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Daily Check In Thread



  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    W7D1 last night was a bit of a challenge. I still can't figure out what makes for a good/easy run and what makes for a harder one. I kept looking at the time, which I'm sure didn't help. I also got confused for a few minutes and thought I was only running 20 minutes so I spent some time thinking, "Oh, only six minutes left! That's just two three-minute runs! No problem!" and the like before I realized I had five more minutes than I had been thinking. Whoooops.

    My knees are definitely starting to be a little more sore than they used to be. It could be my shoes. At least, I hope it is, because I'm planning to get a new pair very soon. I'm in a "Biggest Loser" competition at work that weighs in today, and if I win, free money! If I lose, I still kicked *kitten* and I'm going to treat myself to some running shoes from an actual running store rather than just blindly going into DSW and buying whatever looked cheap and reasonable.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Love seeing all the folks finishing W5D3! I feel like finishing that gives you a real confidence boost. Like, you just ran for TWENTY WHOLE MINUTES STRAIGHT! Six weeks before that you might not have been able to run for a minute without feeling worn out! That's TWENTY TIMES BETTER! 1,900% more time!!! From W5D3, you only need to add 50% of the time you've already done and you'll have completed the program. How crazy is that?
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Love seeing all the folks finishing W5D3! I feel like finishing that gives you a real confidence boost. Like, you just ran for TWENTY WHOLE MINUTES STRAIGHT! Six weeks before that you might not have been able to run for a minute without feeling worn out! That's TWENTY TIMES BETTER! 1,900% more time!!! From W5D3, you only need to add 50% of the time you've already done and you'll have completed the program. How crazy is that?

    It is a great feeling! I used it as a milestone in my mind. Maybe not good, but from the beginning of starting c25k, I kept thinking if I make it through w5d3 then I can complete the program. The first week or two, I definitely wasn't sure I would be able to make it, but it seemed like week 3 and 4 helped boost my confidence. Now I've been reading that week 6 can be tough for a lot of people. I will do w6d1 this evening so will see how I do.

    Good luck on your biggest loser competition at work! Extra money would be nice to celebrate your success, but all your hard work pays off in even more important ways. Hope your knees get to feeling better and you find a great pair of running shoes!
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    W7D2 yesterday, and while it wasn't easy, it was better than D1. I have to do something about this knee, lol! It's starting to do the whole I-ache-why-are-you-making-me-do-this thing.

    Otherwise, I think I'm ready for D3 tomorrow.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    All you people who are doing 20 and 30 minute runs are so inspiring!

    W1D2 for me today. I had the GPS going today (forgot to take my phone off airplane last time) and apparently I'm going way faster than I thought during the running intervals - like 10 minute mile fast. No wonder my legs hurt! So I need to slow down and work on pacing.

    One question - my left leg seems to swing outwards as I run in a slight C shape rather than going straight ahead like my right, and it hurts the tendon in the back of my knee when I try to correct. Is this the sort of thing I should just let my leg go on it's natural path, or should I be trying to straighten out?
  • kellypence
    kellypence Posts: 123 Member
    Good morning all! W6D3 this morning, 23 minute run, felt pretty good. Little sore in the hamstrings at the beginning, but warmed up nicely. Even had a little game of chase with a beautiful woodpecker, he kept flying to a tree about 10 feet in front of me, then when I caught up, he'd fly a little further ahead. What really helped me mentally was that I've been running the same route since the beginning (limited time in the morning before work, can't be too adventurous and end up to far from home by the end of the program) so instead of thinking about how long I had to run before the next walk break, I just thought things like "just have to run to DaddyPops (great diner) and see how I feel" "just have to run to the end of this road"... It seemed to help, instead of worrying if I could make the whole time, I just had to keep going a set distance and then see how I felt. And since I settle in to a steady (but slow) pace, I'm okay to keep going.

    It's funny, never liked to run, but here I am, finished six weeks of running 3x per week (and getting up early to do so), and looking forward to runs, races, progressing to a 10k, and I even started fantasizing about training for a half...
  • Stanlee202
    Stanlee202 Posts: 47 Member
    Just finished W4D1! If you would've told me 2 months ago that I'd be running 5 minutes straight I'd have laughed. It took me a bit longer to get through W3, but here I am! I really love this program. Keep it up everyone! :)
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    All you people who are doing 20 and 30 minute runs are so inspiring!

    W1D2 for me today. I had the GPS going today (forgot to take my phone off airplane last time) and apparently I'm going way faster than I thought during the running intervals - like 10 minute mile fast. No wonder my legs hurt! So I need to slow down and work on pacing.

    One question - my left leg seems to swing outwards as I run in a slight C shape rather than going straight ahead like my right, and it hurts the tendon in the back of my knee when I try to correct. Is this the sort of thing I should just let my leg go on it's natural path, or should I be trying to straighten out?

    Congrats on D2!!

    As for your gait, I would say if it's hurting you to take a look at it with either a running store assessment (I was super grateful for mine, and it was free) or even your doctor. It might be as simple as getting the right shoes or using a foam roller.

    Keep it up, everyone!
  • sacto68
    sacto68 Posts: 35 Member
    I finally made it through week one! It took me a while to finish but I had to make myself slow down. I was going way to fast in the beginning.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @nicca_jb well its more like DOMS soreness than actual pain, but only in the one leg. I'm going to ask my doctor about it, but I was just wondering if anyone else's legs seem to follow slightly different paths
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Did w6d1 tonight in the rain! Went a little faster and covered more distance. I couldn't look at my phone and so had a little more trouble pacing myself which I think is why I went faster. It showed me that I can push myself a little more. I've been so afraid of not being able to finish the jogging intervals that I may have been going a little slower than necessary. Or it could have just been the fact that the rain cooled down the temperatures a lot. Either way, I was very happy with it. I feel so good about doing this program!
  • Emkaygirl1
    Emkaygirl1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! Super new to any sort of running in general. Hit my 37th birthday, and while out for drinks with friends had this moment of 'I want to do something I've never done before! Let's do the colour run!' Everyone chuckled and rolled their eyes. I'm not a runner. I get crazy hair brained ideas. They're used to it.

    But for some reason their negativity only inspired me. But I know myself well enough to know how right they are. It seems every couple of weeks I'm onto the latest amazing idea.

    But my birthday was 3 weeks ago. And I just completed week 3 day two. I'm kind of digging this. Which is weird since I HATE running! A friend of mine (not one at the birthday drinks table) has invited me to join her team in the colour run. And I'm reeeealy tempted

    Figured it would be good to post somewhere and meet other C25Kers. A bit of accountability works too!

    Tonight's run was rough. But I completed it! I've yet to stop running before my Zombie trainer tells me to. ;) and I had the farthest distance to date! Yay!

    Nice to meet you!

  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Did wk 1 day 3 yesterday! I'm going to repeat week 1 again but I'm excited to keep going.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Excited to do W4D2 tonight. I would have done it last night but the heavy downpours wasn't letting up.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Did wk 1 day 3 yesterday! I'm going to repeat week 1 again but I'm excited to keep going.

    If you finished w1d3, I say move on to week 2! Maybe just slow your pace down a little and go for it! Congrats on finishing the first week!
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    First post, even though I've been in this group for a while.

    Today, I did w5d3 and actually ran a bit longer so I could do 1.5 miles instead of just the 20 minutes. For this, I treated myself to a trip to my local running store to actually be fitted for shoes and came home with a pair of Brooks Ravennas that I cannot wait to really try out!

    FYI, I started c25k last May but ended up putting it on hold when I got pregnant and had placenta previa (no exercising allowed). The baby was born via c-section in mid-March and I started back with c25k from the very beginning when the baby was 4 weeks old. It was slow going at first and there have been weeks that I've repeated until I felt comfortable with them. It's thrilling getting to the point where I can run for 20 minutes straight.
  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    Ive been lurking in this thread for a while and getting a lot of inspiration. My first post here.

    I started C25K in May 2014 and could not get through day one. I was exhausted after 20 seconds of running. So I "punted" and just walked for a month, quicking my walking pace and distance each day. Then I restarted C25K in June and made it through week one. I just finished week 4 of 14. (Im using an extended C25K program that lasts 14 weeks instead of 9)

    I am a bit intimidated to look ahead to 15-20 minute runs, as I am now just able to do 3 minute intervals. But that is a lot more than when I started 4 weeks ago! Love reading the victories in this thread and looking forward to my first 5K in Sept 2014 :)

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Did wk 1 day 3 yesterday! I'm going to repeat week 1 again but I'm excited to keep going.

    As long as you completed, I would suggest moving on.

    Running is all about the challenge, going further and faster for longer. Keeping yourself pushed helps develop your capacity and capability.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Did wk 1 day 3 yesterday! I'm going to repeat week 1 again but I'm excited to keep going.

    Gonna be the third to say, if you finished it (regardless of how hard it was) then move onto the next week. Only repeat a week if you didn't complete.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Started C25K today - day one - hadn't planned to, I wanted to go for run, haven't run for what must be a year now so I wanted a sensible run-walk plan for my route out and C25K was my choice.

    I think this could be the start of a new addition to my training regime. I also practise Ashatanga Yoga daily and swim in open water - sea, rivers etc when I can and supplement my yoga with bodyweight strength training. So why am I overweight? Well, I'm on the journey back!