WANTED- active Aussie members!!

DeterminedBex Posts: 97 Member
Looking for active Aussie loggers with visible diary and a great motivational drive! If this is you feel free to add me!


  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am active...my diary is visible to my friends BUT I only log maybe 3 out of every 7 days as I am in maintenance and trying not to make this a big chore.

    I encourage, I WILL read your diary if it is open before I comment and I will kick your butt if I think you have under eaten drastically without good cause.

    However, my page can descend into mayhem and isn't always diet/exercise related... :)
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    I'm an active Aussie and I do try to log every day, BUT ...

    I follow a carb restricted diet and pay very little to no attention to fat.

    My calories always look really off because I had to set a level of 1200 in MFP to get my macros where I need them. I follow my TDEE that comes from my FitBit.

    So, I can encourage you , but I'm not sure my diary would offer anything helpful. Unless you're doing a carb restricted diet!
  • I log everyday. Feel free to add me :) My diary is also public (don't judge today haha)
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I too log on every day, I don't log my food (use to, now I can't be arsed to be honest).

    Feel free to add me (send a message).
  • buzz3d269
    buzz3d269 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm on here everyday, and am still filling out my diary everyday (for as long as I can keep it up lol). Feel free to add me :)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I'm here all the time... aaaallll the time :bigsmile:
    But I don't log food much any more, just bits and pieces around the place to make sure I'm on track (and if you do look at my diary, ignore the current calorie goal setting, it needs to be updated lol ). Log all the exercise though.

    You can add me if you want :smile:
  • bigldesigns
    bigldesigns Posts: 102 Member
    I log my food every day.. 40kg down in 12 months eating <1300 cal most days, No exercise.

    I have a really weird diet.. (weird.. but in no ways does it feel limited) No Dairy, avoid Gluten.. and at least 9 cups of veggies a day

    Diary is open to Friends - You can add me if you want

  • ZoofMW
    ZoofMW Posts: 12 Member
    *waves* Active member right here. I'll send a friends request. Others feel free to add me too; definitely looking for more friends on my list. I share my diary with friends and am happy to share dinner recipes.
  • FitTassie
    FitTassie Posts: 2 Member
    HI all,
    Just joined up today From the Apple isle (TAS), mainly on here to track calories and Macro intake.
    Currently prepping for a bodybuilding comp in September.
    All welcome to add as friend, can offer advise and tips on weight loss, training, diets, and links to useful fitness sites.

  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 459 Member

    I'm an Aussie living in the UK but returning home to NSW in 14 days eeeeeek! My diary is open and I actively support all my MFP's - it is great to have a personal cheerleading team!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    If anyone wants to add me please do! I am on here everyday, I log daily, eat clean/mostly paleo and I like to think I am supportive. I need some Aussie friends badly! I also do crossfit.
  • salsasally
    salsasally Posts: 38 Member
    I'm on everyday and always looking for new friends to add to my online cheer squad! We can do this team :) I've got about 15-20 kilos to lose still... half way there!
  • whatcarl
    whatcarl Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Just joined up, sending request
  • hayley6
    hayley6 Posts: 1
    I am starting as of Sunday, mainly due to not being able to get a shop done before then but as of Sunday I will be a poster every day, well its the plan anyway :)
  • sweetysmum
    sweetysmum Posts: 102 Member
    Im on every day, feel free to add me :)
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been offline for a while, but have started things up again this week so looking for a bit of a motivation boost :)
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I'm here all the dayz but I also eat ALL THE FOODZ so it really depends on what you mean by "motivational" lmao. If you want to be persuaded to eat quest bars and drink coffee, I'm your girl. :P
  • dibroad
    dibroad Posts: 1
    Just Started Have finished the Body and Soul revolution and am in maintenance. So I joined to keep up with my food diary.:smile:
  • ozteez
    ozteez Posts: 13 Member
    I'm here. Feel free to add me anyone. Lol.
  • pixiesgreene
    pixiesgreene Posts: 88 Member
    Hey! I'm active on here and trying to keep my streak going through to the end of the year! I eat whatever but working on upping vegetables at the moment, and basically eat a variety of whole, simple, nourishing foods. I don't do fad diets or cutting out entire food groups, but I don't harass others about their diets either. But support and friends who comment and update, that's what I love about MFP!
  • Betti2
    Betti2 Posts: 30 Member
    I log daily, not always a good girl but we all have to have some wickedness in our lives. Feel free to add me
  • Joggingjane1979
    Joggingjane1979 Posts: 7 Member
    Just started up again after having a baby...
  • miselly
    miselly Posts: 14 Member
    I've just started back (last week) again. I was on holidays for a month and now its time to get motivated.
    some motivated buddies would be great, so please feel free to add me
    My Diary is open to friends only
  • evereves
    evereves Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all! I'm also looking for active people on here and if I haven't already sent a request and you're looking for a friend, please feel free to add me :)

    I'm currently focused on a burn and started doing the Michelle bridges program. I also use a fitbit to track my activity.
  • I am logging in regular and would welcome some extra support.
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    Hi All
    I'm active & like to think I'm supportive, I'm also looking for active support on here... I'm in need of a bit of motivation atm
    Feel free to send me a fr (just send a msg with it please lol)
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Im on several times a day atleast, i've been logging for 543days straight, at maintenance/toning now, but i still log everything thats my OCD :)

    I am happy to have more friends especially if you are in the Adelaide, Sth Aus region which is where i live. I try to be as supportive as possible i have many people on my list atm sometimes the messages roll off the ticker and the newsfeed doesn't update on the Android App properly.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Petefry1
    Petefry1 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a regular and active member. 800 day streak today. Open diary, although I don't always finish logging each day.
    I run 3-4 times a week, just PBed the City2Surf 2 weeks ago and the Sydney Tower Run Up yesterday. Now concentrating on the Blackmores half in 4 weeks yesterday.
    Live in the Hills District of Sydney.
    Will send FR to you and a few others on here, and happy to accept Aussie FRs.
    Just cleaned out some inactive friends, and looking for more active friends.
  • mprezn
    mprezn Posts: 27 Member
    Im pretty active.. im on day 753.
    and my diary is unlocked..

    feel free to add :)
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi, I'm an active Aussie member, I have logged in for 33 days now because of a 4 week camping holiday to FNQ. I'm back now and logging daily. Feel free to add me.