New to the group, check in here



  • sscfhypo
    sscfhypo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm 39 yrs old and looking to loose 70to80 lbs (exact goal not set). I will be 40 in October, and would like to incorporate healthy and permanent lifestyle changes. I have a 2 yr old daughter. Between a full time job, trying to spend time with my daughter, cooking and cleaning, well there isn't much time left over for me, but am trying to take out sometime to get healthy and become a good example for my daughter. I've struggled with my weight pretty much my entire life, and don't want my daughter to have the same experience. Taking it slowly to incorporate permanent change.
    Looking forward to being part of this group.
    Take care everyone.
  • ChristinaMagargle
    ChristinaMagargle Posts: 1 Member
    I turned 40 in February then promptly hit the gym! Joined a 90 day challenge that I have just completed and now I'm super serious about getting these extra pounds off! I have just under 90 pounds to shed (hopefully at a steady rate). I've set some serious goals based on percentage of body weight that should have me at my goal weight by this time next year. I've been using MFP for months but never knew about the groups because I just use the mobile app. I hope to find some buddies for support and encouragement and others for me to support and encourage as well! I've already lost almost 40 pounds (from September 2013 to February 2014) so I know it can be done!
    Hope to have lots of participation in this group!
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm actually only 39. Can I still hang out with the cool kids? I figured 39 was a great time to lose this extra weight that moved in and isn't paying rent. I turn 40 October 16. I have been married for 20 years. I have a daughter that is 15 and a son that is 17. I'm a stay home mom. FINALLY graduated from The University of Texas in May of last year. Currently getting my Real Estate license. I've been on MFP since 2012 but I quit shortly after signing up and just now made it back on April 29th.

    Hopefully you all don't mind me joining your group. I look forward to contributing. :)

  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome, Mandy! :)
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    Hello everyone, I am 41 in just a few weeks and would love to chat to others over 40 :smile: I will read around and introduce myself properly later but for now I will say thank for having me :wink:
  • Roxie2b
    Roxie2b Posts: 6 Member
    That is absolutely wonderful!!!! Keep it up. One day at a time.
  • Roxie2b
    Roxie2b Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Roxie

    I joined My Fitness Pal a while back but I have never been very active with posting. I recently turned 45 and I want to start a new journey. I am learning that just because your chronological age increases does not mean that life is over. It is just beginning. I want to begin again with less weight and a healthier lifestyle. I look forward to growing with the group as I go through this path called Life.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Have been a MFP viewer for months now, but have decided to join to give and get support! I'm 44 and looking to lose 40 lbs by the holidays.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Does this group do challenges or weekly checks? Would be great to stay on track!
  • skinnyzanne
    skinnyzanne Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! New here. I'm 47, hormonally challenged, almost an empty-nester, and trying to be healthy and graceful through some big life changes. Glad to see some of you in the same boat!
  • LoriT74
    LoriT74 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi my name is Lorraine, I am married with two boys. I have just turned 40, and after stepping on the scales this morning I got the shock of my life. I am now 13stone (182lbs). I am quite active, I love cycling and walking but have a bad habit of having a bottle of wine and a load of junk food on a Friday night which I refer to as my "chill out night" (depending on how stressful my working week was Saturday night can also become my "chill out night"). I have used my fitness pal over the years and it definitely works, my problem is once I lose some weight I tend to think I can go back to my old habits and somehow not suffer the consequences of my bad food choices, I also suffer from the "I will start afresh on Monday morning syndrome". This time I feel that I need to make a permanent change I want to be fab and very fit in my forties.
  • sreilly89
    sreilly89 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am Shelly 44yrs old from WI, and looking to lose 45-50 lbs! I am new to the group and looking for friends to help me thru depression and to keep moving in the right direction to losing these pounds!! I look forward to meeting new friends and help encourage others who are also trying to better their lives!!
  • sreilly89
    sreilly89 Posts: 4 Member
    Great job ladies keep up the great work! I too hope soon I can post a loss, one day at a time!!! I feel as if I need to reply to everyone's post and seems a bit overwhelming sorry for that! Hope this method works to cheer you ALL on!!

  • deeziner
    deeziner Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone, I've just turned 47, I'm new to MFP. I'm really struggling to lose weight, could it be hormones? I really don't know but I'm hoping for some support as I go from 165lbs to 135lbs. I'm from Canada and the good weather is finally here so hoping I can boost my lower carb diet with some walking. Glad to be part of a group where even though my birth certificate says I'm 47, in my head I'm only about 25!
  • sandrac07
    sandrac07 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I'm brand new to MFP.

    I'm 48 for another two weeks. lol I still qualify for the group I hope. :happy:

    Looking to stay motivated. I've lost 17 lbs on WW but can't afford the monthly fees right now. I don't want to lose momentum (I've put on 5 lbs in the month since I stopped WW) so I'm jumping in here.

    I became suddenly single over a year ago and dating again has been an eye opener. I want to feel better about myself and have more energy.
  • DeeBerning
    DeeBerning Posts: 131 Member
    Hello Ladies.....

    My name is Dorrie and I am almost 44 years old -- but, in my heart and mind, I am in my mid-20's and plan on staying there. The problem is that I allowed life to get in the way. But, I've taken back control and making MAJOR changes. The next year is going to be a major roller coaster so I felt starting by being healthier and feeling better is the best start.

    Like many others, there is NO support at home for my healthier decisions so MFP has become my support circle and I love the people I've met on here. It will be great to connect with others in their 40's that may be facing the same struggles.

    Cheers to you all.... and let's do this!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi to all our new ladies. I think some challenges would be great to post in this group. I personally have a very hard time with just calories in versus calories out. So I'm always looking for new and different ways to motiviate my exercise and eating habits. I try zig zag, I tried the 5:2, I tried just logging and staying within my calorie range - right now it seems nothing works. I wish the 5:2 would work for me because I find the concept of it great. But when I tried it I found that I had a hard time going from eating very low one day to eating normal the next without feeling a little off.

    I did a walking dead challenge in the winter and loved it and found it really motivated me to exercise more and I thought I did really well and waited until the end of the challenge to check my weight - because if I step on the scale and it doesn't move it devastes me -- and I did not lose one pound - and maybe felt like I lost a little in the inches but it was just very hard to keep up with the exercise and eating when I saw no progress.

    So I'm back at it with a hunger game challenge and finding it a little more difficult to be as motivated as I was before but still hanging in there.

    What have you all tried to do to promote the weight loss?
  • jennybear5
    jennybear5 Posts: 1
    Hello! My name is Jennie. I'm 43, single, and making a BIG change in my life - shedding my unwanted weight. I've participated in just about every diet program on the market going back over two decades, but either never lost what I was looking to lose or lost and gained it back along with a few extra pounds just to add insult. I am going back to the basics; no more money thrown to anything more than healthy, minimally processed food. I'm not quite sure about everything I am doing, so I likely will have a bunch of questions. I am eager to read from other members so I can follow along, learn and emulate others tips for success :-)
  • Wonderwomantam
    Wonderwomantam Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! I am new to this group. I am Tammi. :)
  • Aconnors53
    Aconnors53 Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning all. New to MFP, but not new to stuggling with weight loss. Looking forward to getting to people and ready about their journey.
    My name is Amy and I live in Connecticut with my husband of 10years and our dog Belle and cat K.C. Yes we are DINKS (double income no kids). I have tried several weight loss plans including Weight Watchers and Alli diet pills. This site is similar to WW as in you are tracking your food and activity. I really do believe the key to weight loss is keeping a food diary. I just need to be more committed to it. I have been doing a 21 day food challenge where in you cut out the following: chips, soda, diet soda, chocolate, candy, white bread, cookies, biscuits, fast food, cake, pastries and muffins. It's been a week, so far so good.

    Feel free to friend me for support.
