Running Goals for 2014



  • lbelle987
    lbelle987 Posts: 97
    My top running goal for 2014 is to shave an hour off my marathon time. I'm about to start training for my second, and my first marathon time was disappointing (battled tendinitis and a knee injury my last month of training). I'm running the same marathon this year, and I am ready for my rematch!
  • LittleCulturedPearl
    LittleCulturedPearl Posts: 71 Member
    I have the same goal! Last year, my goal to run 1000 miles was cut short on Dec 16 when I twisted my leg falling on the ice. I'm back now, and I'll be taking much better care of myself to ease back into running.
    1) My distance goal this year is to run 2014 miles (go figure)...
    2) I will run the Color Run 5K (16 Aug), the Lachine half marathon (24 Aug), and the Rock 'n' Roll Montreal full marathon (28 Sept).
    3) My pace goals are: 5K under 21:30:00; 21K (HM) under 1:50:00; full marathon (26.2 mi) in 3:45:00.
    4) My calorie goals: burn at least 16,000 calories per month. I need to get my weight down to 125 in order to improve my race time, so this should help me get there.
    ---> Follow me on Nike+: LittleCulturedPearl

    Good luck with your goals, everyone!
  • plateaued
    plateaued Posts: 199 Member
    prep for the los angeles marathon in the spring of 2015
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    My 2014 goals

    1 race a month! so far so good!
    Lose weight & balance my food intake (getting there)
    speed up my pace
    run at least 3 marathons in different states hopefully (first one scheduled in April!!)
  • RayInMotion
    RayInMotion Posts: 89 Member
    Get below 21:00 is the 5K by the end of the year.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    1. Complete 5 HM.
    2. Get base miles up to 30 MPW...steady.
    3. Sub 02:15 HM time (current PR is 02:26:59)
    4. Sub 30 minute 5K (current PR is 31:51).............Done
    5. 1000 miles run/walked this year.
    6. Finish my first full.
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group. Love these goals I see!

    My 2014 goals:

    Run 1000 miles
    Sub 28 5k
    Sub 58 10k
    Sub 2:15 half

    I'm also hoping to do my first marathon in 2015!
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I'm new here too! My goals:

    Build back to a base of 20 MPW
    Do a 5K and 10K with no time goals
  • johe28
    johe28 Posts: 108 Member
    I have two 1/2's this year and I would like to be able to run sub 2:00:00.
  • sportzmom23
    sportzmom23 Posts: 103 Member
    consistency in putting myself first! I always put my runs off for my family. we will be traveling a lot this summer for softball and baseball, and I know to feel my best thru out, I MUST get my runs on

    I want to build my base back to 25-30 a week when not training for a race.

    put 750 on the books from now to 12-31

    These all lead to next years goal of a 2:00 half, ok, maybe 2:15 half
  • Aquamum9
    Aquamum9 Posts: 51
    I'm new here too! My goals:

    Build back to a base of 20 MPW
    Do a 5K and 10K with no time goals

    New here, too!

    Our goals are pretty similar! I am doing my first race ever, 5K, in two weeks; first 10K in four weeks; and am hoping to train for a half in the fall. I've ran, on and off over years, but this last year is is the first time I have ever been consistent and truly made progress. Love love love running :-)
  • hug0b0ss
    hug0b0ss Posts: 1
    So far this year:

    1) Akron, OH Half Marathon - September 27, 2014
  • 311pilgrims
    I will run a full by the end of this year.

    I've already improved my HM time from last year, but I have one more to complete in September!!
    10/20/13- 02:36:44
    04/26/14- 02:20:32 (pacers were my friends :tongue: )
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I like this thread. It forced me to think about what my goals were at the beginning of the year:

    sub 25 min 5K
    sub 1:50 HM
    sub 4:20 FM

    I have been feeling very down because the running has been on hold due to both injury and illness. But when I re-assess, I see that it's not so bad. I already got the sub 25 min 5K. And I haven't completely given up hope on the other two, they may just have to come later than I wanted. Still very doable. I feel much better now :smile:
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    My goals for this year

    sub 30 minute 5k
    2:15 or better HM

    This is only my second year really running. I already PR'd one 5k at 31 minutes, and my 10 Miler this past Sunday was 1:53:53 (12 minutes faster than the previous year) goes!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I have a lot of other goals, but I'll just stick with running:

    2 Marathons - 1st completed in just under 4:30....want 2nd marathon to be closer to 4 hours
    3 Half Marathons - 1st completed (time was bad from no training), others should be in the 1:55 or better range

    I also have a ton of 5k's I do each year...this year looks to be around 10. No goals for them as I just enjoy supporting local groups or enjoying the scenery. Although, I hope to be around 25 min or less for most of them.

    My primary focus is to just have a high volume of running, as next year I start massive speed work training to prepare to qualify for Boston. I will need to be running 7 minute miles...I cannot even run that fast for a 5k.
  • triaortega
    triaortega Posts: 1 Member
    A < 20min - 5k (at the moment ~ 25min)
    A 45min - 10k (at the moment: ~55 min)
    A 2h - 21k (never done yet ;) )
  • NorthCountryDreamer
    NorthCountryDreamer Posts: 115 Member
    I will qualify for the Boston Marathon on October 5th, 2014 at the Twin Cities Marathon. Everything else is just details. I will lose weight. I will run sub 8 minutes miles. I will not get inured or sick. I will eat, rest, lift weights, stretch and run fast and far.
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    I started the year with 2 running goals.
    1. run my first marathon....done 4:33:06
    2. run 1000 miles by 12/31/14. I'm at 510 so far

    I think I want to go for a 1:50:00 half in November. Current PR for this course is 1:55:45
  • buttonfeet
    buttonfeet Posts: 50 Member
    Great post idea! Mine is to run 2014 miles in 2014. I am way behind, but I plan to catch back up now that my Master's program is just about over.