JMBR - workouts



  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Did WO 7 for the first time today and it was not as bad as I was afraid of...with the exception of the jack knife sit-ups...which I can't even come close to doing. I couldn't believe I was able to do the 1 legged push ups. Of course I crossed one over the other to start but hope to work up to just having the leg up without support. It felt odd to hear her say that we are past the half way mark in the program. I wasn't sure I'd get this far - whoop hoooo I'm still at it.

    I know this program is working. Yesterday I did a hip hop routine that normally wipes me out. Instead I had trouble getting my heart rate up to its usual level and it felt very manageable. So my endurance has definitely improved!

    Marjorie - if you are sore then definitely stretch. You'll feel better and will do better when you go thru the circuits

    Hang in there everyone and have a great day
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi ladies. Still plugging away here. I started week 3 this week and wow 3 and 4 are a lot harder than 1 and 2! I have to use lighter weights cause it's just too much with the 8 lbers.
    Has anyone else been really hungry doing this workout? This week I've been STARVING and I keep going over calories but it's either that or start gnawing on my arm, lol. Do you think it's just from building muscle?
  • singallagher
    singallagher Posts: 42 Member
    Carrie, I noticed that too.
    I was weak with hunger some days so have upped my calories slightly. I listen to my body - if I'm hungry I eat.
    Have also noticed that the weight is finally shifting too, I'm in week 8 so its time :happy:
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    Did NMTZ last night and it felt downright easy compared to JMBR. 7 & 8 really kicked my behind last time I did them. I think tonight I'm working backwards and hitting 5 & 6 again.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    did WO 8 for the first time. did fairly well but couldn't hold Warrior 3 with weights the whole time. I was a bit sore from WO 7 so expect the same tomorrow for WO 8. So glad I've got cardio tomorrow. I'm out of town all weekend for a wedding so won't be doing WO 7 again until Monday. Think I'll do cardio for 2 straight days. I've found that helped when WO's 5&6 started to feel unmanageable. Will be back at the circuits on Monday.
  • MarjorieDawes57
    MarjorieDawes57 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow! Everyone is doing so well! Some of those exercises you all mention in the latter part of the program sound scary! :sad: not sure I'm liking the sound of those at all! Kudos to you ladies for getting so far in the program and doing these moves, you should all feel really proud of your progress! I've just completed week 1; adding more stretches at the end yesterday really helped, as this morning, I haven't been walking around like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz, so all's good! Have a great weekend everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Just finished week 1, on to week 2, I like the workouts and I hope that gradually I will be ready once I get to the further weeks.

    I'm not doing the cardio dvd, because I like my cardio dance classes at a local studio. Tonight is WERQ, fun dance music!
  • singallagher
    singallagher Posts: 42 Member
    WO 9
    Just. Freaking. Awful.
    The End.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I know...I did 9 & 10 yesterday and it was brutal but effective. Then I went running for an hour.
    Tonight I'm going to run for an hour and a half and try them again. I need to supplement the running since I always have to modify the cardio in the JMBR because of my downstairs neighbor (though I'm moving soon) and she keeps increasing the plyometrics!!
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Just did WO 7 for the first time and let's just say it wasn't my favorite, but not awful. Scared for WO 9!
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I went backwards tonight and did 7 & 8 again. I really want to get the "torture tube" because I don't have one, I've been compensating with 3lbs and strict form on those exercises. I have resistance bands somewhere, maybe I'll substitute them once I find them.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm off schedule again because I got sick from something I ate while traveling. I took one day off ant then was back at it. I'm still a bit off from time zone changes, not enough sleep and too much food. When I did WO 7 again tonight I struggled a bit at the beginning and then finally found a zone. My stomach is pretty sore again, but could be those dreaded V ups. I'm hoping I'll be up to WO 8 tomorrow

    You guys are scaring me about WO 9!!!!!!!!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I did my Cardio Dance WERQ class last night, so fun! Then this morning I was supposed to get up to do DVD1, but I was tired. I will do it tonight, then do DVD2 tomorrow.

    I'm enjoying these dvd's and looking forward to losing some weight and getting some definition in my arms!
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Did WO 8 for the first time. Good news is that I burned 330 calories. The bad news is that I hated every minute of it. Something about all that cable work really errks me. But I did it!

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • MarjorieDawes57
    MarjorieDawes57 Posts: 35 Member
    Cardio 1 again for me today! It felt harder this week, but I guess I need to get out of that comfort zone once in a while, to make some positive changes. Well done on your workouts everyone; phase 1 is kicking my butt, so I'm nervous about stepping it up a gear next week, with workouts 3 and 4!
  • MarjorieDawes57
    MarjorieDawes57 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm on workouts 3 & 4 and so far so good. I thought 3 was harder than 4, but I have stability issues with my right leg due to a past injury. I just do the best I can. I am sweating more than I did with 1 & 2 for sure and like the variation of changing this up.

    I don't particularly care for the plank to lunge and raise your arms up straight in the air move in workout 3, but otherwise, I'm really enjoying the workouts.
    Now I'm REALLY not looking forward to next weeks workout! That move sounds horrendous! :sad:
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I'm really not having a stellar start to week 2, ugh. I did my dance fitness class on Monday evening, then haven't worked out since! I MUST do a workout tonight to get back on track and just consider yesterday my rest day.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    In the words of Jillian I hate these workouts when I'm doing them and then I "love them when they're over".
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    I don't know about the rest of you but I felt like lead doing cardio 2 after 7&8 for the first time. I guess this is the first time I am really sore from the 2 previous workouts so it made a big difference. I'm officially exhausted!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Just started week 8. WO 7 always seems so hard during the 1st circuit...never sure I'll be able to do it all...then it gets more manageable (that doesn't mean easy). I'm definitely finding that this program is paying off. My balance is better, I'm stronger and my middle is getting trimmer.

    Dana - hang in there. I found taking an unscheduled rest day last week really helped because I was feeling exhausted as well. After an extra rest day I was better able to tackle the workouts

    Be strong everyone!