Check in Feb 11-20



  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    Feb 12 - GREEN

    (I was really hungry .. but still managed to stay within my cals).

    **************************SPREADSHEET UPDATED********************************

    Note: both JBHarwood and myself are away this weekend (no, not together). I will do my best to update the spreadsheet but it might be a bit patchy.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    February 11
    Green: Yes
    Total: 10

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 11

    February 12
    Green: Yes
    Total: 11

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 12

    Dad update: They tried to close him yesterday but he couldn't tolerate it and it caused him to be unstable for most of the afternoon. By evening he was stable again and the surgeon decided they need to get 3L of fluid out of him before they will attempt to close him because he is so swollen. As of this afternoon they are pleased with his progress, it is just difficult to know how fast things will go with this level of trauma.

    I have reached the point I'm strongly considering the value of calling off sick and sleeping all day. I think I am more emotionally drained than anything.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    February 12
    Green: Yes - Chevy green but that's okay
    Total/Goal: 11/25

    @mdivamuffin - I don't know why routine makes resisting temptation so much easier. Maybe because our minds are occuppied?

    @kawookie - Continuing to pray for your father, for you, and for your entire family. I hope you will be able to get some rest.
  • debbie7373
    debbie7373 Posts: 370 Member
    Date: Feb. 12
    Green: Yes
    Total: 12/28

    Water: Yes
    Total: 12/28

    Walked a total of 5 miles today.

    Kawookie, bless your heart. I can imagine how stressful this is for you and your family. It would probably do you a lot of good to take a day off of work and rest. That's a very good idea! Continuing to pray.
  • sulyha
    sulyha Posts: 119 Member
    Feb 12
    Green- Yes


    I logged my dessert before eating it. I was surprised it put me over, so I wound up splitting it into thirds. 1/3 for tonight, a bit more tomorrow.when maybe I won't have had so much cheese. Power class tonight felt good.

    @Kawookie- still keeping you and your dad in my thoughts. Please take care of yourself and rest if you need to.:flowerforyou:
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    February 12
    Green: NO
    Total/Goal: 9/20

    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 11/28
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    _________________________spreadsheet updated_________________

    I will try to pick up the slack on the spreadsheet and keep up with medals over the many people reaching that first level!!!! Catching up with posting awards soon!:bigsmile:

    Don't think we've forgotten your progress!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member

    Green: Yes
    Total 12/12

    Blue; Yes
    Total 12/12

    Had lemon sunshine cake.....and while the weather does not make smile. This cake did. :glasses:
  • mrsmossman
    mrsmossman Posts: 7 Member
    Date: February 11th
    Green: Yes
    Total/Goal: 5/20

    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 8/20

    Date: February 12th
    Green: Yes
    Total/Goal: 6/20

    Water: No
    Total/Goal: 8/20
  • mdivamuffin
    mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
    February 13
    Green: Yes
    Total/Goal: 10/20

    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 13/28

    Just got told that I'm gonna be unemployed as of Tuesday and my first reaction was "I want cake" :embarassed:
    I had a chocolate brownie with natural yogurt and it was good. I know it is emotional eating but it could have led to a binge but didn't, which has a lot to do with staying accountable with this challenge. So thanks for the support here guys :-)

    @sulya - Great idea prelogging dessert. Seeing the numbers there really does make you think twice about eating it doesn't it. Well done on dividing it up.

    Thanks again to Jabharwood, Sunnie, Queenie, Jigsaw (are there others?) for keeping the group and spreadsheet going. You guys are doing such a fab job!! Thanks a mil :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member
    3rd: 2nd: Green: Yes (with 70 to spare) Gym today - 6 strength stations, 2.12 m interval jogging on treadmill and 4.73 purposeful walking
    Total/Goal: 3/25

    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 3/25

    4th: Green: No (Minus 102 -just missed)
    Total/Goal: 3/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 4/25

    5th: Green: Yes (A Chevy Green - minus 91)
    Total/Goal: 4/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 5/25

    6th: Green: Yes (plus 39)
    Total/Goal: 5/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 6/25

    7th: Green: Yes (plus 58)
    Total/Goal: 6/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 7/25

    8th: Green: Yes (plus 55)
    Total/Goal: 7/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 8/25

    9th: Green: Yes (plus 61)
    Total/Goal: 8/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 9/25

    10th: Green: Yes (plus 72)
    Total/Goal: 9/25
    Water: No
    Total/Goal: 9/25

    11th: Green: No (minus 306)
    Total/Goal: 9/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 10/25

    12th: Green: No (minus 136)
    Total/Goal: 9/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 11/25

    13th: Green: Yes (A Chevy Green - minus 32)
    Total/Goal: 10/25
    Water: Yes
    Total/Goal: 12/25

    Spent a couple of nice days visiting family in Scotland - putting my mind at ease as my Aunts and Uncles are getting increasingly old and frail - weather was wild as I drove back to England though. But now I'm home and snug.
    Hope everyone is well - medals seem to be flying out already! !
    ???????????????????????? Bouquets for everyone
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    _________spreadsheet updated____________________

    Congratulations to our new silver medalists for Keeping it Green!



    Previous winners for the month:
    Debbie7373, marjanet, MelissaPhippsFeagin, R_Queenie, Scherzie, SunnieRN3

    Congratulations to our new Hydr8 silver award winners!



    Previous winners for the month:
    Debbie7373, Jbharwood, JillLangOlive, Kawookie, marjanet Mdivamuffin, MelissaPhippsFeagin, R_Queenie, Scherzie, sherm98, sulyha, SunnieRN3,
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member
    Feb 13th

    Green: Yes
    Total: 13/25

    Water: Yes
    Total: 12/24

    6mile run after a long day at work. Busy, busy the next few days between working and getting some good running in. Just found out that I am going to New York for 4 days in the beginning of March...... have to say I am more than a little anxious as most of the trip seems to be revolving around where we are eating. Just hope that all of the walking we will be doing while there will help keep things fairly balanced.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Feb. 13
    Green - yes

    Blue - yes

    @Kawookie -prayers for your dad and you. I hope you can get some good rest soon.

    @Mdivamuffin - prayers for you to find a new job quickly

    I went to work today instead of calling in for a snow day so that I wouldn't blow my routine. I didn't get a walk in - 6" of snow on every surface will put a damper on that - but I didn't stay home and eat out of boredom either. Congrats to our new medalists (which my tablet autocorrected to "concrete finally" yesterday. Sorry.)!!! everybody keep up the good work!
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Feb 13

    Green: Yes
    Total 13/28

    Blue: Yes
    Total 13/28

    @mdivamuffin---so sorry to hear about your work challenges, trust that the universe will open a door as this one closes
    and I need this group to keep going as much as anyone else---so I don't mind the work!!!!

    @MelissaPhipps--good job sticking with the routine even as mother nature is naughty.

    @Scherzie--have fun on your trip!!! I'd be nervous about a New York trip too, but it would have nothing to do with the food. It would be about danger, getting lost, the crazy taxi drivers, and looking like an idiot because I would clearly be out of my element!
  • sherm98
    sherm98 Posts: 61 Member
    Feb 12
    Green - yes
    Blue yes

    Feb 13
    Green - no
    Blue yes

  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    Feb 13 - Green - YES

    **************************SPREADSHEET UPDATED*****************************
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Feb 13

    Green: Yes
    Total: 12

    Blue: Yes
    Total: 13

    I survived today at work. I also ate pizza and stayed green. My sodium is off the charts and I had a hard time getting the water in for some unknown reason, but I have my 8 glasses in and will try to sneak in a few more before bed.
  • sherm98
    sherm98 Posts: 61 Member
    @jigsaw_me. Thanks for all you do to update the spreadsheet. Just wanted to let you know I earned SM on 2/12. I know its a lot to keep up with. Again thanks!
  • sulyha
    sulyha Posts: 119 Member
    Feb 13
    Green- Yes (had to use the Chevy rule for the first time in awhile)
    Total- 12/23

    Blue-Yes (after I finish the big glass of water that is sitting in front of me right now)
    Total- 13/28

    Long day.... made it to yoga and now a hot bath and bed. That will also keep me out of the kitchen.
This discussion has been closed.