Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • Today I am proud of myself for allowing myself a large slab of cake after a long run and a big bowl of risotto for dinner without it descending into a full on binge. I was in control the whole day and because I properly refuelled after my run I didn't feel as exhausted as I usually do and was able to do the housework too instead of just lying on the sofa too tired to move.
  • sunshine11111
    sunshine11111 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm proud of myself for logging my food today.
  • di4me
    di4me Posts: 5 Member
    Yesterday I binge ate which I was disappointed about and when this happens I usually don't log in my calories...but I today I am proud because I went back and logged in EVERYTHING I ate, even though it was way over my calories for the day.

    I am also proud because I did not let that affect my whole weekend and I ate sensibly today, usually when I have a bad binge weekend night I also binge the next day because then I make myself believe that I'm giving myself the weekend to binge and then I'll get back on track.
  • kerrid72
    kerrid72 Posts: 53 Member
    It's so wonderful reading through all of these accomplishments. I'm finally coming to the realization that this is going to be a slow process and you all inspire me.

    Today I'm proud of myself for... saying "No" to the Dr Pepper for the 2nd day in a row. Big deal for this addict! LOL
  • ashamedbe
    ashamedbe Posts: 11
    Today I'm proud of myself for... saying "No" to the Dr Pepper for the 2nd day in a row. Big deal for this addict! LOL

    Wow! Way to go buddy!! :):)
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    Today I am proud for two things:

    I have gone a whole week without logging any of my food/exercise (I'm having serious OCD issues with food / portions / weighing / measuring / sharing...enough to drive me and my BF insane). The week didn't start off too great cause I binged a few times, but the last two days have been much better. My mind is starting to feel a little bit clearer.

    But what I am even more proud of is that I went to an OA (over-eaters anonomous) meeting last night. This could be a way for me to come out of hiding from this ED I have, so I'm def gonna give this a shot and make it a weekly thing to attend these meetings. It was so inspiring and maybe al ittle bit comforint too to hear actual people talk about their ED. I didn't talk during the meeting but hope that I will be confident enough to do so one day.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    These are all awesome entries!! This group has helped me more than anything lately!

    Today I'm proud of myself for dragging my daughter outside and going for a nice long walk/jog in beautiful sunny weather:-D
  • Eve_e
    Eve_e Posts: 57
    Hi everyone.

    Today I'm proud of myself for being on my fourth day of no bingeing. I do hope I can make it through tonight though, the binge cravings hit me hard about 15 minutes ago.
  • sensorypodge2002
    sensorypodge2002 Posts: 13 Member
    Well done everyone, you're all FABULOUS.

    I am proud that I calmed my pre-interview nerves with a sesh at the gym instead of a sugar binge and half a packet of cigs!
  • chelseafisher5648
    chelseafisher5648 Posts: 60 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for not stopping at the quick stop for the Dr Pepper and Breakfast pizza that blows my whole day. I made breakfast burritos at home for me & my girls then had a crystal light with it. Sounds like an easy thing to not stop but it hasn't gotten to be such a habit that I go even when I'm not hunger.

    I understand mine habit was Casey bacon egg an cheese breakfast sandwich an OJ an later in day a can of coke havnt had any for couple days.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for logging all of my food over the weekend. It can be a challenge sometimes...
  • Lynzigzagzay
    Lynzigzagzay Posts: 75 Member
    Today I am proud of myself for going to an exercise class, and not eating all of the chocolate that I have available to me, putting it away and drinking water instead.
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    Love this post!

    The day's not over yet, but today I'm really proud of myself that I ate clean and was satisfied.
    It's really a day by day struggle, but today I'm so so proud that I had enough will power to say no to reaching for my trigger foods and even no to over eating in general. Just to say that I got through one day makes me smile and feel so... empowered! This is awesome!

    Best of luck to you all too!
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for practicing moderation with out binging. It was a first for me and a success, I couldn't be happier
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    ...walking on the treadmill for 20 min, when all I wanted to do was crawl in bed and pull up the covers :-)
  • ilikesitspicy
    ilikesitspicy Posts: 24 Member
    I am so proud of myself for eating PROTEIN for breakfast and going to workout first thing in the morning, even though I was 20 minutes late for my class. I let go of the all or nothing mentality and had fun dancing in zumba.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wow, ya'll have been doing amazingly! I love seeing all your victories and I'm celebrating in my heart with ya'll. Thanks so much for sharing <3

    I'm so sorry I've been away longer than I expected. Our week long vacation took a rough turn at the end and I haven't been able to get back to normal in RL, let alone have time to come on here. I really missed ya'll though and glad to see you've been doing well :).

    Today I'm proud of myself for re-focusing myself and getting back on a healthy track, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. It's been a rough couple of weeks but I'm determined to not let it impact me and my family long-term. I am stronger than the circumstances I must overcome.
  • Gemini61454
    Gemini61454 Posts: 85 Member
    not over eating last weekend. The last two have been a total bust! I've been doing the 5:2 for about 3 weeks and the work week has been holding, not the weekend.
    This morning my DH got me out of bed to do a 20 minute yoga session with my 30 minute elliptical walk. Hope I am able to continue this.
  • Today I am proud of myself for not just giving up after my weekend binge and getting back on track!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for getting thru the one of the worst workdays ever without killing or maiming a coworker. Hopefully tonight I can be proud that I didn't take those awful feelings and stuff them down with food.