The ye ol' welcome post.



  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi, Im starting a second round of Insanity on Monday! I lost 10lbs first time around and hoping to lose some more weight again! x
  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    Hello there,
    First round of insanity.
    Recovery week day 5 today.
    Slightly worried about month 2!
    2lb down and 15 inches lost so far, hoping for a bit more fat loss in month 2 :)
  • Hi, did the fit test, it was hard but you have start somewhere, Im excited to do my 1st workout tomorrow. Can I ask someone for advice, I just cant do push ups, I go down but I just cant get back up, will this change. The push up test I scored 1, embarrassing. But im so determined to succeed.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Week 4/Day 3 today and I have sadly seen no results yet (weight, inches, or body fat) and I’ve followed the program to the T as well as eating within my calorie range every day with the exception of a day here or there. It’s starting to get a little defeating I will admit. Putting in a month’s work of the hardest exercise I’ve ever done with no physical change is hard to swallow, but I continue to push on and blindly trust the process. Looking forward to recovery week next week.
  • Phia77
    Phia77 Posts: 5 Member
    I recently started Insanity, I've done day 2 today and hoping to continue this way. So far, it's been hard when actually doing the exercises but then after I'm done it feels like it wasn't that hard.
  • I finished T25 including Gamma a week ago and was looking for the next program to kick my butt. I've tried Insanity before, but I don't think I even lasted through all of month 1. Hoping that joining this group will help give me the motivation to keep hitting play and pushing myself to give it my all during every workout.
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, I have just ordered my Insanity videos and expect to receive them Wednesday the 18th. So I will likely start Friday the 20th since I have bowling Thursday. I'm a little scared to start as I am horribly out of shape, but look forward to this helping me get back to my college look of flat stomach and in shape. I'm also hoping it will help get me motivated to start training for the Spartan Race I'm planning on Doing May 10th next year....EEK
  • toneH2T
    toneH2T Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Candy, I live in southern Arizona, way South. I'm a Park Ranger Law Enforcement Officer. I completed the police academy August 1, 2013 and just want to keep the level of fitness I achieved during my training. Not only do I need to be physically fit for my job, I want to stay fit for my health. I'm 34 years old and want to keep my body looking good for the long haul:) living in such an isolated location, I noticed my fitness level slipping and my weight increasing so I wanna nip it in the bud so to speak and get back in top shape. 

    I'm 5'6.5" and weigh 135 now. I'm okay with this weight but feel better at 125ish. I'm waiting for my Insanity DVD's to get here, hopefully by Christmas, so I can get started. I'll make sure to take day 1 photos and measurements so I can post my progress. 

    I am hoping to get and give motivation in this group and get some tips on diet and calorie intake etc... I never have had to keep track much before since I've always been an athlete and burned as much as I ate but I think my metabolism has slowed as I'm getting older every year (boo:/) So, I guess that's all from me. I'm looking forward to this journey and getting to know everyone here better.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    ^^ Welcome, Candy. If you enjoy cardio burn, then I'm sure you'll love Insanity as much as we(well, most of us, lol) do :)
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone :) I just started Insanity on Saturday and so far I love it but omg I know why they call it insanity LOL today is Day 3 and I'm looking forward to getting home after work to do my workout and terrified at the same time :) my legs are soo sore, people at work were laughing at me because I'm walking funny, but it's for a good reason so I'm happy and very happy to see there's a support group :)
  • Hi All,
    I'm on week 3 of Insanity and so far have lost 6 pounds! It's hard and sometimes i really lack motivation but so far have not given up and am definitely feeling the improvements :)
  • day 3 amd im aching!!! Im wondering if i should take a day off and just jog?? or should i try the workout even i think my calfes and lower back will give out on me lol
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Hi All. Name is Colleen, I'm 25 years old (almost 26). Tomorrow's workout will mark 3 weeks of Insanity.

    I have always been fairly active, until this past year. So when 2014 hit, I decided to push myself into getting back in shape. So basically I went from the couch to Insanity.

    I do stop and take a breather every so often, never more than 15 seconds, since I am not in the greatest shape.

    Has anyone else experienced the 2nd month being extremely too tough since the first month was a sweat fest? I dont want to get to the 2nd month and get discouraged because I am loving the results and the way I feel so far!
  • dabucks
    dabucks Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, I'm Dave. I'm in week 3 of Insanity and am loving the program so far. I'm not following the nutrition guide, but am using MFP to change my diet and keep tack of my caloric intake.

    My goals are:
    1. Complete Insanity
    2. Drop 30 lbs
    3. Reassess my fitness goals at that point and do Insanity again or another similar program.

    Anyone in Insanity may add me to the friends list!
  • Hi everyone. I start Insanity Today. Got the Calendar up on my fridge and I'm ready to finish it this time! I only made it to week two last time then I got derailed by a flu that had me out for over a month. I am seriously motivated this time though!!!
    Accepting friends as well :)

    I'm 36, I'm a mum that lives in Australia (originally American) and I love my family. My little boy is 2.5 and I really need to get more fit to keep up with him. I'm also tired of the doctors saying "Oh, you're Obese" and my feet hurting cause I'm carrying too much weight. In June I'm going home to Hi to visit my family and I have a bathing suit that I WILL WEAR!!! when I am there. Let's do this!!
  • SisterMcKenzie
    SisterMcKenzie Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! Started today because my jeans are too tight to wait for another Monday! I used to do crossfit 2x a week but got inconsistent - I let my self-esteem get the better of me (finishing last all the time gets old), I can only do AM workouts so it was a haul to prep everything at night and then leave the house at the crack, and at the end of the day, it was too expensive for an activity I only had lukewarm feelings about. I may reconsider after a round of the Insanity.

    My goals are to finish, to do the workouts as consistently as possible, and to have great before and after pics!

    I follow a "mostly" paleo diet with some dairy.

    Well, go us!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    *walks into the room with a wave and a slightly nervous smile*

    Hi.. My name is Nareena The Gypsy.. Just Nar for short is fine. I am 38 and have lost a little over 50 lbs in the last 1.5 years. I still have 50 more to go so I am not fully able to do all the hoppy jumpy moves, but I am trying! I started jogging and running 5K and 10K races in April 2012 and have been keeping up with that but thought it's time for a change. I need something to work the entirety of my body, not just my legs lol. I started Insanity on 2/2 for the Fit Test. I was told, I was warned and I knew just how hard this would be. I was wrong. It wasn't "so" hard that I couldn't do it, and I pushed onward (yay!). I did Cardio Plyo on Monday.. wow, hard. I missed Tue and wasn't feeling well on Wed to do more than get out of bed and sit at my desk all day :(.

    I got back at it on Thur and did day 3.. this morning was Cardio Recovery. Thankfully it was a "rest" because dear god.. lol. After Cardio Plyo I was so sore I could barely walk on Wed (after 1.5 days off no less).

    At any rate, my goal is to get all the way through Insanity fully. No offense to those who've started before and quit.. but I am just not one to let go easily. I want this. I want it enough that I will push through and do it, even if there's a few missed days in between. 60 days may take me 70 but by god, I'm going to finish it lol.
  • weelies
    weelies Posts: 8 Member
    I'm considering doing Insanity but I'm 42, overweight with bad knees/back. Anyone else start out this way and how did you adapt through it?
  • Hey Everyone!

    I'm Aja. I'm currently in week 3 of Insanity and I'm loving it. I've tried to complete Insanity once before, and stopped just after recovery week (lame, I know!) I'm determined this time around to make it the whole way and then some. This s**t is bananas!

    Feel free to add me if anyone wants support or someone to just vent to, I'm here :D
  • craz33me
    craz33me Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the site, but not so new to insanity(kinda).
    When I was in highschool our softball coach required us to do insanity on the days that we weren't lifting during off season. I've noticed I've gained a little weight, and honestly, I was happier with how I was back then. So I've decided to start insanity again. Tonight was my first night. :)