Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets



  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'll mention that I've seen several that had their RMR actually measured, and that site estimated the BMR to be about 300-400 lower.
    Now, BMR should be lower than RMR, by about 125 to 200 calories perhaps.

    And their RMR matched within 5% what was expected for their estimate bodyfat%, which they used on that site.

    Just what I've seen, much lower than other estimates - which it sounds like you confirmed. Adjust up obviously.

    Thanks! I'll plug in my numbers on a couple more sites and see what happens :)

    Eta: plugged in my numbers on a few other sites and they all have my TDEE higher by over 300 calories- think I figured out the problem! Will adjust up and see how that works-thanks again!
  • Bumping, so I can read this tonight.
  • AnaVerasGettingFit
    AnaVerasGettingFit Posts: 109 Member
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
  • talprofs
    talprofs Posts: 5 Member
    An immensely informative post on the fundamentals of understanding nutritional targets and how to set them.

    No doubt most MFP subscribers / users with desk jobs would consider themselves as 'sedentary' in terms of their NEAT profiles, but it sems to me that 'Lightly Active' is more likely to be an appropriate starting point in many cases -- and, on having read the 'Setting Your Calorie and Macro Target's post, I have a much clearer understanding of my own NEAT profile.

    I also like the philsophy expressed here of not creating massive calorie intake deficits (unless there are compelling health reasons to do so -- ie as in the case of morbild obesity), as, in my experience, a balanced approach to nutrition and exercise seems a surer way to a healthier life.
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    So I did the calculations and I know it says you can lower fat and protein for high body fat %, but how much low?

    ^^this even i would like to know. Also while calculating intake from scooby website do we need to consider BF% or stick to basic age weight height and activity to calculate TDEE?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So I did the calculations and I know it says you can lower fat and protein for high body fat %, but how much low?

    ^^this even i would like to know. Also while calculating intake from scooby website do we need to consider BF% or stick to basic age weight height and activity to calculate TDEE?

    The Katch BMR as basis for that math has much better chance of being accurate when overweight compared to Mifflin or Harris BMR.

    The reference to lowering some macros was as a % of the total eaten, because since the recommendations for protein and fat are based on grams, as your eating level comes down, the grams can stay pretty much the same, but of course the %'s will change.

    Example, high BF%, meaning more weight.
    Say eat 2000 at deficit, and 30% protein meets the recommended grams of protein.
    After many months now.
    Say eating 1500 now, and to meet same grams of protein recommendation, you now need to eat 40% protein.

    That's mainly from trying to translate from a preferred way of doing it, grams, to MFP's method of entering the info, as % (though it reports the grams right there too).
  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    So based on my new TDEE my macros should be Protein 25%, Fat 30%, and Carb 45%. Currently I have it at Protein 40%, Fat 25%, and Carb 35%. I'm 131lbs, 5'2", 35.2% BF and looking to lose weight. I do some weight training but mostly run 10-15 miles a week. Should I change my macros or leave it the way it is?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So based on my new TDEE my macros should be Protein 25%, Fat 30%, and Carb 45%. Currently I have it at Protein 40%, Fat 25%, and Carb 35%. I'm 131lbs, 5'2", 35.2% BF and looking to lose weight. I do some weight training but mostly run 10-15 miles a week. Should I change my macros or leave it the way it is?

    Well, the % are based on your eating goal, not your TDEE.

    And you don't give enough info to answer your question (40% of what figure?) - so just follow the recommendations given.

    Are you hitting the grams of protein and fat recommended, no matter what % that happens to be?

    When you enter in the % in MFP, it shows you the grams right there.
  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    So based on my new TDEE my macros should be Protein 25%, Fat 30%, and Carb 45%. Currently I have it at Protein 40%, Fat 25%, and Carb 35%. I'm 131lbs, 5'2", 35.2% BF and looking to lose weight. I do some weight training but mostly run 10-15 miles a week. Should I change my macros or leave it the way it is?

    Well, the % are based on your eating goal, not your TDEE.

    And you don't give enough info to answer your question (40% of what figure?) - so just follow the recommendations given.

    Are you hitting the grams of protein and fat recommended, no matter what % that happens to be?

    When you enter in the % in MFP, it shows you the grams right there.

    You're right, I did mean to say my eating goal and not my TDEE.

    So currently:
    Protein 130g
    Fat 36g
    Carb 114g

    I try to hit the grams but fall short on protein 10-20g and fat is usually on target.

    Based on my eating goal it should be:
    Protein 85g
    Fat 46g
    Carb 156g
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So based on my new TDEE my macros should be Protein 25%, Fat 30%, and Carb 45%. Currently I have it at Protein 40%, Fat 25%, and Carb 35%. I'm 131lbs, 5'2", 35.2% BF and looking to lose weight. I do some weight training but mostly run 10-15 miles a week. Should I change my macros or leave it the way it is?

    Well, the % are based on your eating goal, not your TDEE.

    And you don't give enough info to answer your question (40% of what figure?) - so just follow the recommendations given.

    Are you hitting the grams of protein and fat recommended, no matter what % that happens to be?

    When you enter in the % in MFP, it shows you the grams right there.

    You're right, I did mean to say my eating goal and not my TDEE.

    So currently:
    Protein 130g
    Fat 36g
    Carb 114g

    I try to hit the grams but fall short on protein 10-20g and fat is usually on target.

    Based on my eating goal it should be:
    Protein 85g
    Fat 46g
    Carb 156g

    How are you getting 85g protein as a goal?
  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    So based on my new TDEE my macros should be Protein 25%, Fat 30%, and Carb 45%. Currently I have it at Protein 40%, Fat 25%, and Carb 35%. I'm 131lbs, 5'2", 35.2% BF and looking to lose weight. I do some weight training but mostly run 10-15 miles a week. Should I change my macros or leave it the way it is?

    Well, the % are based on your eating goal, not your TDEE.

    And you don't give enough info to answer your question (40% of what figure?) - so just follow the recommendations given.

    Are you hitting the grams of protein and fat recommended, no matter what % that happens to be?

    When you enter in the % in MFP, it shows you the grams right there.

    You're right, I did mean to say my eating goal and not my TDEE.

    So currently:
    Protein 130g
    Fat 36g
    Carb 114g

    I try to hit the grams but fall short on protein 10-20g and fat is usually on target.

    Based on my eating goal it should be:
    Protein 85g
    Fat 46g
    Carb 156g

    How are you getting 85g protein as a goal?

    Currently I intake about 115-120g with protein shakes, eggs, chicken, greek yogurt. My question was based on calculations I should be decreasing my protein to 85g and increasing fat and carbs. Was wondering if that's correct for me.
  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    So based on my new TDEE my macros should be Protein 25%, Fat 30%, and Carb 45%. Currently I have it at Protein 40%, Fat 25%, and Carb 35%. I'm 131lbs, 5'2", 35.2% BF and looking to lose weight. I do some weight training but mostly run 10-15 miles a week. Should I change my macros or leave it the way it is?

    Well, the % are based on your eating goal, not your TDEE.

    And you don't give enough info to answer your question (40% of what figure?) - so just follow the recommendations given.

    Are you hitting the grams of protein and fat recommended, no matter what % that happens to be?

    When you enter in the % in MFP, it shows you the grams right there.

    You're right, I did mean to say my eating goal and not my TDEE.

    So currently:
    Protein 130g
    Fat 36g
    Carb 114g

    I try to hit the grams but fall short on protein 10-20g and fat is usually on target.

    Based on my eating goal it should be:
    Protein 85g
    Fat 46g
    Carb 156g

    How are you getting 85g protein as a goal?

    Sorry I misread your question.

    Weight: 131
    LBM: 65

    1g x 131lbs x .65 = 85g
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Sorry I misread your question.

    Weight: 131
    LBM: 65

    1g x 131lbs x .65 = 85g

    Actually, it's 1g protein per lb of LBM, so even easier math, not sure what you are doing above. 65 grams.

    Are you sure you are 50% bodyfat though at only 131 lbs weight?

    131 lbs weight, less 65 lbs LBM (in other words, fat-free mass), leaves 66 lbs fat mass.

    That's 50%.

    If you mean LBM is 65% of weight, that would still mean bodyfat is 35%, still sounds high, but at least more in realm of reality.
    If that's what you meant, your math is correct then.
    Normally, bodyfat is given in %, LBM is given in lbs/kg.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So based on my new TDEE my macros should be Protein 25%, Fat 30%, and Carb 45%. Currently I have it at Protein 40%, Fat 25%, and Carb 35%. I'm 131lbs, 5'2", 35.2% BF and looking to lose weight. I do some weight training but mostly run 10-15 miles a week. Should I change my macros or leave it the way it is?

    Well, the % are based on your eating goal, not your TDEE.

    And you don't give enough info to answer your question (40% of what figure?) - so just follow the recommendations given.

    Are you hitting the grams of protein and fat recommended, no matter what % that happens to be?

    When you enter in the % in MFP, it shows you the grams right there.

    You're right, I did mean to say my eating goal and not my TDEE.

    So currently:
    Protein 130g
    Fat 36g
    Carb 114g

    I try to hit the grams but fall short on protein 10-20g and fat is usually on target.

    Based on my eating goal it should be:
    Protein 85g
    Fat 46g
    Carb 156g

    How are you getting 85g protein as a goal?

    Currently I intake about 115-120g with protein shakes, eggs, chicken, greek yogurt. My question was based on calculations I should be decreasing my protein to 85g and increasing fat and carbs. Was wondering if that's correct for me.

    Your current intake looks to be at a better level than the 85g. I would set your minimum at 100g - but the 115 - 120g is fine.
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    Thank you for this. Great information.
  • MyIdaho54
    MyIdaho54 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello! Complete newbie to the site and definitely a rookie relative to calculating nutrient targets... I am a 59 yr old male, 6 ft 2 in tall, weigh 300 pounds, and have an estimated BF% of 36.5% (Omron handheld BIA device). I have a desk job and live a mostly sedentary life. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week and maintain strength during the weight loss. I recently joined a gym and have started a beginners (full body) weight training program (lift for ~30 minutes + walk on treadmill for 30 minutes 3x/week). After the holidays I plan to add 2 or 3 more cardio days.

    Based on the above info, what targets should I set for caloric intake and macros? I'm thinking that I should consume:

    152 grams protein (300 lbs x 0.635 x 0.8 =152)
    75 grams fat (300 lbs x 0.25 = 75)
    210 grams of carbs
    total calories = 2123

    I work at a University and have access to research journals. Based on what I've read, it seems that I should be looking at a moderate protein (~35% of caloric intake), moderate cho (~40%) and fat (~25%). My blood triglycerides are elevated (~200) and HDL's are low (mid 20's). Reducing carbs and starting an exercise program should help both TG and HDL issues.

    Thanks for any help you can provide! Merry Christmas for those who celebrate the season!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hello! Complete newbie to the site and definitely a rookie relative to calculating nutrient targets... I am a 59 yr old male, 6 ft 2 in tall, weigh 300 pounds, and have an estimated BF% of 36.5% (Omron handheld BIA device). I have a desk job and live a mostly sedentary life. My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week and maintain strength during the weight loss. I recently joined a gym and have started a beginners (full body) weight training program (lift for ~30 minutes + walk on treadmill for 30 minutes 3x/week). After the holidays I plan to add 2 or 3 more cardio days.

    Based on the above info, what targets should I set for caloric intake and macros? I'm thinking that I should consume:

    152 grams protein (300 lbs x 0.635 x 0.8 =152)
    75 grams fat (300 lbs x 0.25 = 75)
    210 grams of carbs
    total calories = 2123

    I work at a University and have access to research journals. Based on what I've read, it seems that I should be looking at a moderate protein (~35% of caloric intake), moderate cho (~40%) and fat (~25%). My blood triglycerides are elevated (~200) and HDL's are low (mid 20's). Reducing carbs and starting an exercise program should help both TG and HDL issues.

    Thanks for any help you can provide! Merry Christmas for those who celebrate the season!

    Actually, those numbers look pretty good to me. You could probably eat more, but there should be no issue with starting off a little aggressively at first considering you have a bit to lose. I would try those numbers, log as accurately as possible, monitor your weight, and reassess in 4 - 6 weeks, or if you find your adherence or energy levels impacted. If you do, please feel free to start a thread here and we can try to come up with suggestions/advice. I would also reassess after you lose a reasonable amount as you may want to start bumping your protein up a bit at that stage. At present, I would not be concerned about it.
  • rew1469
    rew1469 Posts: 25 Member
  • I am so confused right now, please help!

    I'm female, age 49, current weight is 144kg (317lbs) and height 164cm (5'5.5")

    Used to calculate BMR (2092) and TDEE (2615). No exercise, as such, was included in this calculation, as I'm not currently doing any. But I want to start training - both strength & cardio.

    1) I have a lot of fat/weight to lose, so would a 30% deficit be OK? If so then I should essentially be eating 70% of my TDEE? Have I got that right? And then if I do additional exercise on any given day, I can/should eat back 70% of the calories burned too? Or 100%? Or 0%?

    2.) My second question is about macros. I read you suggest protein at 1g/lb of LBM. How do I calculate that? Have tried various methods and calculators using a measuring tape (all I have available to me) and got BF% ranging from 46% to 74%... do I just split the difference and say 60%? This would give me a minimum of 58g protein.
    And fat? 0.35g/lb of total body weight would give me 111g of fat, which I should maybe reduce a bit.
    Most carbs (excluding veggies) are trigger foods for me, so I like the idea of keeping carbs to a minimum.
    Playing with the numbers, trying to work things out, I got even more confused!
    If I keep my fat grams to the minimum 111g, keep my carbs to a maximum of 100g, and increase my protein grams to whatever they need to be (to eat the right number of calories), then would that work?

    Please tell me if I have completely lost the plot! I feel like I'm making some sense (to me, anyway), but I could quite conceivably have got it all wrong!

    Any advice would be much appreciated,
    Regards, Mandy