September check-in and chat.. lift like septimus prime!



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Deadlift 3s were on my plate todays. Had to perform most sets with a bunch of stability ball noobs who decided to set-up right next to me, and after I moved, decided to take their next exercises right behind me. My head already wasn't quite in the game from the lack of sleep. Overall though I'm not too disappointed considering

    150x3, 172.5x3, 192.5x7

    Then moved on to Front Squats 105x8, x8, x9
    superset with assisted dips and false grip hollow swings.

    Aaaand that was it. No conditioning work today. Just didn't have it in me. Insomnia is a *****
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Can't remember what the last workout I posted was! Did not get enough protein over the weekend, and probably didn't drink enough water... so my lifts yesterday were awful even though I definitely had enough food over the weekend.

    Did workout B yesterday morning.

    Squats 165lbs 1x3, 1x2, 1x1. Felt like a million pounds. I did 160lbs 3x5 on my first attempt at that weight last Friday with no problems, so felt comfortable adding 5lbs after only one workout at 160lbs.

    OHP deloaded to 60lbs 3x5 - 65lbs was not happening.

    Deadlift should have been 180lbs - could not lift it at all (even though last Wednesday I did 180lbs 1x4 and only missed the last rep because of grip - liquid chalk coming in the mail tomorrow!). I deloaded and did 135lbs 1x5 and 155lbs 1x5.

    Took my fiance to the gym with me yesterday morning at 5am for the first time ever... he did stronglifts workout A day 1 - he said the 45lb squats kicked his *kitten*!!! He's excited to go back tomorrow for his next workout... I am so excited!!!!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Totally new to SL here. Only 7 days in and I am totally loving it! I do believe my husband thinks I'm nuts though for doing this :) He's afraid I'm going to get all bulky, even though I insist I won't.

    My lifts last night:
    Squats 55 lbs.
    Bench 60 lbs.
    Barbell row 70 lbs.

    I feel like the squats are going to be the hardest for me to progress. I had started off the program doing goblet squats with dumbbells but have managed to use the Olympic bar now. Yay! My knees kind of bother me at first when doing squats but do seem to get better as I warm up (been doing plenty of warm-ups too). Is that normal? I find myself watching form videos before each lift to make sure I'm doing them correctly.

    BTW, I'm in awe of you ladies who are lifting body weight. That is so cool!! I hope to get there some day.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Last nights work out:

    Squats 85 lb 5x5
    Bench & Row 65 lb 5x5
    Hip Thrusts 60 lb 3x10

    I am finally getting to the point where it is a challenge now. The past few workouts have been tough for me to push threw with good form. I've taken longer rests between sets, and my arms and legs are a good sore this morning. I started lighter than I knew I could go, because I wanted to get good form down, and its paid off, but I'm glad to get to the challenge of increasing weights each time.

    I've set a goal for weight progression this month and its the first time I've actually done that. I've always just had the mind set of just jeep going and it'll pay off eventually. But with this September goal, I feel an intense purpose with each workout. But i have to keep reminding myself to keep good form, the weight don't mean anything if you have horrible form and technique.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Workout B this morning (Day 12). So I have been doing this for about 5 weeks now.

    Squats - 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 3x5 @ 85, 2x4 @ 85
    This felt heavy today, not sure if my head wasn't in it, or if I didn't eat right yesterday

    OHP - 1x5 @ 45, 2x5 @ 50, 2x5 @ 45

    Dl - 1x4 @ 145 - This was ridiculously hard today. Again, not sure if was truly physical or mental, but it was HARD!
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    SQ 115 for third time but did a set at 120 at the end and nailed it. This may be silly but I got on the good squat rack this time and I think it helped. The "inferior" squat rack doesn't have adjustible safety bars and they are set too high so I end up clanging the bar. Consequently, I was stopping myself from squatting low enough and I felt bad about my form.

    OHP 55. Still felt difficult.

    DL 145 and did two of the reps with the double overhand grip. I was happy about this because I couldn't do the overhand grip with 125 two workouts ago.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Checking in - lifted last night, first time in over 10days due to illness. Took a major deload and felt good.

    Squat 5x5 @122lbs
    OHP 5x5 @ 55lbs
    DL 1x5 @ 135lbs

    Had an almost dirty dream about Bret Contreras last night - think I've been reading too much about him and his hip thrusting haha :drinker:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies long time no check in...first workout in September tho since I took a week off.

    started Wendler today OHP day wasn't bad

    Warmup was 5x37.5, 5x47.5, 5x57.5 Working sets were 62.5, 72.5 and 82.5 all x5

    But then the accessory work...

    I chose chin ups 2,1,1,1,1 and dips 20, 15, 11, 11, 12..and my arms are jello...

    Definately gotta get a cool down going.

    The above weights are based on my husbands max not mine (since he is joining me) and his OHP was lower than mine but it's all good...his bench is higher than mine (a bit) and he has to go a bit lower for me...

    We have decide to do 2 days on, day off, 2 days then 3 off to work around his schedule of night shifts etc.

    I will most definately be readinig up on what you ladies have been doing this month so far...
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Yesterday's workout:

    Squats: 5@55,65,80,95,105
    Bench: 5@45,45,45,50,55
    Row: 5@45,45,50,60,65

    This program is definitely challenging me, but I'm really enjoying it :wink:
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Workout B today
    Squat 100 lbs 5x5
    OHP 55lbs 5x5
    DL 115 lbs 1x5
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Because of the hip impingement, I'm forbidden from squatting (and probably deadlifting) until I get the go ahead from the physical therapist. That really cuts down my workouts.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i only just realised septimus prime isn't a harry potter character
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    tonight's workout (b) powered by skittles.

    squat: 2x5@45, 1x6@50, 6x6@70. total of 4160 working pounds.
    ohp: 8x8@45, no warmups. 2280 pounds.
    deadlift: 8x1@115. 920 pounds.

    ohp is WAY better. enormous improvement on the left/right imbalance thing, and i was really snapping it up and locking it out hard at the top. the first few reps in each set were a total party; i didn't start to stall mid-rep until the last 2 or 3 reps in the very last set. also, i was taking the bar off the floor for each set since the rack was in use, which i think counts for a little something or other as well. i'm pretty happy about the whole thing and ohp is my blue-eyed baby lift atm.

    deadlifts and squat were okay i guess but not great. i actually felt like i was getting better with the squats as i went along. deadlift was fine in one sense, but meh in others. think i'm going to spend some time next workout deadlifting LIGHT weight just to re-set my concept of form before i move up on the next b day.
  • lizafava2
    I haven't posted workout updates in awhile, and all these new people here! Yay! I am going to try to post a little more.

    I have been making pretty great strength gains, which I'm pretty sure means I have been eating too much. Who knows. Not a lot of logging or weighing myself. I continue to eat well, run and lift. I go back and forth with trying to lose fat and fat acceptance. This month I have been in acceptance mode. Anyway.

    I started experimenting with other programs and 3x5 awhile back. I ended up not really progressing so I started back on SL. I guess I'll just stick with it as long as I am progressing. It takes so. much. time. though.


    I ran 3.5 miles in the morning.

    Squats - 205 5x5. I like this weight because it is all of my bumper plates so looks pretty bad-*kitten*. Its feeling heavy but my form is much better than it was last time I inched up this high. I am definitely going to keep adding weight until I fail which I am going to guess will be around 220. I'm lifting barefoot these days and getting really annoying toe cramps when I squat. This happen to anyone else? I swear this isn't and issue with shoes (but I hate shoes).

    Bench - SL told me to deload after failing 135 twice (but barely!), so I decided to do it, but not until I tried a 1RM of 155. I nailed it! I'm pretty sure I could have done 165. :D

    125 5x5

    Dreaded rows: 110 5x5. Blah. Rows are the WORST.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    i only just realised septimus prime isn't a harry potter character

    lol love it! I believe it's a transformer or a power ranger or something?? was just struggling for a september pun!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Warmup was 5x37.5, 5x47.5, 5x57.5 Working sets were 62.5, 72.5 and 82.5 all x5
    Are you not doing the 5+ on the last set? Even if you're working in with your husband's weight, you could still challenge yourself on the last set :)

    i only just realised septimus prime isn't a harry potter character

    lol love it! I believe it's a transformer or a power ranger or something?? was just struggling for a september pun!
    Optimus prime is a Transformers character haha. Septimus was close enough! I probably woulda gone with Stepember-it up or something of the likes xD

    Wasn't supposed to do anything today but I forgot to turn off my 5AM alarm and couldn't go back to sleep due to hunger (poptarts do not make for great IF fuel... Even 2 packets of 'em (I binged a smidge >_>)... Ahem). So I went for the next run on the program, which was a 3x1200m (3/4 mile)
    Managed 5:40, 6:05 and 6:03 - really wanted a sub 6 min on that last interval but I couldn't get my feet to move any faster on the last lap xD)

    2 weeks left to do on this 6 min mile program (which may take me down to a 7.5min mile if the trend continues! More than I was hoping for! The first 4 weeks did take over 2 months to get through lol)

    I decided I was doing a 5k by myself this saturday to support my gf walking hers. Maybeh, just maybeh, I can make it sub 30min... But I wouldn't bet on that.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Workout B today:

    I repeated weights on all lifts today, and good thing I did!

    Squats: 115 lbs 5x5 (this was much harder today than the same weight last Friday - don't know why)
    OHP: 55 lbs 5x4 (I could NOT get that last rep up - ugh!)
    Deadlift: 95 lbs 2x5 (failing on OHP made me want to get an extra set in here)

    I'll probably stick with 115 lb squats again next time (planned for Friday).
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    i only just realised septimus prime isn't a harry potter character

    lol love it! I believe it's a transformer or a power ranger or something?? was just struggling for a september pun!
    Optimus prime is a Transformers character haha. Septimus was close enough! I probably woulda gone with Stepember-it up or something of the likes xD


    ok that is even funnier, I've just invented a new superhero all by myself!!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Finally got my hip issue worked out! YAY!

    Was able to do deadlifts with no pain.

    Now, to work my way up after a summer of one injury after another (and none of them lifting related either).

    But, I've's better to take a little time off and heal than it is to keep trying and making it worse.

    So, I was dumb, but I learned from it, so I'm smarter now!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Workout B today:

    I repeated weights on all lifts today, and good thing I did!

    Squats: 115 lbs 5x5 (this was much harder today than the same weight last Friday - don't know why)
    OHP: 55 lbs 5x4 (I could NOT get that last rep up - ugh!)
    Deadlift: 95 lbs 2x5 (failing on OHP made me want to get an extra set in here)

    I'll probably stick with 115 lb squats again next time (planned for Friday).

    I have some days when the weight seems good, then one pound more seems like fifty. I think our bodies are just different day to day, how tired we are, what we ate, etc.