x- Welcome all cyclists! -x



  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi - I am a cyclist. Was really into it from about 2000-2005 when i competed in the 2005 Senior Olympics Time Trials and did really well. I achieved my goal and got back into tennis from 2006 to Oct. 2012 when i tore a tendon around my ankle. Had to stop everything and get into a boot for several months. Moped around feeling sorry for myself - doing - no exercise. In May of this year i found out about MFP, joined and since i still couldn't play tennis - thought - well - lets do a little biking to burn some calories. Really had to start back at the beginning by cycling about 8 miles at a time. It was tough! After a month or so i was cycling everyday with a day off now and then and working up my miles and speed. For the past month i was averaging 17-30 miles per day about 6 days a week. Now almost every time i go out - i am trying to go faster! So think i am going to try a time trial next weekend!
    I do 5K and 10K as that is what they offer in Senior Olympics.
    Cycling is a lot of fun and you can do it in our hot summers as its always cooler on the bike. I often bike with my husband who also enjoys cycling. You can cycle here year round (South Florida) even though its Hot - but its always cooler on the bike. You just have to do it around the rain storms - which was a challenge for a couple of months.
    Cycling and watching calorie intake has been my plan for these past 5 months and i am so pleased with my success so far.
    Good luck everyone - we are in a great sport!
  • eabernst
    eabernst Posts: 29 Member
    Hi I'm Emily! I've basically been an (almost) daily rider for 10 years (minus a bit of time when I lived in NYC). I started off as a bike commuter back in 2002, and I still ride just about every day to work/around town/errands etc. I will also gloat a bit that I ride year round even though I live in Chicago (luckily my commute is on the shorter side of things). I also have a bike buying problem- currently I own four (and I would have more if I didn't live in a teeny tiny apartment). I couldn't imagine life with fewer than three bikes. I am also car free!

    Back in 2007 I did my first triathlon. Although I am a triathlete because I do those races, I think of myself as a cyclist first and foremost who also happens to run and swim.

    I haven't done any bike racing though I occasionally day dream about trying to join a team. I have done several centuries, a few short bike tours, and I also always kind of plan on doing RAGBRAI even though I never get around to making time.

    Feel free to friend me- I would love to have more cyclist buddies!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Hi Emily - glad to have you aboard.

    In case you've not spotted it, there's another cycling group around here as well, that usually has some interesting challenges on-going to keep us on the bike and provide a bit of inspiration - don't be put off by the name Century+ - some of the members most assuredly do ride that distance, others would be hard pushed to get a century over an entire month, but we're an inclusive group and not all that picky...

  • eabernst
    eabernst Posts: 29 Member
    thanks for the group finding tip- i'm all about challenges. thanks!
  • CycleCarolina
    CycleCarolina Posts: 23 Member
    Carolina cyclist here - riding year round through rolling hills.
  • mogginsthemog
    mogginsthemog Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Glad I found this board..

    I'm Nick, 61, and living in Exeter, UK. Since 1992 I've had a bike to commute and explore much of the SW in my spare time. That was until my hip arthritis started to make it difficult and I then stopped altogether mid 2012. At that time, I'd bought a Dawes folder but put less than 50mls on it.

    4 months ago i had a THR - Total Hip Replacement operation and have been improving steadily :-). This is a fantastic operation and I strongly recommend it to any sufferers; it can certainly give you your life back..

    So, my plan is to lose weight and be cycling reasonably well come first week in April, about 10 weeks time...May have to upgrade to a road/hybrid too. I'm 14st now, so intend to get down to below 13st by April...will keep you posted...

  • twistedted420
    twistedted420 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All,
    I just started MFP and just started Mountain Biking. I'm trying to regain my health and start living life again. I ended up getting a half way decent bike (Trek X caliber 6, Hard tail 29er) Its a great bike and it really has help push me to ride everyday. When I first started riding I was struggling to do a couple of miles. Now im doing around 10miles a day in a hour stretch. looking to lower my BF % and raise my M Mass %.

    Im also looking for friends on here to help motivate me and share our goals.
  • JediCounsil
    JediCounsil Posts: 49 Member

    I am new here and an avid cyclist. Unfortunately I tend to slack off every fall and gain weight. Need some motivation to loose 40 lbs and keep it off. Sick of hauling around this extra weight. Nice to see some other cyclists here.
  • Hello everyone, new to the geoup and to cycling. looking for cylist friends to share tips, and motivation as i prepare ti ride inSeptember if this year the CITY TO SHORE BIKE RIDE FOR MS. All friend requests are accepted. Hope to meet some awesome people
  • kerrylikesbikes
    kerrylikesbikes Posts: 64 Member
    I'm also new to the group. Love to ride my bike! I do mostly touring and longer rides with friends (not a racer, but I'd always like to get faster). I've been riding between 3-5k miles annually for last several years.

    Spent the last 6 months recovering from a blood clot and severe pulmonary embolisms. Biking actually saved my life, because I could tell that my breathing was just off when I was climbing hills. Luckily Dr took it very seriously even though all my "signs" said I was perfectly healthy. Sent me for CT Scan of my lungs and they threw me in the hospital right away.

    I have just started cycling outside a bit, though it is snowing here in NC today. Looking forward to making up for lost time, and meeting others who are also crazy about cycling!
  • Fredhatfield2
    Fredhatfield2 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Y'all.... I'm new to the group. I've been riding now about 3 years and commute to work on my bike. It's between 18-20 miles a day, but I usually get over a 100 for the week. I'm 44 (never felt younger!) and live in Maryland. Right now I'm riding a Schwinn Varsity hybrid, but am looking to upgrade within the next 6 months. I feel putting in 100+ miles a week is deservent of something more!

    Look forward to chatting with others! I also use Mapmyride and keep my logs up to date there, so feel free to look me up there too if you'd like.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Hi all :)

    I'm new to the group and not a cyclist yet... I just bought my first road bike last week and absolutely can't wait to start riding it. I'm a runner looking to cheat on my sport with a bike ;) Maybe try a duathlon at the end of summer. I'll see how I do with the bike!

    I'm looking forward to learn useful things from all of you, and if anyone is looking for new MFP friends, send a request my way!

  • Hi, I was looking through groups to find motivation and support and found this group. I love to ride my bike. I just have a curser and ride around town. I live in Utah surrounded by mountains so you would think that I would be a mountain biker but I am not that confidant. My cycling is purely for pleasure and exercise.
  • I don't know why I missed posting in this thread. I've been on MFP for a couple of months now, and found and joined this group soon after.

    I'm 60, and have been riding recreationally and for fitness most of my life. I don't and never have raced; I'm not a competitive guy. I ride because it is fun, it gets me places I might not otherwise visit and at a pace I can see what's around me. I retired from engineering, so I love the mechanics of bikes, as well. I ride an old Bridgestone RB-T touring bike as my main bike. I built an Xtracycle on a KHS steel mouton bike for my cargo bike, and I picked up a Craigslist beater mountain bike in September for bopping around town, on gravel and the occasional trail. I've also got a 50+ year old unicycle my Dad made, as seen in my profile image.

    As it says in my profile: I ride slow...
  • IanBart303
    IanBart303 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello 35 yrs cycling of one form or another here and been on MFP for a few months with up and down results. Thought joining some groups might spur my motivation after indulging on too many Pies lately.
  • Hey there I am Brandon 31 and I have been cycling for a couple months now and have become addicted lol. I love to ride my bike and explore new places. I ride mostly on the roads around where I live. I look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully learn some new things. thanks.
  • Lanet27
    Lanet27 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello There!

    I've been riding for about 3 month last summer, and now can't wait to get back on my bike this Spring!!! Yay!!
    I ride a hybrid Specialized for women and carry a trailer bike for my daughter (they are Awesome!!). When I ride with her I can only do up to 18 miles, since she gets tired/board if I do any more than that. I've been on a couple group rides ranging from 25-40 miles @ a slow speed (10-12 MPH). I recently tried doing a bit of mountain bike with my hybrid, and was surprised as to how very tough mountain biking can be... although I must confess biking down the rocky hill is totally exhilarating. The rocky uphill I totally loathed, but it does work your core and muscles much more than just merely road biking.

    I'm trying to muster up the courage to bring our dog to the family bike-ride with some kind of contraption or device to keep her on her leash. Does anyone have any experience/good ideas as to how I can accomplish this?

    There is a device I was in YouTube a 'springer' of sort. Don't know if that will work. I also thought about wrapping her leach around my waist and see what happens. Any thought/comments will be greatly appreciated.
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    Hi all!

    I've been riding off and on for 10-12 years (it was how I got around during college before my car), mostly off when I lived in less bike friendly places and after I got a car.

    Four years ago I deliberately brought a house less than a mile from my job (0.65 to be exact) and after two years of driving that distance (literally, I don't leave the neighborhood I live in) I brought a nice hybrid and now commute to work via bike most days. I live in Florida, so snow/ice is never a concern, but lightning is! Thankfully I live close enough that one of my co-workers will drop me in a pinch, or I can go hell bent and get home before a storm hits. I generally will take a meandering path on the way to/from work to get in a 3-5mile ride in the process.

    Biking is what has kept me reasonably fit for the past few years, and kept my other weight related problems in check despite starting at a rather hefty 360lbs. It was hard finding proper equipment and clothes, but I was rocking my spandex even at that weight.

    I had weight loss surgery earlier this year, and getting on my bike was the first fitness exercise I did within the week (not the greatest idea, but I was having bike withdrawals). I find it much easier to ride now that I've lost so much weight, and my goals of doing a triathlon and a century ride within the next year seem so much more attainable!
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Got my bike in December but it has been so cold I have not put it on the streets yet. Look forward to sharing and learning from you all. I bought a nice Raleigh and love the way it maneuvers.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    New to Group. Used to commute ride for years a recumbent trike.
    Now working on a 2nd pair of tread for my Raleigh. Complete with panniers & saddlebags.
    Dream soon-to-be-reality to graduate to a full-blown light-weight roadbike. Goal is to up my average miles a week from 80-85 to 125. And get my longest ride up from 54mi to metric century and beyond.

    I have a fetish of not wearing black on my bike. Consequently I wear neon running shorts & tanks. Neon yellow and orange has been very beneficial. Lots drivers see me (yay!). I also run day-time headlight flashers & flashing taillights.