What I did right today



  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    walked 3 miles with walk away the lbs and did not drink any diet pop today for the first time in over 30yrs wow its hard to stop I want one so bad its crazy!!

    I gave up diet coke 2 years ago and replaced it with unsweetened ice tea and water. It actually was not that hard to do. Now if I take a sip of one, OMG tastes horrible. You can do it! Good luck to you.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    walked 3 miles with walk away the lbs and did not drink any diet pop today for the first time in over 30yrs wow its hard to stop I want one so bad its crazy!!

    I gave up diet coke 2 years ago and replaced it with unsweetened ice tea and water. It actually was not that hard to do. Now if I take a sip of one, OMG tastes horrible. You can do it! Good luck to you.

    I gave up pop about 6 yrs ago, only occasionally will I have one and really don't enjoy them anymore. Unsweetened tea and water and herbal teas are all wonderful stuff.

    You can do it. You will save a bunch of money and reduce your recycling needs as well. Talk about a WIN-WIN.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right:

    Caught up on logging.

    Went outside and enjoyed the almost 60 degree day even with the wind.

    Did some reading when I felt like a snack :bigsmile:

    Thought about my goals for the coming year, no resolutions, just goals I want to accomplish in 2014. Will do a post of those when I decide what I want to get done in Q1.

    Removed the black out curtains and let the sunshine in the bedroom that I had used for my day sleeping room now that I am working days again. I forgot how bright and cheery that room can be on the sun streaming in was breath taking.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    This is actually what I did right yesterday. I brushed my teeth, went to bed to watch some TV. The hubs brings in the cheetos. Love those and he asked if I wanted some, I almost said yes please, but instead said no, I like the idea of losing more weight over eating those cheetos, plus, I brushed my teeth, I can not eat! Yay, my saying worked for me again, finally.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Californiagirl--good job rejecting those Cheetos!

    What I did right today--I've started using my Waterpik at night; also started craving/eating more vegetables--mostly carrots, celery, radishes, cucumbers and tomatoes.:bigsmile:
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Glad everyone is finding the right things in their lives.

    What I did right:

    Split a dinner I would normally have eaten alone with DH. Ending up only slightly over with the cals for the day.

    Did not over eat at work! I was so stressed after driving in on the dark, icy roads, I thought about getting a breakfast burrito, but I had my oatmeal with protein powder before I left home. Having a second breakfast wasn't going to do anything for me but make me mad at myself later in the day.
  • Candiedginger
    Candiedginger Posts: 19 Member
    Driving really tightened up my neck, I stress very badly when I have to drive in the dark, and I will be doing that for till March when the days are longer. Since I could still feel the tightness after dinner I asked my husband to massage it till the pain went away.

    I hate driving at night,:grumble: and if it's raining I can't see worth a penny. I have a small touch of night blindess and it stress me out. I'm so glad your husband is a sweety and will message your neck to make the pain go away.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right today:

    Realized I have really slip the last couple of days and decided to start off my day with MFP. I must track my food and I have to get some exercise. Got to get back on track.:grumble:

    I'll check in later and hopefully, will have more rights to post :smile:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    What I did right today has nothing to do with food--I haven't fallen on this ice this year even though it seems like with every other step I took yesterday and today while running errands I found a toe or a heel slipping. So YAY for me and not falling.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right today has nothing to do with food--I haven't fallen on this ice this year even though it seems like with every other step I took yesterday and today while running errands I found a toe or a heel slipping. So YAY for me and not falling.

    Actually that is HUGE. Balance is improved through exercising. You have made progress that has resulted in a better quality of life. Slipping and falling on ice can be deadly, so easy to get a brain injury. That is what killed Dr. Atkins of the Atkins diet fame.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right:

    Stayed under my cals goal for the day.

    FOUND my HRM and organized myself so after I drop off hubby at the bus stop tomorrow I can go home and do some real exercising which I haven't done since I came down with the crude everyone around me is getting too. I still have a cough, but it is so much better.

    Looked at my last couple of months and faced the truth, I pretty much have stayed the same no progress. Yes I avoided packing on 10 lbs or so but I made no progress. Part of that was being sick but some of it was just not eating as good as I could have.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Yesterday, I logged everything I ate. I did my upper body exercises for about 35 - 45 minutes. I stuck to my plan and my allotted calories. I ate healthy foods. After dinner, I had only my allotted snacks, and didn't overeat (a big challenge for me is night time eating). So, I did well yesterday.

    Today has just started, but so far, I've had a healthy breakfast and logged it. Going to physical therapy in a little while.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right:

    Logged everything, as usual. I am getting very good at this, I had a couple of days where I didn't and I don't like the feeling that gave me.

    Exercised for just over an hour, burned over 500 cals. and I did not cough nor have difficulty breathing. A sign the crude is subsiding finally.

    Learning about using foam rollers for releasing stress in muscles. Hubby did a session and it helped him so much he bought a roller and had a private session with a trainer who uses them. Very interesting stuff.
  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    :happy: How did I miss this thread until now! I love it! I stayed home from work today to take care of myself. Feeling cruddy with the irrational weather changes that always affect my sinuses. I called my daughter to wish her a Happy Birthday, and I stayed under my calorie goal after a stressful week of going over most days.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right yesterday:

    Shared dinner with husband, too many carbs for just me.

    Made it home in one piece, I had some doubts about that. At one point I just wanted to close my eyes, not a good idea on a busy highway. Driving to work is so stressful to me and driving back home after commuting in and working 12.5 hrs. is not very stress relieving either.

    What I did right today:
    Logged in early for encouragement and inspiration.

    Catching up on logging from yesterday, I was too busy to log my food, but I can fix that!

    Dug out some old DVDs so I can mix up my indoor aerobics workouts. More motivating after being indoors doing the same old same old.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What I did right yesterday:

    Had all three meals at home, our normal routine is out to breakfast and lunch on Sats. But instead we had breaksfast at home and it was such a lovely day decided to picnic for lunch and at dinner realized me had two already grilled up bison burgers, just waiting to be eaten, so I make some potato salad and we had dinner at home too. This is big for us we like eating out on the weekends and to eat all 3 meals at home is a big change.

    Walked with hubby by the lake when we did the picnic that is a bit over a mile around.

    Went back to TDEE so will not be eating back any exercise cals. so my newsfeed is going to be showing 1 cal for exercise, I need to log it to do it I just don't want to eat back cals. I haven't lost since early Dec. and think going back to TDEE-20% will do it for me, I had good results from it in the past.

    Finally got all the Christmas decorations down and put away with help from DH.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    Had a day off work and was feeling great! Got some retirement information reviewed and prepped menus and meals for the next week! even used up the last of my ricotta to make zeppoles (Italian doughnuts!) and only ate one. The rest are frozen and will go to my parents group on Wednesday! Good for me! :bigsmile:
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Had a day off work and was feeling great! Got some retirement information reviewed and prepped menus and meals for the next week! even used up the last of my ricotta to make zeppoles (Italian doughnuts!) and only ate one. The rest are frozen and will go to my parents group on Wednesday! Good for me! :bigsmile:

    I am finally off work for a few days too. I am also reading retirement information. Lots changed with the turn of the new year. Good thing I am catching up.

    Those donuts sound awesome. Please do not share the recipe, I'd rather just imagine them :bigsmile:

    What I did right:

    Did not stuff my face when I got stressed out yesterday at work, always a victory.

    Shared the margarita I foolishly ordered, hubby insisted on saving me from myself and drank half of it thank goodness!! And I have the second half of the meal I had in the fridge for lunch later today. Portion size is very critical to hitting the cals targets and the macros too. I think it is sinking into my thick head finally.

    Today is my 200th day of logging in. I have learned to log my food and exercise, yea ME. Gave thanks for MFPals and tracking.

    Realized I am on a plateau and need to find a way to get off of it but I feel so much better, look so much better, and am so much happier than when I joined MFP in July, I am finding motivation slightly challenging. But I have more hope of success this time.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I came back......:bigsmile: ........

    .....again! :ohwell:

    And I just stood up and sat down and stood up and sat down....40 times! :bigsmile:

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    What i did right (SAT)

    A whole lot of heavy snow shoveling!!

    Kept within my cals goal.

    Found some good info on Paleo Diet, I will be looking into that more closely as I get to the point where I have less to lose, I think it might be a good maintenance plan.