)
    Week 34: +14
    Week 35: +14
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Week 4 - 153.4
    Week 5 - 149.8 (-3.6)
    Week 6 - 149.0 (-4.4)
    Week 7 - 150.0 (-3.4)
    Week 8 - 144.2 (-9.2 IV Fluids that week as I was really sick)
    Week 9 - 148.2 (-5.2)
    Week 10 - 148.6 (-4.8)
    Week 11 - 148.6 (-4.8)
    Week 12 - 148.0 (-5.4)

    So ready for the first trimester to be done!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    So inspirational! I'm hoping to keep the gain to a minimum. I gained 23 lbs with my son, I was already 22 lbs overweight (157 to start)). Lost 10 lbs between pregnancies (147 to start), gained 46 lbs with my daughter. UGH. I had gestational diabetes with my son, thinking I would have it again ate everything I could before the GD test with my daughter, I didn't have GD, so I kept eating. I will NOT do that this time. I lost another 12 lbs between them. My son is now almost 2.5, and my daughter is almost 10 months, so this has been a crazy 3 years for me.


    week 4 - 135
    week 5 - 134.0
    week 6 - 134.4
    week 7 - 134.0
    week 8 - 135.0
    week 9 - 135.0
    week 10 - 135.2
    week 11 - 134.2

    So far I'm pleased, though I wish I had lost a little weight during morning sickness time, but I can't complain because it was short lived like the last two pregnancies. Would love to only gain 20-25 (I was told to gain 20 would be enough, but I can gain up to 35 this time). I refuse to gain more than necessary this time.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)

    Total: (-3.8)

    Can't believe 12 weeks already. Doctor appt tonight. Her scale is not as nice!!!