Starting Nov 1



  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Did my first one this morning! woohooo my arms are jelly but I did all my pushups ;) My squat definitely needs form work so will recruit my husband this evening for form check lol

    I was real happy with myself for trying.. now to start adding more weights next time around.
  • candiceh3
    Did my first one this morning! woohooo my arms are jelly but I did all my pushups ;) My squat definitely needs form work so will recruit my husband this evening for form check lol

    I was real happy with myself for trying.. now to start adding more weights next time around.


    Feels great, doesn't it?
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    It did feel good..... now I can't wait until Wednesday... I love doing it at 4:30am - my house is quiet and everyone is asleep :bigsmile:
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    I have done 3 days and I have 2 challenges:-

    I have to do girlie push ups as my wrists/arms cannot support my body weight which is a LOT!

    My right knee has been giving me trouble for about 4 weeks but I am pushing through it. This then makes the squats, lunges and step ups more difficult.

    Aiming to do 24 workouts instead of the 16, that takes my up to 29 December the I can kick off 2014 with stage 2.

    Happy with the rowing though. Used 15kg weight on Sunday and I know I can definitely do more! YAY!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    recommendation for all women and pushups... I was in the Army for 12 years... :) so treat it like boot camp...

    1. Never drop to the knees (not allowed...EVER)
    2. Resting position is bent in half with butt in air
    3. Do as many as you can complete full form - even if it is only 5. Then the next more...
    4. After a couple of weeks, give yourself a test on them - see how many can be done in full form in 2 minutes (that was our PT test)

    The only way to get really good at them is to just do them - relentlessly. I used to love them while I was active duty and could easily knock out 65-70 in a 2 min period :) I can still do them (not that many lol)

    You CAN do them - it sucks trust me lol it is great for building up strength... :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I just started this morning too!

    For those that have been at it a week or so now, how often are you upping your weights? And by how much? I thought this morning's workout was pretty easy so I'm probably not using enough weights. I figured I'd up weights when a new week starts - so do two workouts at the same weights and then up them the next week. Is that how you do it?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm planning on starting again (almost got through stage 1 in the summer, but stopped due to an injury) today! Really excited to get back into it :)
  • candiceh3
    It's so exciting to have so many women start with me!

    If the weights are too light, I'd add a plate or a few kgs and try again next workout. I used a trainer in my first session to help me figure out an appropriate weight. I was really going too light on the step ups - started at 7 kgs each hand for some reason (I think I read it wrong) but I'm up to 12.5 kgs each hand now.

    Stage 1, Workout B3 tomorrow :) Love deadlifts.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Did stage 1 workout A1 yesterday! Felt so good to get back into it!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Me too! Did B1 this morning and will do A2 Thursday.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member

    that is all :bigsmile:
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    recommendation for all women and pushups... I was in the Army for 12 years... :) so treat it like boot camp...

    1. Never drop to the knees (not allowed...EVER)
    2. Resting position is bent in half with butt in air
    3. Do as many as you can complete full form - even if it is only 5. Then the next more...
    4. After a couple of weeks, give yourself a test on them - see how many can be done in full form in 2 minutes (that was our PT test)

    The only way to get really good at them is to just do them - relentlessly. I used to love them while I was active duty and could easily knock out 65-70 in a 2 min period :) I can still do them (not that many lol)

    You CAN do them - it sucks trust me lol it is great for building up strength... :)

    Thanks for this - It really is a little difficult at 234lbs.
    I Have sero-negative arthritis and have recently gone drug free. My Rheumatologist has in fact banned me from anything other than swimming and Yoga.
    So I am really trying to do the best I can, I just will not get the same results as quickly.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    You can do them :) I promise... you may only get 4 or even 3 the first time and that is fine! Then when it rolls around again try for just 1 more each time (you will surprise yourself!)

    So today was Stage 1 Workout B... not my favorite at all - I hate lunges and very uncoordinated lol I am sure I will feel it all tomorrow :ohwell:
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Good job!!

    This is week two for me. When I was doing my own strength training regimen, I would up my weights every week...or depending on how lifting feels on that day. I aim to do that. Last week, for example, I deadlifted just the 45 lbs. bar, to get used to it and the proper form. This past Monday in Set One of the Deadlift, I added 10 lbs, then ten more lbs in Set Two.
    Today I am hoping to add some weight to the squat bar, as last week I did it without. Hopefully I can do a few sets, if not, I will go back lighter and try with weights again and again, until I get there :)

    Good luck!
    I just started this morning too!

    For those that have been at it a week or so now, how often are you upping your weights? And by how much? I thought this morning's workout was pretty easy so I'm probably not using enough weights. I figured I'd up weights when a new week starts - so do two workouts at the same weights and then up them the next week. Is that how you do it?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    In for just starting the program too. I have done stage 1 workouts A and B two times each just to get familiar, but I am "officially" starting the program next Tuesday when I get back from vacation. For the time being, I am planning on doing the workouts with dumbbells only. I am looking on Craig's list to buy a bar and weight set, but for now I will make due with what I have. Anyone else doing just dumbbells?
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    In for just starting the program too. I have done stage 1 workouts A and B two times each just to get familiar, but I am "officially" starting the program next Tuesday when I get back from vacation. For the time being, I am planning on doing the workouts with dumbbells only. I am looking on Craig's list to buy a bar and weight set, but for now I will make due with what I have. Anyone else doing just dumbbells?

    Believe it or not I got my rack, weights, swiss ball and bench at Wal-Mart. Ordered it online and I am pretty happy with it. Didn't cost me a fortune either. Message me if you want the links to the items I got. So far so good with them - I was surprised in the quality and durability lol
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am still sore from workout A1 on Monday... going to do workout B1 tomorrow. Got some good HIIT in yesterday which actually really helped with DOMS today.

    Clambert - I HATE LUNGES. I am so bad at them and feel like I will fall over every time...
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thanks for the advice! And you are right, practice does make perfect. A while ago I could not even do one on full body. Now, even though I do not go as deep (which am working on), I can do 12-15!
    recommendation for all women and pushups... I was in the Army for 12 years... :) so treat it like boot camp...

    1. Never drop to the knees (not allowed...EVER)
    2. Resting position is bent in half with butt in air
    3. Do as many as you can complete full form - even if it is only 5. Then the next more...
    4. After a couple of weeks, give yourself a test on them - see how many can be done in full form in 2 minutes (that was our PT test)

    The only way to get really good at them is to just do them - relentlessly. I used to love them while I was active duty and could easily knock out 65-70 in a 2 min period :) I can still do them (not that many lol)

    You CAN do them - it sucks trust me lol it is great for building up strength... :)
  • xstea11
    About to start this program next week...
    what weights are you starting with? Any rough guide appreciated :) I have only been using dumbbells so far for training, so am a bit clueless.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I was supposed to do A2 this morning but I've got this pain up the back of my leg below my calf - is that the achilles? I did just cardio yesterday - rode the bike so I'm not sure what I did to aggrevate it. So I'm taking today as a rest (from everything) day and will see how it feels tomorrow.