What I did right today



  • PrairiePride49
    PrairiePride49 Posts: 45 Member
    What I did right today!!! I started tracking again and got back to MFP! I am taking things easy as I've been a caregiver these last 3 weeks and have had very little time to do anything for Christmas. One thing at a time and trying to eliminate the stress. Did wrap the ornaments for the grandkids. And I am going quilting with my quilting group tonight despite the snow and cold!
  • Yahweh1
    Yahweh1 Posts: 16 Member
    Did 10,000 steps using Fitbit today and completed 20 floors. Went to the movies with a friend I have not seen in months and ate reasonably well. 5 inches of snow here. Amazingly beautiful as it is still clinging to the trees.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Did 10,000 steps using Fitbit today and completed 20 floors.

    That is great!!!

    What I did right:

    Knew we were eating out and I would want wine with dinner so kept the cals. down so I could have it.

    First NSV, realized I just can't eat as much as I used to. Hubby and I split one entree, and we both took left overs, enough for each of us to have a full meal again. So I only had 1/4th of the meal for dinner. In the past I would have eaten the whole entree, by myself with no left overs.

    Second NSV, tried on my gold band ring that I took off about 18 months ago because I didn't want to deprive my finger of blood :noway: .
    Put it on very easily last night and tried a dinner ring as well. I haven't worn it in years, that one not only went on easily it kept slipping around because it is a largish ring. I don't have the jewelry gene, so hadn't really thought much about those rings for sometime. But it was nice to be able to wear the gold band again, since it serves as my wedding ring, my great great grandfather made it, he was a goldsmith. It is super simple band but has sentimental meaning for me.

    So I considered yesterday a very good day!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right today!!! I started tracking again and got back to MFP! I am taking things easy as I've been a caregiver these last 3 weeks and have had very little time to do anything for Christmas. One thing at a time and trying to eliminate the stress. Did wrap the ornaments for the grandkids. And I am going quilting with my quilting group tonight despite the snow and cold!

    Glad you are tracking, I find that is what is helping me the most.
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Friday 12-13-13

    My day started with 30 minutes of yoga....
    Then took my car to the dealer for it's 5000 mile 'check-up"
    Then picked up my vaccum - it was also in for it's yearly 'check-up'
    Then I filled my gas tank...(in my car..hehehe!)
    Then I walked 1/2 mile on the treadmill, before I got ready for my 5 hour work day!

    And - I am going to stay positive in thoughts and actions today....no negative people will get me in their cloud of glum!

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member

    And - I am going to stay positive in thoughts and actions today....no negative people will get me in their cloud of glum!


    ^^^^ This is so RIGHT!!!

    What I did right:
    Stayed within my cals.
    Passed on the wine, saving that for tonight.
    Roasted butternut squash, baby squash, and made a casserole of cauliflower with Alfredo Sauce (lots of cauliflower so it make 8 serves with the same amount of sauce to lower the cals.)
    Stocked up on chicken stock, since I'll need some for butternut squash soup.
    Got new snow tires so I will be less stressed driving into work when I have to start doing that again.
    Had a treat of skinny peppermint mocha, the 100 cals that fit within my day's cals. allowance.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    What I did right today has nothing to do with eating which is more under control today, but still not good. Anyway to focus on the positive--

    Bought 2 huge pointsettia plans to put in front of the fireplace. We don't get a tree anymore and these last longer.
    Helped hubby get small gifts ready to mail to his grandkids which I will do tomorrow.
    Finished addressing Christmas cards (not too many) and will get them in the mail tomorrow, too.
    Did some laundry so hubby can have clean clothes for work tomorrow.

    All in all, it was a pretty good day.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Doing it right isn't always about food. It is how you view your life when you get right down to it.

    What I did right:

    Took care of DH, he has a coughy cold. He got chicken soup foot rubs, and meds to make it all better.

    Stayed under my cals. And had my champers within those cals.

    Did my first Zumba workout in weeks. After New Orleans, I just started doing step aerobics and dancing to digital music. Finally getting back to a more structured experience.

    Had a wonderful time at the art musuem, before hubby started feeling really miserable we had gone to see the Passport to Paris exhibit. Learned a lot about some painters I already thought I knew a lot about. I was most impressed with Gaugin's hand written, painted dinner menu for a dinner party he gave in Tahiti The exhibit covered 300 years of French painting ( a few American Impressionist were in the section about landscapes). I love Impressionists and the pre/post ones as well. So this was really a great experience for me.
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Monday 12-16-13

    Today...yoga and walked....:smile:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    What I did right today--

    Christmas cards in the mail!
    Christmas presents to grand kids in Baton Rouge mailed.
    Picked up the DD coffee while it was still on sale.
    Sent emails to my kids to begin the process of planning Christmas dinner.

    All in all it was a very productive day.
  • ppaolini4340
    what I did right yesterday.

    Added more protein to my diet by adding the protein powder to my oatmeal in the morning. Got all my daughter's presents for her kids wrapped and delivered back to her. Talked to my elderly neighbor who lost her husband last year to make sure she would not be alone for Christmas. Ordered my hubby's Christmas present. Boy will he be surprised. Got two lasagna's made for two different Christmas parties this week. Must be my Italian last name that makes people request that dish from me. First party at wood working class tonight so I have prayed real hard for lots of will power.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Way to go everyone who is posting their Rights!!! :flowerforyou::heart::flowerforyou: :heart:

    What I did right:

    Kept within cals. just barely but did it.

    Decided to mix it up, I have been stalled for a week or so now. So went in and did a recalculation of my TDEE - 20% on MFP not IIFYM site which I had been humming along on nicely till last couple of weeks. I was at a higher weight last time I did this, so my daily cals. are now lowered, but I can eat all my exercise cals at this level. I think the stall was from eating them back at the higher level. It is a journey, and I had to make a detour I guess. :grumble:

    Went to see the holiday lights at the Denver Botanical Gardens last night and had just the hot chocolate, no hot roasted pecans that made the air smell heavenly. I really wanted those but decided I could live with just the hot chocolate, since the pecans would haven taken me over my cals. for the day. It was well over 40 degrees out last night so it was a comfortable outing. Full moon just added to the enchantment of the evening.

    Almost forgot, I am planning out the food to take into work with me, since there will be soooooo very much junk food around. I am kinda dreading that part of this work change. At home I control the junk in the house totally, but in the work place it is a whole different scenario. Going in will also increase the stress level, all the day managers around interrupting your work etc. I have found my stress management CDs. and will be listening to one of those each day when I get home and probably while I get dressed and prepped for work in the mornings too. Driving really stresses me out as well. So I am planning, planning, planning. And yes I am scared of what all this is going to do to my weight loss efforts. Last time I put on the weight it took my 4 yrs. to get rid of in about 18 months. I really need to get in touch with my inner warrior princess.


    Make good choices today My Friends.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Today I--

    Finished wrapping presents
    Got my chocolate and calorie intake under control for the first time in over a week. If I can do it one day, I can do it again tomorrow.
    Relearning to take it one day at a time.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right (last couple of days)

    Packed my lunches so I didn't eat the garbage at work and OMG there was tons of it.

    Stayed within cals.

    Driving really tightened up my neck, I stress very badly when I have to drive in the dark, and I will be doing that for till March when the days are longer. Since I could still feel the tightness after dinner I asked my husband to massage it till the pain went away.

    Did my step aerobics and later did some dumbell work. I am seeing some improvement in my strength finally.

    Stayed within my cals.

    Learning how to use digifit better, it does more than I am using it for, I think it is a good tool for my fitness goals.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Where is everyone, busy playing with toys Santa brought you or finishing off the left overs from the feasting :devil: :devil:

    What I did right:

    Staying within cals because I am still not over this crude I caught from my DH. he was over it in 3 days I'm into my second week.

    Did yoga because I have no energy for aerobics these days, I don't log yoga either, it is like brushing my teeth to me.

    Logged on here to get some energy and inspiration but no one is playing in the MFP sandbox it looks like.

    Hope everyone gets back on track soon. Remember each day is getting a little bit longer, here comes the Sun.
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    Cool topic!

    - Went to gym; added 10 min to treadmill part of workout
    - Had "set meal" brunch; easier for me to control calories with several pre-determined meal options
    - Got rid of all lingering Christmas treats (gave to adult children)

    I'm celebrating holding my maintenance goal weight over the holidays! Used to be a time of gain for me (and "Oh, what can you do?" excuses), but since I found MFP, I am able to handle it.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    I'm celebrating holding my maintenance goal weight over the holidays! Used to be a time of gain for me (and "Oh, what can you do?" excuses), but since I found MFP, I am able to handle it.

    That is great, well done You!!

    What I did right:

    Got myself moving again, cold and cough is almost gone, rejoining the human race instead of being a zombie.

    Increasing my protein intake to keep muscle, no good being skinny if you only have fat left on the body!!

    Froze some of the left over goodies for later in the year. Not bad stuff just tired of consuming the samethings over and over.

    Told hubby to take biscotti to his office and get it out of my house.
  • Candiedginger
    Candiedginger Posts: 19 Member
    This is a great topic! I was reading an article on Spark that stated optimists live longer and are healthier than pessimists, so I'm trying to be positive. I went to an exercise class today even though I really didn't feel like it. I also stopped eating pizza and brownies before I got carried away. I finished a great Sandra Brown book called "Envy." I talked with two relatives who aren't feeling well. I had a good day!

    Loved Envy it was a great t book. I'm just finishing up Ricochet. A positive outlook has keeped me young. Better to find the good in life.
  • nursy14
    nursy14 Posts: 34 Member
    walked 3 miles with walk away the lbs and did not drink any diet pop today for the first time in over 30yrs wow its hard to stop I want one so bad its crazy!!
  • PrairiePride49
    PrairiePride49 Posts: 45 Member
    Great topic!
    What I did right today! - started looking after me - read an article by Diane Petrella - 14 Mind Power Tips for a Healthier You in 2014
    - filled 3 water bottles so I would drink more water
    - made a calendar and filled in some days just for my wellness!