September check-in and chat.. lift like septimus prime!



  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    My heroes! I'm telling you, you ladies are really an inspiration. Squatted 85lbs today and it was awesomely difficult. I was so close to quitting but I didn't! Afterwards though, I thought, "Okay, there's no f-ing way I'll be able to do 90 next time" and then I see the numbers that you all are racking and I get motivated.

    Has anyone been where I am? Feeling like there's no way you'll ever get to over 100lbs?

    I've felt like that with my squats. I used to be stuck on 100lbs and wouldn't budge. It's both a mental and physical thing. You just have to work through it :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Has anyone been where I am? Feeling like there's no way you'll ever get to over 100lbs?

    i'm like an ant trying to climb up the inside of a glass with squats. get to 85, get hurt, go back to 50 . . . get to 70, get hurt . . . i can see it taking me to the end of the year, i know that.
    Get a lacrosse ball (or if you're REALLY adventurous, perhaps a golf ball would work. I never tried. It might be too small for the job), lay down on floor, put ball behind shoulder blade and move your arm around while you "rub it in" with the ball. I get REALLY tight around there (computer desk job!), and this has been a life saver. If you're a little wary at first, a tennis ball has a lot more give and still manages to dig into the muscle ok :)

    there are also 'hardball' baseballs with a foam core - a little bigger than tennis and lacrosse, but tennis balls didn't last long with me. and for pointiness i have a handful of those little superbounce plastic balls that you can't let small children play with indoors. i got a pack of 4 of them from the party favours section of toys r us for about two bucks. haven't tried them out yet but i'd pick them over golf balls, myself.

    i actually stood for 20 minutes in front of a big sack of used golf balls at some sporting store once, contemplating blowing 30 dollars on them and then sewing them loosely into a pillow-case or something for a sort of entire-back massage mat. then i realised i could just buy one of those things people hang over the backs of their chairs and told myself to stop going so mcgyver on it.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Thanks krokador and Canadianlbs!! I shall head to our sporting goods store and check out their balls - giggity! Sorry to hear about the stress krokador - hope you can get some much needed shut-eye soon!

    Saturday here so morning training session

    Squat 5x5@ 145lbs
    OHP 5x5 @ 66lbs - not great form on the last reps but I got them. Gonna try a little deload and work back up
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 155lbs then for sh *ts and giggles 1x4 @ 165lbs

    Now to eat all the fooooooooooooodz
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Thanks krokador and Canadianlbs!! I shall head to our sporting goods store and check out their balls - giggity!

    i'm also just thinking (again) about picking up one of those bog-standard coat hooks you screw into the wall or a door . . . with the really wide blobby ends to the hooks. i keep thinking: if i mounted something like that just a little higher than waist-level, and then backed up to it and used my awesome squat legs to kind of slide myself up and down . . . i bet that would teach my back muscles to pay attention to me.

    those long erector muscles either side of my spine are the bane of my life. i see an image like this

    and it's almost like lust. or, my god, this:

    edit: honest, i don't know why they don't add something like that as standard equipment to all power racks. some kind of weight-lifters scratching post thing. you know, like when you see a rhinoceros rubbing itself on a tree.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Today's workout was brought to you (me) by pizza!

    Squats: 5x90, 5x110, 5x132.5, 5x155, 3x182.5, 8x132.5

    Bench: 5x45, 5x57.5, 5x67.5, 5x80, 3x92.5, 8x67.5

    Bent over rows: 5x45, 5x55, 5x65, 5x77.5, 3x90, 8x65
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    edit: honest, i don't know why they don't add something like that as standard equipment to all power racks. some kind of weight-lifters scratching post thing. you know, like when you see a rhinoceros rubbing itself on a tree.

    This is hilarious! :)
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Workout A / Day 17

    Squats - 5x5 @ 45 lbs. (DAY 2 OF REAL SQUATS!)
    - Thanks to all of you who responded to my question in the forum about squats. I took your advice and went back to the bar (I did 65 lbs. on Wed.) and am glad I did. Was definitely able to concentrate on my form, pushing myself to get as low as possible, rather than having my brain in my shoulders and arms like they were last time. Still room for improvement, but much better tonight. Not sure if I'll stay here on Monday or go up to 50 lbs., since these were still not exactly comfortable for my shoulders/arms at 45 lbs.
    - But! I felt AWESOME doing them. So glad to be doing the full program now.

    Bench Press - Fail.
    1x2 @ 75 lbs. (Um, yeah. Sad.)
    1x4 @ 65 lbs. (Hmmm... Maybe a warm-up will help?)
    5x5 @ 72.5 lbs (Glad I got to use my new fractional plates, but these we a joke. I was like a drunken sailor trying to wave down a boat or something.)
    2x5 @ 65 lbs. (And call it a day!)
    - Not sure what the hell was going on tonight. 70 lbs. hasn't been easy the last two times I've tried it, so while this isn't a total shock, I was WAY off my game tonight with BP. Could just be an off night, or it could be the squats are affecting my arm strength because of the way I have to hold the bar. Will go back to 70 lbs. again next time.

    Barbell Row - 5x5 @ 95 lbs.
    - I will definitely NOT be going up in weight next time. These were insanely hard, and I feel like I wasn't really getting full range of motion at the top. I'd rather drop the weight and get that full extension into my back / shoulder blades than do what felt like (but I was told were not) half reps. But form in my legs and back felt good, so now it really is just about getting my upper body full engaged and stronger. And if they feel this hard next time, I may drop down 5-10 lbs.

    Also did a few extra little things tonight, mostly because my trainer friend wanted to, and I figured why not:
    Lat pull down: 1x15 @ 40 lbs. / 1x15 @ 45 lbs
    - But with a VERY wide grip, so these were harder than you might think -- at least for me. :)

    Seated Row: 1x10 @ 70 lbs / 1x10 @ 50 / 1x15 @ 30
    - Generally, these weights wouldn't be too bad for me, but after the barbell row, these had my arms on fire. But good to do a bit of extra work to get the full extension I couldn't with the barbell.

    All in all, a serviceable workout. Not complaining, not over the moon, not beating myself up.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    This is hilarious! :)

    lol. you should see me. i've got these fugly iron-frame chairs, kind of ladder-back but vertical. ugly. but the end bars in their backs are rounded and just exactly the right size to fit in under a shoulder blade. i go out there on the deck where i've banished them to, and contort myself.

    i'm joining you with the shoulder stuff . . . by the way, your workout looked pretty impressive to me. i feel like when you take something apart to fix it, like a light socket or a small alarm clock. my squats are just a whole series of little piles of separate components right now, spread out over the floor while i try to figure out how to put them all back together. spent a good part of the day letting mark rippetoe convince me to start using a full low-bar squat. partly because his tutorial about it was about the only thing i found anywhere that even mentions what to do about your upper back. so i went back to the gym today, feeling like i at least had a plan for my shoulders and back - and i just wanted to use the bar without any plates and get that kind of form worked out. i could hardly handle 5 in a set with the bar because of the strain on my wrists. in fact, the last couple of sets i didn't make 5 . . . more like 3. edit: soemthing to work on right there, the straight wrist.

    however. i will say that i think this might be my way to go as a rehab/corrective idea. something is going wrong somewhere with me, in terms of my left shoulder feeling almost as if it's locked up. it just won't give me the mobility that i get on the right, and it's impossible for me to know - literally - whether or when i'm torquing myself to accommodate it. which i believe is what twisted my back. i always have known the left shoulder wasn't in a symmetrical position under the bar but i haven't known what to do about it. i figured that having the bar under the scapular spine and locked into place by traps/delts would give me some reliable biofeedback about it at last, and i was right. i've got a sensory cue now in the sense that i know how both shoulderblades should feel wrt the bar's position, and so now i'm able to tell when the left one starts drifting and twisting on me. still and all, it was about all i could do to execute an actual squat without that part of it all wanting to come undone. spent some time just standing around with the broomstick on my shoulders, in fact. i think this is going to take me a while, but i don't care if i have to take the whole exercise apart and put it together again from the top down. keep telling myself it'll pay off in the much longer run.

    it's all about high reps and low weight for me right now, and mostly my mid/upper back and shoulders. trying to learn and set motor patterns, actually feel some of those smaller/deeper muscles at work so i'll know how to recognize them later on. i did seated cable rows, one side at a time, and then a LOT of time on the lat pulldowns, just learning to roll my shoulders down and back before starting the pull. on the pulldowns i started with a close grip at each weight, and did sets of 5 working my way outwards towards the ends of the bar with each new set. add 2.5 pounds, return to the centre, repeat. altogether i think 3 or 4 sets at each width and weight.

    overhead press with the 30-pound bar, again mostly for form and motor patterning and learning to actually use all the stuff that surrounds my ribcage. i'll tell ya though, i can do sets of ten or more at that weight with no problem at all. and i'm growing biceps.

    bentover rows with a single kettlebell of i guess 35 pounds, same thing. strangely enough i think i actually got my upper back muscles in on the rows for the first time this way. both hands together in front of me made me have to keep my elbows in and get the back right, i guess. but having to lean down that far with the bell between my feet - oy, upper hamstrings. it's like getting roumanian deadlifts for free or something. however, i like this and may stick with it for a week or two before i go back to the bar.

    two 1-minute front planks, then 2 side planks at 30 secs each.

    from the standard stronglifts menu, i did 6x6 bench press with 50 pounds, and deadlifts 1x5@80, 2x5@100, 6x1@120. this isn't a weight increase, but i'm sort of adrift right now and better off staying right where i am. really focusing on bringing my upper hamstrings and glutes into this, and i'm expecting to be hobbling tomorrow.

    i took two apples with me to the gym and ate them before i was back out on the street. deadlift day, you know how it goes.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Yesterday was Workout B for me.

    Squats. 2x5 at previous weight of 106lb 3x5 101lb.
    A couple of weeks ago a PT told me I was squatting too low and only needed to go to parallel. I think I was too keen to believe him and subsequently I suspect that my squats have got very shallow. I deloaded to 101lb in order to work on this. Not sure what to do tomorrow.

    Overhead press 46lb 5, 4, 4, 4, 4
    This was upsetting as I'd managed 5x5 last time. I really struggled, my form was all over the place. I reckon next time I'll go down to 40.5lb.

    Deadlift 145lb x5
    By this point I was angry and upset and just wanted to jack it all in (yesterday was also the first day I wanted to jack in the whole weightloss and pile on the pounds again). I just funnelled the pissed-off-ness in those lifts.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,560 Member
    squat: 27.5 kg - still easy
    overhead press: 17.5 kg down from 20 - yes, that works. I'll try 20 again next time
    deadlift: 55 kg - it's getting heavy now
    chestpress: 25kg - check! and I found a setting on the rack that will kind of protect me from a falling weight - if it's not falling on my face
    row: 30 kg - also works, though I don't go higher yet as it's very difficult.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Overhead press 46lb 5, 4, 4, 4, 4
    This was upsetting as I'd managed 5x5 last time. I really struggled, my form was all over the place. I reckon next time I'll go down to 40.5lb.
    Personally, I'd go for 46 lbs. again next time. If you were able to do it before, and got almost every rep this time, give it another go! Don't forget -- you will be stronger Wednesday that were today.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Squat: warm up + 5@60,70,85,100, 3@115(!!), 8@85
    Bench: 5@45,45,45,55, 3@60, 8@55
    Rows: 5@45,45,55,60. 3@70, 8@60

    Have a good weekend, ladies!
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    Did my first workout B yesterday. I posted in kg last time as that is what everything is marked up in at our gym, but I'll convert to pounds as that what you are all using. So...
    Squats - stayed with just the bar as my form isn't that good - I've watched videos, but I'm struggling to get as low as they do. At least I realised I had been using the squat rack backwards on my first go - D'oh!
    So that was 44lb 5x5

    Overhead press 22lb 5x5
    Deadlifts 33lb 1x5 - tried balancing the small barbell on some plates, but it wasn't a great setup - I'm sure I'll work out something.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    I love reading how everyone is progressing...truly inspiring and motivational!

    SL workout today:
    Squats: Warm-up + 5x5 @ 85 lbs. Still no back issues since I've been doing back and hip stretches...yay!
    Bench press: Warm-up + 5x5 @ 80 lbs.
    Barbell row: Warm-up + 5x5 @ 80 lbs. Stayed at same since last time because I'm still a little shy of getting the bar to chest. Will stay at this weight until I accomplish this!

    Off to take a nap now and then head to Oktoberfest later for some brews! :drinker:

    Have a great weekend.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Workout A - another disastrous day :frown:

    Squats 90lb 5x5
    Bench press complete mess
    Barbell rows 57lb 5x5

    I deloaded the squats to work on form and still struggled to break parallel, felt really tight in the groin.

    Bench press - that's it. I'm going back to the empty 45lb barbell next time. Am off to search for advice on improving this move.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Friday was Bench day 3 but I was down with a migraine so I moved out to Saturday.

    70lbs X 3 80lbs X 3 90lbs X 4
    Last one was pretty iffy but I'll count it.

    Negative pull ups, kickbacks, up right rows for accessories.

    Next week is 1 week so I'm going to try out eating at a (tiny) surplus. I ate at maintanence this week and I think it helped with the higher weights.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Sunday ain't no rest day for me! It was deadlift 3s and I think I did pretty well!

    Last 2 sets were done mixed grip. I had originally intended to go double overhand on the first set last, but forgot about it and was already at 8 reps when I realized it. Kinda too late haha. It was fun to feel all dizzy after pulling that 15th rep! xD

    So far my lower body lifts especially are a good bit underestimated. Squats is normal since I scaled back, but I didn't expect to have that much juice on deadlifts, especially since that 235 max was ROUGH when I pulled it! But I think I'll stick to the 5lbs increase per cycle so as to not overshoot and be disappointed. I'll still progress :) OHP is still being the worst lift. I am not losing hope at being able to hit 100lbs within the next 2-3 months!

    The additional work included KB strict presses (which my left arm really sucks at. Maybe that's why my OHP is crappy xD), offset front squats, rows, more squats with a KB and the death by burpee set-up which, well, I don't think I've gotten any better at lol. 6, 8, 10, 10 in 4 minutes. The exact same total as last week, actually. Ah well... Ima go do an additional one after I post this just for the sake of it! Then shower :P
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Am off to search for advice on improving this move.

    sucks doesn't it. i think of all of them so far, bench press has been for me the most deceptive. with all my squat tweaking, at least i knew from the start how complicated that was. with bench it *seems* so simple, and then you go to do it and find out the truth.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies...sorry still haven't had a chance to get caught up with what everyone is doing..busy time of the year for me and seems extra busy for some reason...

    Week 3 Wendler BP day warmups @ 52.5, 67.5@5 and then 80@3
    working weight 100x5, 112.5x3, 125x3 making 1RM@ 137...

    acc pushups 20,15,10,8,7 and chinups (sucky today) 5x1...not enough good food today (totally forgot to eat until 2pm...dumb assed move eh) and then did my pushups first....and it's 32 degrees here today....

    @logge here is a video to watch that helped me.

    or go to youtube to check out so you think you can bench series...

    There is some contradicting form suggestions on both but I asked about it and SaraUK2SF told me to choose which one suited me best as they were both right.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Workout A - another disastrous day :frown:

    Squats 90lb 5x5
    Bench press complete mess
    Barbell rows 57lb 5x5

    I deloaded the squats to work on form and still struggled to break parallel, felt really tight in the groin.

    Bench press - that's it. I'm going back to the empty 45lb barbell next time. Am off to search for advice on improving this move.

    logge - how long have you been lifting for? are you due for a rest week? I find that when my workouts start to go to *kitten* then I need to back off for a bit and take a rest