


  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    If you're not feeling well, you might invest in a $10 pack of Ketostix. you can get them at most pharmacies or even through Amazon. if you're at 20g carbs a day (that's NET Carbs right?? i.e. grams Carbs minus grams fiber right?) the ketostix will tell you if you're in ketosis or not.

    if the stick shows deep purple you might be over doing it.

    I did not feel sick in ketosis but did get drowsy and found I could stay in ketosis for as long as six weeks before I moved my carb count back to about 50 using quinoa at breakfast. I still kept the carb count low enough that I got the benefit of 'nocturnal ketosis', i.e. carbs are all gone while I sleep. that way I burn fat while I sleep.

    you should follow the guidelines for managing ketosis. there are websites, the Atkins materials of course and the La Vida Locarb' videos on you tube can be helpful.

    sorry you don't feel well.
  • Real Name: Michele
    Height: 5'2"
    HW: 190
    CW: 189
    GW: 150
    UGW: 135 (Body Fat % < 30)
    Location- Charleston, SC
    Age: 24
    Sex: F
    4 year old Son
    Engaged - Getting married April 2014 (the exact date depends on my family's schedule).

    Diet Plan: Not any specific plan, just a compilation of information I got from the internet and from talking to my doctor. Keeping my Net carbs to 25 or less, and attempting a 65% fat, 30% protein, 5% carb breakdown. I'm trying it for 2 weeks to see how my body reacts (at my doctor's suggestion), then I'll go from there. I started today (Nov. 1, 2013).

    Exercise: Just walking in the afternoon for now. Going to start back into my Cross-Fit routine next week.

    Strengths: Non-Nutrition related things. (i.e. Computers & Crafts)

    Weaknesses: Food.
  • Real Name: Melissa
    Height : 6 ft 1"
    HW: 334
    CW: 304.6
    Age: 26
    Sex: Female
    Married: 5 years in Feb
    No Children, But TTC

    Diet Plan: Is to try to stay as close to 40 carbs a day as I can. Also excercising atleast 30-45 minutes every other day. Hoping to achieve my goals by Christmas 2014

    My Weakness is: Chips in Salsa, and tortillas.
  • Hello!

    I've just joined MFP again, used it a long time ago but this time I'm tracking carbs. I need to do this for medical reasons as well as weight loss (I have insulin resistance and PCOS).

    I don't have a lot to lose but would love some friends for support along the way (and hopefully during maintenance!). I really find it makes a big difference to have friends to be accountable to. Anyway, please add me if you like and we can support each other!

  • patols1
    patols1 Posts: 108 Member
    Real Name: pattie
    Height : 5 ft 3"
    starting weight 163
    CW: 158
    Age:38 on thursday
    Sex: Female
    Married: 20 years this sunday
    2 children age 18 and 19

    Diet plan is a low carb diet. the doctor didnt tell me how many carbs a day though. so i am at a loss there. i have high triglycerides and high cholesterol. 5 years ago i weighed 197 and got down to 127 and kept it off for 3 years and then i was sick for almost a year and got back up to 175. when starting this program i was at 163. even during my lowest weight my cholesterol was high so i have been put on meds for that but i need to lower my triglycerides and lose weight per doctor instructions.
    my weakness: chips and dip, mashed potatoes, noodles, etc. unfortunately i love my carbs. :(
    Exercise: recumbent bike for 30 minutes 5 days a week
  • klogemann
    klogemann Posts: 1 Member
    Real Name: Kathy
    Height: 5' 6"
    HW: 242
    CW: 230
    GW: Under 200
    UGW: 150 (healthy BMI)
    Location: Gladstone, OR
    Age: 62
    Sex: F
    2 Daughters, 2 son-in-laws, 3 grandchildren
    Married: 36 years

    Diet: Low Carb but still doing research

    Have a FitBit, working on increasing exercise. Have knee pain which I hope will improve when I loose weight.

    Strengths- Keep on trying

    Super weakness---pasta, rice and breads
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Real Name: Robin
    Height: 5' 7"
    HW: Unknown
    CW: 114kg
    GW: 70kg
    UGW: 70kg healthy BMI
    Location- Country NSW, Australia
    Age: 53
    Sex: F
    3 children - plus some others that have adopted me - lots of my kids friends also call me mum.


    Diet Plan - evolving but currently set at 30/30/40 - I have just finished 30 days of wheat/gluten free.

    I am getting back into yoga and doing some weight training.

    Strengths - An open mind, sheer determination and a sense of humour.

    Super weakness - Sugary things and nuts.

    I am here because it would be really,really nice to converse with people about low carb without the aggravation of dealing with ...(I really don't know how to politely describe them but they just make me so angry)... on the main boards.

    Funnily it was from reading about low carb/paleo lifestyle that led me to MFP in the first place.
  • jen44922
    jen44922 Posts: 12 Member
    Real Name: Jennifer

    Height: 5' 3"
    HW: 256
    CW: 249
    GW: 180
    UGW: 145 (healthy BMI)
    Location: New Haven, VT
    Age: 40
    Sex: F
    4 Children, 2 still at home.

    Diet: Atkins

    Currently Single but have my eye on someone :)

    Just started Atkins on December 26th and have lost a bit of water weight already. The month before I was feeling really really bad internally like I was addicted to Sugar. Lots of symptoms, No doubt almost Diabetic. Fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, couldn't wear my contacts, dry eyes, heart palpitations, mood swings, bloated, gained a lot of weight around the middle when I never had a stomach, ever.

    Strengths- I love competition. I love meat and cheese. I have a treadmill.

    Super weakness---pasta, rice and breads, getting on that treadmill, CAKE.

    I am here to correct my insulin problem. I know I have one because since I started on the 26th my whole internal feeling has changed so much so fast. I feel sooo much different/better already.
  • Real Name: Laura
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 205
    CW: 188
    GW: Under 140
    UGW: 120-125
    Location- Austin, TX
    Age: 24
    Sex: F
    No children

    Diet Plan-Low Glucose/Low Carb

    Essentially the PCOS diet, eliminating these things (as well as most dairy) helps me take my meds for my PCOS.

    Strengths- Discipline - Feeling sick when eating the things I love due to the metformin has quickly retrained me to eat only what makes my body feel good and it has already altered the way I perceive eating.

    Super weakness
    Cooking, my home is a disorganized mess and with me being sick all the time my husband is of little help around the house and even when I'm well I haven't been good about cleaning or organizing either, too much money is spent eating out due to a terrifyingly messy apartment

    All of you please feel free to add me I'm going to need all the support I can get on this journey.
  • :

    Real Name: Sydney
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 322
    CW: 247.4
    GW: Under 200
    UGW: 145
    Location: Georgia, USA
    Age: 25 on jan. 25th
    Sex: F
    No children
    Not married

    Ive actaually already lost over 100 pounds, but i gained some back over the holidays.
    I follow atkins mostly. I keep my carbs under 20 a day, and try to do my 5 mile walkimg dvd every day but sunday. When i get back into my routine i will add bodyweight training 3x a week.
    I would really like some supportive friends to add me and help me along. My diary is open
  • Real Name: Dominique
    Height: 5"6'
    HW: 185
    CW: 175
    GW: 155
    UGW: 145
    Location: MT, USA
    Age: 39
    Sex: F
    Married w/children

    Have diabetes in my family and low carb is the only way I can eat without gaining more weight. I clean houses and do my elliptical for exercise. Diet drinks are my weakness along with salty sweet treats. Had double reconstructive surgery on my knees 7yrs ago and have to stay mobile or my knees grow weak. So losing weight and being the best "ME" I can be is important to my physical health. I love staying positive and living a hope filled life. Looking forward to a new year.
  • Tinx_87
    Tinx_87 Posts: 18
    Real Name: Terry
    Height: 158 cm (5'2")
    HW: 75(-ish) kg's (165lbs)
    CW: 67.7 kg's (149lbs)
    GW: 55 kg's (121lbs)
    UGW: 50 kg's (110lb)
    Location: Durban, South Africa
    Age: 26
    Sex: F
    No children
    Not married - but have a boyfriend.

    Diet Plan: I'm carb cycling, ie: one day low (under 50 carbs per day), next day moderate (under 120 carbs per day), low, mod, low, mod, etc.

    Strengths: Strong-willed, dedicated, meticulous, and disciplined.

    Weaknesses: chocolate, bread, popcorn, chips!

    PS: Looking for new like-minded MFP friends :)
  • karolinagirl72
    karolinagirl72 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Real Name: Nan
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 301
    CW: 289
    GW: 160
    UGW: Under 155 (healthy BMI)
    Location- Raleigh, NC
    Age: 41
    Sex: F
    No children
    Married almost 5 years.

    Diet Plan- Low Carb as recommended by my physician. I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance so she has me on 1800 cal/100g carbs a day. I try to eat no more than 60g carbs a day because I've learned over the years carbs aren't my friend.

    Strengths- I love to cook and try new low carb recipe. Computers and a people person!

    Most sweets, especially chocolate cake, donuts, and key lime pie!! Mac & Cheese, mashed potatoes, basically most high carb comfort foods.

  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member

    Real Name: Casey
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 158
    CW: 154
    GW: 118
    UGW: 115-120, but toned!
    Location- Indianapolis, IN
    Age: 29
    Sex: F
    Two kids

    Diet Plan - I say Low Carb. I did Atkins a few years ago, went through all the phases and got within 2lbs of my goal weight. Then I got married and gave up! I'm not necessarily following Atkins this go round, but I have cut my net carbs back to around 25-30 a day. I've also started working out again. I'm doing P90X, but following the lean workout schedule only.

    Strengths- I'm a SAHM and a pretty decent cook.

    Super weakness
    Running and a local Chinese/Thai takeout place!
  • Hi Y'all!!
    Name: Lisa
    Location: Texas Y'all:)
    Diet: Juddd and low carb
    Exercise: not much right now other than walking a few times a week
    Children:2/girl and boy
    Grand babies:2/boys
    My weakness is peanut M&M's and homemade pie and cake:(
    I am nearing the end of perimenopause and would love to lose this weight and show my son that I haven't always looked this way:)
  • Real Name: Karen
    Height: 5'8"
    HW: 234lbs
    CW: 156lbs
    GW: 135lbs/17% bf
    Location- Kent- UK
    Age: 48
    Sex: F
    Children : 8 children- 5 boys/3 girls and 8 grandchildren- 5 boys/3 girls
    Married for almost 29years

    Diet Plan-LCHF for 9 days( 1600kcals 160g protein, maximum 60g carbs usually 35g and minimum 80g fats) then a HFLC higher calorie refeed day( 1800-200kcals, upto 200g protein and carbs, maximum 40g fats)

    Exercise- 5 days heavy lifting( natural bodybuilder) 2-3 days c25k, occasional cardio because I like a change sometimes

    Strengths- cooking, not a picky eater, determined, find it easy to stick to a diet plan if it fuels my training(most of the time!)

    Super weakness
    chocolate., and a few issues from an ED can confuse things sometimes(in recovery)
  • I just started MFP today, and started looking at groups to get back in the swing of things.

    Name: Jennifer
    Location: Idaho, USA
    HW: 248
    CW: 214
    GW: 130
    Married with children

    Strengths: I don't think about my strengths very often. I try to stay positive in all things. I think I do an ok job :) I have a terrible sense of humor, which i suppose could be a strength. I go until I drop. I have no quit in me once I get started doing something, unless one of my weaknesses comes up. (Frankly, Id rather have a slice of cheesecake than a workout). Oh and I'm honest :)

    Weaknesses: Laziness, procrastination, bread and pasta, cheesecake (of any variety), and.... really anything that is high carb and sugar.

    Hopefully, Im not intruding by just jumping in here :) I have tons of paleo recipes to share, if you need motivation >.> :D
  • Real Name: Christine
    Height: 5 '5"
    HW: 328
    CW: 245
    GW: Under 200
    UGW: 175
    Location- NY, USA
    Age: 44
    Sex: F
    No children


    Not able to exercise a whole lot due to bad knee but I do my best. .

    Strengths- Keeping myself motivated with yummy low carb offerings. Faves are steak w/ roasted asparagus and "Big Mac" Salad.

    Super weakness
    Artisan bread, mac and cheese, popcorn
  • maxinecc
    maxinecc Posts: 38 Member

    my name is Maxine, I am 44 years old (just) and am back trying to lose weight after a stressful year, family illness and new job.

    I'm very good at pretending to myself that I am on a diet but whilst trying to diet, over the course of the last 8 months have managed to gain 10lbs. This was doing weight watchers and I was constantly eating and craving carbs and eating lots of fruit, so enough is enough.

    I have done a low carb diet before and was quite successful, but the thing I liked the most was that the carb cravings went away.

    So I am back and would love to have some support from like minded people who have open diaries so that I can take a peek and get some ideas.

    I'm doing very low carbs for the next couple of weeks(around 20 net) and then plan to up it but this is where I will need a bit of advise as to what level of carbs to aim for.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  • robston
    robston Posts: 67 Member
    Okay, I'm starting Low Carb/ Atkins today. I weighed myself this morning to give myself a starting weight. Starting Weight is 205.6. lbs... Its 2 lbs heavier than last week's weigh in, but I'm certain that is because I gave myself a couple of days to get some CARB cravings out of my system. Plus I only worked out once last week. So, getting myself all geared up and have food purchased and some prep done. I'm starting with the 20 NC daily allotment. I will be 100% honest here and say the ONLY part of the Induction that I'm NOT doing, is zero alcohol in the first 2 weeks. I really enjoy my evening cocktails and I'm only having about 2 an evening. And my cocktail is already low carb (Vodka/ClubSoda/SugarFreeWatermelonSyrup).. with that said, I am trying some other types of flavored seltzer waters to take out as many of the carbs as I can due to the Watermelon Syrup. I did this the same way when I did Atkins in 2003 and I lost 99 lbs from Dec 2003 to Sept 2004.. so I know it will be okay. I'm really excited this time on Low Carb because when I did it back then, I did not have a car, nor had I cooked much before. Now I have a car, and can go to any stores I need to to purchase any specialty items, and to be able to do frequent trips since I'm going to be eating a lot of Fresh foods. And, I've been cooking consistently and making different recipes for the last 10 years, so it will be lots of fun to actually try new low carb recipes.. Wish me luck :-) I will be posting my daily Net Carb (NC) total each day in my Food Notes.. Also, any one doing low carb, I would love to have idea's/ input, share info..Have a great day.