August workout check-in thread - August one more rep!



  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Out of curiosity, do y'all log stretching/foam rolling in your exercise diary? I find that I work pretty hard when I foam roll and sometimes when I stretch, depending on what stretches I'm doing and how dynamic they are. But I don't log atm.
  • laraeverhage
    laraeverhage Posts: 53 Member
    Completed my first week of SL! The weights are pretty light, for me, which is good because I'm also on Day 8 of a Whole30 (Paleo eating challenge) and my energy is gone. Also, I'm enjoying how short the workouts are right now.

    I went to a yoga class on Tuesday and slept in Thursday. I forgot that "fitness yoga" is so different from "bendy yoga" as my friends say. I wanted to stretch and hold poses and we just kept moving!

    Next week I'll be traveling for work, but I found a gym only a block away from the hotel that offers 7-day trial memberships. They told me to stop in and they'd "hook me up" so I don't have to miss a week of workouts. I am going to go Sunday before I leave so I only have to do 2 workouts on the trip, though, in case it's busier than I expect.

    I don't log exercise at all, @weightlifting, and I don't think you'd get that many calories back, unless you are stretching for a long time. Are you logging your sets/reps for each workout?
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I don't log exercise at all, @weightlifting, and I don't think you'd get that many calories back, unless you are stretching for a long time. Are you logging your sets/reps for each workout?

    I keep track of sets/reps in the strong lifts app and in my exercise notes if I do anything extra (abs).
    I keep my phone's stopwatch on to keep track of how long my weight lifting workouts are and typically log the time under cardio.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    @weightliftingdiva, I don't log any of my exercise as I use the TDEE method of calorie counting, which includes activity. :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Out of curiosity, do y'all log stretching/foam rolling in your exercise diary? I find that I work pretty hard when I foam roll and sometimes when I stretch, depending on what stretches I'm doing and how dynamic they are. But I don't log atm.

    i know what you mean about that, especially the core work involved in dragging yourself back and forth along a roller 'just right' ;-) but i don't log anything i do at the gym for the calorie count. i'm only in there for the weights, so i have no real idea what a reasonable burn rate would be. i log my biking, and just take whatever calories mfp says i used.

    to me, anything that i use up in the weights department is just a silent bonus. it's like the small change that you lose every day down the back of the couch.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    @weightliftingdiva, I don't log any of my exercise as I use the TDEE method of calorie counting, which includes activity. :)

    Same here. I log my workout, but only as 1 calorie burned.

    Just did me some HIIT sprints. It was pretty windy out today and I forgot how much that slows you down! Oh well, still a good workout. Lets me clear my head and is a nice break from working.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    I use TDEE also, so i get 1 calorie.

    Today wasn't as bad as last time but not the greatest.
    squat i stayed at 115x5x5 since last time was hard, what happened.. i was at 125 :grumble: oh well, i think i will try and cut my fat more anyways. I have a year(i hope less) to be where i want to be body wise. Then i get my new boobs :bigsmile: darn breastfeeding killed them.
    anywho back to workout. OHP my shoulder has been bothering me so i tried the 55 and i had all but one last time out of the 5x5's but i couldn't even get the 3rd one up on first set. So i went down to 50x5x5 and pushed them out at 90 second rests.
    Dead - couldn't break it off the floor at 150. 145 x5 today with mixed grip again. Is that bad to be doing that so early in my weights?

    SC session was barbell hip thrust 60x3x12
    front squat 45x3x12
    romaniian deadlift 110x3x12
    banded leg abduction 30 reps
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    Wednesday was my first session with a trainer. He checked my form on bench press (which I am pretty sure is good) and he gave me a thumbs up. Urged me to increase my weight on leg curls and extensions. I'm currently at 40lbs and increasing by 5lbs per week - very conservative b/c I don't want to over work the knee I'm rehabbing. He wants me to jump to 60lbs, but I'm going to compromise with increasing by 5lbs every 2nd workout. Still overly cautious about hurting my knee. I'm in no real hurry to get to a particular weight - I just want to strengthen it enough to be able to run without pain.

    I really wanted to work of my squats, so I showed him by box squats. He was impressed with my depth. I surprised myself with an "almost" ATG squat! My biggest problem is maintaining balance. I don't tip forward now, but I think I have overcompensated by sticking my butt out too much. He wanted to be a weighted squat, so I squatted with an unloaded bar and got real deep, but then actually tipped backwards! When I told him that I have lost about 40-50lbs since I last attempted loaded squats, he said that perhaps my center of gravity has shifted and I haven't readjusted my mechanics to account that shift. I'm still squatting as if I'm still heavier with limited flexibility. He gave me a couple of suggestions to help with the balance problem.

    I have another session next Wednesday, so hopefully I will have improved by then. He seems to think that I'm very close to good weighted squats - something that I had almost given up on.

    Wednesday evening, my dog was involved in a collision with a Suburban - she plowed into it while chasing a cat - and ended up w/ a broken tibia and fibula. She underwent orthopedic surgery this afternoon (was very successful), but the whole misadventure has thrown a wrench in my workouts and my eating has tanked! Tomorrow I hope to get back on track with my workouts and better eating. Hopefully I will be able to post some good lifts for this coming week.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Posting to mark how far I've caught up in the thread!

    Aww calliope I hope your doggy has a successful recovery!

    I had 2 terrible workouts this week then was just feeling blah so I decided to deload my weights and restart the 531 cycle on Monday. I'm focusing on conditioning anyway so I probably shouldn't go too heavy in a deficit. I was going to wait, but I woke up today really NOT wanting to hit the gym after work which is totally unlike me. Usually I'm counting the minutes on deadlift day until I'm actually on the platform.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i tried out my 15-mile ride today for the first time since all this knee stuff. tentatively okay; at least nothing hurt during the ride. a little slower than usual because i'm trying to keep my quads and my knees out of the equation as much as i can, and ride a lot more from my hamstrings and glutes. so, since that went okay, i tried it out at the gym.

    additional stuff to start with: reverse crunches and glute bridge. some flutter kicks, front and back.

    squats: 5x5@45 - i'm going way way way back; i don't care how far back. all i'm interested in is squatting without feeling anything bad in the knees. i feel atm as if everything's off wrt form though. i can't find anything that feels natural, even if nothing seems dangerous.

    overhead: 5x5@45. no change from last time. lats and upper body pretty sore from some stuff i was doing with a resistance band yesterday, so meh about that.

    deadlift: 1x5@40, then 1x5@90. i only just realised you're supposed to add 10 to the deadlift each time, not 5. 90 seemed awful high to me, given the way everything else was going, but i tried it out and it worked. what's the opposite of a red-headed stepchild? that's what deadlifts are becoming, for me.

    in general: i may need to either eat more than 1200 calories, or accept that i may be in an RA flare and start taking my DMARDS again. or both.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    Saturday AM

    Leg curls - 30# 1x12, 35# 1x12, 40# 5x12
    Leg ext - 30# 1x12, 35# 1x12, 40# 5x12
    Seated Calf Raises - BW 5x12 - just added these today
    Squats - more exercises to improve balance/form
    OHP - 45# oly bar only 5x5 - these are getting easier
    DL - 95# 1x5
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Today's Workout:

    Barbell Back Squats
    5 x 5 x 90
    Barbell Bench Press
    5 x 5 x 60
    Barbell Row
    5 x 5 x 60

    Assisted Dip
    5 x 5 x 30
    Torso Rotation
    2 x 10 x 20
    2 Sets 40 Seconds Each
    Leg Lifts
    2 x 10 x BW

    I'm thinking of going back to dumbbell BP, OHSP and rows to work on muscle imbalances. I definitely feel like my left side is doing more work even though I'm right handed.

    I'm also thinking about subbing out one day of squats for split squats for the same reason. Any thoughts?
  • starmickey03
    starmickey03 Posts: 89 Member
    First time posting here, but this is yesterdays workout. Oh and yesterday marks my third week training for three days per week. Yay!

    Squat 5x5x130
    OHP 5x5x65
    DL 1x5x155

    Also did some inner thigh work and walked on the treadmill at an incline of 9 and speed of 3.5.

    SN: The OHP drives me crazy. It is by far the hardest lift. I struggled with the 65lbs yesterday but got it done. I think Im going to stay at that weight for two more workouts before I increase to 70 lbs.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Workout a for me today
    Squat 140lbs 3x5
    Bench 85lbs 5x5
    Row 70lbs 5x5

    Flies 3x8 20lbs
    Negative pull ups 3x8

    Then I ate pizza. Now I want moar pizza!!!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I did a de-load week this week, and next week it's back to the grindstone.
  • marinadanielle
    marinadanielle Posts: 127 Member
    Hello everyone! New-ish to the group. Started Stronglifts early last year and then got lazy and I'm finally getting back it!

    Today was squat, overhead and dead day, and it went decently well but I'm still feeling iffy about form. Squat was 5x5 at 70lbs, and even though I spent all day reading about how to avoid falling forward onto my toes during squats, there were still a couple of reps where I was definitely pulling myself forward. I'm guessing I need to sit back more, but then I feel like I'm gonna topple backwards, so I guess I just need to find a balance!

    Overhead presses were 5/5/5/2/2 at 50lbs. I was hoping they wouldn't get so difficult so quickly! I know I have 1.25lb plates somewhere around the house, but since I couldn't find them I just forced myself to go up the full 5lbs. Might be worth it to just order another pair.

    Deadlifting 1x5 (ended up being more like 5x1) at 115lbs left my lower back SCREAMING, but the weight felt easy to move and I did an extra one just to see if I could do it with great form. Not sure what made my back go crazy but have another 4 days to read up on deads and figure out what it was.

    Not a perfect lifting day but I've just been enjoying being back at it. I forgot how awesome it feels to lift heavy stuff!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i spent today eating all the candy and drinking coffee and reading, and i'm not gonna lie - it felt great. went out and rode for a while once it started to cool down a bit, and ended up guess-where, at the gym. it's a rest day so i was just kind of playing around.

    bench press 3x5 at 45. this is the one i shouldn't have done since tomorrow's a proper press day. but it wasn't like i was doing anything difficult, so i'm going to pretend that it never happened. and i only did three sets, right?
    glute bridges 5x5 at 80 lb. that's the same as my current squat weight, so it felt like a good place to start this. i did want to do something serious posterior-chain-wise, since yesterday's squats were like nothing at 45lb and i'm sure that adding some glute strength isn't going to make my knees any worse in the squats.
    3x12 of those situps where you tap your elbow to the opposite knee.
    one or two deadlifts at 80.
    farmer's carry: 5 circuits of the gym with a 25lb plate in each hand.

    and i got the 30-lb bar, and just for fun spent some time cleaning and pressing it overhead. not the full clean from the floor; just up from the hip-crease to the shoulders. i may do this with a light weight on off days, if i can figure out how to work it in, more for mobility help with my ohp than for anything else. or perhaps i'll just do it as my ohp warmup, dunno.

    it was all actually fun. lifting hard is good too, and i'm going back to it as soon as i figure out how. but just going into the gym and doing a bunch of stuff that isn't hard work at all . . . i really enjoyed myself.

    i saw a post by mark rippetoe somewhere where he said it should be possible to keep making strength gains at a deficit, if you emphasise carbs on the lifting days and protein on the days you're resting. well, i lifted and i'm sure eating the carbs but i'm going to go hunt down some protein as well.

    i'm probably being a bit sloppy about this whole stronglifts thing . . .
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Hi marinadanielle - I found that doing some goblet squats to get the hips moving and box squats helps with sitting back more. You'll get there!

    A day today
    Squat 115 5x5
    Bench 70 5x5 working in form, feel good so I think I can move up next time.
    Row 80 5x5 think I can move up some on these also

    SC I don't know what day haha
    Skater squats 3x10
    Single leg Romanian dead 40 3x12
    Single leg hip thrust 3x10
    Banded standing abduction 30
    Feeling good about it all.

    Oldest woke up sick so hopefully it doesn't spread.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Workout A (Sun) - Go me...another day of increases across the board (well not 2 of my accessories, side bends and skier swings but everything else)! .

    overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 115

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 75

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 90

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 160

    squats 5 X 5 - 165

    dumbbell skier swings - 5 x 15 - 40

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 15 - 40

    lateral hot potato squat 6 x 15 - 20

    flys 5 x 10 - 40
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Today was workout B.

    Squat 80lbs 5x5
    OHP 60lbs 5x5--not pretty and I needed 3 mins rest b/w sets, but I did it! Staying here next time. I want fractions/washers, but don't want to spend the money right now. We are going on vacation in 3 weeks, plus all of the back to school stuff that needs to be bought.
    DL 105lbs 5x5

    Now time to enjoy some sunshine and swimming. Have a great day, all!