Introduce yourself - again



  • Hello everyone. I weight 331 and a yoyo dieter. Hoping to hear thoughts, opinions and sucess stories to motivate me.
  • I think youre very brave. Im in the 331 and strugglling to lose weight. I had knee surgery a while ago but my knee has never been the same. I understand what youre going through. Stay strong we can do this with the grace of God.
  • waterlibby
    waterlibby Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all.
    I just turned 40 and I weigh 312 pounds. BUT, I am so much more than those numbers. HOWEVER, those numbers are getting in my way. My feet are always hurting and my knees too. These are problems I had before I was heavy, but the 140 pounds of unnecessary and unwanted weight are exasperating the problems. I have 2 boys, a 16 year old and an almost 8 year old.I want to ride roller coasters with them! I want them to be healthy! I have been a member of my fitness pal on and off for a while now, but I feel like this is it! I just turned 40. Something has got to be done. If I can not do it alone or with the MUCH NEEDED help from others, the natural way, then I think it may be time to have surgery (which terrifies me in so many ways). I see other folks living there life, I want to live mine too, in a healthy way where my size does not inhibit me from the the things I want to do!
  • Hello Everyone,

    My name is Yolanda and I'm 26. I have been on and off of MFP for about a year now. My highest weight was 316 pounds, and I am currently weighing in at 295. Please add me, I would love to have more friends to help keep me motivated this time around!
  • Hi All -

    Re starting my weight loss journey today. Here for inspiration and advice. I'm starting at 305 at 27 years old. Working towards being healthy enough to conceive and enjoy pregnancy. I feel like losing this much weight is impossible and that's why I lose motivation. Can anyone help me change my way of thinking? I know I can't do this alone. Hope to talk soon.

  • TooBIGdotNet
    TooBIGdotNet Posts: 29 Member
    Hello All. I've been out of the limelight of the weight loss community for a while now. Just recently got back on board the 3rd of march. My new starting weight is 568lbs and just weighted in today and I'm at 500.6 so about 70lbs in two months. I've adapated the #NSNG lifestyle and doing really well. Always lookiing for support.

    If you's like to keep up with me & my journey, please follow my facebook fan page as i'm mosly actitive on there.

  • Hi , I joined MFP a while ago but really never did anything with it. But On Friday 5 days ago I really started to use it and I feel like this might work well for me. I guess I a looking for some friends who share my struggles and can rejoice in my triumphs with me. I am 360 started at my highest at 380. I have a goal of about 145. I am working hard to accomplish that goal.. I want to me the best Mama that I can be for my beautiful kids. Please add me if you would like to be buddies on this difficult and exciting journey.
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    *waves hello*

    I joined MFP a few days ago. I am currently feeling very motivated and am trying not to worry about the future when I might lose that motivation. My starting weight is 340 and my goal is 140. I'm on my fourth clean day.
  • N1shka
    N1shka Posts: 4 Member
    Hi There Everyone!

    My name is Fiona. I live in Toronto, but in my heart, I'm a country girl (except for the music, I'm not into the country music!), I spend as much time as I can at my family cottage in Muskoka.

    I have had a variety of jobs, I've managed a horse farm, took care of beef cattle and laying hens. Right now, I'm working with dogs. I have also worked in the travel industry, and managed the Junior Ranks Mess at Canadian Forces Armoury Fort York.thats not all, but hey this isn't a C.V.

    The highest weight I was aware of was 303 lbs. I joined MFP after I had already dropped a couple of pounds. Thankfully I am well under 300lbs now, but in my mind, I'm still there!

    As I look over the stories and tremendous inspiring losses, it fills me with hope of greater success.

    Thank you to all of you who have shared. You are supportive, and motivating to those who come along after you.

    So hello, it is a pleasure to make your virtual acquaintance!
  • slaunderville
    slaunderville Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Sarah and I am new to this group. I am a mother of three and work full time. Looking forward to finding out about this group.
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    This group is so quiet. I hope it's because we're all busy kicking butt and losing weight! Yeah! Rahr!
  • mimi14fun
    mimi14fun Posts: 38 Member
    Hi I just recently found MFP and hope the love and support from my fellow members can help keep me motivated. I started at 313 pounds and now at 229 and struggling with every pound. It has been a long journey for me and I hope I can help others as well as myself.
  • JShawSarah
    JShawSarah Posts: 22
    Hi guys! I'm Sarah, I'm 18, stand at 5'6"-5'7"ish, and weigh about 300 pounds. I tried MFP a year ago but never got into it, but started using it again, and love it! This is an exciting journey!
  • rayhet78
    rayhet78 Posts: 9
    Hi There! My name is Rayme. I'm 35 years old and live in central Pennsylvania. I joined MFP awhile ago, but just got serious with it again this week. I've downloaded the app and am tracking everything (good and bad).

    I'm a 911 telecommunicator so I work odd hours and spend my whole shift sitting at my console. It makes my journey a little harder for sure but I'm determined not to let it be my excuse any longer. I'm looking for some new friends to keep me on track and motivated.

    Hope to talk to all of you soon!
  • JEBx3
    JEBx3 Posts: 6
    Hello everyone,

    so I find myself starting yet another diet. This time it is a medically monitored weight loss program. Had my 1 mo checkup yesterday ans loat 14.1 lbs and 4.5 inches. Not bad. Hopefully I will find some friends in here. My fitness pal friend screen is sadly empty...
  • johnnysgrant
    johnnysgrant Posts: 1 Member

    My Name is Johnny and I am 26. I live in the east central Illinois. I am a Sales Manager for a big box store here and have recently went to this job from a very physically active job and have found it extremely hard to combat my weight. As it stands right now I weigh 359lbs. I have never been that heavy before.

    I found myself making a transition into 3x clothing an it really saddens me. My current goal is to get out of the 300s all together. This would put me back at the weight I was in high school and a little of my freshman year of college. I think that with the muscle mass that I have I could never get into the 100's but I also kinda think that I don't want to. My ultimate goal is to be around 225-235 area.

    I am a frequent binge eater. I can go all day with dieting and making healthy choices but once I am at home alone at night I just pile it on. I am scared because I am now closer to 400 than I am 300. I also watch all of the weight loss TV shows and am now seeing people who are my weight on them. I am really not near as big as them in size but my weight is. I can make the transition intot he 200's I HAVE TO. I have a big box full of regular XL band t-shirts that I had from high school and I really want to get back into them
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi I am David, and I am a lover of all foods, especially all the bad ones. I started out around 390 with my eye on getting down to 220. I am currently at 379 and feeling much better since starting the program here. Anyone wanting to talk, give advice, get advice or just inspire or be inspired, friend me. I take great pleasure in reading of the victories on here. I also commiserate when someone is having a hard time. Keep up the good work, folks. It is worth it. Glad to be a part of this group.
  • LadyArchangel
    LadyArchangel Posts: 124 Member
    Hey all!

    Name's Izzy, I am 23 years of age. I live in the northern suburbs of Illinois.I started this 'journey' on July 28th of last year, at 363lbs. Last time I checked (a week or so ago) I was at 302.2. I'm looking forward to being under 300lbs, where I haven't been in years. My highest weight was about 378. It's been a hard struggle but I'm sticking with it. My goal at the end of this month is to be under 300, even if it's 299.8 I will take it as reaching that goal.

    Through all of this my eating habits and cravings have changed immensely. Fast food no longer appeals to me and things like iced coffee or soda are now too sweet and make me feel ill. What I eat isn't always perfect, but I have fruits almost daily and spinach is basically daily. I drink loads of water and try to exercise about 6 times a week if possible for at least 25 minutes. It's been very emotional- I am more self conscious now than I was back then, but it's baby steps!

    Oh, and I enjoy music and video games. Currently obsessed with the Mass Effect trilogy, thus my username.

    Looking forward to this!
  • dogluvr_2014
    dogluvr_2014 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello Everyone, My name is Ann and I'm still rather new to MFP... about 3 weeks now. I love this website and how it is working miracles in my life. It's so nice to be able to connect with others going through the same or similar struggles as I am. When I read so much of what other members write it is like reading my own story. I too am so tired of carrying all this weight and of letting food rule my life to the point where I have no life anymore and I'm tired of being the fattest one in the room. I come from a family of mostly overweight and obese people and so many of them have already passed on due to health issues because of it. I'm tired of living this way and I need to be the one to break this cycle. I am worth fighting for and taking the time to take care of myself, which is something I had to learn. We may have a long journey ahead of us but I know we can all do this. Feel free to add me as a friend or just contact me if you need some inspiration. Have a blessed day. :flowerforyou:
  • Ceratopsy
    Ceratopsy Posts: 2,100 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm Jenn, I'm 31 and I have some major goals to achieve! At my heaviest I was 375, I joined MFP and with diet / exercise changes I dropped 50lbs. However, I gained most of it back. At 340 I decided I needed to start again, so here I am. I've been active on MFP for the last month and I am starting to lack motivation. My first goal is just to get below the 300 mark, I haven't been there is sooooooo long. Tracking is helpful but I think I need to take more of an active community role so feel free to friend me!
    Things to know about me: I am a huge nerd! Movies, video games, books, I will watch, play or read anything. I am a former pastry chef and have a serious sweet tooth. I love my dogs, the ocean and the color orange.