


  • equallyyoked
    equallyyoked Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Bobo!!

    And that's why we have this gr8 group you started...excellent accountability:)
  • KornishPiskie
    KornishPiskie Posts: 25 Member
    This is great. But I get up at 3am to eat and I eat and eat. I sleep heavily and then bam Im up. Im aware of what Im doing but cant control it like being hypnotised I suppose. Anyone else the same?
  • spogna
    spogna Posts: 17 Member
    Checking in for 3rd night without snacking. It has taken quite considerable willpower and conversations with myself. Really hoping the 21 day theory works for me.
  • smoocow
    smoocow Posts: 1
    This is my very first day- I just joined. Snacking in the evening is a BIG problem for me. My plan is to DRINK (mostly favored no-cal waters) but nothing that needs chewing! Wish me luck!!
  • Hungry_Annie
    Hungry_Annie Posts: 807 Member
  • Sounds fantastic! Please count me in - Monique3677 (aka Laura) D#1 - woo hoo!
    what about having groups of a few folks together who check in nightly (or more?) to help with accountability?
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome hanan20142015. I'm often the same way which is why I started this group hoping to find someone (or now I see a whole group of people) who was struggling with the same issue and I figured if we daily checked in with each other, we'd be more successful.

    I'm watching TV now and started thinking about food. But I'm responding back to this thread which is helping me stuck with breaking this bad habit! You can too, check in often!
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    June 15
    Day 1 Done! Had a great day. I decided to go for an evening walk which really took my mind off of snacking. So I had a double workout day...ran 3 miles this morning and then walked 3 more miles this evening! I've also decided that I need a food cut off time. I'm going to start with 6:30 pm and see how that goes. Feeling motivated! --rlstepp29 (aka Joy) :smile:
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Good evening! Hope everyone had a good Father's Day! A few of you had expressed the roll call idea was good so I'm gonna go with it! The goal is to reach at least 21 days so here it is as of yesterday:

    3 days: spogna
    2 days: Bo
    1 day: hungry_annie
    1 day: rlstepp29
    ?: bblumenberg
    ?: equallyyoked
    ?: jrsygirl109
    ?: mshea62
    ?: princessaclar
    ?: HeidicooksSup
    ?: tashatp22
    ?: queenkori
    ?: jhloves2knit
    ?: hanan20142015
    ?: dankas001
    ?: kornishpiskie
    ?: smoocow
    ?: monique3677

    Great job Spogna, hungry_annie, and Joy!!! I will update this tomorrow, please check-in!
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    This is my first night of the 21, and so far I'm doing good. I ate a lot today though - hope I'm not compensating for my new resolution. I too have a rebellious streak when I make a healthy eating related resolution. I call it my perverse side.

    Is this how we do a roll call - just reply to this topic?
  • Hello Bobo and everyone else.
    My name is Shellie and I am addicted to night time eating. I am a night owl. I will normally go to bed between 10 - 11 pm but read until 2 - 4 am. I was eating a half bag of chips and a bunch of bit size candy bars. they're small they don't count as much. Right? NOT!! Tonight is my second night of not eating. I have allowed myself a choice of either saving calories during the day and having fruit or light pop corn for a after dinner snack but none after I go to bed. I am so glad I have found this group. I thought i was the only person that consumed as many calories between 12am & 3am asI do for lunch or dinner. I hope to be able to check in each night however I travel a lot so I'll do my best. Have a fabulous Monday! ;)
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, all! Just saw this group as I'm climbing into bed, sounds like just the ticket. My name is Gregory and I generally do well until evening. Then I will eat everything that's not tied down!

    21 days doesn't sound too tough, I can do that - with just a little help. Sign me up, please!
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi did my first one last night no food after my evening meal felt hungry this morning tho so had my breakfast day 1 done kate xx
  • Woke up twice last night rather hungry both times and just got back into bed knowing I'd feel better if I didn't eat nything and rather awful if I messed up the challenge on night one! Thanks for starting this, Abobo! And to all passing day one and beyond, congrats!
    On to day 2!
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    I just told my husband yesterday that this is my downfall! And he agrees that it is his as well. I am fine all day. Then I eat dinner. Then I eat everything (especailly sweet stuff) that's in the house. We dedcided yesterday to only have ONE thing after dinner. We do popcorn or a lower calorie dessert. Let's see how long I can make that last!
  • Hello, I too have the curse of night eating and am hoping to use this group j for accountability. Eating in my sleep is a big issue for me too. So I have a plan to make the snacks so incredible hard to get in my sleep that I will have to wake up to get the packages open. LOL! Also, I am peri-meno so the salt craving at night are almost hypnotizing. If anyone has suggestions for this salt craving thing I'm open to all suggestions. Nice to have a place to check in. Thanks.
  • slspry1
    slspry1 Posts: 27 Member
    hi everyone just joined today so this is day one thinking i am going to take a long hot bubble bath every night especially when my partner and daughter get out the evening snacks move my gym session to later in the evening and have a constant supply of water to sip when at home. hopefully this new strategy will work if all else fails i am going to tape my mouth shut lol
  • MarkTheBark
    MarkTheBark Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! I'm Mark.
    I'm glad to have found this group. I'm right there with you all. Even though I usually snack on healthier foods like yogurt, a tuna or deli sliced turkey sandwich, or apple slices with peanut butter they are still extra calories that are unnecessary.
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Hi, I just spotted this forum. I'm new to MFP having signed up in January and then not done anything with it. I started again and have been doing ok for 10 days now. Today I finished work and totally fell off the wagon. I skipped lunch owing to someone being late for the meeting, ended up buying rubbish and binging.
    Feel ashamed and embarrassed now. I had a really long day and was just too tired (or lazy) to prepare a proper meal.
    Tomorrow I will climb back on and for the rest of tonight am avoiding the fridge. I've logged what I have eaten and that is a line in the sand for today.
  • equallyyoked
    equallyyoked Posts: 16 Member
    I can honestly say that I didn't eat after dinner last night. So excited!!! The hubby and I will have a date night in and watching a movie...will be saving some calories so that I can enjoy some skinny pocporn and skinny nacho cheese chips during the movie with a cup of coffee just 2TBS of organic half an half. Our church is having VBS this week and I am helping with the worship for the kids which involves dancing so I will for sure gets extra activity points! Come on everyone, let's continue:)