

  • docbrox87
    Hey! I'm Emma and my superpower is what I like to call "controlled narcolepsy" - I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime :laugh:
  • MissusMarvel
    MissusMarvel Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Chris and my super power is the ability to write with both hands at the same time, forwards and backwards. So far I haven't found it helpful in either hero work or villainy, but I'm still playing around with it.
  • pluckypaleo
    pluckypaleo Posts: 50 Member
    Hey! My name is Ashley. My Super power is my hard headedness. I typically win arguments or battles of wits because I refuse to back down. My husband says he likes my super power, but I think it is because we agree on almost everything.

    Star Wars, Harry Potter, LOTR and Indiana Jones Fan ( all THREE movies) I am kind of obsessed with Harrison Ford. He was the first man I ever found attractive at the ripe old age of 6. I also am a big Disney Dork. I am 24 years old and happily Married. Looking for fellow nerds to befriend on MFP. So add me!
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    Hey! My name is Amy and I have two superpowers (impressive, yes?), I can retain an insane amount of useless knowledge about movies, TV shows and books and my ability to find a pun is impressive to the point of annoyance.
    My things that I love are: Doctor Who (profile picture is a dead giveaway), LOTR, Star Wars (There are only three movies), Sherlock, Firefly/Serenity, Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse (Anything Joss Whedon), Chuck, video games, Munchkin, and many more.
    Feel free to add me! :D
  • happles
    happles Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! My name is Hannah and my super power is watching movie marathons.

    I'm 32, married with an almost 1 year old daughter.

    Geekly interests include Harry Potter, LOTR, World of Warcraft and the like.

    Definitely in need of some accountability here on MFP, so friend me up =)
  • carsmakemebeep
    carsmakemebeep Posts: 87 Member
    My name is Bridgette, and my superpower is spacing out. Anyone feel free to add me im trying to find people i can talk to when i come home from work and log on! I havent had much time to play games lately but I do play world of warcraft and also wii U...and any free game on steam usually :p
  • NightChilde25
    Hello! I'm Rachel and my superpowers are the ability to read up to seven books at once and art.
  • MrsEdwards2005
    Hey! I am Tiffany and my super power is being an awesome crafter. I love helping people with cosplays (but never seem to make one for me :/ ) My husband would say that it is determination because anytime I decide I am going to learn or do something, I don't stop until I am good at it....I call this OCD. =)
  • MrsEdwards2005
    ^^^^ That is super impressive. I can't read more than one...for instance, if I did read more than one , my conversations would sound like this..."Hey! Didn't you love the part were Arwen rode the Dragon through Narnia to kill Voldemort?!?!" HAHA! Kudos to you!
  • Becca_Taken
    Becca_Taken Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone! My superpower is sort of lame... I can tangle extension cords by just looking at them. Also works on strings of lights ;)
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,709 Member
    I collect comic books (mostly Deadpool)
    <3 Deadpool - fellow WLS Paula
  • Becca_Taken
    Becca_Taken Posts: 10 Member
    I collect comic books (mostly Deadpool)
    <3 Deadpool - fellow WLS Paula

    Super awesome. Also a Deadpool fan here.
  • blueiced
    blueiced Posts: 8 Member
    Hey my name is Chris I'm 22 and if i could have a superpower it would be ice. and my day to day superpower would be A crazy cat lady. other than that I love baking cakes. and like to watch anime and teach my self japanese in my spare time.
  • blueiced
    blueiced Posts: 8 Member
    Also Anyone feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Territrek
    Territrek Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, my name is Terri and my superpower is to know too much trivia.
  • Territrek
    Territrek Posts: 34 Member
    Ohayou! I enjoy Japanese culture a lot, even stupid and wonderful Godzilla movies.

  • TensGirl75
    Hey all! My name is Liz, 38 year old geek. My super power is the ability to pick out an actor and tell you at least half od their filmography. It amazes my husband and he makes me do it at parties.
    I play FF XIV at least twice a week and used to play WoW but let my membership expire. Favorite geek activities include going to conventions, helping my kid's with their cosplay (my youngest does the Avengers...working on her Pepper costume for a convention on the 8th and my other does Amy Pond from "The Impossible Astronaut...working on a Clara costume). TV shows I watch religiously are Doctor Who, Fringe, Sherlock, Supernatural, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, and Continuum.
    Feel free to add me! I just moved from Sparkpeople...way to much going on over there!
  • JackKopCh
    JackKopCh Posts: 8,042 Member
    Hai everyone! :D
  • CatFrogPanda
    CatFrogPanda Posts: 45 Member
    Hey guy Just restarted my account. So please feel free to add me. my superpower to be able to eat stupid amount of chocolate bourbon biscuits in one go, I'm also getting better on the Dance mat everyday :)
  • flyingjack
    flyingjack Posts: 12 Member
    Howdy, Jack here, I work in electronics, and my power is the ability to grow food from an unforgiving earth.

    Feel free to add me.