The ye ol' welcome post.



  • misterxxl
    misterxxl Posts: 5 Member
    I am really, Really, REALLY out of shape, but I started Insanity 3 days ago. Following low carb, low calorie diet. Feel free to add me.
  • bellabananas
    bellabananas Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm finishing week three today. I've done the first month a couple of times but was always intimidated but the second month and quit for various reasons. Not this time! I'm determined to complete it!
  • lexialegend
    lexialegend Posts: 4 Member
    Hiya, new to MFP, I completed Insanity once already, I got down from 258 to 250, but gained so much muscle I didn't have before. I could not do a push up before I started.

    I'm in the process of doing it again, I'm on week two on month one.

    OMG can we all take a moment to just talk about the craziness that is side-plank-push-ups! (in month 2)

    How do people log their Insanity workout on MFP I search for it but no luck, I've tried customise
  • josser1978
    josser1978 Posts: 20 Member
    On day 24!!!!!!!!

    I think I need new knees!

    C`mon yall!!!!! lets goooooooooooo!
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    Hi all, Just wanted to check out this group to see if there were any members who started recently. :drinker: I started May first and it would be nice to add some other members who are also doing the program. I mainly use the app, so visiting the forum on a regular basis is unlikely. So feel free to shoot me a friend request :blushing:

    :flowerforyou: Meg
    NOMEEKELO Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I started INSANITY back in 2012. But I quit week three. Don't ask my why because I got great results. And I've restarted several times. But never stuck to it. I'm on week three now and still going strong. Shoot me a friend request. I look forward to hearing from you.
    GMFDOM Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I am through week one of Insanity. I am unfit and overweight so although I try all the excersices I don't quiet look like the people on the dvd (yet). Muscel aches this week - just my legs they are so tired but in a good way. Really want to stay with it to help me reach my goal. Look forward to the support - because I will need it.
  • chippymimi
    chippymimi Posts: 1
    Hi All, starting Insanity on Monday the 26th of May. Created a group if anyone wants to join...

    "Insanity (starting 26 May, 2014)"

    Any tips for someone about to start? Food's been stocked to help with the program. Did p90x a few years ago:smile:

    Ready to get started. I know I'll regret this, but, why is it not Monday yet??
  • SteshaNicole
    SteshaNicole Posts: 42 Member
    Hello. I did Insanity faithfully for the entire first month and then stopped because I got real sick and couldn't continue. I could tell a difference immediately and loved it. I'm wanting to start back up again but waiting for the release from the doctor. I had a slipped disc in my neck and pinched nerves in my shoulders and neck area. So, here I am 6 weeks later and still waiting for the doctor. He wants me for 4 more weeks b/c my neck is still out of wack but I'm going to try to start off slow and work into the full on program again. I also bought Shaun T.'s Hip Hop Abs which isn't as intense. I'm thinking I'm going to start there until I can go full force into Insanity again. I'm looking forward to doing it again. I enjoy the challenge of trying to make it through each minute when I think I am going to literally die. :)
  • I'm starting my second round of Insanity. The first time I did it (2012) I lost almost 26 lbs! I started at 146.6 lbs and went down to 121 lbs. I haven't been that weight since high school. It is def a gruelling workout routine, but I'm so glad I stuck to it and had great results. When I did it, I stuck to 1200 calories a day, and I think that gave me that little bit of edge. Once you get used to the amount of food you eat, it's hard to overeat, which I feel is a win/win.

    Since 2012, I've gained 10 lbs back, due to laziness. So I've decided to do Insanity again. I'm already on Day 5 of the program and my body aches all over, but I know the results will be amazing, so I'm going to stick to it. Wish me luck!! =3
  • lilianaturcanu
    lilianaturcanu Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • July 9, 2014. INSANITY STARTS TODAY!!!!!

    Anyone else starting this week, please let me know. Maybe our success can be paralleled. I will post Fit Test Results in my Journal.

    I am starting on a Wednesday, because I have failed at it twice, and on those times I started on Monday. But not this time! because if I did start on a Monday and expected different results, it would know.

    I want that T-Shirt!!!

    I could use some friends that are doing this, I don't care where you are from (I usually do). Befriend me!
  • mbsoulo
    mbsoulo Posts: 4
    I'm restarting Insanity this week. I have completed it up to month 1 about 2 yrs ago, but due to my work schedule, I couldn't keep up with it. I'm through with excuses so I'm gonna make it through the whole 2 months this time!!!! I didn't lose much in the first month I did it, but I went from doing 1 minute planks to 3 minute planks (in just 30 days!). I may not have lost weight, but I gained strength. I think I need to change my diet to get the weight loss results I expected.

    Pray for me! I'll be hurting for the next 2 weeks--at least!
  • dayatatime1
    dayatatime1 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in Week 2 of Insanity (Day 12) and it's my first time doing the program. I love it already and how much it kicks my butt! I've noticed some small changes in my body already and I just feel better too. I'm not following the meal plan but trying to stick to the recommended amount of calories based on the equation in it and trying for 5 smaller meals during the day. I also invested in a Polar FT4 HRM so I can see how many calories I burn, which is really helpful!

    I'm 24 years old, and I just finished up my MEd, looking for a teaching job. I'm in decent shape, but I missed a lot of workouts when things got crazy this past year of grad school, so I want to slim back down from that and then tone up all over. Looking forward to participating in this insane little journey with all of you!
  • jkimmer
    jkimmer Posts: 369 Member
    Hi, Im Julie. My husband and I started Insanity this morning. Man I thought I was in better shape than he was but he blew me out of the water! I was about ready to say I made it through it and then found out it was just the warm up! I really suck at cardio and this is really going to push me to do better, because I have my husband beside me and I cant let him out do me again:O)

    Any suggestions on how to keep motivated would be greatly appreciated.

    I got very light headed doing the things where I was down and then had to get back up and then back down. but figure as soon as I learn how to breath properly that should get better.
  • josser1978
    josser1978 Posts: 20 Member
    Stick with it and listen to Shaun T!!!!! Take a break when u need too rememeber the guys on the video are machines. You really need to find your own pace. I did it and found it very good but it doesnt get any easier you just get better !!!

    Good Luck!!!!!!
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    Good morning. Just starting today with the fit test. Anyone else starting around now?
  • Just joined today. I have completed insanity once already last year and had good results. I have recently finished JM body rev and then tried out T25, but didn't like it :( never mind, back to insanity...... Love it x

    Starting weight: 134.4lb
    Want to be : 128lb
    Height: 5"5
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Hello all, I just joined this group even though I'm on day 21 of Insanity. This is my second round. The first round was last year but hurt my shoulder weightlifting. I gained 15 since then (up to 200 lbs.). My goals have changed this time. Feel free to add me as a friend for inspiration and motivation.

    Starting weight: 202
    Current weight: 194
    Goal weight: 180
  • Hello! I have had the Insanity program for a couple of years now and have completed it once and done half cycles several times with great success. I started on Monday and am committed to seeing the entire program through again. Although it is really tough at times, the program WORKS! I am a high school basketball referee, so my goal is to complete the 60 days and then begin a running program in October/November to get myself ready for the season.

    Current weight: 203
    Goal weight:185 (mid November)

    Good luck everyone!