August workout check-in thread - August one more rep!



  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm new to the group, but I hope it is okay if I join in. I've been doing 5x5 for about 6 weeks. I missed a week due to work travel and had to go back on the weight a bit.

    Last night was B:

    Squat - 120 5x5 (I think I'm going to stay at 120 for A on Wednesday because my form on the last few was questionable.)
    OHP - 60 4/4/3/3/2 (This and BP bite royally for me.)
    Dead - 155 (Managed this pretty well, grip was an issue on the last one.)

    Tonight is C25K, week 5 day 3.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    @weightlifintg - Haha, no you've discovered your inner hatred for rows. Welcome to the club! :P

    @fittree - Wow. Just wow. Everytime you post your working weights, I swoon. :)

    @llama - I deffo recommend Wendler's if you're looking for a change. I really like it. You still progress, but it's slower and the deload week that's programmed into it is nice - I get a break, but it's still a good workout!

    @massage - Your back looks amazing in your avatar! I also just looked up zercher squats... holy cow. That is all!

    @canadianlbs - Oh how awful! I hate bees. And birds, but bees are a close second. Hopefully it doesn't bother you too much!

    @perseverance - Do the overhand biceps curls work the forearm more than the biceps? Just curious. :)

    Got my butt out of bed early today and walked the dog then did my Wendler's OHP workout. It's still the deload week so nothing impressive on the working weight! Also got in incline delt flys 3x10 @ 10lbs, bench dips 3x10, and hanging knee raises 3x8.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Besides forgetting I was supposed to go to the gym this morning and not setting my alarm early enough (do you even lift bro?) the morning way great. :) Luckily I woke up at 7 instead of 8 like my alarm was set for. Squats felt great, I'm at my body weight again now, rests were only 90-120 seconds too. :) Before my injury deload I was at 3-4 min rests, so that's exciting. I was pushing up from a squat and it was a grinder, some dude like almost fell over himself coming to help and I was like "I GOT IT!" I didn't want him to touch the bar because I didn't want to count it as a fail since I had this!

    Squats: 5x5 @150lbs :)
    OHP: Coming off the deload, back to 80 next workout...I think I'll have it. 5x5 @75lbs, and they were pretty reps too
    DL: 1x5 @165lbs
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!!! 2 workouts remain!

    Clean + hang clean + jerk, worked up to 95! (See, I KNEW I could hang clean that weight without the knees catching the bar. Basketball shorts FTW!) Tried 100 but didn't rest long enough, misgrooved, and gave up on the hang clean instead of muscleing the bar up further.

    EMOTM x5 @ 90lbs after that of the same complex


    superset with ring bw rows and dips with feet on box. Soon unassisted. Soon...

    Then the finisher was a grinder, 18 mins time cap. Bar @ 60lbs, Ball @ 16lbs
    - 30 Power snatches
    - 30 wall balls
    - 30 power cleans
    - 30 wall balls
    - 30 split jerks (alt leg each rep)
    - 30 wall balls... got 13 and time was up

    Shoulders? What shoulders? No, I don't feel 'em? xP

    You guys are killing it! Aside from the ones on the injured bench to whom I wish a prompt recovery. It sucks to not be able to lift!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member

    Reading all your posts and cheerleading you girls on !!!!!! you all rock!

    Went for a super long walk at lunch (almost 6K). Can i still join the party? :glasses:
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Workout B for me today.

    Squat 70lbs 5x5
    OHP 55lbs 5x5--Going to need to get either fractionals or washers before Sunday. 60 will be tough to get up.
    DL 95lbs 5x5
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    B for me last night

    Squat 4,4,5,5,4 at 160lbs
    OHP 4,5,5,5,5 at 77lbs
    Deadlift 1x5 at 176lb - yea baby!! Think i'll stick to this though, they were NOT pretty reps lol

    Starting to think I might need to take a rest week. Am feeling tired a fair bit - though maybe TOM has something to do with that?

    canadianlbs - sorry to hear about the bee!!! ouch!!
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    C25k tomorrow! Week 3, day 1.

    Awesome! I'm doing C25k Week 3, Day 1 tomorrow as well!

    Yay! Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you. I'll be running outside hopefully, so I'm a little nervous.

    I thought it went pretty well. I slowed down a bit because I think I overdid it last week on the last run, but I didn't even realize the 3 minute interval was that long. I'm doing much better than the last time I tried this.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    thanks for the bee thoughts; i'm pretty much over it and into the itching phase now, but i did feel really outraged at the time. i've been stung before but i think this was the first totally unprovoked one, so i feel really ripped off, after that 'just leave them alone and they won't bother you' stuff. lies.

    biking is out, or at least i'm not willing to risk it today. but i went out later on in the day and walked a couple of miles. knee seems to be fine so long as i keep a straight leg so i'm really thinking this is a tendon/ligament thing and praying it was just some kind of a minor tweak and not a real tear or strain. it didn't like me going down the stairs though. didn't mind me coming back up them . . . go figure. that's the opposite of how it felt about squats.

    bleh. it's really hard to sit still. i keep wanting to try it out in various activities, just to see if a) i can nail down the exact movements that hurt and b) figure out what things i can still do without aggravating it. and c) just to check if the resting is making it any better, so i'll know whether to keep resting or i'm just wasting my time.

    sigh. like acne. 'it'll never heal if you keep poking at it!'
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    Finally got back to the gym last night and realized why I don't like going right after work. I tried to workout but way to many people try to use squat racks and Bench presses.

    In the long run last night was more about getting to the gym then getting a specific workout done.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Well today sucked. work up late first of all, had to take our van in to get the hit and run accident fixed so i knew i wouldn't have time for all 5x5s.

    workout A
    Squat even the bar was heavier than normal. took and extra warm up set since it felt off. 125 at 2 reps. :( went down to 115 and even they were hard. 3x5
    bench- after the squats i said "f it" and didn't push myself. same as last time 70x3x5
    rows - didn't even want to change the weight so that was 70x3x5.
    Didn't even want to try the strong curves so i was done... is it monthly cycle coming soon or just an off day? also, i finished Mondays workout at 4 pm and started today's at 6 am, would that make a difference?
    Now i'm having a bad day, thinking i could've pushed through it but i know i just couldn't. blah!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Well today sucked. work up late first of all, had to take our van in to get the hit and run accident fixed so i knew i wouldn't have time for all 5x5s.

    workout A
    Squat even the bar was heavier than normal. took and extra warm up set since it felt off. 125 at 2 reps. :( went down to 115 and even they were hard. 3x5
    bench- after the squats i said "f it" and didn't push myself. same as last time 70x3x5
    rows - didn't even want to change the weight so that was 70x3x5.
    Didn't even want to try the strong curves so i was done... is it monthly cycle coming soon or just an off day? also, i finished Mondays workout at 4 pm and started today's at 6 am, would that make a difference?
    Now i'm having a bad day, thinking i could've pushed through it but i know i just couldn't. blah!

    Ehhh, don't let it bring you down - bad workout days happen... At least you still did *something*! Consider it a deload workout or a mini-recovery day. :smile:
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I think I may have broken my pinky toe. It only hurts when I move it. Fun. Anyway, my pinky toes are already super fugly, so no big deal. I researched and found that strength training is okay as long as there is no pain. I had no pain during the lifts, only when I was walking around between sets, so that's good. The big test will be tomorrow when it's C25K day.

    Workout B today. OHP needed a lot of rest between sets and really, I felt like a weenie.

    Squat - warmup + 5x5x75
    OHP - warmup + 3x60, 5x60, 4x60, 5x60, 3x60
    DL - 1x115
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    The big test will be tomorrow when it's C25K day.

    Workout B today. OHP needed a lot of rest between sets and really, I felt like a weenie.

    Buddy tape and hope for the best? Also, don't worry, I bet everyone takes lots of rest on OHP. I find when the weights get really hard for me I take up to 4-4:30 mins rest. lol :)
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    C25k tomorrow! Week 3, day 1.

    Awesome! I'm doing C25k Week 3, Day 1 tomorrow as well!

    Yay! Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you. I'll be running outside hopefully, so I'm a little nervous.

    I thought it went pretty well. I slowed down a bit because I think I overdid it last week on the last run, but I didn't even realize the 3 minute interval was that long. I'm doing much better than the last time I tried this.

    I'm glad you made it out! Unfortunately I didn't go. I was having a lot of anxiety - too anxious to run outside and too anxious to drive myself to the gym. I need to work on that. :/

    Stronglifts tonight with my Dad! I hope the squat rack isn't taken so I can do everything in the correct order. :grumble:
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Stronglifts tonight with my Dad! I hope the squat rack isn't taken so I can do everything in the correct order. :grumble:

    It's so awesome that you are doing it with your dad!!!!!!!!!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I think I may have broken my pinky toe. It only hurts when I move it.

    oh YUCK. i guess the bright side is it'll keep you back on your heels in the squats . . . :tongue: but still, yuck.

    ETA: i'm just going to say to all the people whose workouts have 'sucked', it's kind of nice in a way to learn it doesn't just happen to me.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Stronglifts tonight with my Dad! I hope the squat rack isn't taken so I can do everything in the correct order. :grumble:

    It's so awesome that you are doing it with your dad!!!!!!!!!!

    My original statement was kind of misleading sounding I guess.

    We go to the gym together, but he typically walks on the treadmill and then does machine weights. My greatest hope is that one day he will come ask me how to use the squat rack.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Workout A for me~

    Squats: warm up + 5x5@100
    Bench: warm up, 4@59, 4,5@58.5 (kind of a disaster)
    Rows: warm up, 3x5@68

    Not the best day, but I'm glad I did something.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey last workout of the week as we are off camping Friday morning...Yah family reunions.

    So workout B for me today

    Squats warmup + 3x5@180...there were a couple very ugly reps in there and I would have so got kicked out of PF for the noises coming out of me. :laugh: but I got them in...but gonna stay here on Monday just for form and these were frikken hard. But that was my PR where I failed last next week should beat my old PR with 185

    OHP...:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I am so disheartened with these atm. Warmup + 4,3,2 @ 93.5...this will be my 3rd deload. Down to 85lbs again...I think it's time to up the reps like I did with squats...I just want triple digets and after that I just don't care....:sad:

    DL (thank god for DL's to make everything all better) warmup + 1x5@200...however form on rep 3 was awfulllllllllllll so going to stay here on Wednesday next week and hopefully will be at my deload weight of 210 by 3rd week of august.

    Did a 3.75mile walk yesterday @ 3.5mph..might walk tonight just to the post office to get the's only 2.22 miles away hehe oh and ordered my jawbone UP Tuesday....with monies work gave me for being there for 15 years...and I have lots left over Yah for being paid 400$ extra for being there for 15 years....:huh: should be 100 for every year....