Mad March workout check in thread



  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member

    I've been stuck around the same weight forever on OHP. Which is mostly why I purchased fractionals, in fact. And I do it in front of the squat rack with the olympic bar, sew me! lol - But that's cuz I power clean the weight up and the fixed bars are really bad for this. (Beats the guy using bumper plates for biceps curls! I was like "REALLY?!" this morning when I saw this)
    You are working out at the morning, right? Probably your gym is not that crowded at that time, and nobody blink an eye if you take the bar from the squat rack. I workout at 8 pm, and the gym is full, and the squat rack is the hottest commodity and it is in use all the time and often people waiting for it. Yesterday I had to start with bench press and get into line for the squat rack. When my turn was on the squat rack, the 2.5 lb plates were used and i needed them. So I had a choice to do squat with a different weight, or lose my turn and get to wait another 2 people for the squat. I think people would give me some serious pep talk if I would take the bar from it to do OHP. Sometimes I take the bar from the incline bench to do my barbell row, because that seems to be the least used bar. However it is not good location because I have to use it in next to the dumbbell rack , and obviously there is a lot of traffic there.
    I think it is also a confidence thing. 10 days ago when i walked into the gym at the first time, I was terrified and almost ran away immediately. Now I a feel a bit more familiar with things, I dare to do more stuff. Yesterday I was actually very proud of myself to get myself together and get into the line for the squat.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Better tonight. Well that's a relative term!

    Have been giving the arm a good go with a tennis ball at work today (ow!) and had ibuprofen before going to the gym.

    Think I misloaded last time and only did my attempt at 75kg for squats (I really wasn't on the ball!). Marginally more with it tonight at 80kg, but only managed 3x3. Each time the third rep totally GM-ed and my back is not thanking me for it. So daft I even forgot to press 'record' on the final set.

    Press - 35kg 454 which I think is the most I've ever done for press before. So that was unexpected!

    Deadlift - 100kgx3, better than the 1 I managed last time.

    A few bro curls (although in hindsight 8.5kg was too heavy!!) to help the ol' elbow. Must dig out my diddy weights from the garage and do a few more.

    all in all, much better though! given I woke up in the night with an achy throbbing arm, I can't complain.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Wednesday I was pretty impressed with myself because I got myself out of bed early and had completed my workout before my son was even out of bed!! It felt great to get it out of the way early and I absolutely love working out on my own. Normally I workout with my son and he talks the whole time. it kind of cramps my style a bit but it has been necessary to get him into lifting. Anyway yesterday was great and then I went for a run in the afternoon. 10K!! We have entered a Mountain Equipment Coop run in April and it is good to know that I won't actually need the full 3 hours to do the race! LOL! I run one min and walk one min so I am very slow but it is fun and exhilerating to know I can run that far!! I felt great running and then was totally zonked later on. It is a good thing I ran yesterday because today we are having wind and snow again. : (

    Wednesday's lifting:
    Squats: 5x 50
    Bench : 5x 80
    Row: 5x 80

    Iwoodroff, I'm so sorry to hear about your elbow. what a drag. Very impressive Press despite the sore elbow. I hope it is still ok after your workout.

    Wolf, let us know how you feel after running barefoot! I'm very keen to try this but I hate running inside so I think I will have to shell out the money for the special shoes. Good Grief I don't know how I miss these things! I see that you weren't sore!! wonderful!
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Been busy busy busy!! You all are doing great. Week 3 done! Ready for week 4 :)

    Sun Workout A
    Squat 5x85
    Bench 5x65
    Row 5x65

    Tues- B
    Squat 5x90
    OHP- 5x55

    Squat 5x95
    Bench 5x75
    Row 5x65--stayed at this weight to gain more upper strength before moving up.

    Excited for the progress!! and I'll be taking progress photos at the end of week 4 for a comparison so I'm excited to see if there are any changes.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Wednesday I was pretty impressed with myself because I got myself out of bed early and had completed my workout before my son was even out of bed!! It felt great to get it out of the way early and I absolutely love working out on my own. Normally I workout with my son and he talks the whole time. it kind of cramps my style a bit but it has been necessary to get him into lifting. Anyway yesterday was great and then I went for a run in the afternoon. 10K!! We have entered a Mountain Equipment Coop run in April and it is good to know that I won't actually need the full 3 hours to do the race! LOL! I run one min and walk one min so I am very slow but it is fun and exhilerating to know I can run that far!! I felt great running and then was totally zonked later on. It is a good thing I ran yesterday because today we are having wind and snow again. : (

    Wednesday's lifting:
    Squats: 5x 50
    Bench : 5x 80
    Row: 5x 80

    Iwoodroff, I'm so sorry to hear about your elbow. what a drag. Very impressive Press despite the sore elbow. I hope it is still ok after your workout.

    Wolf, let us know how you feel after running barefoot! I'm very keen to try this but I hate running inside so I think I will have to shell out the money for the special shoes. Good Grief I don't know how I miss these things! I see that you weren't sore!! wonderful!

    I really do like it a lot! I'll probably end up buying some barefoot shoes, though, so I can run outside, too. I feel very in tune with the mechanics of my body when running barefoot.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member

    Wow, you girls rock!

    One question, how much do you up each time on OHP? Today was only my second time doing them but I really had problems adding the recoommendet 2,5 kg, I only managed to do 2 sets of those :-( The lightest plates in my gym are 1,25kg, should I try to buy myself smaller ones? How do you handle this or are you all just way stronger than me?

    I am also just started last week. So far I was able to go up 5 lb each time on OHP, but I didn't start with 45 lb. I started with 35 lb, 40lb second time and yesterday was 45lb. My gym have these medium long barbells with fixed weights for these kind of movements. They start with 20 lb, and go up with 5lb increment , so I personally can not even go with any smaller increment.
    Theoretical as I reached the 45 lb, I can use he Olympic bar from now on, but nobody use those for these type of moves. There is only 2 olympic bar which do not belong to a squat rack or bench, and they are being used all the time.
    I think after 1-2 more increase I won't able to increase the OHP at every workout. If I increase it every second time, that is still pretty good. Most people OHP weight much smaller than the bench press anyway.

    I've been stuck around the same weight forever on OHP. Which is mostly why I purchased fractionals, in fact. And I do it in front of the squat rack with the olympic bar, sew me! lol - But that's cuz I power clean the weight up and the fixed bars are really bad for this. (Beats the guy using bumper plates for biceps curls! I was like "REALLY?!" this morning when I saw this)

    The program that I'm planning to switch to in april has NO BENCH PRESS whatsoever, though. Lots of overhead work (it's kinda crossfit based). I am looking forward to making all kinds of overhead gains while I run it! And I'm pretty sure it'll translate to my BP.

    Ah, good to know :-) Then I will just check for a while how it develops and see if I want/need to invest in fractional plates eventually. I always take the olympic bar as well, but a) I am also training in the morning where it is less crowded and b) in my gym don´t seem to be so many people interested in these. Yesterday I basically did my whole workout in front of the squat rack. When I was almost done, a guy came and asked how long until i finish (but he had just arrived) and when i was done he took my 50kg bar which I had just used for deadlifts and put it back on the rack like it didn´t weigh anything :embarassed:

    But next time I think I will try another bar for OHP, although we have a couple of those olympic bars in my gym, they are also used on the bench presses etc.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    ou are working out at the morning, right?

    Most of the time, yeah. Sometimes i'll end up at the gym around 11am on Mondays though and Oh my gawd is it crowded. ALL the ellipticals and treadmills and bikes are taken. The parking lot is full... Benches may be hard to come by, but there is ALWAYS at least 1 squat rack/power rack/something to use and the gym has a couple spare bars I think.

    Bare in mind my gym's got 2 power cages, 1 squat rack, 2 smith machines (including one with a non-fixed plane of motion, which makes me wonder why not ALL smith machines are like that!), and most of the time the crossfit rig is also available, so that adds 2 spots that can be used for benching or squatting. If you know where to look there are also like 5 sets of 2.5lbs plates, and they even invested in 35lbs metal plates recently. There are 2 sets of bumper plates, too, (minus the 15lbs which I've only ever seen 1 pair of) but those travel around a lot and sometimes are hard to find.

    I love my gym. At 6am it's usually pretty quiet, aside from the crappy music they have on the radio haha. And I think they also just recently added another crossfit room to the place. And they have boxing classes... And it's right on my way to work. I'm thankful for my gym! Even if the membership is a little expensive!

    And I went to bed at 8:30 last night. Had it not been for my mom calling at 8:45, I woulda had about 9 hours of sleep. I call that a sleep workout. *nodnod*
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I decided to do my lift yesterday instead of today as scheduled. I'm going out tonight, so I didn't want to rush it.

    5x5 75lbs

    Staying at this weight for another couple days. I really want to perfect my form. I am really starting to feel it in my glutes so that is my main aim.

    5x5 75lbs
    Oh man did I feel this in my abs! I really had to squeeze my whole body to get the bar up!

    5x5 60lbs
    I took my time in between sets (3-5 minutes instead of 1 1/2 like usual). This really helped me build up the power I needed to get that damn bar up!

    I am really feeling this in my abs today! My lower abs at that, the one part of my body I can never manage to make sore!

    I also got in a 30 min elliptical interval in.

    The only sad thing about this is....

  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Hi - kind of a meh workout. I have slept poorly this week and my last workout was HARD work, so I'm mostly ok with it being not much excitement. {LadyDeadlift warmup disclaimer applies to all the below}

    My tailbone area was sore - not the bones, the muscles...? I did two more reps for set 2 and just felt like I didn't wanna do this

    3x5x95 then 4, 4
    This is ok. I had this pattern when I was at 85# too and the next workout it was a breeze.


    Accessory work - done as a circuit, 3x8 to all exercises
    Lying Tricep Ext. -- 35#
    DB Bicep Curl -- 17.5#
    Back ext. w/25#
    Cable Crunch -- 47.5#

    Next workout's only a day away... woot!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Wolf, I like the sound of being in tune with your body mechanics!

    Viglet, I think I am finally getting that compound exercise thing being a full body exercise! I am focusing on using my abs and other core muscles as well. Don't worry! The fat will come off! The scale is truly an annoying device!

    I did another relatively early workout.

    Squats: 5x60 up from 50
    OHP: 5x 60
    DL: 5x110

    I am working on adding warm ups. When I was working out with my son I felt I had to hurry in case he lost interest and I didn't really have the energy anyway for warmups with weight (we always do stretching warmups and body weight squats) Now I am including warm ups with weight and I feel it is part of the workout. I have to say that i think it really helps. I did squats completely pain free (knees and Hamstring tendon) for the first time in probably a year!! I don't know what I will do for cardio today. We had more snow. : ( It's spring you know!!
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    6 weeks done :happy: I am so happy that I stuck with it so long without missing a day. Sunday is my measurement day. I will post my results then.

    Today, I did.
    Squats 5x60. Going good
    Bench 1x5x80 4x4x80. Just struggled at end and wasnt feeling it
    Row 5x60. Ready to bump it up.

    Chin up with 44 lbs assist
    Hanging leg raise. Got legs above parallel
    Leg press 5x185
    Skull crushers 5x20

    Viglet - I hate the weight not moving either even though I weigh and measure everything.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I am working on adding warm ups. When I was working out with my son I felt I had to hurry in case he lost interest and I didn't really have the energy anyway for warmups with weight (we always do stretching warmups and body weight squats) Now I am including warm ups with weight and I feel it is part of the workout. I have to say that i think it really helps. I did squats completely pain free (knees and Hamstring tendon) for the first time in probably a year!! I don't know what I will do for cardio today. We had more snow. : ( It's spring you know!!

    Warming up has made a world of a difference for me! I really feel like I have more control of my body now that I started taking the time. Someone in a previous post said this :
    You're not just warming up in the sense of raising body temperature, you're also getting your muscles, connective tissue, and brain ready for each movement. Your brain might actually be the most important because all strength gains come from neural adaptation. Your brain tells your muscles to use more of the fibers they already have- even if you do gain muscle mass through a bulk the strength part comes from your brain learning how to recruit some of those new fibers.

    ^^ It is so true!!!

    And we are supposed to get 10 cm of snow here :( I am NOT impressed with this!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Please, up to 2 days ago we were stuck in -25 degree celcius land. Enjoy the snow! =P

    (Yeah, i'm sick of it too. But shoveling is a good workout! :wink: )
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    viglet--same here, but this week BAM! 3 lbs in 2 days. Yes, I weigh myself every day :ohwell: I'm guessing I finally got a hold of my food intake. I dropped it by 500 calories which is probably not a good idea for weight training. I probably could have dropped by 200. I'll gradually add more in. I was sure glad to see the 190's again, though :bigsmile:
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    krokador- I drive almost 80 kms to work each day... the snow makes my life hell! But I agree, I am happy to be no where near -25 anymore
    viglet--same here, but this week BAM! 3 lbs in 2 days. Yes, I weigh myself every day :ohwell: I'm guessing I finally got a hold of my food intake. I dropped it by 500 calories which is probably not a good idea for weight training. I probably could have dropped by 200. I'll gradually add more in. I was sure glad to see the 190's again, though :bigsmile:

    whoa that's a big drop! How much are you eating now?

    I am doing 1560 calories a day and have my macros split 40-30-30. I just don't want to go below this. I have decided I am done with low calories, even if it means slower losses.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    krokador- I drive almost 80 kms to work each day... the snow makes my life hell! But I agree, I am happy to be no where near -25 anymore
    viglet--same here, but this week BAM! 3 lbs in 2 days. Yes, I weigh myself every day :ohwell: I'm guessing I finally got a hold of my food intake. I dropped it by 500 calories which is probably not a good idea for weight training. I probably could have dropped by 200. I'll gradually add more in. I was sure glad to see the 190's again, though :bigsmile:

    whoa that's a big drop! How much are you eating now?

    I am doing 1560 calories a day and have my macros split 40-30-30. I just don't want to go below this. I have decided I am done with low calories, even if it means slower losses.

    I have my calories set at 2000. I've been actually eating under my BMR (which is not good by any means). My BMR is around 1640 according to Scooby's workshop. I probably eat around 1400-1500 cals. What's weird is that I took a four day hiatus and I figured I'd weigh a little more after starting to work out again, but that wasn't the case. Most likely, when I had my cals set at 1800-1900, I was probably eating more than that. I don't weigh anything and my DF likes to eat candy and offer me candy in the evenings when we're laying in bed. :grumble: Of course, I usually don't refuse. Anyway, I've cut that out. The only thing I can think is that I'm tracking more accurately and cutting out the extras. The loss has been really slow for me since I started in November. Even the inch loss is slow.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Fridays ladies...Workout B for me today Yah Dead lifts...oh and nice to see so many new faces...:drinker:

    DH isn't home until 7pm tonight so he isn't here...not sure when he will do his probably tomorrow...on his turn around day (he works 2 days then 2 nights )

    Well I am doing my rehab more diligently for that pull I had in's been acting up bad that past couple of weeks. I have stopped the HIIT workout as well...well didn't do one on Thursday, went for a walk on Tuesday...gonna do my rehab exercises until I am better this time so my squats are lower still...DL deload due to form.

    did the rehab 3x today and specifically right before my lifts which made a huge difference along with ensuring my knees are pushed narrow stance for me ouchie...hoping that comes with time as it gets better...I liike varying my stance sometimes and would like to try SL deads again at some point.

    I know i never reference my warm up sets..I do them...I promise...well maybe not deads and rows (might start with deads tho) usually 2 sets @ empty bar and 2 weighted sets...I try for half my working weight.

    Squats @ 140 today

    5x5 no issues

    OHP @ 75lbs today due to deload from failure at 85lbs...wondering if I should move up slower this time...using my weighted collars...I just want to hit that triple diget OHP.

    DLs@180lbs today gonna work on the form and make sure it's a push not a pull exercise...:bigsmile: (yes did a warm up)

    1x5 felt like rep two was more with my back but corrected it through the rest...will record this weight next week for review.

    My calories average 1700 a day...I have it set at 1600 knowing that if I want to I can go higher...and I often do.

    That is my TDEE-15% but with being so close to goal...I know I should move it up...but my plan is to hit 155 and then slowly move up as my ultimate goal is 20-22% BF which means 149-152...

    I have gone weeks (4) while lifting without losing a lb then wooosh...1.5lbs for 2 weeks in a row...

    Mind you for me the scale is moving but the inches are not...which is disheartening...although I wore a size 5/6 jean this week and wasn't "squished in":drinker: while with my 9's I need a belt so bad....hehe
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I hope we have seen the end of that extreme cold too. Krok I knew someone would mention the shovelling calories!! lol! I try to get my son to shovel I don't like to do real work! I know it is pathetic but I would rather run and lift or longboard than do anything remotely useful!

    I have my calories set to 1200 plus I eat all of my exercise calories and I also think I'm fine if I am anywhere below 500 in the red. frequently I am over my 500 limit. Do you think that has anything to do with me not losing? LOL You know recently I have been thinking that as long as I'm not gaining I am probably gaining muscle so that is good too! I think I must be the queen of rationalization! I do eat really well though so at least there is that. I am 5'6" and about 185 ish but a few years ago I was 265 so if I think about it that way I am still doing great. It's all relative. There was a time when I could barely waddle. I was thinking today as I put the bar back on the hooks how hard that was when I first started! We just have to keep on keeping on and changes will happen even if the %$#* scale doesn't change.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Today I did:
    Squats: 5x5: 70
    Bench: 5x5: 65
    Deads: 1x5: 105

    My math needs help at the gym. :/ lol

    I am exausted. I this normal for lifting? Any idea on what I should do?
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    @viglet- I know my weight has been more finicky since starting SL. I used to see a steady drop when i was really "good" not so much anymore. its very unpredictable these days. I eat 1500 calories and some of my exercises calories back. this super slow losing is hard and its meant I've had to swear off alcohol til I meet goal and stay there for 2 weeks. but I'm sure it's better for me than what I was doing ( 1200 not eating back any exercise calories but binging on weekends ) I do think I see a tiny bit of progress so I'm sticking with the current plan for a little while longer. you might want to just play with your numbers a bit.

    I love Fridays sooooo much!! I go in the early afternoon and no one is there, save a few old men. its so nice!!! its become bliss time for me lol

    Today was bench day

    Squats 110lb 5x5
    the weight is not the problem with these. I have a knot in my right quad that isn't just sore it stings! it makes the lifts really hard.
    I think it may have to do with the way I'm returning the bar to the rack. I always rock off that foot. I tried to stop myself from doing it today but its already habit and hard to keep from doing. I'm wondering if I should take an extra day off it til it heals.

    Bench- 75lbs 5x5
    No problems here typical shake but I'm starting to think that's just me LOL .

    Row 90lbs 5x5
    a push but went nicely

    I also did 3x5 chin-ups, 3x5 pull-ups & 15min core ( and tried 5 toes to bar LOL fun but didn't even come close )

    @Saranharm - I did crazy hard cardio for years so lifting actually gives me energy but I have no idea what normal is. I'm never normal LOL.
    if your finding yourself pooped I'd say take a hint from your body and sneak in a nap, if you can. if not maybe hit the sack a tiny bit earlier?