November check-in and chat

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
I was trying to think of a Mo-vember kind of pun like OH-p-Vember but it was all too awkward and my brain on holiday can't hack it!

be impressed I'm doing this on holiday though :) I just love you all so much!


  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    You are so sweet. I had pizza for dinner after a very big thinking day at work. Thinking burns so many calories - at least a whole seafood pizza's worth. I'm sure you'll all agree. Anyways, all I've done today is think, eat, drive and talk, so I'll let the fit people in the group talk now. :)
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I'm actually participating this month (yay!) after taking a month off from lifting. I've done 2 workouts using the Texas method, and so far, I like it a lot.

    I registered for a squat clinic that is being put on by my local (and only one I know of) power lifting gym. It's free and open to the first 25 people that register. Registration opened at midnight and I sent mine in at 12:01, so if I'm not one of the 25, I'll be bummed. I'm super excited about it!

    @zany: thinking burns a massive amount of calories. It's how I justify my calorie overages. :wink: Seriously though, I started a new job about a month ago and it's a complete change for me. I have a lot to learn and process and I go home at the end of the day exhausted and starving and all I did was read some reports and go through some presentations.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    CC - that clinic sounds awesome!

    Lydia - doing ANYTHING on holiday is impressive, let alone giving us somewhere to chat. Thanks!

    Deload week for me, and since the little person is sick, I took it mostly all the way off. It also coincided with TOM, so it was the perfect recipe for laying around on the couch and eating a lot. I needed the rest though - today was the first day I felt like lifting since Saturday!

    Deload week, all lifts:
    Squats 1x5 @ 85, 110, 130
    OHP 1x5 @ 45, 45, 55
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 95, 115, 135
    Bench 1x5 @ 50, 65, 75
    Dumbbell rows 3x10 @ 20

    Then I did a 20 minute walk, 3.8 mph, incline 4

    Figured I wouldn't push it much farther, just in case my lethargy is my body fighting off whatever little bit has. Have a good weekend, all!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hello darlings,

    sorry I've been so antisocial but as it turns out the grieving took longer than expected and I've been a lot more depressed than I realized. Anyway, I wrote up a program and am back in the weight room in earnest, as of this morning. Been lifting, but just kinda hacking at it once or twice a week with no real plan or motivation. Lessee if I can drop those grief pounds and actually lose weight during the holiday season. :bigsmile: Of course, leave it to me to do everything backwards; put on weight in the summer, drop it in the winter. But hey, that's life. :drinker:

    @chubby: What's a squat clinic? Sounds intriguing.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    @chubby: What's a squat clinic? Sounds intriguing.

    As far as I can tell, it's a coaching session. They're having a bunch of people in so I'm not sure if they're doing one-on-ones or demonstrations, or what. There wasn't much of a description. It sounds like they're going to be doing others as well. I'm hoping to get some form critique out of it. I'll keep you guys updated!
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Checking in with you awesome badarse women!

    Yes, Lydia- thanks for getting this up and running- I didn't even remember that it was November.
    Dani- Sorry you are hurting- nothing really helps that, just takes time to dull the pain a bit.
    Zani- good reminder. *off to join a think-tank for the calorie burn :)
    Checker- let us know how it goes
    Kira- you need a t-shirt that says "My deload week is your max workout" or something of the sort. You are killing it.

    So... doing Wendler 5/3/1 with the triumvirate assistance work. LOVE it as I and my body were ready for a change up from SL 5X5. Today will be OHP or Bench Press Day, then one more workout and I start week 2.

    and... the scale is moving ever so slowly downwards as I also feel stronger. And, I have been eating more and more and feel close to satisfied with the calories I am able to eat, so hopefully that will continue to improve. Let's hope I don't ruin it with those damned mini-Twix that I seem to be drawn to.
    I can't tell in my clothes or measurements quite yet, but I'm trying to trust the process and be patient. I hope to have a body I am proud of by the spring and definitely by the summer.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Zany- I agree thinking burns a lot of calories. And listening to my teenage boys drone on and one burns a lot of calories, too I have decided.

    Lydia-thanks for posting our holiday months! Keep us from giving into turkey and candy comas.

    CC yay for participating after your break!

    Kira-I agree, you need that t-shirt! Half your deloads are more than my max lifts!

    6550- yay on the moving scale and feeling STRONGER! I was gonna just do squats for awhile, but I decided to do barbell rows, too, and might ended up at all,lifts again...cuz they make me feel STRONG!

    My Lifts Today: Squats 1x5 at 50#,55#,60# + 3x5@65# + 2x5@ 70#...... Bicep curls 1x7 @15# each arm + 2x7@23# w/curling bar + 2x7@25# w/ curling bar (never do them, did them as a silly request, my friend called out to me as I was leaving the store "do some bicep curls for me while you're at it!)
    Barbell Rows. 2x5@50# / 2x5@60# / 2x5@ 70#

    Hope to do some body weight too, Russian Twists and Hip Drops.....later, maybe.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Hey, ladies! I guess I've lurked long enough and should officially join the conversation.

    I've been interested and curious about lifting heavy for awhile now and finally decided to jump in. I bought New Rules back in September and planned on starting it the first week in October, after I got back from a cruise. While on the cruise, hubby and I worked out several days and I used the weights to do some of the lifts. I wasn't 100% sure NR was the program I wanted to follow and after a lot of back and forth, I decided to do SL, so here I am!

    I joined a gym and signed up for 3 sessions with a PT to help get me familiar with the gym and the lifts. I officially started SL last Sunday and I'm really loving it. Between the PT sessions and SL, I'm already seeing changes in my body. I've been trying to get rid of my pesky last 15 lbs, but at 57, it's not as easy to lose weight as it used to be! I've decided I'm going to get strong and healthy, and if that weight comes off, that'll be a bonus. I don't want to be one of those weak, bent over old ladies on a walker.

    I admire all of you ladies and hope to be lifting as much as y'all before long. Right now, I'm working on form, etc., before I focus on heavy. I can squat, bench press and DL the Olympic bar, so I'm not a total weakling. :happy: I'm not quite getting to parallel on squats, though, so any tips you have to share, I'd be happy to try them. I've already learned a lot from reading all of your awesome posts. Hopefully, someday I'll have my own knowledge to share.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I agree! Kira you are amazing!! I'm deloading as well. I have been very achy for a while, all over but especially my knees. I have been pushing through it and I feel better while I'm working out then I feel worse after the workout. Sooo yesterday rather than skip the workout completely I stretched a lot before hand as usual and then did:

    Squats: just the bar down from 110lb
    Bench 90
    P Row: 85 down from 90

    Then I stretched a lot after and I feel much better today!! I think I may have to include the post workout stretch even though it is going to extend the workout even longer. That isn't the worst thing I suppose but I already feel that maybe I am neglecting my other duties. .... Ha Ha Ha !! So what!!! I have been looking at a lot of squat form videos wondering if that is the problem. My Squat feels like it is fine but I guess I will have to get another video to make sure.

    3foldchord I hear you!! I too have a very chatty teenaged aspie boy. Listening must burn thousands of calories per day!!! (we homeschool so it is intense sometimes)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Thinking totally burns calories. I started my current job in April and in like April-June when I was learning everything I was freaking starving ALL THE TIME.

    Today I lifted things. This included Squat 180x3, Bench 135x3, and row 95x5 because I forgot I was supposed to be doing 3. I skipped them on monday though so I suppose this makes up for it. I also skipped accessories all this week, but I'm feeling improved so I'll start back with them on monday. I also did 30 minutes on the arc trainer.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    AND...drum roll please...your brain thinks using CARBS!! :love:

    I did not lift this week...was a $hita$$ week and couldn't get to where I needed to be. Next week will be better. Next week better be better...:explode:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I didn't lift for 2 weeks.. I took a break for my birthday and such... I should be back next week :) You ladies are kicking much *kitten*. :bigsmile:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Joined the new gym! Had it to myself! Free chalk and everything! Exciting :)

    So that was my first sesh back after a week off eating too much of the wrong stuff (sugar, carbs, nuts!), coming home to a burgled house, taking the kids swimming at lunch time today and being nearly a stone heavier than my lightest. So I'm logging again, but my lifts showed it..

    Squat 55kg 1x3 60kg 2x3
    OHP 30kg 553
    Deadlift 60kg 1x5 but my tweaky backside is still tweaky. Boo.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I've decided I'm going to get strong and healthy, and if that weight comes off, that'll be a bonus. I don't want to be one of those weak, bent over old ladies on a walker.

    I admire all of you ladies and hope to be lifting as much as y'all before long. Right now, I'm working on form, etc., before I focus on heavy. I can squat, bench press and DL the Olympic bar, so I'm not a total weakling. :happy: I'm not quite getting to parallel on squats, though, so any tips you have to share, I'd be happy to try them. I've already learned a lot from reading all of your awesome posts. Hopefully, someday I'll have my own knowledge to share.

    Hello there! The fact that you decided to get happy with barbells at 57 is AWESOME. I'm right there with you about the hunched over walker shuffle, and that's one of the main reasons I've taken up barbell training, actually. I'm 46 and plan on spending out the second half of my life strong and awesome. :drinker:

    As far as the squat depth, a lot of that has to do with a) practice and b) flexibility. Check into some stretching programs and just stay with it. What really helped me was squatting without any weights at all. I just kept practicing it until I got things right. It's an ongoing process, really.

    I also do yoga regularly, and that certainly helps with the flexibility. That's an individual preference, of course, but to me, fitness includes strength, endurance and flexibility so that's what I focus on. :flowerforyou:
  • debress
    debress Posts: 36 Member
    I started the SL 5x5 September 30, and just had a week off due to vacation, but back at it this past week. I am not progressing as fast as I would like on my squats, and have just decided that I have to be patient. In the past, I've squatted up to 90 pounds, but am currently stuck at 65. I know it takes time to build up strength. Today at the gym, I tried to bump up to 67.5 pounds, and my form went all wonky. I pitch forward, and it just feels awful. A guy offered to look at my form, and with just the bar, it is good. This tells me I just need more practice without overloading the bar.

    I was, however, able to get up to 50 pounds on overhead press after weeks at 47.5, so that was a victory. I'm also progressing on the deadlift, which is at 105 pounds today. I'm not sure I've ever attempted to deadlift over 100 pounds, so that was pretty cool.

    I don't seem to be losing any weight (says the scale), but my clothes are fitting better. I wore a pair of jeans yesterday that I couldn't get into a few months ago. I don't give a hoot what the scale says as long as I feel strong and my pants fit!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    That's encouraging deb! What shoes do you wear? That might have something to do with it. Also I'd give the heavier weights a couplebof goes as you need to adapt to them. The first time may look shocking but the next time your strength will have increased. There is a fine line between ensuring perfect form, and working on form while improving. Girls tend to err too much on the former and not improve quickly (i offer my squat history as a lesson in this!).
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member

    I'm finally joining this monthly chat early enough to follow!

    I've been doing SL since April now, although I'm starting to feel the need to move to an intermediate programme as my deadlift is stalling.

    Last working weights:

    Squat: 75kg (165lb)
    Bench: 50kg (110lb)
    Deadlift: 80kg (176lb)
    Ohp: 35kg (77lb) - although that has been up to 40kg (88lb)
    Row: 45kg (99lb)

    I've scaled back to 3x5 but I'm struggling to do both heavy squats and deads on the same day.
  • debress
    debress Posts: 36 Member
    I didn't think about the shoes! Thanks for reminding me that I need to find my Converse and stop wearing my running shoes to lift. I didn't figure it would make a difference until I got up to heavier weights, but it might help.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    I didn't think about the shoes! Thanks for reminding me that I need to find my Converse and stop wearing my running shoes to lift. I didn't figure it would make a difference until I got up to heavier weights, but it might help.

    Even with just bodyweight squats, the right footwear makes a difference. I'm planning to buy some proper weightlifting shoes in the next month or so.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    I'm finally joining this monthly chat early enough to follow!

    I've been doing SL since April now, although I'm starting to feel the need to move to an intermediate programme as my deadlift is stalling.

    Last working weights:

    Squat: 75kg (165lb)
    Bench: 50kg (110lb)
    Deadlift: 80kg (176lb)
    Ohp: 35kg (77lb) - although that has been up to 40kg (88lb)
    Row: 45kg (99lb)

    I've scaled back to 3x5 but I'm struggling to do both heavy squats and deads on the same day.

    A couple months after I switched to 3x5 I started doing front squats on DL day, and it made all the difference. Doesn't hurt to give it a shot. They require much more core strength, and help out your other lifts quite a bit. At the same time you can't go as heavy so they give your hips and butt a break.