July workout check-in thread - Don't July about your PR



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Wow 3 pages to catch up on....eek. If you weren't aware tropical storm Arthur hit us hard...most of the province was without power for over 30 hours...some still don't have it...so my Monday workout just didn't happen...lack of good food, proper sleep etc dealt a rough blow...but after a couple days of good food and I feel much better and I think my workout showed it.

    To all the new ladies Welcome to the group.

    It was workout B for me today...first one in a week.

    Squats @ 150lbs 3x8 (was suppose to do 7 but eh) so moving up to 155 on Friday 3x5 and go up to 8 reps as my deload was at 160 for form...I think my endurance has been built up.

    OHP @ 90lbs 3x5 today (almost back to deload weight) last rep was ugly but it went up.

    DL @ 180 again today for form since I am back to SL DL...it felt amazing...it was heavy but I know my form was spot on...no curve of the back, pushed my feet down hard and have the chalk on my shins to prove it was close...

    So all in all very please with my workout considering what happened over the weekend and I haven't been hitting my 2k calories this week...too hot again ...

    Went for a walk yesterday with the hubby hence the slow speed...3mph...hehe...normally it's about 4.5.

    Have a good rest of the week y'all...see you on Friday.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Oh we drove through Arthur I think on Friday. We headed north from NYC to Montreal, and it was heavy heavy rain. I believe related to the storm. Wasn't it a hurricane BTW? Sad to hear you guys lost power, but good to know it's better now.

    Your deadlift is awesome! @180!!!

    Power to you!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Before palm injury felt like I was ready to progress with ohp, now don't...maybe need some fractional plates.

    Workout B (Wed)

    squats 5 X 5 - 135

    overhead press 5 x 5 - 55

    barbell rows 5 X 5 - 75

    reverse curls 5 x 5 - 60

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 80

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 10 - 40

    dumbbell skier swings - 5 x 10 - 40

    hot potato squat - 5 x 10 - 15

    flys 5 x 5 - 40

    incline ab crunches - 1 x 100
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I'm in central NC and Arthur hit the coast pretty good but we didn't have much rain here. Glad yall are okay!

    A after work today

    Squats: finally gave in and went up to 125lbs. The problem with trying to take my time increasing weights is that I never want to anymore since I'm not eating as much (or trying not to-still coming back down after July 4th)
    Rows: 70.5 3x5. These felt really great and I am NOT a fan of rows so that was nice.
    Bench 70.5 3x5.

    And tonight I made a delicious peach crisp with local-ish peaches in a cast iron skillet for the bf who got his acl repaired today and oh man its so good. I thought the recipe seemed topping heavy but since that's the best part it turned out great :happy:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    My goodness how do people workout without caffeine? Somebody shoot me! Ha. Still in the deload week, thanfkully. Went a lil like this;

    Low bar speed squats 135x3x3 95x5
    (had expected to do that for sets of 8. 8! like WTF?! O_o Even 5 woulda been bad. Then again, I could've gotten the reps, but I wanted them to be crisp and fast. And that was already a stretch at this point. Also, first few warm-up sets getting used to low bar again my right knee was actually hurting some. I have to be careful with that stretch reflex!

    High bar pause squats 115x3x3
    Oh man, when I switched I hated high bar, but now? I like 'em better. Just goes to show, eh?

    165x6 sumo stance

    heavy but no grind. I was okay with this. All double overhand, too!

    3 sets
    Recline baby makers x 12
    superset with jump lunges x12

    And that was it. Forgot my towel at home, so had to drive back. I wish I could go back to bed *yawn*
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Yesterday was WALK WALK WALK day - got in 9.36 miles. Today will be Workout B. I also think I've finally found my "sweet spot" with calories! Eating the same amount every day seems to be working better for me than eating more on training days/less on rest days so I'm not blindly following what Fitbit tells me to. In fact, I've disconnected Fitbit from MFP and I'm using Fitbit just for tracking my steps and distance. 2150 calories seems to be the golden zone and I'm seeing less water retention and more downward trends on the scale (finally). Or maybe I've just gotten the "whoosh"? Who knows, but I like it!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Workout B for me today. This week has been an unplanned deload week because a week and a half off of SL while I was on vacation just killed my numbers!

    Squats: Warmup then 120 5x5. Focused on keeping my weight on my heels instead of on the front of my feet. I hadn't been feeling squats in my glutes and hammies that much lately, and this was so different! Practicing with goblet squats while on vacation helped me with regular low bar squats IMO.

    OHP: Warmup then 60 3x5, 1x4, 1x5. Damn that fourth set!

    Deadlift: 145 1x5. Left knee went inwards a bit on the first rep, but I was able to keep it out for the other 4 reps. Anyone have any tips from keeping your knees from buckling inwards during a DL?
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Workout A today

    Squats: warm up, 5/5/5/4/3 @ 67,5 kg / 148,5lbs
    Bench Press: warm up, 5x5 @ 35 kg / 77lbs
    Barbell Rows: 5x5 @ 40kg / 88 lbs
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Glad to hear everyone made it through Arthur without too much damage! Living on the Gulf coast I can totally sympathize, and it seems no matter how strong the storm is it totally disrupts things for at least a few days.

    Workout A last night for me too:

    squats - 3x5 at 135 pounds. Should have done 145 but I felt a little twinge in my knee the other day during running so I decided to back off on the weight just a little for now.
    bench - 4,4,4 at 110 pounds. Dang it! Second attempt at this weight and I'm starting to hear the deload boogie man knocking on the door. At least no roll of shame an any of these sets!
    row - 3x5 at 105 pounds.

    My arms and shoulders are definitely feeling all the upper body today, that's for sure!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Workout B for me today. Took off all last week due to the new tat being a little uncomfortable, but back in the swing again.

    Squat 5x5 @ 82.5
    OHP 5x5 @ 45
    DL 1x5 @ 110 with a set of 5 proper push-up in between each set.
    Assisted chin ups 2x5 @60 lbs
    Assisted dips 2x5 @60 lbs
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    Last night, I finally got to the gym and did this:

    Squats: 3x5 @ 75, 2x5 @ 65
    OHP: 4x5 @45, 1x4 @ 45 (yes, I couldn't do the last ONE)
    Bench: 5x5 @ 65

    The TL; DR part:

    You might notice that these are not day A or day B exercises but a mish-mash. I decided to do the things I like rather than strictly day a or b because I've been out of the gym for almost a week. Last Saturday, we went to hike Peaks of Otter. We took the bus up but then had to hike to the top and then hiked all the way down. It's a relatively short trail at only 1.5 miles, but there's an elevation change of a little under 1300 sq. feet. When I got up Sunday morning, I was so so so sore. My calves had knots in them and both knees were clicking because I'd slid a bit on some loose gravel (don't get old, kids!). I was kind of irritated that we'd done this hike and it messed up my "real" exercise stuff.

    Sunday should have been my running day, but I didn't even try until Tuesday and couldn't do more than a mile. Yesterday I was able to run 1.75 miles so that was better.

    The clicking knees kept me from lifting (although i did swim on Monday). I kept trying to do a squat a home just to have pain before I even got parallel. Last night, I expected not to be able to do squats at all. I did have to deload but I could squat with a little less weight with little pain. I couldn't bring myself to try deadlifts, thus the bench instead.

    When I started, I couldn't bench a full 5 sets with just the 45 lb. bar. This Saturday will be 10 weeks of doing SL (albeit a bit loosely as I haven't been at the gym 3 times a week every week!). I was able to bench 5 x 5 at 65 lb., 20 lb. more than I started out NOT being able to do. I'm so damn excited about that!!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Sooo...I tweaked my back July 1st, did a workout on the 4th but an easy lifting day...no SL. Lifted on the 6th with decent numbers, 150 squats 5, 5, 4, 3, 4...95 bench and row 5x5.

    But then came the 8th. A week after I tweaked my back. I woke up and didn't want to go to the gym, I wanted to sleep in, but I got up and went anyway. BUT SHOULDN'T HAVE...because my back just didn't end up being ready for heavy lifting. I should have known better. I should have given it more time, but I was too prideful.

    Started squats at 150 and got 5. Next set I didn't even get one rep before failing on the safeties. I deloaded to 125 and got 5, 4, then couldn't do anymore. I mean, I guess I could have, but knew I shouldn't.

    Then went to 80 on OHP, hit 4 reps, 3 reps, 2 reps, deloaded to 65 and did 2x5.

    Didn't even try the dead lifts.

    I shouldn't have gone, I almost cried in the gym because my lifts were so bad and my back hurt and I felt dumb for not sleeping in like I should have. I think when the weights were lighter, it was easier to teach swim and lift, but now that I am getting heavier in lifts I might just need some more recovery time. I already ordered a belt, and I am going to deload on a few lifts...but I am not going to try again until Sunday the earliest. My back is definitely not as stiff today and I am not having any pain unless I really give it a good stretch...so we'll see.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Sooo...I tweaked my back July 1st, did a workout on the 4th but an easy lifting day...no SL. Lifted on the 6th with decent numbers, 150 squats 5, 5, 4, 3, 4...95 bench and row 5x5.

    But then came the 8th. A week after I tweaked my back. I woke up and didn't want to go to the gym, I wanted to sleep in, but I got up and went anyway. BUT SHOULDN'T HAVE...because my back just didn't end up being ready for heavy lifting. I should have known better. I should have given it more time, but I was too prideful.

    Started squats at 150 and got 5. Next set I didn't even get one rep before failing on the safeties. I deloaded to 125 and got 5, 4, then couldn't do anymore. I mean, I guess I could have, but knew I shouldn't.

    Then went to 80 on OHP, hit 4 reps, 3 reps, 2 reps, deloaded to 65 and did 2x5.

    Didn't even try the dead lifts.

    I shouldn't have gone, I almost cried in the gym because my lifts were so bad and my back hurt and I felt dumb for not sleeping in like I should have. I think when the weights were lighter, it was easier to teach swim and lift, but now that I am getting heavier in lifts I might just need some more recovery time. I already ordered a belt, and I am going to deload on a few lifts...but I am not going to try again until Sunday the earliest. My back is definitely not as stiff today and I am not having any pain unless I really give it a good stretch...so we'll see.

    Not sure how keen you are on chiropractors, but when I tweaked my SI joint a few years back they did some amazing things for it. NOT the adjustments (that part is what made me run screaming from them); they did ultrasonic massage with Bio-Freeze gel and then did the electric stimulation (low level) with ice packs on top of the electrodes. It was fantastic! Then they went and f'd it up with that back cracking stuff, but that's another story. Bio-Freeze gel is fantastic if you can get some!

    I planned on lifting yesterday, but didn't. I was so ridiculously tired that I took a nap as soon as I got home from work. Wasn't hungry either until about 8pm. I was planning on skipping dinner altogether and just going back to bed, but husband wanted to walk the dog together and that ended up making me ravenous so we hit up Potbelly Sandwiches. I am feeling much less exhausted today, so Workout B when I get home then replacing the kitchen faucet. Exciting Friday night plans!
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    I haven't posted in a while, and I was on vacation the first week of July and didn't have access to barbell and weights, so only have 2 workouts in for July so far. I deloaded everything due to the week off, not wanting to overdo it!

    July 9, Workout A
    Squat 95 lbs 5x5
    Bench 60 lbs 5x5
    Barbell row 50 lbs 5x5

    July 11, Workout B
    Squat 100 lbs 5x5
    OHP 50 lbs 5x5 (these felt really good today, I didn't struggle at 50 lbs like I usually do, maybe will be able to get over the 55 lb hump next!)
    Deadlift 65 lbs 2x5 (did an extra set since I haven't done the deadlift in quite a while due to some elbow pain)

    I've been short on time at the gym this week since my car is in the shop and I have had to take my hubby to work before my workout so I could drive his truck, so my cardio extras were only 25 minutes and 15 minutes, along with some lunges and calf raises.
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    Forced week off after injuring my toe (who drops a blender on their foot?!). I haven't been able to wear anything other than flip flops since last weekend. Hoping to try some real shoes and the gym tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies it's Friday...Yah...however hubby is working all weekend.

    I have lots of extra calories left this week...haven't had a craving for my chocolate so that would explain it.

    Workout A for me today

    Squat @ 155 3x5...it was heavy and I think my hips came up faster on a couple reps but going to 6 on Monday.
    Bench @ 130...again...5,4,3...and jammed my hand between bar and craddle again...ripped a good chunk out...:sad: going to consider this a fail and deload as I did get 130 for 3x5 but haven't done it since...so deloading down to 123.5 and working my way back up to 130...
    Rows @ 125 3x5...not sure about form on a few of these so I am going to stay here.

    I did purchase the 3x5 portion of the app hoping it works out well...it did however tell me I was doing fine and didn't need to switch but eh whatever...I will let you all know how it is...
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    well, today kind of sucked.

    squats: 5x5@70. again.
    bench: 5x5@ 45.
    barbell row: to be honest, by this point i could tell that the body just wasn't into it. i've avoided this lift all along. i've been deadlifting every workout instead. i know . . . not supposed to. but deadlifts are so cool! and i talked myself into the concept that a bit of deadlifting would make most of the barbell-rowing muscles nice and solid.

    anyway. i know you're not supposed to dl every workout, and i can see why. so going in there today i meant to behave myself and do the rows like i should. but a day when i can't even get my body to do what the head knows perfectly well about form in a squat - i just don't feel like that's a good day to start trying to teach my nervous system to recognize anything new. i knew what i wanted to do but i couldn't 'find' most of the muscles i was trying to look for, if you guys get what i mean. i did a couple of light sets of 10 at 45lb (i think), just kind of a token beginning. then i went and did a bunch of those great core moves and some hard-core foam rolling/stretching down on the floor, and packed it in.

    i never have made myself take a whole many-days-in-a-row worth of rest since i started all this three or four months ago, but i think it's time. it's only been 4 weeks of sl at the most, but this is the second sl workout in a row where everything just felt all wrong. and my bike riding has been suffering too . . .which i think is a sign of something since i've been riding this particular route 5 days a week for 9 months and i should have it knocked.

    i'm gonna eat everything i can lay my hands on, probably spend half the evening in the bathtub with a book and a big protein shake, and sleep my face off. and tomorrow i'm going to act like i've never heard of this working-out thing. prolly spend the day knitting stuff or baking kittens or something. and watching this guy on youtube, because he seems to have great info and he makes me laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN0sYBsHpvo

    i hope everyone's friday is good.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    July 8th - 1.5 hours leisurely swimming with my kids + 5 minutes on Jacob's Ladder + 25 minutes on gym elliptical

    July 9th - Stronglifts 5x5 (B)
    Squats = Warmup + 5x5@110 lbs.
    OHP = Warmup +4x5@55 lbs. + 1x4@55 lbs. (fail)
    Deadlifts = Warmup + 1x5@115 lbs.

    July 10th - 60 minutes Body Pump
    Squats@55 lbs.
    Bench @30 lbs.
    OHP @20 lbs.
    Romanian Deadlifts@30 lbs.
    Barbell Rows@30 lbs.
    Pushups, Tricep Dips, Overhead Tricep Extensions@10 lbs. Ab work, etc.
    About 800 reps when all was said and done from warmup-cool down. It's amazing how much lower you have to go when you are doing endurance training and that many reps without a rest in between.

    Stronglifts again tomorrow! :happy:
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I feel like such a flake!

    (but not really and you'll see why)

    I did SL ONCE, and I am now abandoning it. I was waiting for almost two months to start SL (I had various interruptions). So Monday I finally began. My DH came along and he saw a small group with a trainer doing a special program called Strong IV Life. It's a new initiative at my gym. It's very small groups that do very similar stuff to SL, although somewhat more varied. So my DH talked to the trainer who manages the program and last night he gave us an intro class. He is very well educated and based on all the research I've been doing for the last 6 months, I can tell he knows what he's doing. Additionally, having someone professional watch over us and correct us is very valuable.
    After the class ended came that awkward moment of 'so how much is this gonna cost'. We had a number in mind that was like, if it costs this much we will have a serious dilemma. What it actually cost is not even half of what we feared, so very very affordable. We still have to make changes to our budget, but it's a good change. I committed to cooking lunch so we don't buy lunch out every day. That should help us break even, and have additional control over our diets.
    Lastly, I really wanted to do a program together with my DH since he's also my best friend, and I decided it was the right thing even if I feel a bit like a flake.

    I will keep posting my progress here. but it will probably be a little different.

    Glad you aren't leaving us for good. Good luck on the Strong IV Life program!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    But anyway, I go just above, I guess under my clavicle? Between nipples and clavicle.

    if it comes to thinking up parts of myself i don't want to drop a barbell on . . . boobs would be right next in line, after the face. i don't have a spotter either, and right now it's not a problem since i'm not being that heavy. right now i'm almost thinking of it as a good thing, since it's an extra reason for me to stay honest about my limits. it's so easy to wreck your shoulders i'm already a little nervous about benching, but on the other hand, it's so tempting to push it just that little too far . . . this helps me not to do that, actually.

    still. just wanted to give you a shoutout about your re-racking slip. you're not alone there. i've already started keeping a list of the plain-stupid noob things i've done, to be pointed and laughed at when i'm darn good and ready to talk about them . . . and that's on there. the first time i did a real true bench-press set, i just plain got sloppy when it was done, i was so pleased with myself. just kind of somehow forgot to take care of the second side. no harm done, though it gave me the horrors for a while afterwards. and one day i'll tell you the dumb thing i did today in our squat rack.