


  • AltSpeaking
    AltSpeaking Posts: 34 Member
    Hey everyone! Just found this group and excited - I love it!

    My name is Britt. I'm 27, married with no human children but 4 fur babies (2 dogs and 2 cats) at home. I am an avid crocheter and I blog crochet/have a budding crochet page/community on Facebook.

    As for current projects I am just finishing up a crochet throw right now that will be a wedding gift for a friend of mine this weekend (just putting the border on so its going to be done in time, but cutting it close lol).
  • Hi, I am Elaine from the Atlanta area. I started knitting in 2011. I've pretty much been on and off of diets since i was about 9. I am around one of my heaviest weights, but so far i still haven't pushed past 200 lbs.

    You know, if knitting were an aerobic activity, you would be able to bounce a quarter of my behind.... Just saying.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hello! I have been crocheting for about a year now. Self-taught (thanks YouTube!). It's taking me a bit longer to learn than it should because I don't like to be told what to do so I keep going my own way. It's problematic. Anyway. I'm married, two kids, two guinea pigs, one hedgehog.

    Currently I'm designing a crochet cozy for my 3DSXL that looks like a Mario mushroom. Woot woot. But I can't work on it at the moment because my back is out and it hurts to look down at my work. Boo.
  • DragonLadyZinnia
    DragonLadyZinnia Posts: 7 Member
    First, can I say how awesome it is that there's such a big crafting community here? It's hard to knit/crochet and lose weight, but we can do it! :D

    I've been knitting and crocheting since high school, but the relationship is probably best described by saying that crochet is my wife, and knitting is a fickle mistress. I'm daunted by shaped items like sweaters or socks, but I've done a number of "flat" projects like blankets, scarves, and doilies.

    @ Impyimpyaj - That's awesome that you're working on a DS cozy! I hope you put a finished picture in the finished objects thread. I'm a tabletop gamer, and occasionally crochet bags for holding dice.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Welcome to all the new people! Sorry I haven't said it sooner. Since my laptop died, I haven't been spending much time on the boards. I opted not to get a new one because I seem to get so much more done without it.
  • Mikeysmama1012
    Mikeysmama1012 Posts: 15 Member
    Good morning! I am new to the group. I am also knew to knitting and crocheting but I am trying to learn! I know how to finger knit, and I know how to make a basic crochet chain, but struggling with the stitching. It's a little confusing, but I am determined to learn! I am also getting into loom knitting. Any tips or resources would be appreciated!

    I started my weight loss journey at 228 lbs. I am now down to 197 lbs. I was on Weight Watchers for a while but I am now using MFP because it's free and it's basically the same tools. I really enjoy using the app. My goal weight is 125, which is the weight I am most comfortable, healthy, and happy.

    Nice to be here!
  • Mikeysmama1012
    Mikeysmama1012 Posts: 15 Member
    what videos did you use to learn? I'm trying the Naztazia videos but any advice would help.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Welcome, Mikeysmama! I used to learn how to knit. For crochet, I bought a DVD called I Can't Believe I'm Crocheting, although to be honest, I've used YouTube more than the DVD.
  • Bracken8974
    Bracken8974 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone, so pleased to find so many like minded people. I'm from Cornwall, UK & mainly knit toys, i have two daughters 13yrs & 3mnths (just a small gap, lol) i'm currently breast feeding my second child so am eating extra calories to sustain my milk production, i also have PCOS which i can't manage with meds at the moment (or even diet properly to help my symptoms) whilst feeding my baby girl. I'm on ravelry & have started designing my own patterns, i have loads running around my head or part designed (some even designed) just need to find time to type them up, i do have some free patterns listed on ravelry & am currently designing PCOS awareness patterns for our group Cyster Crafters With PCOS. (on ravelry & facebook) I've kind of gone mad on squares at the moment though sadly my brain works faster than my fingers so have lots of designs that need knitting up. I can only crochet basic granny squares & do intend taking the time to learn more one day as i love the way it grows so fast. I have so, so many works in progress on the go, i'm trying to get them all finished up so i'm only allowing myself to work on squares or PCOS patterns if i'm not working on one of my WIP. (i won't hold my breath though as i'm such a fickle knitter, lol)

  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Welcome to the group, Bracken8974! A friend of mine was just diagnosed with PCOS. She's taking it very hard as her doctor told her she only has about a year of fertility left and if her and her husband want kids, they need to hurry up and try. She wants to try, he's not ready. I feel so bad for her.
  • pixiesgreene
    pixiesgreene Posts: 88 Member
    Hey crafters! I'm Laura. I knit and crochet, I also sew clothes. I really want to sew myself a whole custom wardrobe, but wanting so badly to lose the extra weight holds me back. I love vintage and indie patterns. I have a fairly large vintage fabric collection that I badly need to start using up! I am absolutely self-banned from stashing yarn, though, because I know it would become a problem if I let myself. I live in the southern hemisphere where we are moving into winter, so I'm about to start knitting my first garments! I hope to complete a jumper and a cardigan before the winter is done!
  • powerpigeon
    powerpigeon Posts: 46
    Hello! New to MFP and new to crochet too. I've just started to teach myself to crochet, and I'm loving it so far.
    I'm 23, and from the UK. I'm a blogger, a big reader and a lover of shoes!
  • pinksafyre
    pinksafyre Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! My name is Cat, live in Gainesville FL, and joined the local gym in May. I'm currently doing personal training that will end in Oct. My hobby is crochet although I haven't done much lately because it's been summer. Hello to all! Add me to your friends!
  • just_another_day
    just_another_day Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm Brenda and I live in northeast North Carolina with my hubby, my 22 month old son, and my two cats. I've been crocheting since I was a child and learned to knit while waiting for my son to make his appearance (2 weeks past my due date). I've had an MFP account for a while but just started using the whole community aspect of it. I'd love some new friends so send me a FR and message!
  • agl59
    agl59 Posts: 6
    I'm April, 55 yrs old and learned to knit as a pre-teen.
  • I'm Andrea, recently married, no children, mad knitter, planning to learn to crochet as I'm expecting a niece in April and all the cutest toys seem to be crocheted.
  • Myrtbbk
    Myrtbbk Posts: 33 Member
    Hello, I'm Jan, 66 yrs old and my grandma taught me to knit, crochet, sew and embroider about 60 yrs ago. There have been a lot of projects in all that time, but about 15 yrs ago I just to too busy and set aside my needles. I've been back with it for the past few years and want to finish two UFOs that are in my yarn bag. I also plan on starting some new projects, since if my hands are busy with yarn and needles, they aren't putting food into my mouth! Sounds like a good plan, to me.
  • lorider2
    lorider2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Suzette and I've been knitting for a few years now. Mostly I knit scarves for my friends and I've been knitting hats for chemo charities. I love yarn and am embarrassed about how big my stash is!
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited July 2015
    I've been crocheting since I was a teen, after several frustrating attempts with knitting. Took it up again 6 years ago when I was pregnant. 3 years ago I discovered knooking, and 2 years ago I started knitting "properly". I knit continental; western, combined, and eastern! I also love to dye and have a dye garden.

    Simple socks are a great project to do while walking, or granny squares. Something small that you don't have to keep your eyes on constantly. These days I mostly use knitting/crochet as something to keep me busy after I've eaten my allotment at dinner and it's rude to leave the table. :) I used to walk to my knitting group but they moved further away. :(

    I've recently finished several socks and some clothes for my daughter's dolls. My next projects will be some cashmere cowls for the winter.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Earthnut, cashmere cowls sound lovely. We moved about a year ago and where I was living before, I was in a really active knitting group. Sometimes there'd be 25-30 people. I've yet to find one that great in the new city. :(