Daily Check In Thread



  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Finishing my second week of week 1 today. I'm more confident to move forward doubling the week. I can tell I'm getting faster because I get winded before I feel like my legs are going to fall off haha. I still don't believe I'll ever be able to run 3 miles, but I'm still going to work at it!
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    Did W5D3 today, and somehow got through it and without slowing down any too! It feels like now that hurdle has gone, its going to be a lot easier to up the running in the next few weeks :)
  • SquishyLaughter
    SquishyLaughter Posts: 124 Member
    So I did Week 4 Day 3 today. It was at a turtles pace, but I did it. I finished it.

    And, as a personal achievement for me, I did not once at any of the running intervals have to pick out landmarks to make it to. I did the entire thing without once having the thought of "I am not going to make it" cross my mind.

    My running buddy however, didn't quite make it through the last 5 minutes. She had to take a 15-30 second walking break in the last 5 minute run. We are going to try Week 5 Day 1 on Monday, and if she can't make it, we will revert back to Week 4 for the remainder of next week.
  • Stanlee202
    Stanlee202 Posts: 47 Member
    Just finished w4 d3. Bring on the dreaded week 5! I'm ready for this!
  • Jdoster06
    Jdoster06 Posts: 55
    Finished W2D3 today!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    W8D2 did not go well today. I'm visiting my fiance's family and last night, I attempted to use their ancient treadmill. Unfortunately, it seems to be possessed and will speed up and slow down for no apparent reason, not intervals or anything, just like it gets tired, and then it gets really, really excited, and then it stops completely. So I used their recumbent stationary bike instead to get at least some exercise in. Then this morning, I ventured outside to run. I do not run outside. It's been very hot and humid where I live, and I have asthma, and allergies, so I just figured it was safest to run inside after I got beyond 5ish minute intervals. It was lovely and cool here this morning, so at least that was in my favor. Things went fairly well for the first 20 minutes. I couldn't quite figure out my pace and I kept realizing that I was going too quickly and slowing down. I managed the hills alright. And then minute 22 hit. And I started feeling sick running (really at walking pace, but making running movements) up a hill. And I lost it.

    Not a fun way to not finish.

    I might try again Sunday and just really, really, really focus on going as slowly as possible.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I finished w7d1 last night. It was my first time running with music and I went back and forth the entire time as to whether it helped or hurt me. I was noticeably more sore afterward. Felt like I had really worked out. I'm going to attempt w7d2 this weekend but will be in an area that is much hillier than I'm used to. Hopefully I will make it through!
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    I was supposed to be on W6D2, but I'm not feeling spectacular, so I did a high intensity W3D1. My walking was 3mph, my normal, but my jogging was at 5.0 or 5.2, which was well above my normal 4.0 in the longer runs. Hopefully I'll be feeling up to par Monday and can get back to W6D2.
  • PennyHartz
    PennyHartz Posts: 49 Member
    Today was my first day! I've always suffered from shin splints in the past, so yesterday I went to a local running store and got fitted for proper shoes (even though I was so nervous I would feel really out of place there). I must say, it was really difficult completing W1D1, but I did it! I was wearing my Garmin, so I was able to view all my reports when I got home, and it seems like maybe I'm running too fast (my running intervals were all faster than 12:00min./ mi) so maybe I need to slow down more? But I feel like I don't know how I could possibly go slower without just walking (before I started c25k I consistently walked 3 miles at a 15:00-15:30 pace).
  • kristinwesterfield
    kristinwesterfield Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished week 4, day 3! Longest distance yet. Felt like I was going to have to stop during a run interval but didn't do it! Still not feeling ready for week 5.... Go on anyway?
  • kristinwesterfield
    kristinwesterfield Posts: 34 Member
    Today was my first day! I've always suffered from shin splints in the past, so yesterday I went to a local running store and got fitted for proper shoes (even though I was so nervous I would feel really out of place there). I must say, it was really difficult completing W1D1, but I did it! I was wearing my Garmin, so I was able to view all my reports when I got home, and it seems like maybe I'm running too fast (my running intervals were all faster than 12:00min./ mi) so maybe I need to slow down more? But I feel like I don't know how I could possibly go slower without just walking (before I started c25k I consistently walked 3 miles at a 15:00-15:30 pace).

    If you still feel good during your runs, don't worry about the speed. But if you can't carry a conversation at the 12:00min/mi pace, slow down! It doesn't have to be much faster than your walk or faster at all as long as you're picking your feet up to run. You'll be glad you paced yourself when you get into longer run intervals!
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    I was off for a bit last week, mostly because of the weather... ugh.

    W7D3 yesterday and I KILLED IT. I didn't mean to, but there was a great breeze and I felt awesome. I did an average 10:30 mile. I could. Not. Believe it. So I checked again, and yes indeed.

    I will NOT be doing that regularly, but I think it may be time to extend the run distance. I'm used to being out for 45 min or more.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    W2D2 for me today, and it did not go well thanks to general tiredness, humid weather and not really being in the mood for it, The second-to-last run interval I gave up and walked after 1 min, and the last one after 30 seconds. I'm glad I got out and tried something, anyway.

    Definitely going to do Week 2 again, especially as I won't be able to go out Thursday.
  • jayme23
    jayme23 Posts: 8 Member
    Today was supposed to be W3D1 but my left foot was hurting, so I am taking a couple rest days.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    On vacation but still getting my run in. W6D2 on for tomorrow with the dreaded 20 min run on for Tuesday morning. I did place out my running path. It should be good. There will be no street lights to stop me!
  • KrisisOD
    KrisisOD Posts: 43 Member
    Just did my W1 D1 run. :)

    When I logged it from the app on MFP it said I was running a bit faster than I was. I was only going 3.5mph during my run time, as I've heard not to take it too quickly at first, and I am going from NO exercise to this... I think I can do 4mph, but that still seems like brisk walking to most people. My walk speed is 2.5mph. I might try day two at 3mph, and 4mph respectively, to see if I can do it without dying.

    I got off the treadmill though and felt euphoric, which is a first for me. It was fantastic. I hope that I can remember that once all the muscle soreness kicks in. :)
  • DesertStar86
    DesertStar86 Posts: 41 Member
    Week 4 is kicking my butt :sad:

    I tried it a couple of days ago on a day I wasn't due to run - I just did the first 3/5 min runs to see if I could do it. Completed the first set then retired with a huge stitch.

    Went to the track yesterday to try W4D1 and didn't complete. I had to quit half way through the last 5 minute run. Didn't help that the temp at 9pm was 34c(95f) with 45% humidity. My favourite running bottoms were in the wash so i had to wear leggings and they were glued to my boiling flesh...

    It's the first time I've had to quit a run since I first attempted Week 1 and I'm really disappointed. Might try again tonight... It was definitely 80% mental 20% heat that stopped me. My breathing was ok and my legs were ok. I was just boiling, drained and not wanting to pass out...
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    W6D2 completed! I went early this morning in my home town. So much quieter and more peaceful then my the city where I live! Tomorrow is my 20 minute run. I think I am ready for it!
  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member
    Week 3 Complete! W4D1 begins Wednesday!
  • ChristinKeirn
    ChristinKeirn Posts: 26 Member
    Just did my W1 D1 run. :)

    When I logged it from the app on MFP it said I was running a bit faster than I was. I was only going 3.5mph during my run time, as I've heard not to take it too quickly at first, and I am going from NO exercise to this... I think I can do 4mph, but that still seems like brisk walking to most people. My walk speed is 2.5mph. I might try day two at 3mph, and 4mph respectively, to see if I can do it without dying.

    I got off the treadmill though and felt euphoric, which is a first for me. It was fantastic. I hope that I can remember that once all the muscle soreness kicks in. :)

    Great job, I'm only a week ahead of you, but I nearly completed this last year. I always want to die while running, but I feel so great for the rest of the day. Keep at it!