Running Goals for 2014



  • ReturnToRunning
    A few years ago I was running 2:50 min marathons. . .then tore an ACL and MCL :/ . . . .I think it is time to get that speed back and lose the weight that came with the injury. My goals for 2014 . .. .finish a half, finish a full, get back to 150 lbs.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    1. Injury free (and therefore keep up the cross/strength training)
    2. Sub 1:40 half (1:39:59 would be ok with me!)
    3. Either my first 70.3 or get my marathon time to 3:45
    Next up is a half on 4/27 which my father, sister, brother and husband are also running. Therefore, less about time, more about the family racing :)
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    My goals for this year:
    1. HM PR, signed up for one in April.
    2. 10k PR.
    3. Beat my best 5k time from last year

    One down! Had my 10k PR on Saturday - 1:09:33. Still slow, but getting better!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    1) Break 24:00 in a 5K

    2) Finish a half under 2 hours (my stretch goal is 1:50)

    3) Finish my first full marathon! (My goal is 4:10, but I just want to finish for my first)

    I have others, but those are my biggest.
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    Nice goals, everyone! I'm training for my first 50 mile trail race. Yikes! Also looking for a marathon PR this year--under 4 hours.
  • zemli
    zemli Posts: 4 Member
    I'm hoping this is the first year in a while, I can run injury free!!!

    I'm running my first Ragnar (trail run in Zion)! I'm just looking to finish that.

    I also plan on trying for the Chicago Marathon lottery. I ran it two years ago. Between my Dad's death and injury, I didn't train the way I would have liked. This year, I'd like to kick it's butt and run a sub 4:00.
  • BartO81
    BartO81 Posts: 10 Member
    Run a half marathon under 2 hours.

    A PR on a 10k.
  • citykat
    citykat Posts: 3 Member
    My current short term goal is to complete the 13 Week Walk/Run Program from the Beginning Runner's Handbook and then run a 10k in under an hour. I will finish my 2nd week on the program this evening and will start the 3rd week on Friday.

    After that I'd like to run the Long Beach 1/2 marathon in October.
  • chris_orr
    I just returned from a three month injury layoff, so my first goal is simply to complete my current training program without further hurting myself. ;)

    But, aside from staying healthy, my goals are:

    * break 1:30 at Glass City 1/2 in April
    * run Race to the Moon 5k for the finisher's Moon Pie
    * beat last year's time at the Oak Openings Stampede 25k trail race
    * run Columbus Marathon, either sub-3:15 or sub-3:05 (BQ!) depending on training over the summer
    * most importantly, run Santa Hustle 1/2 with my wife in December.

    The last one is my most important goal, because my wife is just starting to get into running and I really want her to succeed. I am planning on pacing her through the race and I am really excited to do it.
  • FurtherUpstream
    I'm registered currently for the Athens (Ohio) Marathon, Cleveland Marathon, Glass City (Toledo) Marathon, and Akron Marathon. I'm also running half marathons and plenty of shorter races this year. I've ran 7 marathons so far, but never 4 in one year. I'm hoping to run more than 4 if all goes well!
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Ouch...OK here goes....
    1. Average 75 miles a month (currently 52)
    2. Build mileage toward previous long runs of 12 miles
    3. Do my first Spartan Sprint
    4. Run 4 5Ks this year see item 5 and why not more.
    5. Play soccer (futbol for everyone else but the US and Ireland) 2 hours each time - three times a week without injury this year.
    6. Begin training for a HM.

    Should be enough to accomplish this year.
  • TheRunnerDad
    TheRunnerDad Posts: 33 Member
    Setting out to have my mile time back down below 6 minutes by end of summer...and dare I say it...a sub 1:40 half in October?
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    1. stay injury-free

    2. commit to consistent speedwork to increase my pace. I got injured last year and haven't been able to get my pace back.

    3. Run one half marathon per month with at least 1/3 of them being trail runs. Hopefully, PR at least once (1:55).

    4. teach my sons trail running and cross the finish line with my 11 yo after his first half marathon (he can already run 10 miles).
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    50 or 100 mile ultramarathon by end of 2014. I logged 10,000 miles cycling last year, so I am taking at easy this year...
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    1. Complete 4 HM (maybe a 5th, depends on if I get signed up in time or not, race got cancelled so last year has priority over this year).
    2. Get base miles up to 30 MPW...steady.
    3. Sub 02:15 HM time (current PR is 02:34)
    4. Sub 30 minute 5K (current PR is 31:51)
    5. Volunteer for at least 1 race each month.
    6. 1000 miles run/walked this year.

    #4 Done! New 5K PR: 29:20! Achieved on 22 March 2014 at the Bad Dog 5K in Memphis!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1. Complete 4 HM (maybe a 5th, depends on if I get signed up in time or not, race got cancelled so last year has priority over this year).
    2. Get base miles up to 30 MPW...steady.
    3. Sub 02:15 HM time (current PR is 02:34)
    4. Sub 30 minute 5K (current PR is 31:51)
    5. Volunteer for at least 1 race each month.
    6. 1000 miles run/walked this year.

    #4 Done! New 5K PR: 29:20! Achieved on 22 March 2014 at the Bad Dog 5K in Memphis!

  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Woohoo! Congrats rdhulir!

    I'd love to see more updates as everyone achieves their goals! let's keep this thread going.

    By the way, I didn't really have goals at the beginning of the year but now they are starting to emerge:

    1. Complete my first 50-miler (March 29, in 3 days)
    2. Complete the Pike's Peak Marathon
    3. Break my 5K PR -- 17:49
    4. Break 37:00 in a 10K
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    These aren't really new for March 2014, I'm just getting around to writing out my overall 2014 goals. :)

    1. Complete a marathon: Kona on June 22 is on calendar! Goal is 5 hours.
    2. Stick to my training plan and stay injury-free through the increasing miles.
    3. New HM PR (currently 2:13, would love to get below 2:10)
    4. Run a full mile under 8 min.
    5. Stop being so lazy about my workouts!
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    1. Run More than 7 miles at one time. (That's the longest I've ever gone)
    2. Complete my 1st HM in September
    3. Do a 5k in under 27 mins
    4. Do a 10k in under 55 mins
    6. Get my body fat down to 21%

  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    In order of importance:

    1) BQ of 3:25 in Baystate Marathon (10/19/2014)
    2) Sub-20:00 5K
    3) 2400 miles. I fell behind the pace (200M/month) in March due to travel & illness