Daily Check In Thread



  • Andiebeanluvsu
    Andiebeanluvsu Posts: 105 Member
    Just finished w5d3 this morning. Is it weird that I find running in the rain incredibly refreshing, lol?
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    CynNCity (hope I got the name right), congrats on finishing your first week.
    acidstained, get well soon.
    The rest of you, well done and keep running. Andie, I haven't run in the rain yet but know many swear by it.

    I did W9D1, the full 30 minutes, and it was okay. I started a bit too fast today and halfway in didn't have as great a time as last run, but such is life.

    Remember, this is the week of Virtual 5K if you want to participate! Check out the general thread for more information and post your results in the dedicated thread for this week.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Just finished w5d3 this morning. Is it weird that I find running in the rain incredibly refreshing, lol?

    I love running in the rain! Mid way through my run on Friday (w5d2) it started raining. Lasted just long enough to cool things down.

    My friend I'm re-doing c25k with did w5d3 by herself yesterday. She called me in tears when she finished. I remember that feeling well.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    CynNCity (hope I got the name right), congrats on finishing your first week.
    Brain fart... CynNSinCity it was. :flowerforyou:
  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    W6D2 in the bag, hard to believe how quickly these weeks are going by! LOVE running first thing in the morning, really sets the tone for the day. Ran through the cool down and just stretched when I got back home.
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    W4D3 today. I did D2 on a treadmill (first time trying C25K on a treadmill) since I was traveling and at a hotel gym, and it was SO different. I'm getting used to the pavement! That said, I actually did enjoy watching the timer tick down, lol. I don't, won't, and can't look at my timer while jogging outside. People, traffic, dogs, etc.

    I'm still working on the pacing thing - part of me really wants to sprint - and at times I do feel like I'm plodding through the jog sections. 5 minutes is not a cakewalk for me. However, I'm doing it, and I always feel good afterward, so I just have to remember that while I'm out!

    I'm also going to need to switch to mornings or evenings, since I've been going on lunch breaks (I work from home) and it's now too hot to do so on a regular basis.
  • Dhbausch
    Dhbausch Posts: 6
    I just got back from a 3 day camping trip and went out for my W3D1 run today. Just popping in here from being out of civilization for a while, I see so many awesome updates. Way to go everyone! I'm really excited to move forward after reading about everyone's progress. Today's run was weird. I tried to pick up the pace a little but had to slow it back down because I found myself breathing pretty heavy during the run portions. However, I felt like I could have kept running and was not at all ready for it to be over when the cool down was queued. How exciting! I have never ever looked forward to running before!
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    Finished off week 7 tonight. Off to week 8 and then graduate (officially)!
  • marinadanielle
    marinadanielle Posts: 127 Member
    New to the C25K forum!

    I was supposed to do my W2D3 today but my knee has been swollen for a few days I figured I'd use today as a third rest day before heading back out tomorrow! Not sure whether I should do day 3 twice since I took extra time off or just move on to week 3 after tomorrow.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Great efforts again, people :) Like sappy42 said, the weeks are rolling by when you take one day at a time, then put all those days together.
    New to the C25K forum!

    I was supposed to do my W2D3 today but my knee has been swollen for a few days I figured I'd use today as a third rest day before heading back out tomorrow! Not sure whether I should do day 3 twice since I took extra time off or just move on to week 3 after tomorrow.
    Welcome! I'd let the swelling go down a bit, before putting stress on the knee. I'd move on to week 3 initially and if it doesn't work out, then do one more time of week 2.
  • greentree0
    greentree0 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not running tonight because I was ill last night and feel like a wet rag today. But I wanted to wave at everyone and say keep up the good work :smile:
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    Completed Week 7, Day 1 yesterday, I ran for 25 minutes straight, save the few times I had to swoop down to pick up a random toy that my toddler threw out of the stroller.... >_< I ran for 2 miles. TWO MILES STRAIGHT!!! WITHOUT STOPPING!!!! Before this go of C25K I've never even ran a mile! or even 5 minutes!!!! and I ran TWO MILES!!!!

    WTF. This is amazing....

    My legs fell asleep at about 20 minutes in though....I need new shoes I think....

    I want to run again tonight. :( I must rest right? :) dagnabit.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm not running tonight because I was ill last night and feel like a wet rag today. But I wanted to wave at everyone and say keep up the good work :smile:
    Get well soon!
    Completed Week 7, Day 1 yesterday, I ran for 25 minutes straight, save the few times I had to swoop down to pick up a random toy that my toddler threw out of the stroller.... >_< I ran for 2 miles. TWO MILES STRAIGHT!!! WITHOUT STOPPING!!!! Before this go of C25K I've never even ran a mile! or even 5 minutes!!!! and I ran TWO MILES!!!!

    WTF. This is amazing....

    My legs fell asleep at about 20 minutes in though....I need new shoes I think....

    I want to run again tonight. :( I must rest right? :) dagnabit.
    It can't be explained but has to be experienced :) Take your rest days, you need them, and well done for sticking with it, it is indeed amazing.
  • dekadai
    dekadai Posts: 47 Member
    Did my first run today. Was putting it off all morning because I'm not a runner and thought it'd kill me. It went pretty well. I'm thinking of using my hrm the next time I run and comparing it with c25k's calorie burn.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Onto week 4!

    Did W3D3 and then ran for 12:45 (1 mile at my pace) following the last walking cycle. I like doing that sort of thing because it makes me more confident going into the next week. Shouldn't be a problem if it's not causing pain or anything, right?

    PS: No breathing issues this time, though I was back inside on the treadmill because it is hot and muggy and yuck today.
  • acidstained
    acidstained Posts: 35 Member
    Week 8, Day 1 tonight. I FINALLY finished the run portion, but had to cut the cool down short. I'm hoping I figure out what in my diet is causing stomach issues when I run, because I really want to be able to transition to the C210k. I'll be sad if the most I can safely ever run without having to stop home is 25 minutes. :(
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Didn't get to start Week 3 yesterday as the rain started and I'm just not ready to run in rain yet! :tongue: Today is my rest day and I doubt I can get a run in Thursday as it's giving 15-20 mm of rain! I really need to get back into this! :grumble: :frown:
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ..... I'm just not ready to run in rain yet!

    Oh what's the worst that could happen :)

    I enjoy rain, since I'm dripping by the time I finish a run anyway.
  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    Completed Week 7, Day 1 yesterday, I ran for 25 minutes straight, save the few times I had to swoop down to pick up a random toy that my toddler threw out of the stroller.... >_< I ran for 2 miles. TWO MILES STRAIGHT!!! WITHOUT STOPPING!!!! Before this go of C25K I've never even ran a mile! or even 5 minutes!!!! and I ran TWO MILES!!!!

    WTF. This is amazing....

    My legs fell asleep at about 20 minutes in though....I need new shoes I think....

    I want to run again tonight. :( I must rest right? :) dagnabit.

    This is totally me! I've never been athletic, could never run that presidential fitness one-mile test in HS and could barely jog more than 30 seconds when I started this program. Today was W6D3 for me, feel like my pace is getting better, I'm a little faster on the slight inclines in my neighborhood, but still not ready to take on the one hill I walk daily with a friend. I'll get there, it's one of my goals for the end of this program.
  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    Didn't get to start Week 3 yesterday as the rain started and I'm just not ready to run in rain yet! :tongue: Today is my rest day and I doubt I can get a run in Thursday as it's giving 15-20 mm of rain! I really need to get back into this! :grumble: :frown:

    I was holding off on doing this till I had the right gear, but then I was walking one afternoon when it started to rain. So I had to jog home! Don't let the rain stop you!!!