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  • gonzap1980
    gonzap1980 Posts: 1

    My name is Sergio and I already lost count of the times I tried to lose weight.

    I am currently leaving in Spain but I will be moving to Canada after the summer. I'm 33. I'm 1.83m and I weight 103 kgs (6 foot and over 220 pounds).

    My main problem is the lack of consistency. I can keep healthy habits for 2 weeks and then I always go back to no exercising and crappy fast food.

    It has a lot to do with stress I believe. It is just hectic at work, but since I will be moving after the summer at least I see the end of the tunnel by leaving this job.

    So now I don't have any more excuses and I want to get seriously fit. I don't want to end up in an Iron Man, but I would be proud if I can finish a triatlon someday!

    But as a first step I would love to finish any of my soccer games without pain everywhere!
  • Mom2ATeam
    Mom2ATeam Posts: 5
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Aubrey. I'm 33 and I'm a single mom of 3 little ones. I've been working hard for 3 months now to lose weight and get healthy after 6 years of allowing autoimmune diseases to keep me down. I've lost 35 pounds so far and have about 20 more to go before I get to my goal. I'm excited to be here and get to know some likeminded people!
  • melarchy
    melarchy Posts: 5
    Hey. Melissa here. I'm 33, an artist and a curator. I got into an accident two years ago this coming September that changed my life. Since the accident I've lost 95 pounds. This last 10 to reach 100 has been quite the struggle. Happily I've got 30 more to lose and then I've reached my ultimate goal. And dammit, I'm going to do it.

    I'm losing the weight to do what I can to live longer and happier with my husband, and because my father has heart issues. MyFitnessPal has been a genius addition to my life.

    Nice to meet you all.
  • jnord8729
    jnord8729 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi. I'm Jake and I'm 35. I've been using the yo-yo dieting/exercise method for about 2 years now. I seem to be able to do a decent job getting below the 200 mark when I am REALLY on the wagon, just I fall off and go right back to that 215-220 range. I'm hoping to get down to around 185 (give or take) and stay there. I do know when I'm on the wagon I do some weight lifting but run more than anything.

    My big problem is lack of people around me who are very motivational so I'm hoping this will help when I start with the "I don't feel like it" and start looking for excuses not to do it. I am hoping I can meet some people who are willing to help keep me on track!
  • CLA1134
    CLA1134 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I am new to the site and I'm making the rounds on the groups I've just discovered introducing myself. I will be 33 next month. Mom with 3 kids. Trying to do better for them and myself. I look forward to reading all the awesome topics!
  • NoMorePerfect
    NoMorePerfect Posts: 47 Member
    Hey there, I'm Kelly, 33 years old. I am a mom of six kids and though my body has held up well, my metabolism has slowed significantly and I'd liked to lose about 20 lbs. I have no support or help or guidance towards healthy living, working out, eating right, and getting fit in real life, so I do hope that I am able to find some of that here.
  • kimberleerogers
    kimberleerogers Posts: 10 Member

    I think I might be one of the younger 30 somethings...30 counts right?? Well almost 31!

    I have been on the lifestyle change kick for a long time..down 110 with around 100 more to go....

    I can say that I am very happy to be single again after a long relationship...I joke that I actually lost 250 extra pounds! :laugh:

    I am in the early stages of starting a gluten free diet.

    Looking forward to the challenges...they look like so much fun!
  • KateDegnan
    KateDegnan Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! My name is Kate, I'm 32 and I'm new to this group. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the support and motivation I can get.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Dee, Lindsey, Fernando, Danielle, Brandi, Rayme, Sergio, Aubrey, Melissa, Jake, CLA1134, Kelly, kimberleerogers, and Kate!! So sorry for not welcoming you earlier but this past month has been crazy for me. :noway:

    Any who, I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome! Please feel free to start a new thread or join any of the current ones.

    There is a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. Additionally, there is a June miles tracking thread that is open to edit for all. You should join us. :0)

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm Cookie and I'm almost 33... Not sure where the last few years went but I want to make my 30s the most fabulous one yet by being the best me I can possibly be. Feel free to add me for extra support and motivation... I could sure use some, too :)
  • johnwb77
    johnwb77 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm John. I'm 36 and trying to transform into my 20's body again. I'm making progress but still have some work. I'm married with 3 boys and live in Mississippi. :)
  • KrazyTwinMomma
    KrazyTwinMomma Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kyla...33 and loving life!! I became a divorcee a year ago and it's finally time for me to pick up my pieces and rebuild me. I'm looking for motivational friends and I will help support you as well. Add me and let's do this!!!!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Hi all,

    Looking forward to participating in an active group. I've found over the years that it's definitely better to have like-minded folks to provide support.

    My goals are mostly performance-related .. I've really been getting in to the whole obstacle racing / Ninja Warrior thing lately. :)

    Add me and I'll add you. B-)
  • Hello. My name is Megan. I just recently started using My Fitness Pal again because I needed to get back on track big time. Especially with my calorie intake. I also really need motivation from others so hopefully I can get that from you! I am 36, married and we have 2 kids. Our oldest is 18 and going to college in August and our youngest is 6 going into 1st grade.
  • Hi all, I'm Martin, 37, Colchester, UK. Just rejoined MFP after a 4yr break. I'm divorced and father of my 6yr old daughter. I want to get in shape to make sure I can enjoy my time with her as much as possible (and she told me I had a podgy belly, the cheek!)

    Add me, Thanks.
  • my_chrystal82
    my_chrystal82 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm 32, single mum of 2 kids, 2 dogs. I have to say, being in my 30s has really facilitated a lot of awareness that was absent in my 20s.

    I became a mom at 18, so my mid-40s are reserved for the possibilities only afforded to one who's kids have flown the nest. I'd rather not be saddled with a heart condition and diabetes, hence the beginning of my MFP journey.

    I'm working on some huge health/weight loss goals and can use all the support/friends I can get! Feel free to add me :D
  • aloster
    aloster Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I'm trying to get back on track and now that my kids are both teenagers I am feeling like I have more time to devote to me. Look forward to getting healthier. And maybe making some friends along the way.
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    Hello! I am Jen!

    After 2 kiddos, I was heavier than I felt comfortable with. I have lost the weight and now i am in maintenance. I just found this group amazing enough!

    I am a runner, triathlete, mama of 2 little boys and an accountant.
  • Hi everyone! I am a 31 year old, married, working mom of 2. I have never used MFP before and am hoping it will be a useful tool to get me back in shape. I am looking forward to the journey and making friends.
  • 00fat2fit00
    00fat2fit00 Posts: 7 Member
    I am back after a super long break. Looking for some friends since pretty much all of my old friends unfriended me (no hard feelings, I was totally inactive and would have done the same!!) So looking for a new re-start and some people to walk this road with me!!
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