August workout check-in thread - August one more rep!



  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Workout A today

    Squat 5x5x85 - I know it's probably time to move on from this weight, as it's the third time I've done it... I just want to get form nailed down. 90 next time though

    Bench 5x5x75

    Row 1x4x65, 4x5x60 - thought my new skill at rowing had deserted me on the first rep, until I realized I had gone up by ten by mistake. I didn't feel like doing a fifth set at 60 though.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Definitely a broken toe. I think lifting will be okay, but I think I'm out for C25K for a bit, which really bites because it was going so well. I guess my curse of week 3 has not yet been lifted. :sad:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Definitely a broken toe. I think lifting will be okay, but I think I'm out for C25K for a bit, which really bites because it was going so well. I guess my curse of week 3 has not yet been lifted. :sad:

    I'm just chirping in to give some possibly useless advice, but figured I would share my experience with "broken" toes so no one has to go through the process of re-learning to walk...

    Don't force it. As much as possible, don't favor it. If it hurts, give it time to rest. If you can manage walks (seeing as this is your pinky toe, it might be more manageable - mine was the nail on top of the big toe [long story short, I fell on it, the nail tucked in, then fell off, it was painful for well over a month], so definitely harder to ignore) then all the better! But if you find yourself rolling you foot in when you do so, stop. Otherwise you might "teach" yourself that motor pattern and it doesn't take long to throw that whole body out of alignment doing so :/

    And correcting that afterwards is a somewhat frustrating endeavor. Your ankle will hate you.

    if you must move, try doing biking? So you keep active? Better safe here than sorry.

    [/end unsolicited advice that I hope might actually be useful]
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    knee felt better than i hoped for today, so workout a with modifications:

    kneeling squat: 3x5@45, then 5x5@65. i hoped this would take my knees out of the equation while also stretching my quads in the sitback. nothing hurt in a way that felt dangerous and it was pretty much all glutes, which is GREAT. i could have gone higher but decided not to for a first day.
    bench: 3x5@45, then 5x5@55.
    rows: 3x5@30, 1x5@50, then 5x5@60. with small plates it was harder on my legs, so i didn't try for whatever i lifted last time.

    front plank: 2x30 seconds. i found out if you do this right, you can get most of your vertebrae to pop and relax - bonus.
    side planks: 1 each side @ 30 seconds.
    frog kicks: 3x12
    and something else core which i forget. clamshell leg raises and such.

    know i 'should' have done glute bridges but i just didn't feel like it.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Good workout this morning, only increased underhand bicep curls,held the rest steady for today.

    Workout B (Thurs)

    hot potato squat 5 x 12 - 15

    squats 5 X 5 - 160

    overhead press 5 x 5 - 60

    barbell rows 5 X 5 - 85

    dumbbell skier swings - 5 x 15 - 40

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 15 - 40

    flys 5 x 8 - 40

    reverse curls 5 x 5 - 70

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 115
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    This morning got off to a bad start, but my workout didn't actually suffer too much from it! I has drive! (And I'd like to thank @suremeansyes for it. That discussion where I was like "I'm too lazy to be dedicated enough to ever be comptetitive" actually got me fired up to go ahead and try!)

    Superset snatch pull x5 / snatch balance x3
    105 / 85
    105 / 85
    105 / 87.5
    110 / 87.5
    115 / 90

    Front squats to handstand work (facing the wall...)
    120x5 / 30s
    127.5x5 / 18s
    135x3 / krash moment: I managed to kick up and get my foot to touch the wall! Then my shoulders kindly gave up on me and I found myself sprawling down to the floor super awkwardly. I'm actually lucky I didn't get hurt xD
    142.5x3 / 9 pike presses

    Then the rower intervals from kardio-land
    500m @ 70%, 500m @ 100% effort, times 3, then 1000m @ 70%
    total time was 19:06

    ONE MORE TO GO! (Then you'll get a break from me for a while. Bet you'll miss me! lol)
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Stronglifts tonight with my Dad! I hope the squat rack isn't taken so I can do everything in the correct order. :grumble:

    It's so awesome that you are doing it with your dad!!!!!!!!!!

    My original statement was kind of misleading sounding I guess.

    We go to the gym together, but he typically walks on the treadmill and then does machine weights. My greatest hope is that one day he will come ask me how to use the squat rack.

    I have that same wish! Except, my parents live 1,700 miles away so I don't workout with them anymore (I used to go to the gym with them every weekend when they still lived near me). My dad was pretty impressed with my homemade power rack when he was visiting last week and was asking a bunch of question about how much weight I can lift. One day, when husband and I finally get out butts out to the desert near where my parents live I'll get my dad, or heck even my mom, into lifting!
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Stronglifts tonight with my Dad! I hope the squat rack isn't taken so I can do everything in the correct order. :grumble:

    It's so awesome that you are doing it with your dad!!!!!!!!!!

    My original statement was kind of misleading sounding I guess.

    We go to the gym together, but he typically walks on the treadmill and then does machine weights. My greatest hope is that one day he will come ask me how to use the squat rack.

    I have that same wish! Except, my parents live 1,700 miles away so I don't workout with them anymore (I used to go to the gym with them every weekend when they still lived near me). My dad was pretty impressed with my homemade power rack when he was visiting last week and was asking a bunch of question about how much weight I can lift. One day, when husband and I finally get out butts out to the desert near where my parents live I'll get my dad, or heck even my mom, into lifting!

    I wish that there was a "LIKE" button for statements like these. Parents working out at same gym as their adult children, asking questions about lifting, and possibly even open TO lifting.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Stronglifts tonight with my Dad! I hope the squat rack isn't taken so I can do everything in the correct order. :grumble:

    It's so awesome that you are doing it with your dad!!!!!!!!!!

    My original statement was kind of misleading sounding I guess.

    We go to the gym together, but he typically walks on the treadmill and then does machine weights. My greatest hope is that one day he will come ask me how to use the squat rack.

    I have that same wish! Except, my parents live 1,700 miles away so I don't workout with them anymore (I used to go to the gym with them every weekend when they still lived near me). My dad was pretty impressed with my homemade power rack when he was visiting last week and was asking a bunch of question about how much weight I can lift. One day, when husband and I finally get out butts out to the desert near where my parents live I'll get my dad, or heck even my mom, into lifting!

    I wish that there was a "LIKE" button for statements like these. Parents working out at same gym as their adult children, asking questions about lifting, and possibly even open TO lifting.

  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    This morning got off to a bad start, but my workout didn't actually suffer too much from it! I has drive! (And I'd like to thank @suremeansyes for it. That discussion where I was like "I'm too lazy to be dedicated enough to ever be comptetitive" actually got me fired up to go ahead and try!)

    Okay, and let's just be clear here, my words were a lot more motivational than yours were to yourself. Lol!
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Stronglifts tonight with my Dad! I hope the squat rack isn't taken so I can do everything in the correct order. :grumble:

    It's so awesome that you are doing it with your dad!!!!!!!!!!

    My original statement was kind of misleading sounding I guess.

    We go to the gym together, but he typically walks on the treadmill and then does machine weights. My greatest hope is that one day he will come ask me how to use the squat rack.

    I have that same wish! Except, my parents live 1,700 miles away so I don't workout with them anymore (I used to go to the gym with them every weekend when they still lived near me). My dad was pretty impressed with my homemade power rack when he was visiting last week and was asking a bunch of question about how much weight I can lift. One day, when husband and I finally get out butts out to the desert near where my parents live I'll get my dad, or heck even my mom, into lifting!

    I wish that there was a "LIKE" button for statements like these. Parents working out at same gym as their adult children, asking questions about lifting, and possibly even open TO lifting.



    Yesterday's workout:

    Squat: warm-up, 5x5x85#. Still trying to perfect that form!
    OHSP: 5x5x30#. I'm getting a weird twinge of pain in my lower back on occasion when I press up.
    Deadlift: 5x1x90#. This was hard today. I also feel like one set is not enough.

    Cable ab crunch 2 x 10 x 30#
    Cable torso rotation 2 x 10 x 30#
    ^ I need to work on my technique and form on these... Don't think I'm doing it correctly.
    Planks 2 sets 35 seconds each
    Ball crunches 2 x 10 x BW

    Assisted pull up
    2 x 5 x 25#
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    This morning got off to a bad start, but my workout didn't actually suffer too much from it! I has drive! (And I'd like to thank @suremeansyes for it. That discussion where I was like "I'm too lazy to be dedicated enough to ever be comptetitive" actually got me fired up to go ahead and try!)

    Okay, and let's just be clear here, my words were a lot more motivational than yours were to yourself. Lol!

    No doubt about it. I've been pretty hard on myself lately. Perhaps it's time I stop doing that and start being happy with what I'm accomplishing! Kinda needed someone to open my eyes about that, apparently. So again, thanks =D
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Deadlift: 5x1x90#. This was hard today. I also feel like one set is not enough.

    One thing I read on here and liked, is to step away from the bar between each rep just for a couple seconds...and set up again. That way you are still doing 1x5 but it's like you get a chance to position yourself again 5 times and get your form right. :)
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I had a "I don't want to go home today" type of workout so I was at the gym for two hours.

    Squats: 5/5/5/4/5 @155lbs bummer on that fail, but I'll have it next time. I keep having mental fails, not physical.
    Bench: 5x5 @95lbs this is a deload weight, I think I've got my form nailed down though :)
    Row 5x5 @100lbs

    Then I just effed around for a bit. Jump rope, practiced hand stand push ups, complained with the dudes in the weight room, pretended I was going to do an unassisted pull up and chin up. Then my drive to eat breakfast was more than my drive to stay out of the apt, so here I am eating all the things. :)
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I had done StrongLifts before last year, but stopped for no good reason and decided to start doing it again. I am starting fresh at the recommended weights, but that meant last night's work out wasn't too difficult, but I am feeling it today.

    Workout A
    Squat: 45 5x5
    Bench: 45 5x5
    Row: 65 5x5

    I just purchased weights for at home, and I ordered a rack and bench but they are not here yet. So last night I used an ottoman as my bench. That was interesting. So happy to be back to lifting, I missed it. Not sure why I stopped.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Haha tried handstand push-ups on the weekend, I just can't kick myself up to a handstand - I get too scared lol but when I walk up the opposite wall in the hallway I can do one!

    Last nights workout:

    Squats 4x5 1x4 at 160lbs damn that one fail!
    Bench 5x5 at 66lbs - was my deload weight and smashed it!
    Row 5x5 at 88lbs woop woop!!

    Tried out my foam roller last night and holy crap that hurt! Hurt so good lol
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Deadlift: 5x1x90#. This was hard today. I also feel like one set is not enough.

    One thing I read on here and liked, is to step away from the bar between each rep just for a couple seconds...and set up again. That way you are still doing 1x5 but it's like you get a chance to position yourself again 5 times and get your form right. :)

    Oooh, I will have to try that.
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Tonight was the first time I went into doing SLs with really sore legs. I did a PiYo DVD yesterday. The outer area under the bum is super sore (do not know what is is called other than my nemesis) thanks to the curtsey lunges and all of the one-legged balance work. This is good-I'm bottom-heavy and have always had a lil' mo junk in da trunk than I'd like. I consider any exercise that makes that area sore a worthy companion.

    Workout A:
    Squat 75lbs 5x5
    Bench 70lbs 5x5
    Row 70lbs 5x5

    None of the previous workouts were easy, but tonight I WORKED for each rep. And it felt good. I think I've finally found something I can stick with. I love it.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Finished off my 4th week, the deload week, of my first Wendler's cycle! Yay!
    Deadlifts - nothing impressive since it's the deload week :smile:

    5 reps each, 5 rounds @ 45lbs, 50lbs, 55lbs, 50lbs, 45lbs
    Bi curls
    Upright rows
    Sumo squats
    Bent-over rows

    Bring on another cycle!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I went for a run at lunch yesterday, then decided to move my workout to tonight (I have a cold/throat infection that's been very unpleasant). Today I felt a little better, did a quick run at lunch (about 3.5k) then did Workout B but kind of wish I just would have skipped it... it was a lot of meh and blah.

    Squat 135 lbs 3x5 I decided during warmups that I wasn't going to try my 160 that I had failed on the previous 2 attempts and just deload
    OHP 5x5 60 lbs. I switched to 5x5 because I am having trouble progressing and I hope this will help
    DL 195lbs 1x3 1x2 third fail so deload next time

    SLDL 135 8/6/4 so tired by this point
    Glute bridges 135 3x8 last time I got 10 each set no problem but I was just toast.

    I did finish off with about 30 minutes of stretching and foam rolling which felt nice (after the fact).