Welcome! Say hello....



  • RunMamaMaya
    RunMamaMaya Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm from Seattle and a vegan. I lift weights and run. Currently training for my next half marathon which is on Mother's Day.

    I started to see that my nutrition was lacking so I thought I should get serious with tracking on MyFitnessPal. Since I'm here I figured I should join some groups and add some friends. Please feel free to add me I can use all the MFP friends I can get :smile:
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Vicki and RunMamaMaya. The group mod (me) is starting to wake up and get back into the groove. Had to step away to take care of some things a few months ago but I normally am pretty active on here.

    I have just posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0) I am working on starting up some new challenges for this next quarter so I hope to see you all in one of them. :drinker:

    Oh, Maya congrats on training for the half! I have yet to have done one myself but hope to try one this year. :smile:

  • jmgranger30
    Hello, new here from Ohio, USA. Not real sure yet what I want, or how to go about doing it. But its only Day 1, right? I've always been chunky, and I've never really had a problem with it. I was active, healthy, and just bigger - and still able to line dance circles around the tiny 20 somethings at my local watering hole.

    I got a new job a year ago, and I've put on about 20 lbs since then. I used to work retail, where I was always on my feet and constantly moving. This new job has me sitting at a desk like a slug all day, so I suppose I have to do something to combat that. I know, I sound really super thrilled to be starting this. I'm not. But I'm also not thrilled at having just gone out and bought my first (and hopefully last) pair of size 22 jeans. (Spent 10+ years as a solid 16-18). If I get back there, I will consider it worth the hassle of a diet.

    Anyone else out there as apathetic about this as I am? LOL.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello, new here from Ohio, USA. Not real sure yet what I want, or how to go about doing it. But its only Day 1, right? I've always been chunky, and I've never really had a problem with it. I was active, healthy, and just bigger - and still able to line dance circles around the tiny 20 somethings at my local watering hole.

    I got a new job a year ago, and I've put on about 20 lbs since then. I used to work retail, where I was always on my feet and constantly moving. This new job has me sitting at a desk like a slug all day, so I suppose I have to do something to combat that. I know, I sound really super thrilled to be starting this. I'm not. But I'm also not thrilled at having just gone out and bought my first (and hopefully last) pair of size 22 jeans. (Spent 10+ years as a solid 16-18). If I get back there, I will consider it worth the hassle of a diet.

    Anyone else out there as apathetic about this as I am? LOL.

    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group jmgranger30! I have been the slug for the past 5 years and yes it sucks, a lot. I started this journey enthusiastically in 2010 but over the years I got burned out. After a few months of a mental vacation I am back , with less enthusiasm but more determination to get these last 10lbs off. Not going to run a marathon anytime soon and not sure if I truly want to but I know this has to be done. Try your best to find something semi enjoyable to do as an exercise and compromise on the food. Baby steps. :0)

  • jmgranger30

    Try your best to find something semi enjoyable to do as an exercise and compromise on the food. Baby steps. :0)


    Thanks Jo. Baby steps is right.
  • MandaDC
    MandaDC Posts: 2 Member
    Hello my name is Amanda and I am 31 years old, engaged with no kids. I have never been a tiny girl in my my life (160 and 5'3" at my smallest in high school on sports teams) and used to work as a waitress then a care aid. Both jobs had me on my feet walking (sometimes running lol) most of the day. I changed careers after a back injury 4 years ago and now work as an insurance broker. My back no longer gives me pain but the last 4 years at a desk job and not watching what I ate made the weight add up (currently I'm at 198lbs).

    I joined MFP a little over a week ago and have lost 3 lbs so far just tracking what I am eating. I'm hoping to lose 30lbs by August and have a goal of 60lbs lost total (hoping within a year, I would really like to fit in a wedding dress without my rolls hanging out :P). I have not started any exercises yet but I am going to try the couch to 5k and then add 30 day shred once I feel comfortable with the couch to 5k.

    Looks like a great group of people here and I'm excited about making a change! I don't have any friends on here so feel free to add me or say hi! :)
  • Shankel27
    Shankel27 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Im 33, single, not new to MFP but new to the message boards and groups. I've been trying to loose weight for years now (smh) and am tired to losing 10 lbs in the summer and gaining 15 over the winter. Now I surrender and will stop trying loose this weight alone; I've realized that I definitely need support along the journey.
  • MissDLynnR
    MissDLynnR Posts: 91 Member
    Hey everyone! I am new to everything on this site. I am working to lose weight and struggle with stress which doesn't help. I am trying to find new friends and to also be here to help others!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Amanda, Shankel27 and MissDLM. I am one of the mods in this group. I had to step away to take care of some things a few months ago but I normally am pretty active on here and look forward to getting some new challenges started. Any and all ideas welcome.

    I have just posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0)

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • EMSchell2009
    EMSchell2009 Posts: 17 Member

    My name is Emily. I am 34. On my 34th birthday I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. I felt huge and unhealthy. Unhealthy was the biggest hurdle but I wasn't particularly happy with huge either. In the last 6 months I have lost almost 50 pounds, 37 with the help of MFP. It has been a complete change in how I eat. I have enjoyed the challenge of learning to bake with healthy ingredients and make my family healthier as well. On my 35th birthday I plan to buy a bathing suit. I want to look OK in it.

  • jessvo81
    jessvo81 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Jess I'm 32 & from Pa. I just joined MFP on the12/31/13. I've struggled w/ my weight since hs, more since I had my daughter in 2008. I'm hoping w/ the extra support I can finally get fit & healthy!
  • hisaku
    hisaku Posts: 19
    Hello from Hawaii! I'm a typical gamer/anime/asian guy. Just joined a bunch of groups too. Good luck to everyone on their journey! ^^
  • tiffanydawnn
    tiffanydawnn Posts: 122 Member
    Hello! I'm Tiffany, a single mom from outside of Philly. Not new to MFP but I need a place for some accountability and motivation, so what better place than people my own age? I'm 35 (OMG!) and it is time to get in shape for good.

    Look forward to getting to know you. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can never have too many!
  • Becca_Taken
    Becca_Taken Posts: 10 Member
    Hey guys. I used to be a twenty-something with the metabolism of a teen. And now I'm just a thirty-something who can't pull her pants past her thighs :P I started gradually changing my eating habits so that I can shed a little but I've got a long term goal of just being healthier and happier. I'm hoping I can meet some people who can help me stay motivated. I just joined a few days ago so I would appreciate any friends.
  • lisa2478
    lisa2478 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! My name is Lisa and I'm really trying to crack this weight loss thing! When I think back, I can only briefly remember being happy with my weight and size so I think it's long overdue that I take control of it! I live in the north west of England and am looking for people to keep me motivated and who I can motivate in return! Feel free to add me as a friend- the more the merrier!! :-)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Emily, Jess, hisaku, Tiffany, Becca_Taken and Lisa!! I am one of the mods in this group. I had to step away to take care of some things recently but I normally am pretty active on here and am looking forward to getting some new challenges started. Any and all ideas welcome!

    I have just posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0)
    I am also thinking of starting a daily challenge – something that will maybe interest the men in this group as men normally stay away from the weekly weigh in threads. What do you think??

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Hiya, I'm Mark. Like some of you I never struggled with weight before, but seem to have been putting on a little over the last two years. Nothing massive, but enough to be noticable. I am now making an effort to exercise consistently and keep an eye on my food intake, despite having a hectic work travel schedule. So far, I have found it actually gives me a lot more energy! Final goal is to get to and stay at 10% BF, hope to be there by summer.
    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • sunstarz80
    sunstarz80 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Kristi. I just stumbled across this group and it sounded like it was right up my alley. I've dealt with weight issues my entire life and done the yo-yo dieting for years. I'm finally trying to do it the right way so I can help my daughter learn better eating habits so she hopefully won't struggle with her weight like I've done. If anyone would like to add me, feel free. The more the merrier to help along this weight-loss journey!
  • Demixjc28
    Hello, my name is Denisse and I'm 33..I moved to AZ a little over a year and I really like it, but with the move I also gained weight. I decided to join this group in hopes of finding support from others my age with a desire to improve our health and to make new friends ;).
  • dak4800
    dak4800 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy! I live in Florida. I've struggled with my weight for the past 16 years. Before the holiday's I was half way to my goal weight but I put on a few pounds since then and am now getting back on track! My plan this year is to reach my goal weight and be healthy & more fit than I was at 18!! :wink: I know I can do...it's just going to take dedication. Thanks for the support!
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