how much weight have you gained



  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Wow - You are doing great! How are you only gaining that much :).

    LOL thanks.. though mostly I don't know how I am doing it either! The best explanation I can think of is that during my 1st trimester, even though I only really vomited a handful of times, my biggest symptoms was food aversions and nausea, so I really didn't want to eat.

    Once the morning sickness went away in the second trimester and food started to sound good again, I think there was a couple of things that happened: 1. I was used to eating smaller amounts because of 1st tri morning sickness and 2. I have a short torso and there is really not much room for my organs to go.. so as soon as baby started growing and my uterus was expanded I noticed that not only does my badder hold less.. but so does my stomach - getting too full is just plain painful! so that has also made it easier to stick to smaller meals.

    The other thing too is the real only craving I have had with this baby is fruit! I love it and could snack on it all day:) That's not to say that I haven't had other sweets or junk food.. but if I want a snack, right now I would gladly grab an apple, grapes and now summer fruit like apricots, nectarines etc.. over chips, cookies or other sweets.

    I have noticed though that now that I am approaching the third trimester I am gaining more regularly and about a pound a week... which since I am still technically in my second (and my OB says I should be only gaining half a pound per week until my third) I hope I don't over gain in the last third of my pregnancy!
  • missiemoomoo2
    missiemoomoo2 Posts: 2 Member
    21 weeks pregnant, exercise every day, still running up to 10 miles - weight gain - 14lbs!!! can't believe it feel soooo heavy
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Starting weight: 145

    8 weeks: 148
    9 weeks: 150
    12 weeks: 158
    15 weeks: 160
    18 weeks: 164
    19 weeks: 169
    21 weeks: 171
    23 weeks: 175

    Officially up 30lbs at 23 weeks. Surprisingly, I feel pretty good about myself! lol Though I think this is the most I've gained this early on with any pregnancy. I think I'm stronger than previous pregnancies, though. 17-18 weeks to go and I'd love to only gain 10-15 more, but what will be, will be! I have to remind myself that the bulk of it will come off quickly and the rest will come off within the year, too. Our pool is almost open, so I'm hoping that adding in daily swimming and lots of yard work will keep me in good shape! :)
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Prepregnant: 128

    5wks- 128.5
    6wks- 129.6
    7wks- 129.4
    8wks- 130.5 (just got back from vacation where I ate like a mad cow, lol surprised that it was just 1lb gain)

    total gained: 2lbs
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Just got back from the doctor yesterday. Now I'm 5/4' and now weigh 128lbs at 28w/4d. Starting weight was around 113lb., so total gain thus far during these past 28 weeks (almost 29 weeks) is right at 15lbs. Hoping to gain around 20, but still have about 11 weeks to go, so we will see. Still trying to exercise 4-5 times a week and I hope to keep that up until the end.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 240 lbs
    Height: 5'10"

    Weeks 1-8 : 240 lbs
    Week 9: 237.4 (-2.6)
    Week 10: 235 (-2.4)
    Week 11: 232 (-3)
    Week 12: 230 (-2)
    Week 13: 226 (-4)
    Week 14: 226 (0)
    Week 15: 224.5 (-1.5)
    Week 16: 222 (-2.5)
    Week 17: 222.4 (+.4)
    Week 18: 222.8 (+.4)
    Week 19: 223.8 (+1)

    Total: - 16.2 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight

    Eek! Got on the scale this morning, and saw I'd gained an entire pound in the last week! I better be more careful about what I'm eating. I can't afford to gain that fast!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Up another 2 lbs today. It has now been 4 weeks straight of gaining 2-3 lbs a week. Crazy! I don't eat a lot, I don't eat junk crap either. Just retaining I think.
    If it's just water, it will fall right off after baby and Dr isn't worried so I am not worried.
    Up 23lbs now and am almost 38 weeks.
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Prepregnant: 128

    5wks- 128.5
    6wks- 129.6
    7wks- 129.4
    8wks- 130.5 (just got back from vacation where I ate like a mad cow, lol surprised that it was just 1lb gain)
    9wks- 128.7 ??? weird

    total gained: 0.7lbs
  • seidel1325
    seidel1325 Posts: 94 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 134.0/66.5"

    Week 8: 137.5
    Week 10: 139.0
    Week 14: 142.0
    Week 16: 144.0
    Week 20: 148.0
    Week 23: 151.4
    Week 28: 153.6
    Week 32: 154.8
    Week 34: 157.0

    Goal: 30-35 gain
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 172 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 120 lbs / 5'1

    20 Weeks: 126.5 (+6.5)
    21 Weeks: 125.8 (-.7)
    22 Weeks: 127.4 (+1.6)
    23 Weeks: 128.8 (+1.4)
    24 Weeks: 131 (+2.2)
    25 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    26 Weeks: 131 (-1.8)
    27 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    28 Weeks: 132.6 (-.2)
    29 Weeks: 133.2 (+.6)
    30 Weeks: 135.4 (+2.2)

    Holy cow was that a jump! I may or may not be eating to satisfy my sudden sweet tooth.....:devil: Was definitely trying to stay within the 20 pounds total range so I am hoping these big jumps won't be consistent again like they were a few weeks ago!
  • Garlicmushroom
    Garlicmushroom Posts: 51 Member
    gained 12lbs with my daughter

    I'm 9 weeks with my 3rd and have put on 10lbs.
    about 5 or 6 is bloat.
    this pregnancy is different to my other 2 and i think i will weigh agood stone more this time round.
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    Starting weight 82kg
    15 weeks 83kg (+1)
    17weeks 85.4 (+3.4) succumbed to junk lol
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 145
    Week 4 - 145
    Week 5 - 144 (-1)
    Week 6 - 142 (-3)
    Week 7 - 140 (-5)
    Week 8 - 140.7 (-4.3)
    Week 9 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 10 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 11 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 12 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 13 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 14 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 15 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 16 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 17 - 140.0 (-5)
    Week 18 - 142.4 (-2.6) (yay a gain finally!)
    Week 19 - 144.0 (-1.0)
    Week 20 - 144.5 (-0.5)
    Week 21 - 145.3 ( 0.3)
    Week 22 - 146.1 (1.1)
    Week 23 - 149.2 (4.2)
    Week 24 - 148.1 (3.1)
    Week 25 - 150.2 (5.2)
    Week 26 - 152.7 (7.7)
  • vlmcwilliams
    vlmcwilliams Posts: 46 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight: 66kg

    Cumulative total
    Week 1-11: +0.8kg
    Week 12: +1.8kg
    Week 13: +1.6kg
    Week 14: +2.2kg
    Week 15: +2.9kg
    Week 16: +3.3kg
    Week 17: +3.5kg
    Week 18: +4.6kg
    Week 19: +3.9kg
    Week 20: +5.7kg
    Week 21: +6.6kg
    Week 22: +6.3kg
    Week 25: +10.2kg (3.9kg (8.6lb) gain in 3 weeks)
    Week 26: +10.1kg
    Week 27: +10.3kg
    Week 28: +11.3kg
    Week 29: +12.6kg (27.7lb)

    I think I have come to terms with the fact I will end up heavier than I planned at the start (wanted to be at 80kg max but there is no way I will stay under that from this point at the rate i'm going). I am still eating healthy most of the time and exercising but my body obviously wants to put on weight so I'll go with it. Baby is measuring ok so not overly worried (and neither is my midwife).
  • mrsomeara
    mrsomeara Posts: 67 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 143.9
    Height: 5'2"
    Found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks :)

    Week 5: 140.8
    Week 6: 139.0
    Week 7: 138.3
    Week 8: 140.5
    Week 9: 141.1
    Week 10: 139.5
    Week 11: 140.9
    Week 12: 139.0
    Week 13: 141.0
    Week 14: 141.2
    Week 15: 140.5
    Week 16: 143.3
    Week 17: 144.8
    Week 18: 145.7
    Week 19: 147.6

    The rapid gaining has begun ;-) I go on vacation this Friday for my husband's family reunion and I am terrified what the scale will say when I get back Wednesday! I am packing my gym clothes so we'll see if I can squeeze in some time to exercise.

    I am 19w1d today and I am 147.1 so I am UP 3.2 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    You are doing fine! About 1/2 way there and only 4lbs... You'll be just fine.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    The rapid gaining has begun ;-) I go on vacation this Friday for my husband's family reunion and I am terrified what the scale will say when I get back Wednesday! I am packing my gym clothes so we'll see if I can squeeze in some time to exercise.

    I am 19w1d today and I am 147.1 so I am UP 3.2 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.

    You're doing great! Just drink plenty of water while you're on vacation, and plan to have a week of clean eating when you get back. :)
  • joianett
    joianett Posts: 79 Member
    I am 32 weeks and up 7 LBS. I actually lost 3 LBS! She is not concerned since baby is right on, that's good.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 240 lbs
    Height: 5'10"

    Weeks 1-8 : 240 lbs
    Week 9: 237.4 (-2.6)
    Week 10: 235 (-2.4)
    Week 11: 232 (-3)
    Week 12: 230 (-2)
    Week 13: 226 (-4)
    Week 14: 226 (0)
    Week 15: 224.5 (-1.5)
    Week 16: 222 (-2.5)
    Week 17: 222.4 (+.4)
    Week 18: 222.8 (+.4)
    Week 19: 223.8 (+1)
    Week 20: 223 (-.8)

    Total: - 17 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight

    I was a little miffed that I had gained some, but then I realized that 1 or 2 lbs at 20 weeks wasn't bad at all! And really, I'm still much less than my starting weight so I really shouldn't be upset. It's just that I am only half way done, and I'm not sure if I can keep my gain to 15 lbs! With my first, I gained the bulk of my 45 lbs in the 3rd Tri.

    With 20 (ish) weeks left, that leaves me to try to keep my gains to about .5 lb per week. But I know that some weeks will be a couple pounds with growth spurts.

    I didn't keep track like this with my first... it was so much less stressful when I wasn't in the higher BMI category! I wish I'd lost the extra weight before getting pregnant, but se la vie. Will just do the best I can now. :flower:
  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
    I'm at 12 weeks and haven't gained any weight yet. I should gain between 4 and 6 pounds in my next trimester and between 7 and 9 in my last.