2 week challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Today is 1000 day streak of checking in here at mfp, for me. BOOM!

    That is awesome!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Hope you are all having a great weekend! It finally cooled off here and I got in an 8 mile run!
    Felt fantastic - I think I am ready for October!
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    I need to catch up on reading about what all of you awesome people have been up to! Last week was so crazy.

    Bronze star for me...BUT I am being nice to myself about it since I really did have a crazy week and the stress could have made it even worse.

    Happy Monday!! :)
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Oh I need to get the junk out of my house! Way too much in there! This weekend went pretty well, had too many wine calories, but I'll have to work on getting a hand on that! It's hard to say no when my mom keeps asking if I want another glass! I didn't do too bad with eating, could have been better though. This week I got a Silver star, I was 794 calories over, better than I thought it would be!

    Fluffy - Nice on the bronze!

    Shan - nice run!! Good job on getting your macros in check, I can never figure that out, or get enough protein

    Beeps - Congrats on the streak!! That's such commitment!

    Amy - I don't remember what happened to Zuzka? That's so much butter in 1 dish too! Holy moly!! I did wine and chinese takeout for dinner Friday too haha :)

    Chel - 2 days off sounds great! Morning runs and work outs aren't for everyone! You don't want to risk hurting yourself if your mind isn't awake yet!

    Ram - You're getting there! I hope the rest of your pregnancy flies by for you!

    Ashley - That soup sounds great! I might try it without the chicken :)

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I knew Zuanah left bodyrock, but did not hear why?

    So P.S. on the chicken peanut soup.....I looked at the recipe. No cream/milk and 2T of tomato paste instead of 1. Speaking of soup, in today's crockpot I have chicken bacon chowder cooking. The creaminess comes from a pack of low fat cream cheese. It also has leeks, mushrooms, onions, and some other stuff. I'll let you know how it is. Temps are chilly today so it'll be a perfect day for it.

    Speaking of cooking, I did tons of it yesterday. I felt so accomplished, but hardly got to relax. I made a huge batch of chicken stock from frozen chicken carcasses in my freezer. I made stacked chicken green chili enchiladas for dinner last night/leftovers Tuesday, assembled the soup for today, and made my husband some pasta for lunch. I was way productive yesterday. We also went for pizza Friday night, did our usual coffee shop/farmers market Saturday, and had friends over and went to a festival Saturday. Walked to dinner, coffee, and festival so did a lot of walking. I also did 25 minutes of a yoga video I've had forever. It was not very hard as in I barely broke a sweat, but it was nice stretching and I did a 10 minute savasanah at the end. So I guess I am lying when I said I got hardly any relaxation time yesterday. :smile:

    My plan for the week is to do my Tuesday class, run/walk Wednesday, lift at lunch Thursday and do my usual walking and yoga over the weekend. I may try to get Eric to go for a little run tonight. He walked 18 holes of golf Friday and was really bummed about how out of shape he is. He didn't even really enjoy the back 9 because he was so whooped. He got worn out again after working in the yard for 2 hours Saturday. I really want to push him to some sort of fitness regimine, but don't want to nag him. Any ideas on how to get him motivated?

    Better get to work. Have a great week all!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ok I feel refocused today. I took the weekend off from logging. But, I honestly didn't eat too bad tho. I did alot of food prep yesterday. I have hardboiled eggs ready to grab in the fridge, chicken grilled for salads, chicken and veggie soup for dinners.

    Here are my 2 week goals and I am going to really live by these strictly for 2 weeks:

    1) No crap food at all. There is no junk food in my house so that will be easy, but I need to stay away from all the stuff they bring to work. I need to sugar detox to get myself back on track.
    2) Really focus on cutting back on the wine.
    3) 2 mornings on the treadmill, 1 weekend run outside, 1 spinning class and 2-3 "other" strength type workouts.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Hello ladies, hope everyone had a nice weekend. I really enjoyed my time away with my sisters & girlfriends, however there was lots of junkfood, so I need to kind of detox myself from sugar. We did go for a 5 mile run on Saturday & then I had to cut the weekend a little short to go to a 4 hour rehearsal for Dracula. I had better get my eating under control since my measurements were taken awhile ago & I need to be able to fit in my costume next month. :)

    2 week challenge:

    1. Food - no sugar, no pasta, no crackers, pretzels, carby snacky things in general
    2. Water - at least 10 glasses/day
    3. Exercise - 3 runs, 2 dance classes, some strength & yoga
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I did not accomplish much of anything this weekend, just tried to rest up between days of riot fest. It was a lot of fun but I am getting too old for three days of 6 hours of drinking, standing and all. And last night most of it was in the rain:grumble:

    So I am ill-prepared for the week. Also, I am tired and it's rainy so I just want to eat comfort food.

    Tomorrow my friend from Oakland is visiting and we are going out, too. So I am not sure if I will workout until Wednesday, then husband is traveling so I might be able to get a workout and maybe some healthy eating...

    No star for me, I did track, and I was 2400 over cals, but I did not count the bike rides to and fro and all that standing around but I did log it and it was about 1000, if you think my standing and a rocking out is like standing and playing guitar (that's what it suggested!)

    Anyway, as far as Zuzana, I think her marriage went south and he immediately started hooking up with the girl that they picked to do some workouts, and got her a boobjob, which she detailed on the site. Then he forced zuzka out. She responded here: http://www.zuzkalight.com/blog/zuzka-light-bodyrock-divorce/

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    I do have some struggles this week, and I am sure the scale will have something to say about all this indulgence. I am hoping to log some workouts and some low-cal days, I need to get plan for my eating too.

    2 days no drinking (tonight and Thurs)
    log some days at 1200 cals
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- Would you share your mock enchilada recipe? I know that's one of your regulars so it must be good!

    I forgot to share my 5k race success from Saturday morning! I was too focused on the negative! I race the whole thing very well. It was my friends first race and she really just got into running this year, and she wanted to stop and walk a few times but I kept her from doing that. But, I did go a little slower than normal to stay with her. But, all in all a success. I am trying to convince her to do a 8K with me in November.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ashley- Would you share your mock enchilada recipe? I know that's one of your regulars so it must be good!

    Sure thing! I already have it in typed format! I don't fry the tortillas and I use a 9x12 or something (not the large standard size) dish because i don't have a square one. I also use rotisserrie chicken. I often have 2 cups shredded in the freezer.

    Green Chili Enchiladas
    • poblano chiles* (8 ounces total, about 2-3 peppers)
    • 6 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided
    • 12 (5- to 6-inch-diameter) corn tortillas
    • 4 cups salsa verde, divided
    • 2 cups shredded roasted chicken, divided
    • 3/4 cup sour cream, stirred to loosen, divided
    • 6 ounces grated Emmenthal, Muenster, or Mexican Chihuahua cheese (about 1 1/2 cups packed)
    • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
    • Pickled red onions

    Char chiles directly over gas flame or in broiler until blackened all over. Enclose in paper bag; let stand 10 minutes. Peel and seed, then cut into 2x1/2-inch strips.
    Preheat oven to 375°F. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in medium skillet over medium heat. Add 1 tortilla to skillet; cook until slightly softened, about 15 seconds per side, turning with tongs. Transfer tortilla to paper towels to drain. Repeat with remaining tortillas, adding oil to skillet as needed.
    Spread 1/2 cup salsa over bottom of 8x8x2-inch glass baking dish. Arrange 4 tortillas over salsa, covering bottom of dish completely, overlapping slightly, and extending about 1 1/2 inches up sides of dish. Scatter 1 cup chicken over tortillas, then half of poblano strips. Spoon 1 1/2 cups salsa over, spreading evenly. Spoon 1/4 cup sour cream over in small dollops. Cover with 4 tortillas, overlapping slightly. Layer with remaining 1 cup chicken, remaining poblanos, 1 cup salsa, and 1/4 cup sour cream. Cover with remaining 4 tortillas, then 1 cup salsa, and remaining 1/4 cup sour cream. Sprinkle with cheese.
    Bake casserole until bubbling and cheese is lightly browned, about 35 minutes. Cut into 6 pieces; divide among plates. Sprinkle with cilantro. Spoon pickled red onions alongside; serve
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    The enchiladas sound great!! Thanks! I'll definitely try them! Also curious how the bacon chowder (or whatever) turns out!!

    Super job on your 5K, Chloe!!

    My goals for the week (yes, the first 2 are the same as always...can anyone guess what my problems are??? lol)

    1) no eating after dinner (with the exception of air-popped popcorn on crazy days when I don't have time to eat enough dinner)
    2) stay out of my kids' and husband's snacks!! (they choose healthy food 99% of the time, so I think it's only fair to keep Goldfish and trail mix around)
    3) have a super low day at least once this week
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks! So you just put the tortillas in the casserole uncooked?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks! So you just put the tortillas in the casserole uncooked?

    Yep. They end up sort of meshing with everything else during the cooking and kind of get soggy. Sounds gross, but it's not. I messed up my layering last night and forgot the final layer of salsa under the cheese topping, and those tortillas got a bit crispy which I acutually liked, so I may do that on purpose next time. I'm also brainstorming some ways to add more veggies in......

    Go time! This day has drug on......
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies! Happy Monday.

    Chloe - Way to go on your race!

    Better - I love enchilada casserole. I make it quite often. To get some extra veggies in, I roast a bunch of veggies (anything from zucchini/squash to bell peppers), chop em up and toss them in with the chicken. I also cut up onion and sometimes even add black beans to the mix.

    Fluffy - great goals!

    That's all I can see/remember for now - Hi to everyone else!

    My goal this week is really (in the famous words of Dori from Finding Nemo) to just keep swimming. I've got a busy week/weekend coming up, but I'm trying not to use that as an excuse to not be active.

    Have a great week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,975 Member
    No star for me. I was traveling and did not log!

    I will post a photo of me in the dress at the wedding event, though.

    I am traveling (again!) this week....so, I won't log this week, either.

    Will get back to biz on Saturday. October has more promise!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    So sometimes I hate my PC and I am a techie person! Earlier today I had a summary all typed in and hit the backspace key and it took me out of MFP to my home page and of course I lost everything I typed :angry: so now I finally have a minute to try again...

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?
    I had a wonderful weekend starting with my long run on Saturday then brunch with some GFs followed by cooking for the week ahead and watching college football. Sunday we went early to the beach and I ran on the beach for 2-3 miles. My dog was more interested in checking out all the other puppies but there weren't many his size/disposition to run and be crazy with so he chased after me. I did some more cooking in the afternoon and then went to an awesome concert with a friend. It was in a beautiful old theater downtown and the acoustics were great. The crowd was a bit rowdy but everyone was having so much fun!

    With all the cooking I have chicken and dumplings for several meals and spaghetti sauce, both of which we will eat this week with the rest going in the freezer.

    I made Platinum this week and it seems eating back some (not all) of my calories is working - I feel better, have more energy and the scale is finally starting to move a little bit downward. So I am going to keep the same goals again this week.

    Shander - great job getting silver even with the wine!

    Ashley - I wish I knew how to get husbands up and moving! Mine will go for a walk but it is at a snail's pace - I don't go with him any more because he walks to slow and gets mad when I don't stay with him. I just can't walk that slow. He has a gym membership that I am pretty sure he hasn't used in 2 years! Also the enchiladas sound wonderful - will definitely be trying them!

    Chloe - So glad you are feeling refocused! Your post reminded me that I want to hard boil some eggs too! Congratulations on the 5K. It is always so much more fun to have someone to run them with! I am sure your friend really appreciated having you there with her to keep her motivated and get thru it.

    Abigail - Glad you had fun at your weekend with the girls! What part are you in the Dracula play?

    Ramalem - Just keep swimming... Just keep swimming...:bigsmile: Have you made lasagna with veggies? I love to make it without meat but you can do it either way....

    Kate - Good goals - you can do this!

    Beeps - where are you off to this time?
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Enchiladas sound great! I may try them Saturday night.

    Yesterday was a success! I stuck to all my goals for the day. This morning I did one mile on the treadmill (I have the hardest time running on that thing) Then I did a 15 min interval workout off the "sworkit" app I downloaded. Not too tough, but it kept my heartrate up. After work I am going to spin.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    The soup was yummy. It was a little "broken" looking. I suspect because I threw everything in the pot. I do think next time I'll cook the bacon ahead of time. It will make it healthier without the bacon fat (although not tastier...mmmmm....bacon fat.....). Otherwise, I don't know why you'd need all the extra steps. I probably had 2 bowls between tasting several times when I got home and the bowl + a little at dinner. it was very filling. I'll probably add some kale or other greens to it at the end next time to ramp up the veggies. If anyone wants it, here it is. I actually found it on MFP. And yeah.....16 servings would probably give you like 1/3 to 1/2 cup per serving, so my bowl(s) was probably more like 3 servings. :blushing: Still, not terrible I guess for something that was rather rich. I also subbed whole milk for the half and half. I also used less garlic and no shallot. And didn't use the butter. I swear I can't follow a recipe to save my life.....

    Crock Pot Chicken & Bacon Chowder
    4 cloves garlic, minced
    1 shallot, finely chopped
    1 leek, sliced
    2 celery ribs, diced
    6 oz. sliced mushrooms
    1 medium sweet onion, thinly sliced
    4 tbsp. light butter, divided
    2 cups chicken stock, divided
    1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    8 oz. light cream cheese
    1 cup half and half
    ½ lb. bacon, cooked crisp & crumbled
    1 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. pepper
    1 tsp. garlic powder
    1 tsp. thyme

    Heat slow cooker on low setting. To slow cooker, add garlic, shallot, leek, celery, mushrooms, onions, 2 tbsp. light butter, 1 cup chicken stock, salt and pepper. Cover, and cook vegetables on low for 1 hour. While the vegetables are cooking - in a large skillet, over medium-high heat, pan-sear the chicken breasts in the remaining 2 tbsp. light butter just until they are browned on both sides (chicken will not be fully cooked during this stage). Remove chicken from pan and set aside. De-glaze the pan with the remaining 1 cup of chicken stock. Using a rubber spatula, scrape up any bits of chicken that may be stuck to the pan. Add chicken stock to slow cooker. Add half and half, light cream cheese, garlic powder and thyme to slow cooker. Stir until well combined (no visible chunks of cream cheese). Once chicken has cooled, cut into cubes and add to slow cooker, along with prepared bacon. Stir until all ingredients are well combined. Cover and let cook for 6-8 hours.

    Nutrition Info (calculated using MFP’s Recipe Builder):
    Servings: 16
    1 Serving: 1 cup
    Calories: 180
    Carbs: 4 g
    Fat: 11 g
    Protein: 14 g

    I've got pilates tonight and running on the books for tomorrow. I have done something active everyday since last Monday, so I'm on a 10 day streak after Wednesday. Woo hoo!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    That chowder sounds good, and the enchiladas too! I do quick enchiladas with shredded chicken, corn tortillas, cheese, and pour some green chili on top-it's from the freezer section, it called Stinkin Good green chili and Mark Schlereth makes it, he used to play for the Broncos apparently, there is a vegetarian option and that looks good...

    I was thinking I should eat better and was looking at that site-100 days of real food. Not to knock it, but I wasn't that impressed. She had some good ideas and recipes, but I really expected something more. She basically tries to avoid refined sugar and flour, but apparently Tricuits are ok. She doesn't really like greens, either, but a lot of her meals are meat free, which is probably something I feel like I should do more of, but never seem to manage. It's my mind set, like if it doesn't contain meat, it's not a meal. And she has kids, so it's different.

    My husband doesn't really want to work out with me, but he does workout. We can walk to get ice cream or something like that. For Riot Fest we rode our bikes. Mine is a 5-speed cruiser and he has a nice Cannondale, though, so he just wants me to ride in front so he doesn't leave me in the dust:blushing: He did stay with me for Warrior Dash, too so that was nice.

    You've been married awhile, Shanaber? I don't think you can train him:wink:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    You've been married awhile, Shanaber? I don't think you can train him:wink:

    Ha - yes! Longer than some of you have been alive :noway:
    He is definitely in the untrainable category!