x- Welcome all cyclists! -x



  • Zodia81
    Zodia81 Posts: 43
    Hi! I am new to the group and new to cycling. :)

    I am 33 years old and just started riding again after about 20 years. My husband is an avid bike rider and has been competing in races since high school. He was very encouraging when I said I wanted to ride and has been very patient with my slow pace and learning process. We currently live in Hawaii but will be leaving in a few years back to our home state of West Virginia. I have to get in shape and get this riding trails down before then, nothing is flat in WV!

    My bike is a Motobecane Fantom29 Trail.
  • fitandfortyish
    fitandfortyish Posts: 194 Member
    Hi to all! I'm new to group. I've recently bought a kona splice for my commute to work--16k round trip and am enjoying riding so much that I ride on non-commute days too. I live within an hour of the Rocky Mountains so hope to get on some trails this summer as well.

    My other cardio is rowing, recently completed a concept 2 challenge of a minimum of 5k per day for 25 days -- wicked challenge but totally worth the effort.

    Would love some cycling pals to add to my rowing crew--many of us cross train with bikes so would love to expand my "friend" group.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Hi all,

    I just discovered this group on MFP and had to join. I'm in my late 40s and about 50lbs overweight despite biking a few thousand miles over the past two years.

    I guess exercise alone won't do it so I'm looking to manage what I eat along with keeping the biking going and have success this summer in getting fit!

    I have an old Fuji road bike from the mid 1980s someone gave me that fixed up that I ride. What can I say, it is cheap and it works :)
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    After a long winter and some serious debating, I got my first ride in today. Found a 8.24 mile route through my neighborhood and topped out between 10-12 mph (not ready for the big boys). Things I have to get use to: 1. Saddle buns 2. Quads pumping the peddle (felt the burn with little churn) 3. Hills

    I am looking forward to growing with this new hobby. I may can do up to 10 miles at the moment but my goal is 100 miles.
  • Lukejacksmum
    Lukejacksmum Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone :)
    My name is Julie, I am a 42yr old mum of 2 young boys. I have spent my life around horses(still have 4) but 2 months ago my husband(very much into bikes) bought me my first bike(a Boardman hybrid pro) I have always ridden a little but always borrowed one of his bikes! It is so nice having my own bike! My plan for this year is to get fitter and lose 4 stone(I have lost 2 so far). I have just entered the South Wales ride(46 miles) which happens next month(gulp) so need to get some miles in! The quicker I can lose the weight the better as the hills around here are a killer! I think everyone on here are amazing and you are all such an inspiration xxx
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member

    I have been on MFP for awhile but just found this group. I am not sure what kind of cyclist I am. I have used a bike to commute for a number of years but just started doing longer distance last year.

    This year I bought a road bike, I had been riding a hybrid. I love the new road bike, don't seem to get as fatigued as I used to.

    I found this group when trying to find out about fueling on longer rides. I for some weird reason have decided that 100k bike ride would be fun. I am sure it will be but it is six weeks away and I have not got nearly enough KM's in yet. Weather where I am has been unseasonly cold and I am a wimp.

    My hybrid is a women's Giant Dash 3 and my road bike is a carbon fiber Fuji.

  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi all :) A friend of mine recommended this group to me. I've always owned a mountain bike and use it to commute and bash around on trails occasionally.

    Long story short, I've always enjoyed cycling and have recently increased the amount of time spent on the bike to compensate for not being able to run (peroneal tendinopathy). After taking many spin classes, pushing my 10 - 15 yr old mountain bike up and down the local hills and having friends that ride (biiiig distances) I decided to bite the bullet and purchase a road bike.

    I am now the proud owner of a 3 year old Felt, and currently 2 stacks/falls into teaching myself to ride in cleats and clipless pedals.... This mornings fall in front of a group of 30 odd cyclists when the chain slipped going up a hill and I forgot to kick out of the pedals was particularly spectacular :drinker:

    I am looking forward to making some new friends that ride and learning some new skills; hopefully one of which is how to fall off gracefully without dropping the F-bomb....
  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    I have used a bike to commute for a number of years but just started doing longer distance last year.

    This year I bought a road bike, I had been riding a hybrid. I love the new road bike, don't seem to get as fatigued as I used to.

    I think ppl who commute on a bike to be some of the best kind of bike riders! I would love to commute to work...but It doesn't work for me as I work out of my house!! Welcome to this section of the forum.
  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    teaching myself to ride in cleats and clipless pedals.... This mornings fall in front of a group of 30 odd cyclists when the chain slipped going up a hill and I forgot to kick out of the pedals was particularly spectacular :drinker:

    I am looking forward to making some new friends that ride and learning some new skills; hopefully one of which is how to fall off gracefully without dropping the F-bomb....

    I think thats happened to all of us that just started out with clipless. I was an avid "Roadie" all my life with no desire to get into MTBing. A few of my friend were hitting up the trails a lot, so I bit the bullet and bought a hard tail. I instantly fell in love. In fact I ditched my road bike, and strictly was a trail rider for many years. about two years ago I found a smokin deal for a high quality road bike that I just could not pass up. I'm so happy I did. I love doing both now. Although I have been giving most of my ride time to the road of late, but looking to start up on some off road riding again. (I have to wait for a rear shock to be rebuilt and sent back to me)

    Welcome to this section of the forums
  • pain_junkie
    pain_junkie Posts: 1 Member
    New to the group! Love mountain biking! I've been using MFP for awhile just decided it was time to start making friends on this site!
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Hi ya'll! My name is Kim, I just joined the group. I started road biking a few months ago. I love it! I also mountain bike some with my husband. I am glad I found this group.
  • kms2072
    kms2072 Posts: 55
    Hi everyone. I've been riding my bike for about 8 years now. I fell in love with cycling while completing a sprint triathlon in 2006. I don't get to ride as much as I would like to, but on my bike is where I find my peace. Cycling is the one thing I've stuck with. I prefer to ride alone but have rode in groups as well. My friend also got me out on a mountain bike once but although I really liked it, I love my road bike even more. Looking to participate in some local rides here but my main goal is to complete a century ride.....one day...soon I hope! Nice to meet you all! :smile:
  • kanders1979
    Hi All - My name is Kevin. Joined recently. LOVE cycling (road) and try to ride everyday. In addition to diet, cycling helped me lose nearly 100lbs last year. I try to ride between 75-100 miles per week but with work, travel schedule it can be tricky.
    Live in Charlotte, NC and it is NOT a cycling friendly city. Love riding solo but also like group rides (though if the group is too large, it ends up getting annoying). However, I love riding with 4-6 friends in the early AM.
  • essa78
    essa78 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello, I'm Essa, I'm new to MFP. I started riding my bike to work (11miles) and while it left me feeling accomplished and energized , I was kinda under the impression that I could lose a little weight (40-50lbs) and make my commute a little easier. I downloaded My Fitness Pal and Map My Ride to help me with my goals. I'll be coming home to Tucson AZ and I'd like to meet up with some like minded peeps who'd be interested in a some group rides or trail rides, so please contact me if you're in the area, I'd like to have more pals that love to RIDE!
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    Hi all! I'm Jim. I'm in Northern Colorado, north of Denver. I love riding my bike. It is great exercise and I love the fresh air of Northern Colorado along with the views of the Front Range and Long's Peak! I have a hybrid bike, but only do road riding at this time, and that is predominately all done on the streets of Longmont, since the bike paths seem to all still be closed after last fall's flooding. I am trying to work my way up to a round trip ride from home to Hygiene, CO and back, about a 25 mile round trip for those not familiar with the area. My longest ride so far, this past Tuesday, was just over 16 miles.
  • gdjester1
    gdjester1 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    My Name is Mike. I started trying to lose weight back in Dec. I was at a little over 400lbs then. I have been doing really well and have lost about a hundred pounds so far. A few months back I dusted off my old mountain bike and decided to give it a try. I instantly fell in love with riding. I hadn't been on a bike since I was maybe 15 (I'm 36 now). I'm now riding that bike to work almost everyday about 8 miles each way and doing a lot of rail trail and road riding. I'm on here to look for tips and support from others who love to ride like I do.
  • jacqui2494
    jacqui2494 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Fellow Cyclists
    My name is Jacqui from Brisbane, Australia. I am 56 years old. I love cycling. I was a jogger for many years, but nothing beats being on a bike. I have a carbon road bike. We have great weather that enables us to cycle all year round. We just have to start extra early in summer. :cry: Don't like getting out of bed and that is a real problem for a cyclist. We are supposed to be morning people.
    I can highly recommend cycling in Brisbane if y'all ever come to Aussie. We have great dedicated cycling tracks all over Brisbane and can cycle down to the Gold Coast, 100Kms (60 miles) away if the mood takes us.

    I have been riding for 4 years now. I had this great belief that just cycling alone would melt the fat off me. I really did think that in 6 months time I would look like the other cyclists out there. How wrong I was. In fact, I am heavier than when I started.
    I find that cycling makes me extremely hungry and then it is hard to moderate the food intake.

    I have recently purchased a Fitbit and I try to do walking when I am not riding, in the hope that something will work.

    I would be very interested to hear from other cyclists who have been successful with long rides and fat loss. How you managed the hunger and what kind of program you followed.

    Many thanks.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Hi Fellow Cyclists
    My name is Jacqui from Brisbane, Australia. I am 56 years old. I love cycling. I was a jogger for many years, but nothing beats being on a bike. I have a carbon road bike. We have great weather that enables us to cycle all year round. We just have to start extra early in summer. :cry: Don't like getting out of bed and that is a real problem for a cyclist. We are supposed to be morning people.
    I can highly recommend cycling in Brisbane if y'all ever come to Aussie. We have great dedicated cycling tracks all over Brisbane and can cycle down to the Gold Coast, 100Kms (60 miles) away if the mood takes us.

    I have been riding for 4 years now. I had this great belief that just cycling alone would melt the fat off me. I really did think that in 6 months time I would look like the other cyclists out there. How wrong I was. In fact, I am heavier than when I started.
    I find that cycling makes me extremely hungry and then it is hard to moderate the food intake.

    I have recently purchased a Fitbit and I try to do walking when I am not riding, in the hope that something will work.

    I would be very interested to hear from other cyclists who have been successful with long rides and fat loss. How you managed the hunger and what kind of program you followed.

    Many thanks.

    Welcome aboard...

    If you've questions about riding or nutrition whilst doing longer distances, or anything like that, you'd probably be best served starting a thread and asking a specific question - this thread is pretty much just a "Wave and Say Hi!" thread.

    We're a friendly bunch though, and don't bite often. Well - unless we've been out for 6-7 hours riding, and are hungry enough to eat "a babys backside through the bottom of the pram"...
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Noel, and I have a cycling problem. Or so my wife thinks, anyway.

    I started riding again 3 and a half years ago. As a kid I lived on a BMX bike and rode the thing everywhere. Fast forward to February 2011, and I was 41 years old, 5'9 and 235 lbs. I got a road bike at the urging of a couple of friends who were casual cyclists and my wife who had a road bike but never actually used it. After being completely wiped out on my first road ride, all of 8 miles, I slowly started riding more (and more, and more, and more) until by the end of that summer I was riding 3 times as much as all the people who got me started. I was absolutely hooked.

    Now, almost 4 years later, I spend 7-10 hours per week on one or the other of my current stable of 4 bikes. I race my time trial bike in a 10 mile time trial once per month from April to September, I have done a handful of Cross Country mountain bike races, a few 3 or 6 hour endurance Mountain bike races, and I'm about to start racing cyclocross. My first CX race is in a week.

    Over the first couple of years I rode my weight crept down from 235 to about 200 without me really doing anything other than riding a lot. I leveled off at about 205, give or take 3 or 4 pounds. This past July I hired a coach to help me get stronger and faster. That brought me to the realization that if I'm going to take my riding that seriously and spend the money for coaching then I owe it to myself to lose the weight and get down to the 160 lbs or so I should be. So, I fired up my sporadically-used MFP app in early July, figured out what my intake should be, and started logging religiously. So far, so good. I'm hooked on MFP and I'm down about 16 lbs but a lot of that was the initial loss. I'm losing steadily at about 1 to 1.5 per week, feeling better in general and on the bike in particular, and looking forward to continuing to make progress.

  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    Hello! Great to find this place!

    I am Chris.

    I used to be a very, very good cyclist. Unfortunately, I stopped and made 10 years of bad life choices (which led to 100lbs of extra weight).

    Still, that's in the past. I'm training again, and next year am doing cycling events planned for the first time in years; next July I will be riding the Dunwich Dynamo, a 125 mile night ride that finishes at 7am with the participants running into the sea. Plus a couple of other events. Just got to get the miles in over winter so I have my legs back!

    I'm a former bike mechanic and I know a lot about bikes. I have owned literally hundreds in the past. Currently, I have:

    1. Muddy Fox Courier Comp - lovely aincient steel MTB, possibly one of the best Clydesdale frames ever. I built a special 40 spoke back wheel for it, and fitted Magura brakes.
    2. Unknown Claud Butler MTB with lugged steel frame - actually far nicer than it sounds. It lives at work.
    3. Raleigh Lenton - Built in 1951, restored by me with some subtle modifications to make it perform better.
    4. Raleigh Stowaway - Silly little bike that makes me smile every time I use it and fits in the back of my car.

    If anyone wants to add me, feel free!