August workout check-in thread - August one more rep!



  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    @massage my son had that when he was about 2 or 3, it was awful and the poor kiddo was going through an " I will only eat oranges" phase at the same time. Feel better soon!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Took a few days off late last week because I hurt my back at work and needed to rest it. Hurt my back doing nothing lifting related... it was from twisting the wrong way in one of those stupid swivel office chairs.

    Back to the gym yesterday morning, deloaded squats because I was being careful with my back.

    Squats: 125lbs 3x5
    Bench press 75lbs 3x5 Felt easy, going to try for 80lbs 3x5 Friday.
    Pendlay rows 65lbs 3x5. Tried to do 70lbs but could not do more than 3 reps so deloaded. WTF rows, WTF?

    Posted one progress/comparison pic in the progress pic thread of my stomach from 2 months ago and then again last night when I took more pics. I notice a huge difference!!!!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    So after upping the reps on bench press i am proud to say i managed 5x5 with 70lbs just fine (ok the last one was hell but i pushed through!!!)

    yay! you promised to say how the rep-increase idea would work out . . . i'm not sure i recall what you did, but i'm doing it too.
    @bruerin: 100 pound squat - that's so great. way to go.
    @massage: that hfm thing sounds awful. i think you're smart not to lift when you're not feeling well. speaking as someone with an immune disorder, i don't think we always realise how hard it's working for us when something is wrong.

    me, i'm on a rest day. but i checked in anyway because i think i may have finally found 'my' stretch - the one that will make my quads gtf off my kneecaps and leave them alone. i rode my long bike ride to try it out, and i guess we'll see how it goes. i roll and i stretch and the rest of all that, but the damn things are like rocks.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So ohp 5/3/1 today.
    The warmups I was supposed to do were really low so I just used dumbbells for them.
    5x45 5x45 11x50

    I did my accessories as a mini circuit again.
    Row 55, assisted dips and incline pushups. 10 reps each 5 times through.

    It was strange, like my upper body is drained, just holding my phone to type feels sore (well not sore, more empty Idk how to phrase it) but I don't feel tired overall. Is this just because all I did was upper body? Like I feel like I didn't do enough. Although washing my hair was physically hard to do.
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    Workout felt great today!

    Squats 70 lb 5x5 - for some reason these felt way easier than 65 did. No complaints.
    OHP 55 5x5 - I was talking to the bar about how bad a** I was. OHP makes me feel tough
    DL 115 1x5 - Still not sure about these. I don't feel any pain and they feel decent, but I don't feel them in my hamstrings and from what I have read, I should feel them. Any suggestions?
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Took a few days off late last week because I hurt my back at work and needed to rest it. Hurt my back doing nothing lifting related... it was from twisting the wrong way in one of those stupid swivel office chairs.

    You know, it's odd how just one tiny wrong move and hurt your back. One time I sneezed weird or something and threw out my back. I hope your back feels better soon.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    You know, it's odd how just one tiny wrong move and hurt your back. One time I sneezed weird or something and threw out my back.

    i've always been a little afraid of the same kind of thing because i sneeze BIG. one foot comes off the ground like a horse kind of sneeze. and my sister cracked a rib by sneezing once. or something like that. she was strangely unwilling to talk about it :laugh:

    it's all about the angle and everything. most people don't have time to get their good form set up before they sneeze, or even do little no-brainer things like turn around in a chair. hope it gets better soon.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Back at the gym this morning, my back felt OK!

    Squats 135lbs 3x5, up 10lbs from Monday's squats. Felt easy though I was grunting like a pig on each rep :blushing:
    OHP 65lbs 2x4, 1x3. Expected that, did 60lbs 3x5 last week the last time I did workout B pre-back injury at work, so I expected 65 to suck.
    Deadlift 165lbs 1x5. Felt easy. Probably could have lifted more.

    I am really liking lifting at maintenance so far... took this week off from eating at a deficit and lifting has been great. Who knows, I might take a whole month to eat at maintenance and see where I am lol. I think that even at 2650 cals a day this week, I might still show a loss on the scale later this week.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    I am doing so much running since I'm in training for a half marathon that I am only lifting 2x per week. I haven't checked in on this thread this month yet, I don't think, but I am still lifting!

    Yesterday was Workout A
    Squats 95 lbs 5x5
    Bench 65 lbs 5x5 (this weight was pretty difficult, but did get 5x5!)
    Row 65 lbs 5x5 (I think I am getting my form much better on these!) - See my back muscles in my new profile pic?? :happy:
    I also did some lunges, regular, reverse, and side and 3x12 triceps extension with 1-20 lb dumbell
    In the evening I did 2-30 second planks as I need to get back into doing these!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    willrun4bagel: wow nice numbers!!! and it does sound awesome to lift at maintenance. I'm definitively going to do that in the fall/winter. i'm just waiting for a couple more pounds to drop...

    coltsgirl: yes awesome back muscles!!! The rows are definitively doing their job :bigsmile:

    Workout B for me today!

    Squats 5x8 with 25lbs dumbbell
    OHP 45lbs 5x8. Going for 50lbs 5x5 next time!!
    Deadlift 95lbs 1x5

    Now i'm HUNGRY!!!
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    New to the thread. Started SL 5x5 on August 14th, so only 4 workouts in, but so far im loving it!

    This morning was workout B
    Squat 60lbs @ 5x5
    OHP 50lbs @ 5x5
    DL 105lbz @ 2x5

    The first set of DL I felt like my form wasn't quite right so I did another set with a different bar grip.
    Today did take me closer to 40 minutes to complete. OHP was HARD. Squeezed the glutes and that really helped my back.
    And squats, I did 2 warm up sets w/ bar only and then 2 warm up sets with 50lbs before completing my 5x5 @ 60lbs.

    After doing this I am officially in AWE of you ladies that are squatting these heavy weights!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Now i'm HUNGRY!!!


    I'm ordering this shirt the next time I get paid :laugh:
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    willrun: golden!!!!!!!! :love:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Now i'm HUNGRY!!!


    I'm ordering this shirt the next time I get paid :laugh:

    Uhhhhhmmmm YES PLEASE!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    That website is magical.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I've spent way too much time on there reading every single shirt. :laugh:
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    OMG I want them all!!!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Me too!! Too many to choose from ............ :love:
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    What website are those on?

    I did it! WHOOHOOO!! Woke up and blisters haven't gotten bigger so i decided to get er done!

    squats 105 5x5 with 90 second rest,
    ohp 45 4x5 and 1x8 felt my shoulder pop during one set but doesnt hurt (yet) could have done 50 but dont want to stress it out after not using it for so long. 90 sec rest.
    DL 135 1x5 felt good

    SC accessories
    BW single leg hip thrust 3x10
    skater squats - these suck!
    one legged RDL 40 3x12
    Band standing abductioin 30/leg
    did those without resting to long.

    and last but not least, pull up progression 3x10

    My kids and I walked to Dairy Queen this morning so i had a small chocolate sundae for breakfast. haha Not very hungry today yet either.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Options !!!