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  • dashaclaire
    dashaclaire Posts: 127 Member
    Hi my name is Dasha, I'm 31 and a bartender. I'm engaged to a chef (skinny me saboteur) and we have no kids. I have two fur babies, a Boxer and a Frenchie. I'm 163lbs now, 175 lbs at my heaviest, and aiming for 140 lbs. I've lost all the weight on MFP before but then completely fell of the wagon. We have spent the last 3 years caring for his elderly parents (so I've seen what the end of the road looks like if you don't take care of your body), his father passed in June and now my Mom is fighting cancer (she is on a super strict diet though so a great influence). I have always comforted myself with food and it's showing on my tummy and thighs. I hate exercise BUT last time I hit my ideal weight it still looked flabby so exercise must be in the mix this time. I am doing Kettleworx.

    My real life friends are either super healthy already or fat and fine with it... So I could use some MFP friends?
  • steengod
    steengod Posts: 35 Member

    I am from Denmark.

    I have lost about 35 kilo since march and is working on loosing 5 more before we reach 2014.

    I ride my bicycle, walk, workout on shapemaster training and play some Wii games too
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    Hello I'm Nicky. I'm 37 and from Illinois. I have two active kids I need to keep up with. I lost close to 50 pounds using WW but when life got busy and I could no longer make it to the meetings I fell off the wagon and gained 12 back. I recently became inspired by a coworker using MFP and decided to give it a try and finally reach my goal!!
  • llabruce4
    llabruce4 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey ya'll, my name is Laurence and I am looking to get back in the shape I was in in college. I am fairly active, but still eat like I did in my early 20s and am trying to change that aspect of my lifestyle. This seems to be a great tool, and I would love any support I can get, and also help anyone else if I can
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    I don't think people come around here too much. :) Welcome!!
  • HI Im Tina. Im a 35 yr old and I have a 6 yr old daughter. I work full time as a nurse . I want to lose 50 lbs. I am just as heavy now as I aas after I had my baby since I gained twenty lbs after breaking my foot. I was in the military for 5 yrs so working out isnt new to me I just need to get back into the habit of doing it. Ive also never really TRIED to lose weight by tracking my calories and exercising so I am hoping this works. Im 5'10" so a goal weight of 150 is good for me. Feel free to add me to your friends list I could use extra motivation. I live in Iowa btw. HAVE A GREAT NIGHT !! :-)
  • webneb
    webneb Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all, Im Ben, 33. Started my fitness journey in 2013. I Live in Townsville, Australia and always happy to meet fitness fans. I lost 22 kgs in 8 months and am totally addicted to fitness. I train frequently, I eat really well and have completely altered my diet forever and I am always keep my self accountable for what I consume. I am a huge fan of calisthenics, My profile pic shows the last 6 months. Feel free to add me . I have a page on FB (https://www.facebook.com/BensFitnessPage) and Pinterest (http://www.pinterest.com/webneb), I post motivational stuff, exercises and recipes and am always good for advice as I have done alot of research and met some truly awesome people who continually drive me.
  • Jenn_M_76
    Jenn_M_76 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Jenn, 37, from Saskatchewan, Canada.

    I'm really excited to restart my journey and finally reach my goals. Looking for as many friends/motivators/supporters as I can get. I am going to do this!

    Talk to you soon! :happy:
  • Mischieviousme777
    Mischieviousme777 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello all! I'm Di from SW Virginia. I'm new to the group, but not new to MFP by any means. I had a great thing going last year before I started juggling priorities and being healthy fell by the wayside. I had lost a bunch of weight in the early part of last year, but gained all but 10 lbs of it back. So here I am- back on the wagon again. I'm hoping to gain some new friends. Together we can keep a fire under each other's *kitten* when we just want to throw in the towel.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Hello! I'm Sarah, 30 years old, not new to MFP but new to the GROUPS feature. I've always been at the top end of a healthy BMI until the last year when I've got over it. I'd like to lose about 15 lbs. and I'm 4 down so far. I'm getting married in May but that's not my motivation. I want to change my lifestyle to be a healthier, more active and happy "30 something."
  • veggiemama81
    veggiemama81 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone! I was pretty active for a long time but then I suffered an injury, turned 30, and changed careers all at once. Needless to say, my active lifestyle and my metabolism both went south. I'm looking to lose 20 pounds. I've started running again, which was always my favorite, but boy have I slowed down!
  • Hello. My name is Beth and I am looking to connect with some 30 something mommies who are struggling on their weight loss journey. I need support. I need people I can message with and talk to. Open up to. I am ready to do this. I have about 35 pounds to lose and am more ready now than ever. Can't wait to follow all of your success stories.
  • steffanutter
    steffanutter Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Stefanie and I'll be 31 in 4 days *yay?* lol. I'm getting back on track after gaining back practically all the weight I lost. It's frustrating after all that hard work but I am determined to shed it all this time and get to toning and maintenance! Always looking for support and will be happy to motivate when needed!

  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Hi all. I'm 35, turning 36 in 12 days. 36 is my scary age :( Mum was 36 when I was born and I was always teased at school for having an old Mum hence I have this stigma that 36 is old (when its so not!)

    I have a nearly 4 year old daughter and have been with my husband for 19 years this year. I work full time in the same industry since I was 18. Life is... stagnant. I feel a mid life crisis coming on :D
  • nmulrick
    nmulrick Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone!! I am a single 32 year old and live in NE Ohio. I teach students with severe special needs at the high school level and absolutely LOVE my job!

    Just getting back on track and working on losing some extra weight! I love yoga and running! I have done some 5ks and 10ks in the past and would love to complete some more this year! Maybe even a half marathon?! :)

    Always looking for friends! Feel free to add me!
    Best of luck on a healthy 2014!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    A big welcome to those of you I have missed these past few months. I hope you all are still active and kicking @ss!

  • Hello everyone. :) I'm Melissa...I checked out the 20's group because I'm 29 but seemed to not fit in really. Figured since I'm a momma and almost 30 I can hopefully relate to you all better. I have 6 kids, 3 of which are my own. My boyfriend, of 5 years and I decided to make some changes in our lives. It has been hard keeping up with the kids lately and I seem to be having more health issues. In the past I've had a harder time loosing weight but here I am at it again. I'm really wanting to change my life so I can enjoy our kids for a lot longer. Any new friend request are always welcome, due to needing some motivation and inspirations. Hope all of your journeys are going well and look forward to mine as well.
  • Hi, I'm Maria, turning 36 on Feb. 26

    I gained weight after an extremely stressful 2012 and 2013 and want my old self back BAD! :-)

    I used to love to workout and kept myself fit and healthy up until I hurt my knees training for a 1/2 marathon (which I successfully completed!). This and bunch of other life junk really threw me off the wagon.

    I'm at my highest weight (180) and would love to get back to my happy range of 145-150
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Melissa and Maria. I have been on a few hiatus due to some personal issues but I am back as a mod and would like to restart the weekly weigh ins. I usually did it by spreadsheet (Google docs) and posted the updated link weekly. I hope to see you on there!


  • vickijl83
    vickijl83 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I'm Vicki

    I'm 31 and from Nottinghamshire, UK. I'm New to all this and terrible at talking about myself but here goes; At university I pretty much drank myself stupid and ate rubbish for 4 years and my weight has crept up since then, I managed to brave getting on the scales yesterday (first time in around 10 years, although I don't actually remember the last time) and well, let's just say it was considerably more than I was expecting........ so here I am :D
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