Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • Just checking in.. I had an unscheduled break due to my life being a bit hectic this past week. Had to work through most lunches, so couldn't make it to the gym and then trip to Banff on the weekend. I am back at it tomorrow!

    In other news, the week off resulted in me losing 3lbs!! :)
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I am seriously crabby today. Wasn't able to workout because of a student crisis during my planning time. Tomorrow is a 11 hour day because of report card pick up and I've gained 6 pounds in 4 weeks. GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR. I am so angry that I can't effectively deal with the stress from work through exercise. I'm stress eating instead. I know I've put on some muscle since I started SL, but not 6 pounds worth...more like 1.5.
    I know what I need to do, but I just don't see an end to the madness of work. :mad: :explode:
  • jw203
    jw203 Posts: 50 Member
    I haven't posted for a while, but I recently joined a new weightlifting club at my uni and started going to sessions with a coach once a week. We're aiming towards some OLY lifts and I can now snatch, which is very fun. I've only snatched 22.5kg so far, but that was for 5 reps and I'm pretty happy!

    In other news, I finally got my 90kg deadlift at the end of the last session. I failed at 95kg, but I reckon if I'd have tried that at the start, I might have got it! That's a task for tomorrow.

    I'm now overhead squatting too. Again I'm only at a lower weight of 27.5kg here, but it's fun to do something differenty and I'll need to build this up for the snatch.

    My back squats are at 67.5kg - I'm still trying to work back up to the 75kg I was at a while ago before I stopped and deloaded to sort out my form and depth.

    My OHP is at 30kg right now - I just don't know how I'll ever get past this.

    My bench press was at 35kg last time I did it - but with trying all this new sort of stuff, I've kind of let that slide.

    Trying to run 15+ miles a week to make sure I make my annual mile target after being out for injuries earlier in the year.

    That's my big update! I recommend trying some new lifts (if you have someone to show you what to do) because it's exciting.

    I've also stopped with the food diary and weighing myself - we'll see how that goes. I just feel I need to eat when I'm hungry when I'm trying to keep up with the weights and the running.

    Lovely to read all of your updates, ladies. Good work.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I like learning new lifts, too -your club sounds fun!

    My little one has been sick for days and days, so I've not had much time to check in with all the awesomeness.

    I rounded out my 2nd cycle of Wendler on Saturday, but had to do both bench and squat together.

    1x5 @165
    1x3 @ 185
    1x3 @ 210


    1x5 @95
    1x3 @110


    This is my recovery week, and I'll be lucky if I get any lifting in at all. But it's also TOM, so I'm just gonna lay low and feel sorry for myself anyway. :smile: I'll have fun reading about all you ladies ripping it up out there!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    It has been a stupendously busy month. I am having trouble balancing the new job with things like doing laundry and buying milk and bread...LOL
    My exercises have been 'anything I can get done in the small sporadic pockets of time I can find'...NOT real StrongLifts Sessions.

    Yesterday I did Squats and Bar Bell rows, as it was easy to alternate between the two. And. I didn,t have much time, so I only change weights once.. So just did more reps

    I did :
    8 squats @50# & 8 barbell rows @50#
    (Flipped laundry)
    repeated the 8@50#s
    (Packed m lunch for work)
    8 reps @60# for Squats & 8@60# for rows
    (Filled water bottles)
    8 reps at 60# for Squats
    ( finally finished my high protein breakfast and found my shoes)
    8@60# barbell rows and 8 more squats

    Got dressed, went to work (cashier/stocking shelves), visited neighbor, went to bed
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Double post
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Wow 3fold. Talk about dedication to both chores and exercise. I have a bad habit of putting both to the wayside when I'm busy. Well mostly chores >.>
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    hehe Fit I was just going to say that to 3fold...
    @JW that club sounds fantastic. I am not bored with my lifts yet but it would still be fun to learn different ones

    Today was workout A

    stayed at 140 on my squats due to not getting low enough on Monday....form again is going to keep me at 140. I was leaning forward a bit on set 3 on the last 2 reps and again not getting low enough for my liking.

    Bench press stayed at 90lbs due to my snafu last Wednesday...got those all out and had good form.

    Rows 3x5 @ 100, then failed on set 4 and really only got 3 out, took a longer break and the last set was fine.

    I think it's time to really assess my rest between sets.

    I started with 90secs rests then as the weight got heavier I made the last two rest periods 2 minutes now for my squatts 2.5 minutes-3 seems standard and a good amount...might have to do that with the rest o my lifts.

    Good news on my front, I had an ultra sound today (doctor thought I might have fibroids and might require surgery) apparently it might just be that she didn't get my IUD in correctly....:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Which is good news as I wasn't looking forward to having to take 4-6 weeks off...so with any luck that is the issue and I wont have to take the time.

    I have been starving lately though, really trying to get my protien in (didn't do well today) and if I lose another 1/2 lb it will be time to reassess my TDEE numbers and possibly go with 10% deficet instead of a 20%...(1600 calories right now) If when I get on the scale next I am still at 165 or lower most definately going to check my intake...

    Hope all are having a good week and lifing heavy things...:drinker:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!!!!!!

    I am in a great mood so extra exclamation points for everything!!!!!!!!!!! I did front squats 125 2x5, OHP 93x5, and deadlifts 291x5. Feeling quite strong now. Wooooooooooo! Party. I had to try to not do a dance in the gym. :laugh:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Wow 3fold. Talk about dedication to both chores and exercise. I have a bad habit of putting both to the wayside when I'm busy. Well mostly chores >.>
    Thanks! That makes me feel good. I usually look at it like 'how little or less' I lifted and feel like I fell short of the mark.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!!!!!!

    I am in a great mood so extra exclamation points for everything!!!!!!!!!!! I did front squats 125 2x5, OHP 93x5, and deadlifts 291x5. Feeling quite strong now. Wooooooooooo! Party. I had to try to not do a dance in the gym. :laugh:

    Wow that's impressive...esp the OHP...
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!!!!!!

    I am in a great mood so extra exclamation points for everything!!!!!!!!!!! I did front squats 125 2x5, OHP 93x5, and deadlifts 291x5. Feeling quite strong now. Wooooooooooo! Party. I had to try to not do a dance in the gym. :laugh:

    BOOOMMMM!!!!!!! some big numbers there well done :)
  • Feeling quite strong now.
    Understatement of the century!!! Way to go!

    Today's workout:
    Squats 5x5 @ 40kg
    Bench 5x3ish @ 27.5kg
    Rows 55433 @ 32.5kg
  • Last day of this thread! YA FITTREE, you are a *little* strong :)

    grandevampire, awesome!

    I had to do back to back workouts today and yesterday so I did

    Squat 85lbs (I am reaaally sore from that week break and getting right back into 145lbs yesterday)
    OHP 70lbs WOOO I busted through my 65lb plateau and feel like I nailed 70
    DL 165lbs.. getting prettty serious now

    5 chin ups in a row yeeehooo! It was a good day in the gym but I am totally beat now. Going to feast on Halloween candy tonight.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Haha thanks! :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    Alicia nice work on the OHP!!! Busting through plateaus makes you feel so good. :drinker:
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Finally upped my weight on squats...

    Squats 130
    Bench 77.5...still, just barely eeking out the last reps
    Rows 87.5

    And I know why my right glute has a knot, my right leg is definitely pushing me up while doing squats. Need to be sure that left leg keeps up!

    And now we move on to November....maybe I'll actually set a goal!
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