August workout check-in thread - August one more rep!



  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Hit my deload point for bench. My first time deloading on it, I got super close to getting it though! :) This workout was from yesterday morning. :)

    Squats: 150lbs 5x5
    Bench: 110lbs 5/5/4/4/4, after I deload and work back up I'm confident I'll have this at 5x5 quickly
    Rows: 95lbs 5x5

    Oh, and to who asked about the warmup add on, I actually really like it. For the lifts that I haven't hit a warmup set for, I don't even worry about it. I'm already warm and sweaty from squats so I'm not bothered. I work out in the early morning before doing anything else, so not having to do math and figure out warmups is a major plus for me.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Hey ladies

    Tried workout A today again. So, my back is NOT fixed :explode: I'll have to take it easy, stretch, foam roll, and I get a massage tonight with my massage therapist so hopefully it'll speed things up. Gotta be patient!!! Dammit.

    Ugh, that's what I was worried about for you. I did the same thing! Take another FULL week off, and when you go back, you're gonna have to deload some weights. I deloaded squats, rows and DL. It only took a month to get back to where I was so be patient!
  • Hey everyone!

    These are my first workouts of August/first stronglifts workouts ever. Hoping this is a program I actually stick to. My starting points are below; hoping to steadily increase them throughout the month. But my main goal is to actually stick with it for more than my usual 3 weeks.

    Squat: 5x5 @95lb
    Bench Press: 5x5@ @65lb
    Barbell Row: 5x5 @75lb
    OHP: 5x5 @55lb
    DL: 5x1 @125lb
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey ladies

    Tried workout A today again. So, my back is NOT fixed :explode: I'll have to take it easy, stretch, foam roll, and I get a massage tonight with my massage therapist so hopefully it'll speed things up. Gotta be patient!!! Dammit.

    Ugh, that's what I was worried about for you. I did the same thing! Take another FULL week off, and when you go back, you're gonna have to deload some weights. I deloaded squats, rows and DL. It only took a month to get back to where I was so be patient!

    Yeah, I was looking forward to get good workouts this week. I guess not. Do you think I can do upper body dumbbell stuff or take it completely off??
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Hey ladies

    Tried workout A today again. So, my back is NOT fixed :explode: I'll have to take it easy, stretch, foam roll, and I get a massage tonight with my massage therapist so hopefully it'll speed things up. Gotta be patient!!! Dammit.

    Ugh, that's what I was worried about for you. I did the same thing! Take another FULL week off, and when you go back, you're gonna have to deload some weights. I deloaded squats, rows and DL. It only took a month to get back to where I was so be patient!

    Yeah, I was looking forward to get good workouts this week. I guess not. Do you think I can do upper body dumbbell stuff or take it completely off??

    If it was me, I'd take the while week off. Maybe do some walking or swimming, but I would take a break from the weights.
  • laraeverhage
    laraeverhage Posts: 53 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I started SL5x5 this morning with Workout A. I have been doing crossfit and know that I can squat, bench and deadlift a lot more than the starting weight, but I am sticking with the "marathon not sprint" premise and starting low and slow. I found a fixed weight bar with 45# that I used for the rows, so that I don't have to start that any heavier than the other lifts. I also have long-time chronic shoulder pain (reason for switching from crossfit!), so I'm planning to take the OHP lighter as well - probably using dumbbells (increasing by 2.5lb/session) until I get up to 30#/arm or so, and then going to the empty barbell. That way I can strengthen my shoulders super slowly.

    I'm thinking of what to do on T/Th, as well - there is a yoga class at the gym, or I could run or row for a little while as well. I'll read along and see what others are doing for "off days" for ideas. :-)

    My goals (which I guess I should post in the August goals thread?) are to just keep going up for the first 8-12 weeks. Based on my maxes from Crossfit, this seems very reasonable. I do have a week long trip planned next week, so I have to figure out how to fit this in while I'm traveling.

    Happy August!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies first workout of the month for me...thought I could get one in on Saturday but ran out of time.

    So workout A for me today

    squats warmup+3x5 @ 175...stayed there for form and one rep was so bad I thought I was gonna fail...but moving up next time.

    BP warmup 5,5,4 @ 128.5 stay here due to no spotter available...might have been able to get that last rep up but form failed hard. Hence why I stayed there...again next week I guess.

    Rows 3x5 @ 125 felt great ready to move up on those...could really feel it in my back.

    For my rows I go down to the floor but always have as I have some pretty large plates.

    Will get one workout in Wed but off for the weekend family reunion on Friday..have prelogged as much as I's not looking good for staying in goal for the week..but only over by 500 so far...hehe.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hey everyone, workout B for me today.

    Squats: warm up + 5x5@100 (feeling better, so hopefully I'll move up soon)
    OHP: warm up + 3x5@51 (going to move up next time)
    DL: warm up + 1x5@115
    Glute bridges: 4x10@55

    Have a good week!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Cardio day! HIIT sprints, 30sec on/60 sec off for 40 minutes. I'm starting to enjoy my once-a-week HIIT during my lunch break.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I did my workout out of order today because of dudes curling in the squat rack. -.-

    Hip mobility stretches
    BP - 5x5x55#
    Squats - Warmup, 5x5x85#
    Barbell Rows - 5x5x60# <--- These were HARD.

    Still working on my squat stance. Trying to focus on breathing in, pushing my chest out and really contracting those shoulder blades. I also think I'm using my left leg on the ascend more and not keeping my form on the ascend.

    C25k tomorrow! Week 3, day 1.
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    C25k tomorrow! Week 3, day 1.

    Awesome! I'm doing C25k Week 3, Day 1 tomorrow as well!
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    C25k tomorrow! Week 3, day 1.

    Awesome! I'm doing C25k Week 3, Day 1 tomorrow as well!

    Yay! Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you. I'll be running outside hopefully, so I'm a little nervous.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    @lara- you could probably switch to OHP with the bar after 15 or even 20 lb dumbbells. Yoga is great for lifting. I highly recommend it!

    531 Bench day- ugh why is my bench so crappy compared to what it used to me :laugh: :sad: :laugh:

    45x5, 65x5, 85x5, 95x5, 105x3, 120x3, 130x2

    Paused bench
    105 3x3

    Superset x3
    Band assisted pullupx3
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    B day today. Had to wait till this afternoon to get it in. Oldest had orientation for sophomore year at 8 am. Blah.

    Squat 125 - my workout room isn't finished so my mirror wasn't in place for the last week. I will stick with this weight again and make sure I'm getting the depth.
    OHP failed on last rep at 55. :( I just stood there trying and trying but it wouldn't go up anymore. Haha was half way and that was it.
    Deadlift 145 - I could feel my grip slip with the first one so I switched to mixed on 2nd rep. My hands are bad from 17 years of massaging.
    SC week 6(I think) day 3 ehh whatever
    Zercher squat 50 3x10
    Glute bridge 115 3x10
    Back extension 25 3x10
    Side lying hip abduction 12

    I might have to start doing liftis in the afternoon. I can be louder and I think that helps get through it. It's harder though after I work, maybe do it while little guy naps. Idk
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Workout A
    Squat 160lbs 3x5
    Bench 85lbs 5x5
    Row 65lbs 5x5
    With no fractionals I've decided to go back to 5x5 when I deload. The extra volume takes some time but I'm hoping it helps me progress. I'm going to try to get to the book store sometime this week for wendlers 5/3/1. I need something new.

    Flies 3x8 20lbs
    Negative pull ups 3x8
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Hey ladies

    Tried workout A today again. So, my back is NOT fixed :explode:

    awww, that really sucks. i'm in the same place with one knee, so you can scoonch up on the injury bench and make space for me.

    workout b:

    squats: fergeddit. explanation below.
    ohp: 5x5x45. same as last time; i'm not in the mood to push my luck any further right now. just looking to hold on.
    dl: 1x5x80. at least the deadlift worked right. i got my 5lb progression on that.

    okay, so the squats. tl;dr - i may have messed up my left knee.

    i rolled and stretched and did all the right things to start with. but i could feel something was wrong even just trying the warmup sets at 45. everything's fine going down, and okay for SOME of the way coming up. but as soon as that knee hits around parallel or a little higher, something's just wrong. sharp 'ping' kind of pain in the middle of that kneecap, so i think it's some kind of connective tissue. i put the bar down and tried a couple more times throughout the rest of my workout just with body weight, looking to see if i could find some angle or form tweak that would bypass it,. but the whole thing was definitely too weak to mess with under any kind of a load even with a better form tweak. sumos seemed to be about the only thing that didn't bother it, so i did maybe 3 sets of sumos at 45.

    did some core/glute things to make up for it, and spent some time in the pool afterwards doing straight-legged flutter kicks.

    it's *possible* this is all caused by inflammation inside the actual knee swelling it up and putting the tendons and ligaments that go around it under extra pressure. i can try the usual methods for that, but i think i need to stay off it as much as i can for a couple of days.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    also. yesterday, while just minding my own business and doing exactly what they always tell you to do (keep calm and leave it alone), i got stung between my second and third toes by a bee.

    or maybe a wasp. or a hornet. something. whatever it was, it stung me for no conceivable reason at all.

  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Increases across the board today...go me!

    Workout A (Tues)

    overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 110

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 70

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 85

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 150

    squats 5 X 5 - 160
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    Need to BUMP to get my @$$ back in gear. Tonight will be my first workout in about 3 weeks.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey ladies

    Tried workout A today again. So, my back is NOT fixed :explode: I'll have to take it easy, stretch, foam roll, and I get a massage tonight with my massage therapist so hopefully it'll speed things up. Gotta be patient!!! Dammit.

    Ugh, that's what I was worried about for you. I did the same thing! Take another FULL week off, and when you go back, you're gonna have to deload some weights. I deloaded squats, rows and DL. It only took a month to get back to where I was so be patient!

    Yeah, I was looking forward to get good workouts this week. I guess not. Do you think I can do upper body dumbbell stuff or take it completely off??

    If it was me, I'd take the while week off. Maybe do some walking or swimming, but I would take a break from the weights.

    Thanks for your input love!! :flowerforyou:

    @canadianlbs: the injury bench is very warmed up by me so come join!!! I hope you don't warm it up as long as I will though. Good luck with your knee! And with the bee-hornet-wasp thing sting. YUCK!!!