New to the Group? Introduce yourself here.



  • mrron2u
    mrron2u Posts: 919 Member
    Welcome Joey! I'm glad you are here!
  • Caniwi78
    Caniwi78 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Diagnosed with Type 2 last October and am on Metformin 500mg twice daily, my numbers keep coming down so I take that as a good sign.

    Just joined up a few days ago and am positive that I am going to do it this time.

    Love all the posts I have read so far, great group!!

    Good luck everyone :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Caniwi78!

    Congrats on improving your numbers. Good for you!

    The myfitnesspal program is a powerful tracking tool, that really does work when applied correctly. By working this program since my join date, I've managed to achieve tighter blood sugar control, adopt healthier eating and lifestyle habits that resulted in my ability to meet my weight loss goals too.

    Wishing you the same success I've enjoyed.

    Welcome, and good luck!
  • bellathebratt2014
    Hi my name is Aleda I am new to the group. I have Type 2 Diabetes I currently take 2000mg of metformin a day. I took the drug Qsymia that was released for people with Type 2 Diabetes it worked for me and I lost 40 lbs. It is so expensive and I have not taken it for 2 months. As soon as it was out of my system I started craving carbs again and that is my downfall with this disease. I need help and support with a meal plan because I can't seem to do it by myself. any help would be great :cry:

  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Aleda, Welcome to T2D Community Support Group!

    One of the most frustrating issues managing this chronic condition is, that each of us is individually unique in how our bodies react to the different foods we eat. Unfortunately one size doesn't fit all, and as T2D's we're carbohydrate intolerant. Meaning the carbohydrates we eat from potatoes, rice, cereals, pastas, breads spike our blood sugars-for most of us.

    Many people find by eating to their meter provides them the opportunity to make an educated decision whether or not to reduce portion sizes or eliminate that food choice altogether depending on their blood sugar target goals. There is also a great number of individuals that have found good success managing their blood sugars by following a ketogenic diet plan.

    I would encourage you to seek out the help of a registered dietitian specializing in diabetes nutrition from your healthcare provider for a consult in your area. Many people have found these sessions to be very helpful.

    Good luck!
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome to the Type 2 Diabetes Support Group! :smile:

    Hi, my name is Bob. I'm living a happy, healthy and complication free lifestyle since my T2 diagnosis in 1982.

    I'm treating my T2D condition with Lantus long acting insulin, Metformin 2x/day, along with Novolog mealtime insulin to cover my mealtime carbohydrates. It's also important for me to incorporate a weekly exercise routine whenever possible-to help me reduce the insulin resistance issues associated with having Type 2 diabetes.

    Have a look around the various thread topics within this group, and ask questions when you feel comfortable. There are many kind, supportive and knowledgeable members of this group eager to share their experiences with you on what works for them-and what hasn't worked for them too.

    Sharing your contributions and experiences with this very supportive community is strongly encouraged and warmly welcomed.

    One of the foremost frustrating issues living with a condition of diabetes is, each of us is unique in how we approach the management of this condition. From the medications we take, our food choices, blood sugar management goals each of us has-and how the food and exercise choices we make effect our individualistic blood sugar target and management goals-just to name a few.

    The good news is, the myftinesspal program, when applied honestly and correctly is a powerful tool, to help you reach for your goals, by tracking the food choices you make and how those choices effect your blood sugar testing results.

    If you're newly diagnosed-I strongly encourage you to seek out the recommendation of a diabetes education course in your area-from your healthcare provider, as many newly diagnosed with this condition find them to be very beneficial.

    Best wishes for your good health and success!
  • bellathebratt2014
    Thank you
    I will. Its nice to meet people who are in the same place I am. I am going to do this
    I just need people to talk to.
  • chelbell95
    chelbell95 Posts: 4 Member
    T2 diabetic diagnosed in 2009 .....It's been a struggle with ups and downs....but right now feeling better about getting healthy and taking each day one at a time. Diabetes and stress eating don't mix....but I am sure most of you all know that!!! I have been ending my workday with a walk and home for a healthy meal. My husband and I 's schedule isn't exactly ideal for doing this together... But we are getting better. However now his doctors are concerned he may be pre-diabetic or otherwise!!! It's time we do this together!!!! Support appreciated!!!
  • LexytheNerd
    LexytheNerd Posts: 44 Member
    Hey I'm new to the group and new diagnosed type 2 diabetic. Im currently trying to lose 150+ pounds .
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    Greetings to the new people from a very slightly less new person. You can find some good information, encouragement and advice in this group. Welcome! :smile:
  • blackmax78
    blackmax78 Posts: 28 Member
    OMG... if I had known this was here a year ago...

    diagnosed as t2d on aug 22 2013 a1c 8.3% blood sugar almost 500 at the er.
    latest blood work showed vast improvements! a1c 4.7% off all meds, using diet and exercise to control it.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome blackmax78!

    I''m glad you've found our community. Congratulations on the improvements you've made towards living a healthier lifestyle.

    Wow!..Your A1c improvement-along with your weight loss progress, and determination to live a healthier lifestyle is very commendable. Well done. :drinker:

    Cheers to your continued success and good health.
  • mzbiznez
    mzbiznez Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Nannez and I started out with gestational diabetes in 1987. I became full fledge insulin dependent in 1995. I am married and have 3 wonderful daughters. I live in Kentucky. I struggle constantly with controlling my diabetes. My weight is terrible and I'm always forgetting to take my meds. I know that sounds can someone forget to take their insulin...but somehow I manage that quite often. I take 1000 mg of Metformin, Crestor, Plavix and 60 units of Novolog x2 daily. I've recently started working from home and that has helped me to be a little better about taking my meds. I also have trouble monitoring my blood sugars....getting better though. Got a FitBit recently and am trying to eat better, and exercise more. But getting in those steps when you literally go from bedroom to downstairs to work is a bit difficult. My daughter is helping by walking in the evenings with me, so hopefully I'll stick with this and see a big difference in my A1C by my next doctor's visit in 6 months. Latest A1C was 7.3. Looking forward to being a part of this group. Love the encouraging words I've read in previous post.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi mzbiznez, welcome!

    For many people managing this condition can be hard, frustrating and confusing with everything we need to do on a daily basis to stay within our blood sugar target goals. It requires a lot of patience, determination and 24/7 attention while knowing perfection doesn't exist.

    While exercise is an important component to reduce any insulin resistance issues you might have along with your weight loss goals, focusing on better blood sugar management practices and habits along with taking your meds as directed should be first on your priority list. Making changes to your habits now will go along way towards avoiding the ugly complications associated with uncontrolled blood sugars down the road.

    It's great you're making healthier food choices and getting in some exercise with your daughter in the evening, your lucky to have her help in your corner for support and encouragement.

    This is a wonderful group, with many of us facing the same issues you're working through. Your latest A1c isn't terrible. With a little work and determination, I'm confident you'll see an improvement over your latest blood work, and an accomplishment you can be proud of. is a great site that might be of interest to you. It's packed with a lot of invaluable information designed to help manage this chronic condition, along with easing your frustrations and answering any questions you might have.

    Glad you've found us. Wishing you success and good health on your journey!
  • thininside74
    I am hoping to gain some motivation and support from this group. I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in Oct/Nov. I tracked my sugars daily for a while and was frustrated that diet changes seemed to have no effect. In January, I was at an up all night event with my girls scout troops. I did everything possibly wrong diet wise., from soda, to Auntie Ann's pretzels, to ice cream at 5am in the morning. To my surprise my blood sugars were the lowest I ever recorded. A frustrating meeting with dietician offered no explanations. I basically gave up. I hate to admit I have not checked my sugars since January. Yesterday I weighed myself and I am at my all time highest weight. I know I must make some changes in my life again. Two years ago I lost 40 rather quickly on MFP. Adding to this is a very busy schedule, requiring eating out a lot, and a food allergy that this common almost all foods. So my fall back is pastas (usually whole wheat), not the best for carbs. I have, not followed up with any doctor visits and other than my husband and one coworker I have not disclosed my diagnosis to family and friends. My family has a bad history with diabetes.
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,312 Member
    I am a type 2 coming from a very wide ranging paternal family history. My aunts, grandfather, dad, brother, cousins and myself all have or had the condition. I developed gestational 23 years ago with my oldest and ended up on insulin (more on why in a minute) then was diagnosed type 2 in 2001 after receiving no appropriate advice or warnings from any doctors I had; just a "hey, you are diabetic" and that was it.
    I have been on metformin for it ever since until the end of March when I got off my meds for good. You can see the whole story on my profile if interested. In a nutshell, during my pregnancy my dietitian told me to eat all the usual ADA nonsense of high "healthy" whole grains, etc...and my condition worsened to the point of needing insulin. Why? because I followed her advice to the letter; big mistake. Her dietary guidelines were to ensure both my and the baby's health by controlling my glucose but it had the opposite effect. I wish I had paid more attention to that advice because I could have saved myself years of misery by doing the exact opposite which is what I pretty much am doing now. I switched to low carb/high fat and have almost normal numbers without medication and they are still dropping. I am losing the stubborn pounds and have amazing energy. It has truly been a God send that I will for which I will forever be grateful. I am getting family on board and they are starting to see results, too.

    I STRONGLY recommend Dr. Bernstein's Diabetic Solution to every diabetic, no matter the type. It is a great starting point then journey on. That is what I have done and my eyes have been opened wide.
  • cobismom13
    Greetings from the world of D2 in South Dakota. I've been a diabetic since 1998, and pretty much controlled by Janumet; amaryl and the occassional units of humalog.....but today after much begging, I get to start Lantus. A little scared, a little excited to be more controlled....and even more so to drop one pill from my assorted pill boxes.

    I am married for 36 years to a wonderful newly diagnosed T2, also.....he is a chef/retired/ man-about-the=house guy. We have two grown sons, Chris and Mike, and Chris' wife Bethaney who is a nurse at a children's traumatic brain injury hospital. They are great kids....just don't make it home enough. We also have a wonderful beagle boy, Casie who is 6 and the joy of my life. We are in the process of finding him a baby bro ---- so if you have hound puppies, let me know:flowerforyou:

    I love scrap booking, making cards, having coffee with friends, and knitting. I love music of all kinds (except rap), love to dance in the rain.....and right now feel like I am writing information to get a date, but no thank you.

    I'm not a big fan of South Dakota, even tho' I was born and raised here. I long for a life in the mountains with nothing but sky, eagles and hawks to watch. Soon I hope.

    Can't wait to get to know you all better. Stay safe and well.:smooched:
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi cobismom!

    Taking injectable meds for the first time for many can be a scary experience. It was for me too. That was 30+ years ago. I now treat my T2D with Novolog (bolus) fast acting for mealtimes and Lantus (basal) background insulins daily with great results towards tighter blood sugar control. It won't be long before you adapt and feel more comfortable with using Lantus.

    Congrats on your perseverance! This book by Dr Gary Scheiner MS, CDE linked below, has been an invaluable tool for me when setting proper basal and bolus calculations. It's an easy to understand and oftentimes humorous approach to insulin dosing therapies. A diabetic himself.

    You describe a lovely, loving family, including cutie Casie too!..I've never visited SD. It's on my bucket list for places I want to visit though.

    This is a great community eager to share their experience on what works and hasn't worked for them in the past along with sharing their frustrations managing this condition too. Any contributions you might have are encouraged and warmly welcomed

    Best wishes and welcome!
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    I am a type 2 coming from a very wide ranging paternal family history. My aunts, grandfather, dad, brother, cousins and myself all have or had the condition. I developed gestational 23 years ago with my oldest and ended up on insulin (more on why in a minute) then was diagnosed type 2 in 2001 after receiving no appropriate advice or warnings from any doctors I had; just a "hey, you are diabetic" and that was it.
    I have been on metformin for it ever since until the end of March when I got off my meds for good. You can see the whole story on my profile if interested. In a nutshell, during my pregnancy my dietitian told me to eat all the usual ADA nonsense of high "healthy" whole grains, etc...and my condition worsened to the point of needing insulin. Why? because I followed her advice to the letter; big mistake. Her dietary guidelines were to ensure both my and the baby's health by controlling my glucose but it had the opposite effect. I wish I had paid more attention to that advice because I could have saved myself years of misery by doing the exact opposite which is what I pretty much am doing now. I switched to low carb/high fat and have almost normal numbers without medication and they are still dropping. I am losing the stubborn pounds and have amazing energy. It has truly been a God send that I will for which I will forever be grateful. I am getting family on board and they are starting to see results, too.

    I STRONGLY recommend Dr. Bernstein's Diabetic Solution to every diabetic, no matter the type. It is a great starting point then journey on. That is what I have done and my eyes have been opened wide.

    Hi there Naughty,


    There are some members of this group following Dr Bernsteins LCHF diet with great success. I'm glad you've found an eating plan that works for you. Congrats on eliminating your meds by following his approach.

    Wishing you the continued success you deserve.
  • crystalwise
    crystalwise Posts: 355 Member
    Hi! My name is Crystal, 43 YO. I've been T2 since about 2000. I have been on insulin for about 5 years. I am currently taking 35 units of Lantus twice per day. 2 years ago, I had a major stroke due to complications from diabetes and smoking. At that time, I was at the same insulin I am at right now, with my A1C in the double digits. I quit smoking immediately. In December 2013, I had double digit A1C levels again, even with taking 70 units twice per day of Lantus. I started using Nutrisystem in January. My most recent A1C was 7.1. I have lost 30 pounds since January and have of course cut my insulin back in half. I'm looking forward to a better A1C level in September! I currently take 2500 MG of Metformin and use Novolog fast acting as needed. (Have only needed it twice in the past month!)