Whose 'cruising' with me ? ;)



  • Hi All,

    I'm on day 3 of the Dukan Diet. Will begin cruise Monday. Would love to share encouragement and support with fellow Dukanites. I'm a 56 yo woman who has 41 pounds to lose. Seem to do great January to Sept, then slam on the pounds again. Have been yo-yo-ing for the last several years on Atkins. Seems I can't make it stick after fall starts (usually when I get within 15 lbs of goal!) Have heard/seen great things from Dukan followers, have seen the life-style change and vastly improved body/mind stick for years after reaching goal weight. I'm thoroughly impressed, and totally dedicated. I want my healthy body weight back so that I can continue to enjoy my passion for horses and horseback riding. Looking forward to learning more!
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Hello Mamadukes6,

    Welcome to the Dukan group.
    I have started Dukan diet beginning January and now finishing Cruise phase. I didn´t have much to loose, but couldn´t get rid off those extra kilograms due to lack of self control when eating. Dukan diet has been working more or less well for it.

    So far I have lost 7 kg and need to loose another kilogram until I reach my True Weight, the weight I had 4 years ago and the one I want to get back on.

    Feel free to share how you are doing or any doubts or struggles you might face.

    Happy dukaning :)

  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Hi Ladies! Popping in here because I am giving myself a PP day today. Did well losing that last ten lbs using 17 day diet and Dukan. Had wayyyyy too much fun over the holidays and gained it back heh heh. I have tried to get things under control with traditional macros, but get no results, so I am back to what I know works.
    I have never had such a hard time getting on track as I am right now!
  • LJMiller0587
    LJMiller0587 Posts: 5 Member
    HI all,

    So I'm starting this diet for the first time today, finding this forum has been really useful and I'm hoping it will be a way to stay motivated as my diet before consisted mainly of carbs. I'm definitely hoping this attack phase is going to give me the boost I need to get going as I have a lot to go before a holiday with a bunch of my skinny in-laws at the end of July!

    I've been a bit worried about some of the side-effects I've read about, have any of you had any problems with them?

    Laura :)
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    As for me, I didn´t have any major side effects.

    Ok, the weakness thing during the first days of the Attack phase - you just need to go through that and that´s it.

    Also, drink plenty ( I drink at least 2 litres of water a day + herbal teas)

    In the beginning I had problems with constipation and muscular cramps. Apparently the protein diet has a strong diuretic effect in which you loose lots of minerals, including magnesium. I bought additional magnesium capsules to consume daily, this has solved the problem. Also, I always make sure I consume at least 25-30 gr of fibre every day. Included Chia seeds in the diet - amazing product.

    For me eating lactose products causes bloating, so I eliminated those off my diet. My general well being changed 100 %. The only yogurts I allow my self is fat free goats yogurt ( but because it´s fairly pricy, I consume not more than 150 - 200 gr a day) and soya yogurts.

    That´s it. If you follow the diet to letter, you shouldn´t get any side effects.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    I agree with Vaida above and in keeping it to a short summary, I would echo the following :
    - drink lots (use the app to log your water if you have to )....herbal teas are a dream on this diet
    - don't be afraid to er, et as much as you want of allowed foods and don't be scared to go over calories it's not about counting
    - do your minimum walks (gym if you are already a fittie but keep it light)
    - NO CHEATS at all , stick to what is allowed, after your attack then incorporate what works for you. I am doing this diet for the second time so in cruise I have had the odd carb but that's because I know what my body needs to stay motivated. Nuts....don't even go there, I have been eating them like crazy.
    - eat your oatbran but mix it up a bit by having as porridge, muffins, bread etc

    Good luck, feel free to add me x
  • LJMiller0587
    LJMiller0587 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks of much for the advice - going well so far though have had a few carb cravings but managed to avoid and thankfully no side effects as yet :)
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    That's cool! Good to hear you had a good beginning.

    In my case, I didn´t really allow myself too much cheating. I feel I need self discipline - if I start cheating on small things, I step into a bigger overeating in a couple of days without realizing it.

    I had one big party in a middle of my cruising, where I ate lots of fat meats and sauces. Oh, and lots of cakes. Literally, didn´t gain any weight, but I stayed in plateau for good 2 weeks!!!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    If you start to feel weak or dizzy, add some salt to your diet, it helps. I am so used to lower carb now I switch in pretty easy.

    End of day 3 of attack, down 4 lbs. I am trying to do 5/5. My birthday is next Sunday so I will be eating cake. Then I will get right back to it, feeling too good to stop now! 10 lbs to my goal (139)
  • KHattley
    KHattley Posts: 59 Member
    Lovely to find lots of fellow Dukaneers!! I lost 1 stone 10lbs on Dukan three years ago and managed to keep it off but over Christmas and ever since I've had far too many meals out and things so have got into a few bad habits again......mainly chocolate!! ;) So....for Lent this year rather than giving up something specific I'm going to go back on cruise. When I get into the Dukan mindset I'm very good at following the rules.....I just need to get back into it again! Too many birthdays and things around Jan and Feb!! Now have a few weeks to try and lose a bit of belly in time for a holiday at the end of April.......need to feel confident in a bikini again!!! Bring it on!!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome back , nice to meet you :)
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Hey girls,
    How is everybody doing?
    I felt I have to share a recipe of oat bran bread, which is a new discovery for me. Now I am enjoying beautifully made oat bran bread, which actually counts as my daily bran portion and theoretically I can eat another slice of normal bread ( I am on Consolidation now).
    So this is the recipe of the bread, I found it in one Spanish dukan site.

    Oat bran bread

    400 g water
    1 egg
    1 TBSP lecithin of soya
    1 TBSP beer yeast flakes
    225 g oat bran
    50 g wheat bran
    150 g wheat gluten
    3 TBSP seeds ( I use flax seeds)
    15 g quick yeast

    All the ingredients go into bread maker, 750 g, wholemeal program. Once the bread is made, divide it into daily portions ( depending on the phase you are on, attack 22 g, cruise 30 g, consolidation 37 g and stabilization 45 g), and off you go :)) !!

    I love this bread. I have made it couple times already and every time is turns out delicious.

  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    oops very unsuccessful attempt to upload a picture to see how the bread looks like,
    ...and once again
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Oooh that bread looks good! I won't make it because I know I couldn't control myself around it lol. But it's a good option if you have a wicked craving!

    Back on day 3 of attack - feeling fantastic, down 2 lbs already.
  • kboggs6763
    kboggs6763 Posts: 35 Member
    This is my second time doing the Dukan...I was very successful first go round losing 62 pounds in 6 months! I stopped the diet for some reason???? I gained all but 11 pounds back! I have done the attack phase and am in my second day on the cruise phase. I am excited to be doing this diet again as I know it works! : )
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Anybody still Dukaning?
  • kea8888
    kea8888 Posts: 11 Member
    Anybody still Dukaning?

    I'm cruising! Lovin Dukan! In all my years of low carbing, I never thought to add the low fat component! I know, stupid, right? Atkins was always so adamant about lots of fat. Also, whole foods/organic crowd is really into good fats too. As a result, I never lost the baby weight from my last pregnancy and added 20 pounds on top of it:(

    What a relief to see numbers on the scale that I haven't seen in a few years. This diet is so easy. I love the foods and I love that I don't have to count anything!!! No hunger and I can eat whenever I want. Thanks for the tip about chia seeds. I have a whole bag in my pantry just sitting there (along with the hemp seeds and flax seeds - I won't be touching those anytime soon:). I filled a bottle and put it on the table as a reminder to use it.

    Other things I've found useful so far:

    * Instead of gojo berries, I add 1-2 Tb of frozen organic blueberries a day. They are amazing in oat bran pancakes, cereal, yogurt and stevia-sweetened cottage cheese. They only have 1 carb and they are way healthier than the dill pickles that Dukan allows.

    * I add 1 tablespoon of organic psyllium husk powder and a Lactobacillus acidophilus tablet to combat any issues with constipation.

    * I add 1 tablespoon of organic salsa to eggs or chicken. At 1 gram of carbs and no fat, it is a great way to add flavor.
  • This is day 9 for me. I'm down 6 lbs! on Cruise phase
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Anybody still Dukaning?

    You bet. I just wanted to add - I have been on the plan (I went thru all four phases) since December 2011 and there are lifelong things that one must do that really work - and I follow them - here 's a few.

    1) never get "seconds"
    2) Do one PP day a week
    3) Get your exercise - never less than 20 minutes a day of walking, etc.
    4) Drink your water!

    The cruise phase was the easiest for me. It's pretty easy if you are traveling or eating out all the time to follow. And I still log my calories! That isn't part of the diet, but I still log them. I have a few more rules - like make sure I eat dark green and dark red or orange veggies every day! I am not perfect , but I find that it is a much better lifestyle , I feel great, and my clothes always fit.
  • Horsechick49
    Horsechick49 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on cruise phase and so far have lost 20 pounds….then went to an all inclusive Horsemanship clinic for 2 weeks and gained 5 back :-(. I am back on the wagon. Glad I found this group. How do you use MFP as a tool for Dukan?