how much weight have you gained



  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy weight: 186.2

    Cumulative weight loss/gain

    5 weeks: -2.6
    6 weeks: -4.0
    7 weeks: -4.0
    8 weeks: -5.2
    9 weeks: -7.8
    10 weeks: -11.2
    11 weeks: -11.8

    I switched to maintenance calories just this week (lost .6) so my losses should be no more or at least nowhere near this dramatic.
  • Starting weight 115 @ 5'4. Now at 21 weeks and 4 days I weigh 126.4! I've gained over 2 pounds this week alone and I still have a few days until I hit 22 weeks :( I have started eating even healthier and drinking even more water..... Has anyone else experienced bigger gains during the 20's weeks? I'm kinda feeling out because I generally eat pretty healthy.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    Starting weight 115 @ 5'4. Now at 21 weeks and 4 days I weigh 126.4! I've gained over 2 pounds this week alone and I still have a few days until I hit 22 weeks :( I have started eating even healthier and drinking even more water..... Has anyone else experienced bigger gains during the 20's weeks? I'm kinda feeling out because I generally eat pretty healthy.
    yes i gained a lot in my 2nd trimester about 17 out of my total gain of 19 lbs. I am now 30 weeks and i have maintained my weight the past month. I hope to only gain another 6 lbs in the next 10 weeks for a total of 25 lbs.Just keep eating healthy and stay active and you should be fine.
  • 38 weeks gained 16 pounds! Hoping not to see week 39!! :-) :-) :-)
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    umulative weight gain:

    Week 9: +3
    Week 12: +4
    Week 16: +5
    Week 19: +5.5
    Week 20: +6.5
    Week 22: +10.5
    Week 25: +10.5
    Week 27: +8.5
    Week 28: +8.5
    Week 29: +9.5
    Week 30: +11
    Week 31: +12
    Week 32, 4d: +12
    Week 33, 2d: +16
    Week 34: +14
    Week 35: +14
    Week 36: +15
    Week 37, 1d: +17

    2 pound weight gain makes me slightly freak out but whatever - that candy was so worth it (;
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)

    Total: (-3.4)

    Wahoo 2nd Trimester!!!! Hoping this all day sickness will be gone soon. Only had about two more weeks of it with my 1st. I should be able to handle that if it's the same this time around.
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    11 weeks: - 3.8 lbs
    12 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    13 weeks: - 4.2 lbs
    14 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    16 weeks: - 2.2 lbs
    17 weeks: - 4.4 lbs
    18 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    19 weeks: - 0.4 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs (currently 148.6 pounds)

    Another 2 pound gain this week, luckily my entire body grew so I can see the difference. Not feeling too great about it though, and on top of that I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I have gained 7.5 pounds in a month, plus I'm slightly anemic. I knew when I finally gained weight it would be rapid, but I wasn't quite prepared for 2 pounds a week! At this rate I'll be heavier than I was with my first and I started lighter with this one. Time to really get serious and start logging/exercising again.
  • clowmow
    clowmow Posts: 68 Member
    Height- 5ft 1
    Pre pregnancy weight- 131lbs

    19 weeks now- 135lbs so +4lbs
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 163.8
    Weeks 1-8: Continued to lose
    Weeks 8 - 19: 159.8
    20 weeks: 162.2
    22 weeks: 164.6
    23 weeks: 165
    25 weeks: 166
    Net gain = +2.2

    Goal: Just stay under 200!

    OK so here we are at almost 26 weeks and my scale broke... so technically I have no idea, but I was 170.8 at my midwife office and they've consistently been 5lbs over my morning weight, and also showed only a half pound gain from my 21 weeks appointment... so I'm going to go with 166.

    I have a short term goal of not hitting 170 until December, but if this little guy has a growth spurt, then so be it :)
  • 22 weeks today and weigh 124.8 @ 5'4 starting weight was 115. My weight fluctuates like crazy! But since eating cleaner I have actually lost 2 pounds unintentionally since last week. I'm eating a more low carb high fat diet and it seems to be stabilizing everything for now LOL. I'm certainly not dieting to lose weight I just want to eat healthier foods for the baby :)
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Cumulative weight gain:

    Week 9: +3
    Week 12: +4
    Week 16: +5
    Week 19: +5.5
    Week 20: +6.5
    Week 22: +10.5
    Week 25: +10.5
    Week 27: +8.5
    Week 28: +8.5
    Week 29: +9.5
    Week 30: +11
    Week 31: +12
    Week 32, 4d: +12
    Week 33, 2d: +16
    Week 34: +14
    Week 35: +14
    Week 36: +15
    Week 37, 1d: +17
    Week 38: +15

    Two more weeks until the due date!
  • 39 weeks today!!!! Was really Hoping to have been unpregnant by now! Down 3 pounds this week for a total of 13 pounds!! Ok now come on baby!!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member

    week 4 - 135
    week 5 - 134.0
    week 6 - 134.4
    week 7 - 134.0
    week 8 - 135.0
    week 9 - 135.0
    week 10 - 135.2
    week 11 - 134.2
    week 12 - 137.2 EEEK
    week 13 - 136.2
    week 14 - 136.0
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    I haven't been tracking weekly like some of you awesome people but I started off at 155 pounds at 5'3 and and currently up to 167 pounds 30 weeks in. I haven't gained anything for 3 weeks now so I hope that little one is doing alright!
  • Yikes! Well, I suppose I've probably put on the most weight-
    Height: 5'5
    Starting weight: 112lbs
    Current weight: 148lbs (33 weeks, 5 days pregnant with third child.)
    Total weight gain so far: 36lbs
  • 1beula
    1beula Posts: 1 Member
    Hope it's ok to hop on board here everyone.... This is my second baby and when I had my first I gained way too much so I'm hoping I can keep a check on it here:-)..... I'm 5ft 3 and pre pregnancy : 143 this week is 12 weeks and I'm 145.... Hoping to keep under 160 for the remainder of the pregnancy.... Anyone any tips?
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)

    Total: (-1.4)

    Finally starting to feel human again. The last fews days I really haven't had much naseau and have been able to eat a little more than normal. Hoping that I can keep at my weight this week because with Thanksgiving next week, I know I'll be over unless I can start getting some exercise in, which shouldn't be a problem now that I am starting to feel better. My doctor never told me not to gain more than a certain weight so I am only hoping for a minimal amount. In the end I only gained 1lb with my daughter. I had gained 11 by week 28, but was diagnosed with GD and lost 9 over the next 3 weeks. At delivery I was 1lb over what I weighed when I found out I was pg. We'll see this time :)
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    i'm just 14 weeks, and lost a few pounds initially from barely being able to stomach anything. my poor husband...weeks of frozen pizza and burritios. anyways, i'm 5'5", started out at 127, went down to about 123, and now back up to 126ish. my friend the second trimester and i have been really been enjoying the beat down we've given to morning sickness and nausea. hurray for eating food again!!!!!
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    11 weeks: - 3.8 lbs
    12 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    13 weeks: - 4.2 lbs
    14 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    16 weeks: - 2.2 lbs
    17 weeks: - 4.4 lbs
    18 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    19 weeks: - 0.4 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs
    27 weeks: +9.2 lbs(currently 150 pounds)

    Only 1.5 pound gain this week, still too much but at least it's not another 2 pound gain! I started tracking my calories again last Thursday and the first day I was 1,000 calories over my goal! I've only had 1 day where I was within 50 calories of my goal (which is to gain 1/2 pound a week) so I have some adjusting to do, I've definitely been "eating for two" while I wasn't tracking.
  • Height 4'11
    Starting weight was 262

    Between 6 weeks pregnant and now I have gained 10 lbs. So my current weight is 272
    I am excited about using this program to help maintain. I had previous lost weight before conceiving so I really want to help prevent from gaining all that weight that I have worked so hard to get off after my last son. So today is my first day back eating right after 7 long weeks of nausea and eating what I could get down. So keep me in your prayers cause Gods knows I do not need to blow up!