JMBR - workouts



  • Brina487
    Brina487 Posts: 23
    Week 5 day 4 phase 2 =)
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Week 3 is done. I'm still grappling with the fact that my weight is up. Hopefully all this muscle I think I'm gaining will kick up my metabolism and those last pesky pounds will disappear - I'm really tired of the tire sitting just below my "could be smaller" waist :laugh:
  • singallagher
    singallagher Posts: 42 Member
    Well I put away my Phase 1 disks this morning and commenced Phase 2.
    Its certainly a step up again and WO 5 has a yoga warm up that I totally sucked at since I have never done yoga.
    It will be interesting to see what WO 6 will bring tomorrow.
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I'm re-starting JMBR, and did Workout 1 yesterday. This is my third time through (though I've never, um, finished...9 & 10 was as far as I got, and they were HARD), so I'm trying to use heavier weights during the more basic levels. I'm the perfect amount of sore today. Not too painful, but I can feel that I did something.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to adhere to the schedule or just make my own. I also got addicted to running, and I might alternate running days with JMBR days.
  • singallagher
    singallagher Posts: 42 Member
    Well Cardio 2 made me sweat :sad:
    The ever delightful burpees made an appearance and almost made me want to stop.
    Tough and a step up up up from Cardio 1 but still manageable.

    My *kitten* is also sore from those wood chopper moves with weights from WO 6. Arms slightly sore too so Phase 2 is working. Woo hoo
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm almost done with phase I (just wo 4 and cardio left) guys are making me a bit nervous about phase 2 :blushing:
    I was so tired (from lack of sleep) and sore this morning I almost skipped but thought I have to stick with the program so powered through anyway - so glad I did.

    Question for the group - are you losing weight? I'm suppose to be in maintenance mode but I'm actually gaining weight. I think I'm putting on muscle but I don't think I'm taking off any fat???? Just wondering how the rest of you are doing

    Stay strong everyone!
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I went running yesterday, but will do workout 2 when I get home today (or run home and lunch to do it, which I'd prefer).

    I like all the even-numbered ones the best. Not sure why. 2 and 4 during Phase 1 make me happy though.
  • veganbaker
    veganbaker Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all!

    Very excited to start the first day of Body Rev. I have done a bit of p90x before, but I like that JMRV is only 30 mins. I am doing the kickstart 7 days, although I might die. Anyone have any suggestions on veg foods for this?

    Anyways, looking forward to your posts and support!
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all, I've had to postpone phase 2 longer than expected due to family stuff, but I'm definitely starting it this weekend. I might do phase 2 twice since I've missed so many weeks in between. I don't want to go back to phase 1 since It wasn't as challenging as I thought it would be.

    Jodi, during my weeks off I lost weight -- most likely the water I was retaining from phase 1 workouts 6 days per week. If the weight creeps back up just like it did during phase 1 I'll let you know. I'm going to be using my HR monitor this time and try to stay between 1200-1400 cals and only eating back exercise calories that I know I've burned based on the HR monitor. Have you taken new measurements?

    About vegan options...have you tried Lara Bars? They have 200+ calories but they can be a good snack option and they are vegan. has all of Cooking Light's recipes with full nutritionals and they have tons of bean-based meals. MFP has all of the Cooking Light recipes I've made recently in the database which has been really convenient.

    Good luck and I'm SO looking forward to getting back on track tomorrow. Phase 2 wo 5 here I come.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Finished phase 1 YEAH. I'm a bit nervous about starting WO 5 on Monday, but this last week didn't feel as hard so maybe it won't be so bad.

    My weight is still all over the board but now slowly creeping back down - so weird. I do feel harder and trimmer. I tried on some dresses last night for a wedding we have this weekend. I bought them when I hit my goal weight and they seemed a bit too big now - especially in the waist whoooo hooooo!

    I do meatless Monday and a favorite is poached eggs with a mixed veggie hash I got from cooking light (are you vegetarian or vegan - not sure you eat eggs). I've also made a 3 bean chili and a veggie pot pie - again all from cooking light.

    Welcome Cheri

    Stay determined everyone

  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Well I just did WO 5 for the first time and I didn't think it was awful ;) It is very tricep-heavy but I liked that I was winded and sweating the entire time. My heart rate monitor said I burned 342 calories! I was shocked. I really expected 250 or so for a 30-min workout.

    One thing that really bothered me was circuit 3. My resistance tube is way to hard to get proper form in that circuit. I couldn't go into the crescent pose deep enough while still being able to do the chest flies. I can't remember who asked about resistance tubes a while ago, but I'd definitely recommend having an easier one that you can loop around your foot to increase the intensity as needed. I'll probably need to buy a different one to get me through phases 2 and 3.
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Very sore this morning, by the way!
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I got some crazy allergy business last week and couldn't breathe, so I haven't kept up with my workouts. Hopefully I'll be motivated to get back to it this week.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Just did WO 5 for the first time - definitely harder - and my triceps are screaming right now, but I managed it :noway:
    Dana - I was thinking of you when we were doing the punches with the band - one handle accidentally slipped out of my hand and punched me in the boob :blushing: :laugh:

    can't wait to see what WO 6 is like :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Too funny Jodi! I just did WO6 for the first time. I burned 315 calories :) I definitely noticed the lack of resting in this one, but it was a pretty fun workout.

    I can't remember -- were there only 3 circuits in the phase 1 workouts? Phase 2 is so much harder I start wishing I was on circuit 4 during circuit 2 ;)

    Hope everyone has a good week.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member

    I can't remember -- were there only 3 circuits in the phase 1 workouts? Phase 2 is so much harder I start wishing I was on circuit 4 during circuit 2 ;)

    Yup - there were 4 circuits in the each of the Phase 1 workouts...but I had the same reaction as you - it just feels like the circuits take a lot longer (which they don't) and the are tougher (which they are) as I'm starting phase 2.
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I got my Workout 2 in after work yesterday. Today will either be a run (depending on the weather) or Workout 1 again.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Just finished WO 6. It seemed tougher to me than 5??? Maybe its just because I'm tired. I struggle with all the 1 leg balance moves - especially on the left. Hopefully I'll be an expert at it by the time I'm done with these 2 weeks.

    as JM says "hang in there people - you can do this!!!!!!!"
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    Does 6 have the one where you stand on one leg while your back is parallel to the floor and do the lifts (some kind of flyes... I can't remember what she calls them)?
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Does 6 have the one where you stand on one leg while your back is parallel to the floor and do the lifts (some kind of flyes... I can't remember what she calls them)?
    there are "storks" where you are bent parallel to the floor and you row heavy weights up to your belly...she also does a 1-legged squat with light weights where you squat down, touch your toe with the weight and then fly your arms up as you stand...I struggled with both. I had to keep tapping my foot down