2 week challenge



  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Woops! I forgot to enter my star challenge for the last week of March! I had a SILVER though!! I think for April I will up to 1500/week though if that's ok :)

    Ashley - I hope you're feeling better!

    Kc - Glad you're getting back into the work outs! I'm sure you feel great!

    Amy - Looks like you have it all planned out!! Get it girl!

    Beeps - Yikes!! That is some crazy sticker shock!!! Hopefully your son's quote comes in less!!

    Shanaber- Close name to mine! haha, great goals!

    I'm finally starting to feel a little better. I still keep losing my voice which is very annoying, but I'm not sniffling as much anymore. I was able to get back to the gym this morning after taking a week off to get better and it felt really good! That was what I missed the most I think!! Depending on how I feel tonight I might try to go tomorrow and Friday too just to make up for missing so much! Saturday it's supposed to be almost 60, so maybe I'll get to run outside! That would be exciting :) I also started a "squat challenge" that I found on Pinterest, so today is day 2 and I will be continuing it through April. I just need to remember to take a "before" picture so I can see if it made a difference in growing me a booty :P That's all that's new with me!

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    shanaber - you are *in* the challenge....please show up here again because I'm gonna be MERCILESS at chopping folks who aren't reporting in on the mondays!!

    shander - yes, take some pictures and post your progress here!

    No lifting for me, today or tomorrow, got too many appts for kidlets. I am not worried about missing a work-out here and there, anymore....will simply tighten my calories, instead!

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    My week is going well so far. I did Chalean on Monday and ran on the treadmill yesterday. My body was hurting yesterday my neck was bothering me, my knee hurt and I was starting to get a sore throat, so I decided to take this morning off. So tomorrow is Chalean, Friday I will run and Saturday is Chalean. If I have time Sunday I would also like to get in a run, but its Jack's baptism and party that afternoon, so I will see if I get time to squeeze it in the morning.

    As far as diet I have been under cals so far this week and no booze. I am going to try to keep that momentum up. The scale has been hanging at 150 and its driving me crazy. I said I wanted to be at 145 by the end of April which is possible if I really keep it together.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Holy crap, I stopped checking in & now we are well into a new thread! Welcome back Jen that is so exciting for you, you are a Rockstar! I actually managed to get some strength in this week. Now that Snow White is over (my daughter was just in a ballet performance) I am able to start joining the other ladies on my Mudderella team for our group training. We did some circuits on Sunday, I had jazz class n Monday & two ballet classes yesterday. I want to keep this up so I am going to squeeze in a quick strength routine tonight & perhaps a run tomorrow then I have modern dance on Friday & yoga on Saturday morning. I also need to get back to logging at least during the week & staying away from sugar & wheat.

    Chloe - hope you feel better & keep the momentum going

    Beeps - glad to see you are on the mend, you as well shander

    shanaber - wow on the half marathon, I have yet to be able to do more than a 5K, but I am singed up for a Mudderella in the fall which I believe is 5 or 6 miles, but not all running because there are obstacles as well
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    Thanks Beeps - I will be here! My goal is 9870/week

    Abigail - I have a friend/running mentor who started dragging me to races (literally). I ran my 1st 1/2 (13.2 miles) a year and a half ago and thought I was going to die! I had only run a 5k (3.1miles) previously but I made it to the end! This will now be my fourth (wow didn't realize that until typing this now :laugh:). They are really a lot of fun once you figure out how to run them and especially if you have friends to run with you. I don't think I would do the mud runs - I am not so much for obstacles and would probably hurt myself :bigsmile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome Shanaber! a marathon, wow! I started the training for a half and decided running wasn't my thing. I like to keep in shape enough to be able to do 5k without too much trouble, but any more than that I am just bored!

    Beeps, that is nasty sticker shock! We just paid our taxes and that hurt:frown:

    And Jen, it was good to see you again, hope you can check in with us again but I know how life gets sometimes...

    I like my new workout ok, but it doesn't seem like much! usually it's about 5 sets with a warm up and 5 or less reps. I guess it is a lot like 5x5 with some different exercises and the idea that one day you do "explosive lifting" and the next day you do "time under tension" lifting which is slower. But I will give it a chance and see if I get stronger. I am sore! and I can do 3 pushups.

    Weigh in was exactly the same so I must be pretty close to maintenance as I have maintained for 3 weeks now. Glad I have the data, but will be interesting to see with the new workouts where I am next week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Amy - yep, that data is pretty good.

    I think I know my maintenance number, too....am staying below it, for the next little bit, but likely will be AT it come May and beyond!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ris – Congrats on the promo and your baby is so sweet!!

    Better – Hope you are on the mend soon!

    KC – Don’t let TOM get the best of ya! You can do it 

    Shander – glad you feeling better and back to the gym! Keep at those squats, they work wonders for da booty ;)

    Chloe – You have some great momentum! And no booze, wow! How exciting about Jack’s baptism. He is a little cutie!

    Abigail – The muderella sounds fun! I’ve done the Mudzilla but they didn’t have that much mud :/

    Shanaber – Kudos to you on the marathon! I’m with Amy, anything more than a 5k and I lose interest/stamina ;)

    Amy – What program are you doing now?! I liked the Stronglifts program so I may be interested in yours  And woohoo, get those push ups!!

    Beeps – Holy cow, that’s expensive for braces!! Last I remember, you were focusing on…I’m gonna get this wrong, outputs/inputs, something like that?? Are you still doing that?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. We're moving fast these days! So just a quick check in before I start doing actual real work. :smile: My week has been okay. Tuesday night I had dinner out and then my friend came over and I drank WAY too much. I had to run my hangover off yesterday on my day off :blushing: . Still feeling a little fluffy but a little better. I have gotten 3 workouts in this week and brought my bag to work out at lunch today. Not sure what I will do. I have access to T25, P90X, and Insanity I think, but I may just lift. I was supposed to be on a 5 week cardio rotation, but I'm already missing lifting. And I forgot my HRM which bothers me when I'm doing new cardio. So we'll see. I'm doing something at lunch regardless. This weekend I'll have one workout left, probably kettlebell video or 6 week 6 pack. And work on my deadlifts. See if I can get up to 135 lbs this week. I weigh in tomorrow. Not sure how I feel about it. Have a great rest of the week ladies!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I am still going pretty strong this week. Stayed under cals every day and still no booze. My body is feeling a bit better, my neck is still stiff. I did do Chalean this morning. I am thinking I might do Chalean again tomorrow to finish up the week and then get in a run or two over the weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Hi jen! Yes, i am still focusing on "inputs". Brushing my teeth after meals truly is THE biggest "input" that if I do it consistently, my calories are lower. So, that is taking my mental energy this week. However, I am also focusing on "outputs" only in the sense that I'd like my weight to be <145 (and stay there!) and I want my waist measurement to be <27" (and stay there!). I am only measuring 1 x per week, though, so it isn't like the "outputs" are my FOCUS - they are just a way of making sure that what calories I am eating are the RIGHT calories for the goals I have set.

    Better - I avoid hangovers like the plague! They just wreck too much (precious!) time.

    Chloe - congrats on the calories!

    How is everyone else doing in week 1 of April *star* challenge??!?!??!?!?!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have been really hungry this week and not really sayin no to booze. I should have logged a low-cal day yesterday, I was on my own for dinner and the evening but I over-ate. I even made a 3-2-1 cake with pineapple in it, it was yum:tongue: maybe I have PMS, or the workouts make me hungry...

    And, Jen, the workout plan is one from Rusty Moore of Fitness Black Book, it's called "Visual Impact Frequency Training" and it calls for 5 strength workouts per week, alternating between "explosive" sessions and "time under tension" lifting pretty heavy-the warm up set is 60% of your max, set 2 68%, set 3 82% and then set 4 is 90%, and you only do 3-5 reps.
    Each day you can pick one pressing movement, one leg exercise, one back, one bicep and one tricep. I spent $17 on the PDF but it seemed like an alright price.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    My week has been pretty good so far. Haven't gone over my calories a single day, which is a huge win for me. I've been playing around with calories to see what is working, so Beeps I might end up changing again in the weeks ahead!

    Jen - welcome back!

    Better - Great work with those dead lifts!

    Chloe - Great work on the no booze. Tough to do :)

    Amy - that cake sounds pretty yummy

    Have a great day ladies!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am bloated, crampy, and grumpy, but I worked out. Oh, and it's IS SNOWING in April in New Mexico!!!! I'm wearing sadles. they said 10% chance of rain.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    It's pouring rain in KY.

    Just killed my lunch workout. My arms are already shaky. Did a HIIT and a little lifting. Yesss.....

    Beeps, I hate hangovers, but am sort of a professional :wink: , so have learned not to lay around and actually be productive. Yesterday I logged almost 5 miles, worked on a side residentialy landscaping project for about an hour and a half, did laundry, raked and bagged leaves from our parking area, and did some hot tub maintenance. :drinker: I agree though, those debilitating ones totally suck. Nothing makes me more anxious then being completely unproductive due to drinking too much.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Amy - that sounds like verrrry interesting work-outs! Please post how you think it is going.

    ramalem - keep your calories until May. Change 'em then! (Meaning: if you aren't eating them all, SUPER, just THINK how easy it will be to get those "PLATINUM" stars!!)

    kclynch - spring hasn't arrived here....

    Better - you doing that hungover is AMAZEBALLS!

    Son's ortho quote is in - $7k. So, between the 2 kids, that is $16k, plus the $1k I had to drop this week for their diagnostics ($500 per kid).

    I have my paralegal trying to look for some sideline work I can do....this is just RIDICULOUS.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ugh Beeps that SUCKS. Damn kids! :tongue:

    Better - Good for you being productive when hungover, I haven't quite mastered that art.

    kclynch - sorry about all the grumpy and bloating etc. Good work getting a workout in though! I don't feel like spring has really arrived anywhere yet! :grumble:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Today I get to go to the gym!! See how EXCITED I am!!!

    And, that means LIFTING.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I will definitely give it 3 weeks and let you know!

    Last night I pigged out on Chinese food! I think I am going to up my cals since I am not counting workouts now. I will use the formula in the plan: Goal Weight in Pounds x (hours working out per week + 9.5) = Calories
    for me that's 1667 with 5 workouts but I will make it an even 1600 and we can start Monday, since it's already Friday and all:)
    I haven't got any real plans for the weekend-anyone doing anything fun?
    Mike is going to the Rockies home opener today. I will go to his show Sunday with some of my family who are going to be around....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    We're having a date night tonight. Dinner at a swanky French place/wine bar and ballet (Eric got me tickets for my birthday in Septebmer) after. Should be fun. Then my team plays Saturday night. Go Cats!

    Weigh in today shows 1 pound lost. So I lost the pound I gained back at last weigh in. I'll take it! Now I need to keep the downward trend. 9 weeks till vacation. I'd really like to be at 130 by then, so 3.5 more pounds to go.

    I ate a sugar cookie at a tree reception this morning to celebrate. :blushing:

    Have a great weekend ladies!